Zurich Citizens News, 1968-02-29, Page 5THURSPA.Y, FEBRUARY 29, 1960 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE MVO NEW RATES For Classified Advertisements Charges for advertisements on this page are as follows: Coming Events, and Announcements ____ $1.00 Cards of Thanks and In Memoriam $1.00 Classified word advertise- ments (first 20 words) 75e (each additional word 3c extra) Each initial, sign, group of figures and abbreviation counts as one word. Box No. Service Charge 25c Iii account is not paid within 10 days, an extra 25c will be oha rge. Classified word ads ac- cepted until 12:00 noon Wednesdays. Copy for retail and classified display accepted until 12:00 noon Tuesdays. FOR SALE BABY BUGGY. Phone 236-4105. 9,p HOLSTEIN HE1fl R, due to freshen. Apply to Peter Stec- kle, •dial 262-5441. 7,p WE HAVE added a new line. Ladies' and gents' fancy um- brellas, $3.95 up. Come in and see them. They make ideal gifts, too. Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 9,10,b COMMUNITY Plate Silverware, half price, in South Seas and White Orchid patterns. This is a real buy. Only a few sets left; 36 piece service for 8,' reg- ular price $106, sale price $53. Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 9,10,b MAGAZINES — Order Good Housekeeping, special to March 8, 1968, 12 issues for $3, 24 issues for $6; Look, special to March 31, 40 issues for $4; Mac- - Leans, 40 issues for $3.71, 60 issues for $5; Newsweek, spe- cial to March 31 (new only) 42 weeks for $434. Contact Mrs C. D. Kipfer, Hensall, 262-2278. 5-13x OPTICAL SERVICE Selection of SMART MODERN FRAMES for Men; Women and Children Broken Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired HEARING AID BATTERIES ALBERT HESS Jeweller and Optician Zurich, Ontario 1,2,3,4,p We are pleased to announce we have been appointed the representative FOR DARI-KOOL Bulk Milk Coolers and Sweden Automatic Soft Ice Cream and Milk Shake Machines We are dealing direct with manufacturers. Our prices are competitive. We stock parts. Our service goes with our sales. It is our policy to guarantee satisfaction, Inquiries invited. CROCKER REFRIGERATION CONTRACTOR 237-3333 Dashwood 7,8,9,b FOR SALE REGISTERED Yorkshire boar, premium quality; one year old. Apply to Jack Eckel, 262-5395 BERT by the side. Jim Love, phone 236-4033. 8,9 PHILCO Clothes Dryer; wring- er washing machine. 237-3675. 8,x HAY AND STRAW, baled, Ur- ban Miller, RR 1, Dashwood, 8,9,10 ONTARIO No. 1 Potatoes, two miles east of Zurich on High- way 84. Call 236-4038. 9,b GENERAL Mobile Moine, 41 ft. long, 10 ft. wide, furnished, Phone 236-4898. 9,p HELP WANTED MARRIED Women wanted for seasonal work for Hensall Freeze King. Phone 262-2311. 8,p RETAIL FIELDMAN — experi- enced in feed and sales, etc., would help, but not necessary. Duties to commence as soon as possible. All replies confiden- tial. Apply to Hensall District Co-operative, Hensall. 8,9,b LOST and FOUND LOST—Black Labrador Retriev- er, wearing brown worn collar, answers to the name of "Rang- er". Lost between Zurich and Dashwood. Please call 236-4894. 9,b WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY for cash— ladies' closed case watches, old clock, spring and weight driv- en; any condition. Albert Hess, Jeweller, Zurich. 6,7,8,9,p MISCELLANEOUS INCOME TAX filed. Contact Lance Reed, phone 236-4373 or 236-4004. 2,tf NOTICE TO FARMERS DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE We now pick up dead or dis- abled catle and horses in your area. Rotten animals not ac- cepted. For fast, efficient service, call immediately collect. - Licence 68C67. Phone 245-0838, Strathroy JOHN GRINSVEN 28,tf WANTED HOUSEWORK in town, avail- able Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 5 p.m., 236-4171. 8,b Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all friends who remembered me in any way while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Rev. Huether, nurses and staff of the hospital. All was greatly appreciated.— Edgar (Birch) Wuerth). 9,p I would like to sincerely thank my neighbors, friends and relatives who so kindly visited and remembered me with cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, nurses and staff at the hospital. All was deeply appreciated.—Mrs. Mary Hey. 9,b TENDER '/2 -Tan Pick-up Truck SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked, will be accepted until Friday, March 15, 1968, at 12:00 Noon for the following: 6 CYLINDER 3 -TON PICK-UP TRUCK A 1963 Mercury 100 %-ten Pick-up as Trade-in Tenders to quote price with trade-in and also without The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Specifications may be obtained from the undersigned: H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Hay, ZURICH, ONTARIO. a"1ar 'fit BEHIND THE SCENES—Lawrence Reichert and Orland Schwartzentru- ber are two carpenters who have got- ten to the bottom of things at the new addition to St. Boniface Separate Shool in Zurich. Here the men are in- BIRTHS WHYTE—Nick .and Joan Whyte (nee McClymont) RR 2, Sea- forth, are happy to announce the arrival of their son, David Allan, in Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, February 16. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. John Down, of Stratford, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lynda, .to Allan Merner, son of the late Jack Merner and Mrs. Rose Merner. The wedding to take place at St. John's United Church, Stratford, on March 22, 1968. 9,b stalling storage space beneath the stage in the new auditorium where chairs and other items will be kept while students are using the facilities as a gymnasium. (Citizens News Photo) COMING EVENTS The Ladies' Auxiliary for the Blue Water Rest Home will meet at the Home on Wednes- day, March 6, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Earl Yungblut will show colored slides of Canadian scenery, Sauerkraut Supper in the Zur- ich Community Centre on Wed- nesday, .April 3, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Zurich Chamber of Commerce. 9,b LAFF . A . DAY 'rfihiee or four days at the office and you'll be fine again." illiftwismermosimmammmummeumummosmalosamenommisoft 1T UAW; TWINKLE Coffee Cake Mix _ _ ._ _- ._ _ 27c Chase and Sanborn Coffee _ 85c CARNATION Evaporated Milk _ _ _ _ _ _ 6/$1 32 -OZ. BOTTLE Old True Syrup r____ _59c Bananas_____2Lbs. 33c WONT " f' Lb.: oc A) MARKET ZURICH V-17-0 PPiAS7i tzio.teauillAlvonatbw,..,Xfi4"�IREf3tl;! Letters Dear Friends: The blind people in your area and the CNIB wish to express their appreciation for your par- ticipation in the 1967 annual appeal for funds. —to the contributors who gave so generously. —to •the volunteers who gave so freely sof their time and effort in making the cam- paign possible. —to all the news media who did such an excellent job in publicizing the work of CNIB. You can all be assured that the monies raised will be used to provide the services so vital to the blind people in your area. The service program of CN1B is ever expanding and im- proving. CNIB is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and dur- ing this time has achieved a program second to none. This remarkable growth can be di- rectly attributed to the support and interest of everyone in your community and in every other community throughout this great nation of ours. Sincerely, JACK CLEMENTS, District Field Secretary. LET THERE BE LIGHT—Electrical contract for the addition at St. Boniface Separate School was let to W. H. Fuss Electric, Hensall. Here Briar. Mustard assembles a light fixture in the modern new building now nearing completion. NOTICE FOX BOUNTIES Notification has been received from Mr. John G. Berry, clerk -treasurer, County of Huron, regarding notification the county received from the minister of municipal affairs, as follows: "I have been advised by the minister of municipal affairs that provincial grants in connection with fox bounties will be discontinued after February 29th, 1968. "Apparently this is a recommendation contained in the Smith Report upon which the government has taken action:' Please note that all claims must be submitted by Feb- ruary 29, 1968. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Treasurer, Township of Hay. REDp ni�. ..-�. \ �,'' \ \ .fin' C OSS ��1•::GS..•.2•?:if:'vXAnW5�+:Y*�4J'`•'.�•'.•�� CAMPAIGN Give Generously when the Red Cross Canvasser calls at Your Nome on TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Donations will also be accepted at the Bank of .Montreal, Zurich Sponsored by the Zurich Women's Institute