HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1968-03-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS SURGE OF JOY—At the end of the third period when it was evident that Zurich had won their third game in a row against the St. Clements Saints by a score of 5-4, Zurich fans rushed onto the ice to congratulate their boys who had made it all possible. As players and fans mingled, amid cheers and shouts it was reminiscent of several years ago when enthusiasm for hockey ran at a fever pitch. (Citizens News Photo) Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCHH 10 — 9:45 a.rn---Worsriip Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU ARE WELCOME! VISIONEMACCIIIMOSSIMISMIMICalkillilling Mak. lerdatiaMiskalEaSalikkairiMINIESSIUMINIMMIIIIM St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, MARCHH 10 — 10 a.m.—Worslup Service 11 a.m.—Church School Every Wednesday Night 8 p.m.—Lenten Service. You Are Welcome iensienseinemer eseassameeseessammmunimmint LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, MARCHH 10 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service 'Friday Evenings --- 8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. We invite you to worship with us. MONIAIDZIEntr EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH ZURICH (Formerly Evangelical United Brethren) Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, MARCHH 10 — 10 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday Church School 7:30 p.m.—Lenten Service. TSNIZIERMINEIMMEMIlaY RECIIIMENAk The Pair ,$205.00 Another style leader by BLUEBIRD diamonds of happiness :auteed perfect—the very latest Your Bluebird diamond is guar - in styling and beauty --insured free against loss for one year. See them today. We have an excellent stock of Diamond and Wedding Rings-- Matched Sets-- at Discount Prices. Hess the Jeweller ZURICH You Know .. About People Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho have returned home after a three- week vacation in California. Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien and Jimmy, of Simcoe, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Arn Meyer and family, London, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. Mrs. Winnifred Anderson, of Freelton, is spending this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Milton Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Dinnin and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Walker spent the past week -end at the Dinnin cottage at Pt. au Baril. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yungblut and family, London, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. Ivan Yung- blut, also with Miss Inez Yung- blut. 0 Accident Victim Dies in Hospital Ivan Miller, the Dashwood youth who would have cele- brated his 20th birthday this month, died on Wednesday, February 28, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, of injuries sustained in an accident just south of Exeter on February 10. The popular young man had been unconscious for 17 days prior to his death. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Dashwood. As well as his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Ross of Stratford and Keith of Dash- wood. Rev. E. Steinman officiated at the funeral service in Zion Lutheran •Church on Saturday, March 2. Interment followed in Zion Lutheran Cemetery. Zurich Midgets Stage Comeback Last Wednesday night the Zurich Midgets lost to Ripley, 9-4. The goals for Zurich were scored by Shane McKinnon, James Rainer, Richard Schilbe and Ron Desjardine. Friday night the Zurich Midg- ets defeated Ripley 9-8. The locals played without three of their regulars, Shane McKin- non, John McKinley and Fred Armstrong. The goals for Zurich were scored by Ron Desjardine, John Corriveau, Lary and Garry Hess with singles, while Richard Schilbe popped in five. The Midgets played again last night and they needed to win to stay in the series. 4 Stanley Council (Continued from Page 1) well, three tile drain applica- tians were approved. HarveyColeman was appoint- ed warble fly inspector. Hu- bert Cooper, Exeter, was re- tained to spray cattle for war- bles at 11 cents per spray, and will supply the powder at $5.25 per 15 -Ib. bag and 48 cents per one pound lot. Report on the Brucefield drainage works was referred back to the engineer. Council approved a grant of $50 for the Cancer Society and agreed to join the Huron Coun- ty Municipal Officers' Associ- ation. Accounts paid included gen- eral expenditures of $20,047.07 and road costs of $29,090.75. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Take Notice That the Annual Meeting of Blue Water Rest Home will be held at the ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,1968 at 8 P.M. For the transaction of the following business: A—To receive and accept statement of affairs of company for the past fiscal year. B --To elect directors for the ensuing year. C --To appoint auditors for the ensuing year. D—To transact such other business as may prop- erly come before the meeting. E—Manager's report. F—Rest Home Women's Auxiliary report. Given this 28th day of February, 1968. Dr. C. J. Wallace, Gerald Gingerich, Chairman Secretary THANKS FOR. YOUR HELP! WHEN YOU SUPPORT CHRISTMAS SEALS YOU ARE HELPING TO - - - Find the people who are ill with TB and other Respiratory *Diseases (RD) -- so they can be treated. 41 See that care and help are provided to those who suffer ■ from TB or RD, so they can return to a normal life. 3 Support education for doctors and nurses, as well as the ■ general public, about these serious ailments. A Support research that can lead to new, improved nrimmethods of treatment. 4Contribute to the improvement of your community's ■ health. Huron County Tuberculosis Association Obituary MICHAEL MEIDINGER On Monday, March 4, Michael Meidinger, of Zurich, passed away in a nursing home at Ex- eter, where he had been a resi- dent for some time. He was 94 years old. The son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Meidinger, of Hay Township, the deceased was married to Elizabeth Flaxbard on November 28, 1906. He worked as a mason and brick- layer until his retirement in November, 1948. Survivors include a daughter, hirs. Julian (,Beatrice) Mantey, Exeter; two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his wife and one son, Claude, of Brampton, who passed away 18 years ago. Funeral service is today (Thursday, March 7) at the West- lake funeral home at 2 p.m. Interment will be in St. Peter's Lutheran 'Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Ivan Ka1b- fleisch, Norman Fleischauer, Leo Meidinger, Carl Thiel, Stephen Meidinger and Earl Flaxbard. Want -Ads Are Sure To Bring You Results Ammemminsmmaim Hensall Utilities Discuss Reports The regular meeting of Hen- sall Public Utilities Commission was held on Tuesday, February 27, with all members present. Lengthy 'discussion took place regarding the engineer's report on the local pumping and dis- tribution of the waterworks system. No definite action was taken until further investiga- THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1968 tion and discussion has been completed by •the commission, Bills and accounts were ord- ered paid: hydro, $1,605.02, and waterworks, $454.25. It was agreed to co-operate with SHDHS in student partici- pation program, April 1-6, Decision was made tohave the office renovated as soon as possible. The manager was in- structed to have speculations drawn up for the project prior to calling for tenders to cor- plete the work. FLOWERS .. . FOR EVERY OCCASION Weddings • Funerals • Parties Now Serving The People in Zurich, Hensall, Dashwood and Exeter Areas GUARANTEED SERVICE & QUALITY EXETER FLOWERS PHONE 235-0111 EXETER ...YOU CA Nabob Fresh—1-Lb. Bag Ground Coffee _ _ _ _ 73c Instant, 72 Oz.—Quick, 5 -Lb. Bag Robin Hood Oats _ Irish or Beef -24 Oz. _ 69c Puritan Stew 49c Heinz Strained -43/4-0z. Jar Baby Foods _ _ _ _ 4/49c Purex—White or Colored -2s Toilet Tissue _ _ pkg. 29c Eilmarr—1-Lb. Prints Margarine _ _ _ 2 lbs. 59c Beekist Pure -16 -Oz. Jar Liquid Honey 16 -Oz. Jar Cheese Whiz Allen's Vitaminized-48 Oz. Apple Juice — Ellmarr-16 Oz. Peanut Butter _ 11.Oz. Bottles Heinz Catsup _ 35c 73c _ _ 2/69c _39c Surget-2-Lb. Bag Spaghetti, Macaroni _ 45c 2 -Package Banded Deal Dad's Cookies _ _ _ _ 47c Hostess -13 Oz. Bag Potato Chips 65c Top Choice Burger -18-0z. Package Dog Food 49c Top Choice Burger -36-0z. Package Dog Food 89c Wrigley's -5 Pk. Family Pack—AII Kinds Chewing Gum _ _ pkg. 45c White Swan—Economy Size Facial Tissue _ _ All Colors -2 -Roll Pack Facelle Towels _ Niagara -10c Off -22 Oz. Spray Starch Monarch-11.Oz. Package Brownie Mix _ _ Fresh Angel Food—Regular Weston's Cakes - _ _ 4/$1 Aspirin, 1 OOs _ FRUIT and VEGETABLES INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT, 56s _ _ 8 For 69c CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 138's Doz. 69c FLORIDA CELERY, 24s Stalk 29c _ 2/63c - -Sac TSc _ 4/85c 59c—SPECIAL _ 2/$1 __73c MEAT SPECIALS MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF _ _ _ _ LB. 49c FRESH SPARERIBS _ LB. 65c CRY -O -VAC DINNER HAMS, '�4s _ _ _ LB. 95c DOERR'S DAL 236-4354 ZURICH IL It