HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1968-04-04, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL, 4, 1968 ZURICH CITIZ4NS NEWS PAGE WS NEW RATES For Classified Advertisements Charges for advertisements on this page are as follows: Coming Events, and Announcements ____ $1.00 Cards of Thanks and In Memoriam $1.00 Classified word advertise- ments (first 20 words) 75c (each additional word 3c extra) Each initial, sign, group of figures and abbreviation counts as one word. Box No. Service Charge 25c U account is not paid within 10 days, an extra 25c will be charge. Classified word ads ac- cepted until 12:00 noon Wednesdays. Copy for retail and classified display accepted until 12:00 noon Tuesdays. FOR SALE ONTARIO No. 1 Potatoes, two Miles east of Zurich on High- way 84. Call 2364038. 9,b CONQUEST BARLEY, for seed. Cell Claire Geiger, 236-4083. 13,p PART HEREFORD and Holstein calves. Apply to Matthew Den- omme, dial 236-4769. 13,4,p 1963 CHEV PICK-UP, with new box. Contact Doerr's Superior Food Market, Zurich, phone 236-4354. 13,p EASTER Flowers Order your Easter flowers early; gloxinias, lilies, mums, cut flower ar- rangements. Mrs. Milton ,Oesch, 236-4614 or 4602. 12,3,4,5,b INTERNATIONAL Harvester. .cultivator, 8/ -ft., heavy duty, :in good shape. Also 26 pigs. Call H. Pennings, 236-4087, RR 1, Zurich 14,p 400 BALES of first cut hay, 35c la bale. Call A. Postma, Varna, 262-5235. 14,b PARKLAND Malting Barley, suitable far seed. Apply to Amos Gascho, dial 236-4870. 14,5,p TABLE and four chairs, like new. Only $39. Apply to G4ngerich's Sales and Service, Zurich. 14,b NEW 14 -FT Chrysler Charger, fully equipped; new 35 hp Chrysler •outboard motor; 1000 - lb. TeeNee trailer. Priced rea- sonable. Contact Pete Deitz, Zurich. 14,5,p USED ELECTRIC builtdn oven, •only $69.95. Guaranteed. Gingerich's Sales and Service, Zurich, 14,b AIR •CONDITIONER, $125; ladies' yellow spring coat, size 10, in goad condition, $10. Phone Hensall 262-2248. 14;b ONE RECLINER Chair, ideal for Father's Day; new, show- room sample, only $89. Ginger- ioh's Sales and Service Zurich. 14,b FARM for Sale, South Bound- ery, lot 10, Stanley Township. Well drained, buildings in good condition, every rod workable. 'or further information, call Ludwig Schultz, RR 1, Zurich. 11,2,3,4,b MAGAZINES -Look, special to March 31, 40 issues for $4; Mac - Leans, 40 issues for $3.71, 60 issues for $5; Newsweek, spe- cial to March 31 (new only) 42 weeks for $4.84. Contact Mrs. C. D. Kipfer, Hensall, 262.2278. 5-13x FOR RENT CONSTRUCTION EQUIPIVIENT --Forms, mixers, power trowel, wheelbarrows, etc. Call N. J, Corriveau, 236-4954, after 5 p,m. or on Saturdays. 13,0 BRICK FARM House, oil fern - see, built-in cupboards, bath, etc., situated three miles from Hensall or Zurich, thence one anile north. Available April 1, Phone 236-4728, 13,4,5,b BIRTHS TIPFING-+Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Tipping (nee Margaret Smith), London, are nappy to announce the birth of their son, at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, an Tuesday, March 28. A, grandson for Mr. and Mrs. .Alfred J. Smith, Hensall. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regier, RR 3, Zurich, are Pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Ann Doris, to Mr. Clarence C. Rau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rau; RR 2, Zurich. The wedding will take place on Saturday, April 20, at one o'clock, in St. Boniface Church, Zurich. A private re- ception will be held in ithe Zur- ich Community Centre. 14,p HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL for general housework, two mornings a week. Call Zurich 236-4943. 13,b HOUSEKEEPER Wanted - Are you a young lady looking for an ,opportunity to get estab- lished in London? Housekeep- er sought to assist in running a home. Private living quart- ers, with TV provided. Clean- ing woman handles heavy work. Pay good. Arrangements can be made far person interested in attending schol. Write Ward C o r n e 11, 140 Commissioners Roal East, London, or phone 439-1111, Friday, April 5, be- tween 12 noon and 1 p.m., or 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. The Department of Health Ontario Hospital Goderich requires REGISTERED NURSES for 300 -bed progressive psychiatric hospital. SALARY: $5500 - $6300 annually Salary differential for two or more years recent experience. QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario. BENEFITS: Group life insurance and medical- surgical insurance -75% paid ,by government. Accumulative sick benefits. Annual vacation. Pension plan. 40/hour week. APPLY: Business Administrator, Ontario Hospital, Goderieh, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS LAWNS MOWED -Reasonable rate, reliable sevice. Contact Dave Stark, 236-4978, Zurich. 14,b LAWN ROLLING, an Hensall and Zurich. Hein Rooseboom, 262-2047. 14,5,b INCOME TAX filed. Contact Lance Reed, phone 236-4373 or 236-4004. 2,tf GRINSVEN (DEAD STOCK REMOVAL SERVICE PIC K -UP DEAD AND DISABLED CATTLE AND HORSES Sheep and Rotten Animals Not Accepted! For fast, efficient service, call immediately, collect 245-0838 STRATHROY LOST and FOUND EXTENSION Ladder, 32 -foot, on Parr Line, Hay or Stanley townships, Reply to Gerald Regier, 236-4843. 14,p WANTED TO BUY PIANO BENCH, 237-3576. 12x WANTED -Used Baby Stroller, in good condition. Phone 236- 4342. 14,b Cards of Thanks We wish to take this oppor- tunity of expressing ,our sincere thanks for the Many acts of kindness shown to us since Keith's accident, - Keith and Elaine McBride. 14,p I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who re- membered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits, while a pa- tient in the 'Ontario Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Flowers and all the nurses and staff at the hospital. - Elmer Oesch. 14,b We wish to take this oppor- tunity of thanking our friends, neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to the nurses and staff at South Huron Hospital, Rev. A. C. 'Blackwell, the pall- bearers, Westlake Funeral Home and all those who assist- ed an any way. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel. 14,p ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Trac- tor, Truck, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Miscel- laneous Items on the premises Lot 1 and 2, Con. 22, Stephen Township One anile east of Grand Bend on Highway 81, Mollard Line Corner, The undersigned ,auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.m. Real Estate: West part of Lot 1 and 2, Con. 22, Stephen Township, ap- proximately 53 acres of land on which as situated 2 -storey frame house; bank barn; newly con- structed garage; poultry house. Land choice clay loam, all till- able with the exception of a few acres creek flats. Farm nicely situated for other po- tential values. Inspection ,in- vited. Terms: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid. Tractor and Truck: Mc -Deering Farmall 'A' stand- ard tractor; 1961 Dodge 1/z ton pick-up truck, good condition. Farm Machinery: M.H. tractor spreader New Holland hay elevator; Int. 2-tur- row plow, on •rubber, recently purchased; grain elevator, new condition; •Cockshutt power take- off mower; M.H. 4 -bar side rake; Mc -Deering cultivator; M.H. binder; 4 -section diamond harrows; Mc -Deering 2 -row scuf- fler and puller; bale buncher; set of scales; steel roller; horse- drawn rake; grain drill; set of sleighs; 3 tarpaulins; Pioneer chain saw; extension ladder; electric fencers; logging chains; carpenter tools; snow fence; chains; forks; etc, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items One wood and one iron bed; 3 dressers; 2 wash stands; 2 mattresses; 2 feather ticks; feather pillows; assortment of quilts and blankets; 1 buff robe; 1 cutter rug; 1 quilt ,box; 4 trunks; •crokinole board; glass cupboard; extension table; kitchen chairs; 1 rocking chair; 1 •arm chair; small chest; dry sink; ,chime clock; alarm 'clock; Eureka vacuum; Singer sewing machine; picture frames; 2 part toilet sets; Westinghouse radio; coal oil lamps and lanterns; complete set ,of dishes, setting for 12; silverware setting for 12; assortment of dishes; kitch- en utensils; copper boiler; clothes basket; crocks; sad irons; apple peeler; 2 sets of chime bells; 4 sleigh bells; 5 dozen sap pails;; spiles; sap pan; mail box; etc. Not responsible for accidents. Terms --Cash PEARL MILLER, Executrix for the estate of the late J. 0. Leasum LaFond GLEN WEBB, CIerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Cards of Thanks I wish to thank y111 my friends for the telephone calls, cards and concern shown to me after my` hockey accident last week, Bob Hoffman, 14,b I wish to take this oppor- tunity of expressing my heart- felt appreciation to all my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, and since return- ing home. Special thanks to Rev. A. C. Blackwell, Dr, C. J. Wallace, Dr. J. Walker and the hospital staff. -Albert J. Kalb- fleiseh. �4p IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Auto, Truck, Tractors, Farm Ma- chinery, Feed, Household Ef- fects and Miscellaneous Items_ on the premises Lot 20, Con. 11, Stephen Twp. One and a quarter miles east of Dashwood, thence one and a quarter miles south The undersigned .auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 5 at 1 p.m. Real Estate: Parcel No. 1 consists of Lot 20, Con. 11, Stephen Township, 99 -acre farm on which is situ- ated 2 -storey frame dwelling, mo d e r n conveniences; large bank barn, newly constructed drive shed and garage; land choice clay loam; 6-ecre hard- wood bush; remainder all till- able; never failing water supply. Parcel No. 2 consists of south half Lot 23, Con. 17, Stephen Township, 50 acres of land sit- uated 21/2 miles west of Dash- wood, thence half mile south; 20 acres clear land; remainder mixed bush; never failing water supply. Terms of Rea Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance an 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Auto, Truck, Tractors: 1964 Ford custom 4 -door se- dan in A-1 condition; 1966 GMC 1/2 -ton pick-up truck, in- cluding 2 sets of closed and open racks, 22,000 .actual mile- age, in all-round perfect condi- tion; 1954 Ford Jubilee stand- ard ,tractor, equipped with live power take -off and 3 -point hitch in good condition; M.H. No. 22 Row Crop tractor, equipped with 3 -paint hitch. Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items Allis Chalmers 2 -row corn scuffler; 4 -row bean scuffler; 3 -section diamond harrows; rub- ber tire wagon; Oliver 4 -bar side rake; 2 -furrow plow; John Deere 2 -section rotary; set of sleighs; 35 gallons green color special barn paint; large assort- ment V belt, pulleys; 21 bags 33-5% Aeroprills; extension ladders; pump jack; heavy duty chains; steel gates; new tarpau- lin 9x12; small cream separator; galvanized sheeting. Quantity hay and grain. Household Effects: Duo -Therm space heater, electric stove, kitchen stove, small desk; beds, etc. Terms -Cash PATRICK WILDS, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Dur- ham and Hereford Cattle, Trac- tors, Farris Machinery, Feed and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Part Lot 9 and 10, Stephen Twp. Four miles east of Dashwood or three miles west of Exeter, Highway 83, on MONDAY, APRIL 8 at 1 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of 220eaore farm, part of Lot 9 and 10, Stephen Township, on which as situated large bank barn with good stabling; 2 -storey briek ,dwelling with modern conveniences; 125 acres tillable, remainder grass and bushland. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance 60 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re- serve bid. Cattle; 12 choice Hereford and Dur- ham cows, due in April; 10 Hereford yearling steers and heifers; Hereford (steer rising 2 years old; purebred Hereford bull, rising 3 years old. Tractors, Farm Machinery: Allis Chalmers standard tractor; Case Farmall tractor; Allis Chalmers 66 (combine; Case cul- tivator; Int. -37 hay baler, used one season; M.H. 11 -run grain and fertilizer drill; heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 -ft. rack; rubber tire wagon and rack; John Deere 4 -bar side rake; fertilizer s p r e •a d e r; 2 -furrow plow; set of harrows; Mc -Deer- ing 7 -ft. binder, new canvas; 2 -drum steel roller; scuffler; tractor disc; John Deere 3 -point hitch 7 -ft. mower; hay elevator with 11/2 h.p. motor; cutting box; quantity of lumber; hay fork, rope and pulleys; 115 -gal- lon gas tank with pump; root pulper; 2 -unit milking machine; Viking electric cream separator, like new; snow fence; steel posts; baler twine; forks; chains; shovels, etc. Feed: 100 bushels choice soy beans; quantity baled hay and straw. Terms -Cash PETER VAN DORSSELAER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, House- hold Effects, Antiques and Mis- cellaneous Items on the premises 134 Gidley Street, W,, Exeter. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:30 p.m. Rea! Estate: Consists of part of lot 515 and 522, approximately 75 x 180 ft., in the town of Exeter, on which is situated well constructed brick dwelling. Main floor: liv- ing and dining room, bedroom, kitchen and utility room. Sec- ond floor: 2 bedrooms, 3 -piece bathroom. Full size basement, coal and wood furnace; also small barn suitable for garage. Beautiful shade trees and ample garden land. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list of household items. Oscar Greb, Kenneth Greb, Executors for the estate of the late Simon Greb ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Truck, Tractors, Thresher, Farm Ma- chinery, Hay, Straw, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 25, Con. 3, Usborne Twp. 11/4 miles east of Exeter, High- way 83, thence 1/ miles north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public tauction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p,m. Real Estate: Parcel No. 1 consists of 49 - acre farm, Con. 2, west (part of Lot 21, 'Osborne Township, Highway 83, 3/4 mile east of Exeter; no buildings; 26 acres fall wheat; remainder mewly Farm completely drained, choice clay loam. This is an extra good farm. Alsd suitable for industrial purposes. Parcel No. 2 consists of Lot 25, Con. 3, Usborne Township, 100 acres of land on which is situated modern 2 -storey brick dwelling; large L-shaped barn; newly constructed drive shed and garage; 15 acres mixed hardwood bush; 55 acres fall wheat, remainder newly seeded. Land choice clay loam and in first •class state of cultivation. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Please Note: Farms will be offered separately. Truck, Tractors, Thresher: 1953 GMC 3 -ton truck, equip- ped with hoist, tarpaulin, in good condition; Cockshutt 40 standard tractor, fully equip- ped, in perfect condition Cock- shutt 30 standard tractor, an good condition; Int. 130 Farm - all tractor, equipped with load- er, scuffler and bean puller; Bell 28x45 threshing machine, with cutter, 18 -ft. elevator, 120 feet drive belt. This machine practically new. Farm Machinery: Int. 15 -run grain and fertilizer drill, power lift and markers, good condition; M.H. it -run grain drill; M,H. 7 -ft. binder; Int. 92ft, heavy duty springs cultivator; Cockshut 30 -plate tractor disc; New Idea tractor spreader; M.H. 3 -furrow plow on rubber; M.H. 2 -furrow plow on steel; 2 3 -section diamond harrows; 6 -section harrow pole; M.H, one way disc; M.H, hay loader; heavy duty 7/ton rubber tire wagon, equipped with ad- justable racks; 6 -ton rubber tire wagon, equipped with new racks; steel tire wagon; set of sleighs; 2 wagon boxes; cutter; eircuIar saw and frame; 3 -drum steel roller; 42 -ft. bale elevator; thp electric motor; adjustable hay and grain. elevator; 250 -ft. steel cables, hooks and pulleys; M.H. 750 cap. new eleotric cream separator; 2 unit Uni- versal milking machine; fanning mill with motor; electric mo- tors, various sizes; heavy duty emery; 200 -gal. gas drum; 1,200 pound scales; 2 -wheel trailer with tractor hitch, high and low racks; aluminum wheelbarrw; set brichon harness; cutting box; sausage press; Stewart cattle clipper; steel and end posts; barb wire; block and tackle; chains; 3 large kettles; scrap iron; carpenter tools; forks; shovels, etc. Hay and Straw: 9,000 choice quality baled hay; quantity wheat straw. Quantity household effects. Terms -Cash Nat responsible for accidents. This is an extra large sale. Plan to attend. WILLIAM H. WESTLAKE, Proprietor GARNET HICKS and DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerks ALVTN WALPER, Auctioneer Lions Entertain (Continued from Page 1) last fall. He explained various functions of the new school and outlined the courses they were offering. "At the present time we have only 75 students," he said, "but our .objective is about 400. Of this total we have to accommo- date 250 men and 150 women;' The speaker told the gather- ing that the school hopes to be able to enoourage the men at- tending to return to the farms after they have completed their courses. He also stressed the point that the facilities at Cen- tralia are excellent. Don Geiger, RR 2, Zurich, a student at the school, intro- duced the guest speaker, and he was thanked by Don O'Brien. Other visitors at the special night were Warden Calvin Kraueter; agricultural represen- tative Doug Miles, and Jai Hynk Jung, of Korea, who at the pres- ent time is doing research work at McKinley's Farm and Hatch- ery in connection with his course of studies at Centralia agricultural school. Robert E. McKinley, Huron. MP and also a member of the Zurich Lions Club, attended the meeting and spoke briefly. Mr. Miles and Mr. Kraueter also spoke briefly. Lucky draws were won by Harvey Coleman, Joe Regier, Vic Dinnin, Clarence Schade, Dennis Overholt and Claire Deichert. 0 Mannerly Maidens Mannerly Maidens' sixth meeting took place at the home of Mrs. Jim Hogg on March 27. The girls discussed party re- freshments and Achievement Day. They then made a cake and some cookies, which were very delicious. Petroleums Limited Gasoline Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McKINLEY Dia! 236-4830 - ZURICH 'a GN:lknti,..3t i. „A. r:1 The Council of the Township of Hay hereby notifies users of the Hay Township Dump Yard that all material that is liable to be carried by wind, such as papers, paper cartons and fertilizer bags, shall not be dumped in the yard at any time. By Order, COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY, H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk -Treasurer. lamormumammaganzensumatamom 10 HERIT GE TO ;, QUALITY OIL BASE PAINT SPECIAL SALE QUARTS GALLONS $2.69 $7.99 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Zurich Hardware