Zurich Citizens News, 1968-02-29, Page 4PAG FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1968 EARLY PANCAKE SUPPER — The Youth Fellowship of Emmanuel United Church in Zurich sponsored a pancake supper last Saturday night and undertook to do the entire job themselves. Here we see a group of the eager workers as they mix and fry the stacks and stacks of pancakes it took to satisfy the group assembled to eat. There didn't seem to be any distinction between girls and boys either, as both sexes pitched in to help where - ever necessary. About People You Know .. , Week -end visitors at the home of Mrs, Mary Hey, Blake, were Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin West- lake; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oesch, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. T. Meyers and Mrs. Melvin Brown; Mrs. Kathleen Burdge; Mr. and Mrs. David Drew, of London; Mrs. Russel E. Lee and daughter Linda, of Port Huron; David and Charles Meyers, of Lon•dn. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clarke have moved to their new home in the west end of the village of BIake. HOSPITAL NEWS Lorne Knipp is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Peter Neuschwanger is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Gib Ducharme is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Henry FIaa:bard is a patient in South Huron Hospital, after fractur- ing his arm in a fall. Mrs. Mary Hey, of Blake, has returned home after being a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Milton Deitz returned home on Wednesday after being a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital .and St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now Only three accidents were in- vestigated by the Exeter detach- ment of the Ontario Provincial Police during the week of Feb- ruary 18 to 24. During the same period, the detachment laid 12 charges under the High- way Traffic Act and issued 31 Majorette Ckasses Resume Saturday At Zurich Arena Girls of all ages three years on up— are invited to be at the Zurich Arena this Saturday afternoon, March 2, between the hours of one and two to begin another season of ma- jorettes. Mrs. Carol Deitz will again instruct the group and weI- comes all girls of the district to participate. Former major- ettes or newcomers interested in the technique of baton twirl- ing are urged to be on time for the lessons. A small fee of 25c is charged weekly to cover expenses. SET G *+6 EXAMPLE AND TECT YOUNG HEARTS THESE PRECAUTIONS NOW MAY PREVENT HEART ATTACKS LATER ENCOURAGE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 1110 SHARE LATEST HEART FACTS WITH CHILDREN TEACH THEM SMOKING IS J BAb FOR of a HEALTH HELP THEM 'MAINTAIN NORMAL 'WEIGHT It! MAKE CHECKUPS A FAMILY ROUTINE X ♦�.iY • Jn,. t 4 f BELT' your' children form good health hahlts oacly, and reduce their risk of heart attaelc latex. T y setting a good +eDiample, youprotect yet'r own heart, too. To help in the fight against heart and ;Flood vase! disea:aa, give gencr• BUsiy to the Heart Fund Campaign being eoscda1eied here throughout February. warnings. Three criminal in- vestigations were carried out. A total of 205 hours were spent on duty by the officers of the detachment, travelling a distance of 1594 miles. On Sunday, February 18, at 2:45 p.m., a ear operated by Kenneth J. Horrell, ,of London, collided with the Stephen Town- ship snow grader, operated by Clifford Kenny, of Crediton, on concession 2, Stephen Township. Damage estimated at $100. Pro- vincial constable W. G. Glass - ford investigated. On Tuesday, February 20, at 2:50 p.m., cars operated by Ed- ward C. Loughran, of Moore- field, and William R. Snell, of Exeter,collided on concession 6 and 7, Usborne Township, at No. 26 sideroad. Damage esti- mated at $500. Provincial con- stable W. G. Glassford investi- gated. • On Friday, February 23, at 12:30 a.m., a car operated by William R. Dinney, of Exeter, lost control •on No. 4 Highway south of Exeter and struck five guide posts on the east should- er. Damage estimated at $500. Provincial constable D. A. La- mont investigated. New Road Map The •department of highways' 1968 official road map of On- tario is now available. Copies may be obtained, free of charge, from the information section, department •of high- ways, Downsview, Ontario, and at all department of highways' offices throughout the province; the department of tourism and information, 185 Bloor Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, the depat- ment's tourist reception centres, at border crossing points in Southern Ontario, and service centres on Highway 400 and Highway 401. 0 FAMED TV PORPOISE, wearing heart -shaped col- lar, invites your support of the 1968 Heart Fund Cam- paign, being c o n ducted here and throughout the nation during February. THE 30th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Hensall District Co -Operative INCORPORATED Will Be Held in the Legion Hall, Hensall ON THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1968 AT 8:00 P.M. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING 1. To present the Annual Statement for the fiscal year, November 30th, 1966, to November 30th, 1967. 2. To elect three directors for a term of three years. The terms of Harold Erb, Allan Hill, George. Dowson have expired. Harold Erb and Allan Hill will not be eligible for re-election having served six years. 3, To appoint auditors for the ensuing year. 4. The Board recommends that the net savings of $5,141.00 be transferred •to General Reserve. 5. To deal With any other business which may arise, ALLAN HILL, BEIRTRAM KLOFP, President, Brucefield Secretary, Zurich Valuable Door Prizes Refreshments will be served BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT—Allan Hill,Brucefield. VICE-PRESIDENT — Elgin Hendrick, Dashwood, DIRECTORS --- James Drummond, Hensall; Malcolm David- son Brucefield; Clifford Pepper, Dashwood; Donald Camp- bell, Bayfield; George Dowson, Varna; Earl Schiibe, Bay- field. v ' 1 Public Speaking (Continued from Page i) sponsored by the Ladies' Aux- iliary to the Hensall branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. Chairman of the event was Rev, H. F. Currie, of Hensall, while the judges were Mrs. R. M, Peck and Mrs. E, R. Davis, both of Hensall, and Rev. A. C. Blackwell, of Zurich. Trophies donated by Mrs. Davis were pre- sented to the winners. Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 3 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU A U! WELCOi7F11 latgalleeadliMaeleeN St. Peter's Lufheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 3 -- 10 a.m,—Worship Service 11 a.m,—Church School Every Wednesday Night 8 p.m.—Lenten Service. You Are Welcome seememalowasomeoulas LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly S$ 4, EAST STANLEY Minister Elmer Grove SUNDAY, MARCH 3 -- 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.-Worship Service. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Friday Evenings -- . 8 p.zn.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. We invite you to worship with us. EVAIMEMBIZOMMODLIIMMEMEZMINIMISSI leamssaaessioassasa•astasamoss EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH ZURICH (Formerly Evangelical United Brethren) Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 3 — 10 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:10 a.m.--Sunday Church School Thursday, March 7 8 p.m.—United Church Women aremormioneerimmainsinimmull The Pair $205.00 Another style leader by BLUE t; IRD diamonds of ,happiness anteed perfect—the very latest Your Bluebird diamond is guar - in styling and beauty insured free against loss for one year, See them today. We have an excellent stock of Diamond and Wedding Rings -- Matched Sets— at Discount Prices. Hess the Jeweller ZURICH $ $ $ DOLLAR DAYS $ $ $ Tall Tins Carnation Milk _ _ _ 6/$1 Facelle Royal -200s Facial Tissue _ _ _ _ 6/$1 Gold Seal -7% Oz. Red Sockeye Salmon _ 59c Squirrel Brand -3 -Lb. Jar Peanut Butter _ _ _ $1,00 Maxwell House -6 Oz. Instant Coffee _ _ _ $1.15 Robin Hood—Pouch Pack—Assorted Pkgs. Cake Mixes _ _ _ _ 6/$1 Aylmer—ll-Oz. Bottles Tomato Catsup _ _ _ 5/$1 Maple Leaf or Coleman's Lard, 1 -lb Print _ _ 5/$1 Tomato or Vegetable -10-0z. Tins Aylmer Soup _ _ _ 8/$1 Minnette's-19-Oz. Tins Tomatoes 5/$1 Crushed -19.0z. Tires Lee Pineapple _ Chicken Noodle—Packages Lipton's Soup _ _ _ St. William's -9 Oz. Assorted Jams _ _ Smart's-19 Oz. Bartlett Pears _ Top Crop -1 -Lb. Bags Popping Corn _ Tempt -15 -Oz. Tins Dog Food Van Camp -14 -Oz. Tins Beans and Pork _ Van Camp -19-0z, Beans and Pork _ Aylmer Tomato Juice, 48 Oz.—Aloha Pine- apple Juice, 48 Oz.—King's Apple Juice 48 Oz. Mix or Match _ _ _ _ 3/$1 Miracle Whip -16 Oz. Salad Dressing _ _ _ _ 39c Heinz Spaghetti or Heinz Macaroni in Cheese __14.Oz. Tins Mix or Match _ _ _ 6/$1 27c Off Bold, King Size _ _ $1.45 Duz, King Size _ _ $1,89 Duz, Giant Size _ _ _ 99c For Chicken or ` Fish—Packages Shake -n -Bake _ _ _ 2/57c Fresh Apple or Raisin Weston's Pies _ _ _ _ 39c Self Saucing—All Flavors -10 -Oz. Packages Monarch Puddings _ 4/$1 Hostess—Regular 39c—Packages Cheese Swingers _ _ 3/$1 FREE With Purchase of 4 Light Bulbs, Any Size FREE One 5 -Lb. Jag of White Sugar FRUIT and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA NEW CROP CABBAGE _ _ _ LB. 9c ONT. NORTHERN SPY APPLES _ 3 -LB. BAG 35c 6 QUART BASKET 85c CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES, 113s _ DOZ. 69c MEAT SPECIALS LOIN PORK CHOPS LB. 69c LOIN END 'ROASTS, 3 Lb. Average _ _ LB. 65c FRESH PORK LIVER - _ ti - _ - _ - _ E _ _ LB. 29c PORK OR HAM SAUSAGE _ .. � - LB. 69c MAPLE LEAF LINK SAUSAGE LR. 55c DOERR'S DIAL. 2364354 ZURrci.