HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1968-04-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1968 During the week of March 24 'to March 30, the Exeter detach- ment of the Ontario Police in- vestigated five accidents, in which there was only one per- son injured. They laid 14 charges under the Highway Traffic Act, and at the same time issued 51 warnings under the same act. On Monday, March 25, at 4:30 p.m., a truck operated by David R. Martin, of RR 3, Arthur, backed into a parked car, owned by Louis Morris; of Stella, on the parking lot of Thornpson's Mill, Hensel'. Damage was esti- mated at $150. Provincial Con- stable F. L. Giffin investigated. Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 7 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU ARE WELCOMEI meacitomumenitansmat St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 7 — 10 a.m: Worsiup Service 11 a.m.—Church School Every Wednesday Night .8 p.m.—Lenten Service. You Are Welcome +.111111111111W VINMENIIMMINIME anaimemmorsosocummoimmom LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, APRIL 7 ,-- 10 a.m.—Sunday Sebooi. 11 a.m.—Worship Seri i.ee. 8:00 p.m Evening Service Friday Evenings — 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. We invite you to worship with us. E+ MMA.NUEL UNITED CHURCH • ZURICH 'Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 7 — 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday Church School 7:30 .p.m.—Lenten Service Reception of Members Tuesday, April 9 — UCW visit to Kippen Good Friday — 10:00 a.m.—Communion Service glilIMENEMPINMegmactimartmasemisqummalll On Monday, March 25, at 10 a.m., a car operated by Lorne Kleinstiver, of Dashwood, back- ed into a parked truck owned by Alphonse Denomnie, of Dashwood, in a parking lot, •on Mr. Kleinstiver's property. Dam- age estimated at $25. Provin- cial Constable F. L. Giffin in- vestigated. On Friday, March 29, at 10:50 p.m., a car operated by Donald F. Reid, of Hensel', collided with a parked car owned by Ja- cob Gingerich, Zurich, on No. 4 Highway in Hensall. Damage estimated at $700. Provincial Constable F. L. Giffin investi- gated, On Saturday, March 30, at 12:30 p.m., a car operated by Michael F. Corriveau, RR 2, Zur- ich, lost control on No. 21 High- way as a result of an oncoming car having bright lights, and struck three mail boxes on the west shoulder. Damage esti- mated at $100. Provincial Con- stable F. L. Giffin investigated. On Saturday, March 30, at 10:30 p.m., a car •operated by James E. Davidson, of Parkhill, lost ,control on concession 4 and 5, Usborne Township and col- lided with a bridge. Davidson suffered facial lacerations in the accident. Damage estimat- ed at $1,000. Provincial Con- stable W. G. Glassford investi- gated. 0 About People You Know • • • Albert J. Kalbfleisch has re- turned home after being a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Den- omme, Dashwood, were Sunday visitors with his sister, Mrs. Alvena Sararas. - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart- man and family, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hartman and Brian, of London, were week- end visitors with their mother, Mrs. T. Hartman. About 32 relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Marie Pask on Sunday, to honor cher on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald Bedard and family, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with members of their families in the Zurich area. On Saturday evening about 40 relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassow held 'a surprise party to honor the couple on their 25th wedding anniversary. The couple were taken by com- plete surprise and thanked everyone for the many ,beauti- ful gifts they received. LITE IN THEATRE PENS FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 5 Week -ends Only Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6 Double Feature — Adult Entertainment "Divorce, American Style" (Colour) Dick Van Dyke, Debbie Reynolds "Indian Paint" (Colour) Johnny Crawford, Jay Silverheels BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:15 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 7:30 P.M. SEASON OPENS -- The fishing season at Grand Bend is ready to open, as fishermen managed to get out on the lake Sunday to set their nets. Since then, however, they have not been able to get back out to life their early catch, due to heavy ice near the shore. They are anxiously waiting for an east wind to clear the ice away for good, so they- can get down to business again. Their boats are lined up in the harbour ready for action. (Citizens News Photo) Little Interest Shown at Telephone Meeting; Discuss Extended Services There were no subscribers present at the annual meeting of the Hay Municipal Telephone System last Friday afternoon, other than the members of the township council, a couple of telephone employees and one member of the press. Two vis- itors, Harvey Coleman, of the Tuckersmith Telephone System and Len Erb, of Hensall, at tended. Subscribers, however, have very little reason for attending since the affairs of the tele- phone system are progressing at a favorable rate. There were 93 more telephones in operation at the end of 1967 than there were one year before, so this would indicate a steady growth in the system. The only serious discussion at the meeting was the possi- bility of extending EAS (free calling) from the Zurioh ex- change to Bayfield and Exeter. Mr. Coleman indicated that their system would be willing to discuss :he matter with the Hay board, since some of their subscribers in the Bayfield area have been asking for free calls to Zurich. A similar re- quest was made some time ago to the Hay system by the Zur- ich Chamber of Commerce. The annual report of the sys- tem ,shows a surplus for the year's operation of $20,171.82. Along . with this amount, how- ever, is the fact that there was $18,000 paid out in •debenture interest .and $25,992.50 paid out in debenture principal. The amount of depreciation allow- ance for the year is $21,818.33. The Grand Bend exchange of the system showed the greatest increase in the number of tele- phones with 72, while Zurich was next with an increase of 16, Dashwood exchange showed an increase of 5. Another interesting feature of the report shows that five years ago in 1962 'the total number of telephones in the system was 1576, while in 1967 there were 1939, for an increase of 363. Chairman of the meeting was reeve Joe Hoffman, while the secretary was Wayne Horner. 0 Honour Bride At Shower on Sunday A miscellaneous shower for Miss Sharon Regier was held in St. Boniface School general pur- pose room on Sunday afternoon, March 24, given by Miss Valerie Regier and Miss Jo -Anne Rau. Many games were played. Sharon graciously thanked about 110 friends and neigh- bors for the many lovely gifts she received. A lunoh was served by the 'hostesses, Mrs. Gerald Regier and Mrs. Charles Rau, and their helpers. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now BROWNIE'S DRIVE INI Opening Friday, April 5 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:45 — FIRST SI -IOW AT 8:15 — Double Feature Each Evening — Week -end Shows Only Until May 9 FRIDAY and SATURDAY—APRIL..,; M�. ...... 5 - 6 "A GIRL CALLED FATHOM" RAQUEL WELCH AND TONY FRANCIOSA Showing at 8:15 p.m. Only In Color — SECOND FEATURE — The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) JASON ROBERTS — GEORGE SEGAL — RALPH MEEKER In Color Showing at 10:00 p.m. Only Cartoon 111. 41•01•11111110111*. COMING NEXT WEEK -END: Thursday and Friday --- April 11 and 12 "CAPRICE" AND "THE QUILLER MEMORANDUM" Saturday Only — April 13 `WHO'S MINDING THE MINT' 8z 'GOOD TIMES' assimomeemisomosumosonsesmis Sunday Midnight — April 14 "GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI" and "HONEYMOON OF HORRORS" Have You Renewed Your Subscription McADAM'S TV 236-4094 ZURICH • LEONARD Home Appliances e ROGER'S MAJESTIC Sales and Service • PHOTO SUPPLIES Cameras, Films, Photo Finishing. Presentation and Dance FOR MR, and MRS. JOHN ELDER (nee Bridges) Thurs., April 11 9•i Dashwood Community Centre Music by "THE SWINGING BRASS" Lunch Provided Prices Mit their Waterloo! Rose Brand—Plain or Polski 48 -Oz. Jar Orgorki Dill Pickles 65c Happy Vale -48-0z. Tins Tomato Juice — Austral -15 -Oz. Tins Sliced Peaches _ _ 3/89c _ 2/55c C h ef-boy-r-dee—Assorted—1 5.Oz. Meat Dinners _ _ Sweet Mixed -32 -Oz. Jar Bick's Pickles _ _ Artic-15c Off Giant Size—Pkg. Power Detergent Maple Leaf—Ph-Lb. Tin Canned Hams _ 2 -Lb. Tin Nestle's Quik 1 -Lb. Bag—Regular Grind Nabob Coffee _ Tins - 3/$1 - - 49c _ _ 69c $1.39 85c ___75c New "Supper Sopper"—All Colors - 2 -Roll Package White Swan Towels _ 49c Gainesburger-36-0z. Package Dog Food 79c Fancy—Crushed, Sliced or Chunks -19 Oz. Dale's Pineapple _ 2/89c Breakfast -8-0z. Tin Fry's Cocoa 39c Toilet Bow1-34 Oz. Vanish Cleaner _ _ _ 53c Giant Size 3c Off—Tins Ajax Cleanser _ _ _ 2/65r, Puss and Boots -10c Off -22 -Oz. Package Dry Cat Food 37c Aylmer Fancy—Mix or Match -14 Oz. Peas or Corn _ 2/45c St. William's -9-0z. Jars _ "5/$1 Assorted Jams _ Ellmarr—1-Lb. Prints Margarine 2/59c Libby's-28 Oz. Sauerkraut _ _ _ _ 2/59c Minnette's-19.Oz. Tins Tomatoes 2/45c Smith's -19 Oz. Apple Pie Fill . 39c 11 -Oz. Bottles Aylmer Catsup _ _ 2/45c Reg. Size—Reg. 69c Each SPECIAL Bromo Seltzer _ _ _ _ 59c Chocolate Buds, Wafers or Macaroons Regular 39c Van Kirk's _ _ Special 35c OR 3 PACKAGES $1.00 Royale --All Colors-2.Ro11 Pack Toilet Tissue _ _ _ 3/88c FRUIT and VEGETABLES TEXAS NEW CARROTS 2 -LB. BAG 25c CALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES, 113s _ DOZ, 75c ONTARIO SPY APPLES 3 LBS. 43c INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT, 56s _ _ 8 FOR 69c MEAT SPECIALS BEEF ROASTS ^ Short Rib or Blade Roast L B. 59c SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. 89c VISK1NG BOLOGNA, By the Piece _ 3 LBS. $1 SCHNEIDER'S SMOKED SAUSAGE _ . _ LB. 53c DOERR'S DIAL 2364354 * ZURICH