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LEGION OFFICIALS—Officers of the Hensall
Royal Canadian Legion, who were officially in -
installed last Friday night, are shown here at the
special ceremony. Left to right are second vice-
president Paul Neilands, first vice-president, Stan
Kochan, president Ernie Davis and secretary-treas-
John Skea,
(Citizens News Photo)
LADIES' AUXILIARY—Officers of the Hen-
sall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary for the .coming year
were also installed last Friday night, at the special
ceremony at the Legion Hall. Left to right are
treasurer, Mrs. Grant Bisback ; first vice-president,
Mrs. 'Grant McClinchey; president, Mrs. Garnet
Allan; second vice-president, Mrs. Vic Stan, and
.secretary., .Mrs. W. H. Bell.
uron Director of Children's Aid
S i ciety Asks Co-operation of Council
Miss Clare McGowan, of the
Children's Aid Society, made
another appeal to Huron Coun-
ty council at its January session
to try to understand the role of
the OAS and the feelings of
those the Society serves.
She urged the welfare offi-
fficers of each municipality to get
in touch with .the 'CAS office
when a family makes its first
Police Report
The ' Exeter detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police
had a comparatively quiet week
from January 14 to 20, as there
was only one accident in which
no one was injured.
On Monday, January 15, a
car operated by Samuel P. Hum-
umphreys, of Exeter, struck a de-
partment of highways sign on
No. 4 Highway south of Ex-
eter. Total damage $13. Pro-
vincial Constable D. A. Lamont
Investigate Break-ins
Provincial Constable J. A.
Wright is investigating 13 cot-
tage break-ins north of Grand
Bend at the Highlands sub -di-
vision. The break-ins occurred
during the past two weeks.
Total amount of property stolen
will not be known until all the
cottage owners have been able
to check their cottages. The
investigation is continuing.
application for assistance. Miss
McGowan explained that if noti
fied, the CAS can often give
advice and help before the situ-..
ation becomes more serious,;
particularly in cases where;
either parent is experiencing,
personal or social problems.
"With t h e government's
strong emphasis rightly being
placed on preventive work —
that is keeping families and
children together in their own
homes," said Miss McGowan, "we
:are enlarging our scope of fam-
lily counselling. We want peo-
ple with problems to 'feel free
to come to 181 Victoria Street
North in Goderich before mat-
ters get beyond help."
Following a question from
one councillor regarding the
long period cif time -which
lapses before children are plae-
'ed in adoptive homes, Miss Mc-
Gowan observed that many cou-
ples are searching for a par-
ticular kind of child.
"You'd be surprised how par-
ticular adoptive parents are,"
said Miss McGowan,
Hay School Area Board Voices
Approval of County System
Hay Township School Area
Board has authorized letters to
be sent to Hon. Charles Mac -
Naughton, provincial treasurer,
and Hon. William Davis, min'
ister of education and univers-
ity affairs, pledging its support
to the proposed move in Jan-
uary, 1969, to county school
The decision was reached at
the board's inaugural meeting
earlier this year when James
Sangster, Hensall, was appoint-
ed chairman for 1968. Vice-
chairman is Ross Turnbull, of
Grand Bend.
Committees for the upcoming
year are: staff, Elmer Rowe,
chairman, Ross Turnbull, Ian
McAllister; property, Carl Oest-
reicher, chairman, Robert Row
Cliffe, Garnet Leitch; transpor-
tation, Ian McAllister, chair-
man, Ross Turnbull, Elmer
Rowe; finance, Ross Turnbull,
Manager of MORA
Owes eport to
County Council
When William Urquhart vis-'
ited Huron County council on
Wednesday morning he report-
ed on what he termed a "revo-
lutionary" program by the On-
tario government which is
"moving into the second stage
of a three-part regional devel-
opment program that sets the
pace in the field for Canada,
and, perhaps, North America."
"This does not mean perma-
nent subsidies to some sections
of the • province," continued
Urquhart, who represents the
Mid -Western Ontario Develop-
ment Association, "but the gov-
ernment will pump money and
guidance into the regions to
start them on the road to eco-
nomic self -development."
Speaking about regional gov-
ernment, Urquhart explained
that "operating within broader
boundaries and exercising wider
responsibilities the pre s e n t
counties 'will be in a position
to lend strong and consistent
support to 'regional manifesta-
tions of provincial economic
He repeated Premier John P.
Roberts' statement with regard
to regional development.
'Mr. Roberts said regional
(Cormnuec ren page 8)
Curling Starts Mo day
After many attempts during
the past .couple of months, the
officials of the Zurich Curling
Club are happy 'to. ,announce
that the popular spont will get
under way on Monday night.
All persons who have already
taken out a xnemberahip, along
with those who wish to try out
the sport, are asked to be pres-
ent at the Zurich Arena on
Monday night, for the first
round. The club officials hope
to arrange another time as well
as the Monday night scheduling
to make up for the time which
has been lost. •
Huron Turn Down Health Unit Merger
(By Shirley J. Keller)
During Thursday afternoon's
sitting •of Huron County coun-
cil, members turned down •a
recommendation by the health
committee to approve the amal-
gamation of units for Huron
and Perth.
At the outset of the discus-
sion suggested by chairman
Borden Cook, reeve of Blyth, to
take the form of a "clause by
clause study", reeve Ken Stew-
art, McKillop, asked that coun-
cil go into a committee of the
whole with the press and all
other spectators excluded.
Following recall, clerk John
Berry issued a prepared state-
ment to the press that the pro-
posal had been turned down
"until such time that a more
clear-cut plan of regional gov-
ernment is established for all
forms of county government."
A recorded vote showed 43
against and four in favor of
the amalgamation.
The report had recommended
the amalgamation not on the
strength of the Ontario Depart-
ment .of Health promised in-
crease of subsidy from 50 per
cent to 75 per cent alone but
with an eye to improved and
expanded services to the public.
The proposed new district was
to have .included the counties
of Huron and Perth, the city of
Stratford and the town of St.
Marys. Of the 11 -member pro-
posed board, four members were
to have been appointed from
The report had also proposed
that either a secretary or a
treasurer be appointed from
each of the two counties in-
volved. Headquarters, the
board recommended should be
in a central area. Speculation
had arisen that Seaforth might
be a logical choice of location,
although this was not mentioned
in the report.
Dr, G. P. A. Evans, MOH for
Huron, was on hand for the
discussion but was barred from
the council chamber when mem-
bers went into a committee of
the whole. He sent word later
in the day that he would be
available for comment and ques-
tioning, but council did not
sun -triton the doctor for his
chairman, Robert Rowcliffe,
Garnet Leitch.
Lance Reed, new secretary -
treasurer for the board, was on
hand to begin his duties which
commenced January 1. Mr,
Reed replaces Robert Westlake,
who resigned the post due to
increased business pressures at
his office in Zurich.
Area Reeves Appointed to important'
Committees of Huron C6wnty C{'u.<rslcil
At last Wednesday morning's
session of Huron. County coun-
cil the full slate of various com-
mittees was presented and ap-
proved. In each case, the first
named denotes the chairman of
Roads: James Hayter, Steph-
en; Gordon Boyd, Ashfield; Joe
Kerr, Wingham; Elmer Hayter,
Stanley; Elgin Thompson, Tuck-
Huronview: Jack Alexander,
Wingham; Grant Stirling, Goder-
ich Township; Robert Lyons,
West Wawanosh; Borden Cook,
Blyth; Wilmer Hardy, Colborne.
Health: Cliff Dunbar, Grey;
W. J. Cuthill, Seaforth; Ken
Stewart, McKillop; Warden Cal-
vin Kreuter, Brussels; Jack
Morrissey, provincial represen-
Library: Prank McFadden,
Bayfield; Mrs. Minnie Noakes,
Hensall; C. E. Boyle, Exeter;
Mrs. J. McConnell, George Mc -
C u t c h e on (non -council mem-
bers); and Stewart Procter,
Finance and executive: Leroy
Thiel, Zurich; Harold Robinson,
Howiek; Harry Worsell, Goder-
ich; Anson McKinley, Stanley;
Jack Armstrong, Wingham.
Agriculture and reforesta-
tion: Hugh Flynn, Hullett; Wil-
liam Elston, Morris; Roy Patti-
son, East Wawanosh; Girvin
Reed, Ashfield; Joe Hoffman,
Hay; Doug Miles, Huron County
agricultural representative; F.
Danser and J. W. Britnell, non -
council appointees.
Property: Harry Worsell,
Goderich; Joe Dietrich, Stephen;
William Elston, Morris; Joe
Hoffman, Hay; Roy Westcott,
Usborne; E, McIlwain, Goderich
Warden's and personnel: Har -
ca Robinson, Howiek; Leroy
Thiel, Zurich; Carl Dalton, Sea -
forth; Jack Armstrong, Wing -
ham; Mery Cudmore, Exeter;
Lloyd Hendrick, Hay.
Equalization; Roy Pattison,
East Wawanosh; Carl Dalton,
`Seaforth; Melville Allan, How -
ick; A. D. Smith, Turnberry;
Joe Dietrich, Stephen.
School consultative: E. Mc-
Ilwain, Goderich Township; Roy
Westcott Usborne; G. Reed,
Ashfield; J. H. Kinkead.
Industrial and tourism: B.
Such, Goderich; L. Hendrick,
Hay; M. Cudmore, Exeter; G.
Lawson, Clinton; Anson McKin-
ley, Stanley.
Criminal audit: Judge R. S.
Hetherington; G. Lawson, Clin-
ton; Clerk J. G. Berry.
Children's Aid: M. Allan,
Howiek; B. Such, Gaderich;
Hugh Flynn, Hullett; A. D.
Smith, Turnberry.
Reports Heard
Various reports were heard.
by council on Wednesday morn-
ing, among them one from the
acting county librarian, Mrs. C.
T. Huffman, who also intro-
duced the new librarian, Miss
Carolyn Croke.
Circulation figures, said Mrs,
Huffman, showed a marked in-
crease at 251,992 books. She
noted that five new schools
were added for 'a total of 29
schools serviced by the county
library system. The unit also
serves 32 libraries, three de-
posit stations, four high schools
and on -the next exchange of
books, the new agricultural col-
lege at Centralia.
A number of books were left
at Huronview and the Blue
Water Rest Home at Zurich for
use by residents and staff. New
diction aries were supplied to
Walton, Centralia, Zurich, Gor-
rie and Fordwich; sets of World
Book encyclopedias to Zurich,.
Bluevale, Dungannon, Belmore,
Fordwich, Wroxeter; set of
Books of Knowledge to Seaforth
and Exeter; set of Canadiana
Construction .safety inspector
Everett Smith reported he had
made 435 inspections through-
out 1967. He issued five stop -
work orders in the 13,094 miles
travelled by him on county
bus in es s. Two construction
(Continued on page 8)
who will instruct two of
4-H clubs this season are
at the training school in
Monday and Tuesday of
The ladies
the Zurich
shown here
Hensall on
this week.
Standing, left to right, are Mrs. Jo-
seph Miller, Mrs. Morris Webb and
Mrs. Jim Hogg. Seated pouring tea
is Mrs. Don Oke.
(Citizens News Photo) •