HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-12-14, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN BLUE WATER REST HOME NEWS and VIEWS By Lance J. Reed, Superintendent IN NET DISCUSSION—Three old- tuners, well-known throughout the district for their ability to play mighty fine hockey a few years back, are seen here following the old-timers' game in the arena last week -end. James Hayter (left), who wore a Zur- ich sweater in the game, pauses to chat with Jake Barnes and Len Gau- dette of the Lucan Irish. All players enjoyed dinner together prior to the game and a social time afterwards when they received a telephone call from Ben Gignac, Quebec City, who was unable to attend because of illness in the family. TOGETHER AGAIN—Many friendships were renewed last Friday evening when the hockey old- timers from Lucan and Zurich got together for an exhibition game which drew an enthusiastic crowd of cheering fans who were just as happy to turn back the hands of times for a few minutes. Seen here are (left to right) James Hayter and brother Bob, Glen Weido and Don Charlton, who wore the Zurich crest at the game. MIXED LEAGUE December 8 H H'nets, E. Chipchase 552 4 Al Cats, C. 1Vleidinger 668 3 Itchy Six, H. McEwan 807 7 Strikers, R. Hamilton_ 596 2 H Hopes, J. P. Rau_ 825 5 Expos, T. Bedard ___ 616 2. 43 56 69 26 60 32 Go -Getters, N. Trott_ 657 5 70 Ladies H. single: N. Coleman ___ 318 H. triple: L. Latulippe ._.. 772 H. average: N. Coleman _._ 211 Men H. single: B. Coleman ._..._ 346 H. triple: J. P. Rau _____ 825 H. average: J. P Rau . .__ 214 HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES Paid on 1 to 5 years minimum $100 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750,000 1 Yes. I am interested In your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. 0 Please tell me more about this system of saving. i 1n Enclosed is my cheque for s for a year debenture. Mr./Mrs./Miss Address - w L+ Tel,. Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundee Street at Market Lane, London Ont. Or call:432-4158 525 Talbot Street St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633-0950 453 Dundas Street,Woodstock, Ont, Or call; 539-2051 Watt Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation TV VIEWS (Continued from page 3) the handicapped and .the .sick. A few months ago I had the opportunity to listen to a radio program dealing with the sub- ject of faith healing. Two healers were there to answer questions. If an embarrassing question was asked they sim- ply answered by quoting scrip- tures from the Bible. I . asked them to meet •me after the program and we would go to 'the nearest ,hospital. I wanted to see someone cured. They said 1 couldn't call, but the sick person must call. It was pointed out to them that there are many sick children who cannot call for help. I in- vited them to escort me to a sick children's centre. They refused. The government should never give anyone a licence for faith healing. It's crooked. It's phony. It's wicked. But it's an easy way to make a buck. 0— Renew Your Subscription Now I . IW' IAF" 1X,'1, k�'1 The Christmas season is upon us once again for another year. Last Wednesday evening the Ladies' Auxiliary for the Home had a Christmas party for the residents. Santa Claus visited, on the invitation from the Aux- iliary, and gave each resident a Christmas gift. All residents attending enjoyed themselves very much and are looking for- ward to the Christmas season, * * * On Sunday evening last mem- bers of the Zurich BUB Church Young Peoples group visited the Home and sang carols through the halls here at the Horne. The interest of these young people in our senior citi- zens is very much appreciated. On the following Monday the Zurich and district Mennonite Young People and the Bayfield Baptist Church Young People presented a Christmas cantata. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all who heard it here. I understand that this group will be presenting this cantata in their respective church and I sincerely hope that if any readers 'have an opportunity to hear this fine group that you will 'take the opportunity to do so. •Congratulations to you all on .a job well done. If you are interested in the dates and times when they will he singing in their churches call Miss Carol Erb at Gingerich Sales and Service and I know she will be happy to give you the de- tails. :i+ * * On Tuesday evening last, the Zurich Girl Guides came to 'the Home for a "picnic" supper with the residents and at the same time they decorated one of the many trees here in the Home and sang Christ m a s carols. Later on in the evening the Zurich Chamber of Com- merce took charge of the monthly birthday party for resi- dents. This is the first time that we have had any group of men present entertainment here at the Hone and it was a very nice change and treat for our residents. Prior to serving birthday cake and ice cream and coffee, a variety program was presented. * * * We are happy to welcome Jerry Gravelle, of Grand Bend; Miss May Hodgins, of the Park- hill area; Mrs. Ella Dinnin, of Brucefield, and 1VIrs. Sarah 1 Stoner, of the Sorest area. * * Since my last column one of our residents passed away. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Anna Ellis. Mrs. Ellis took up residency in our Home just af- ter it opened and she will be greatly missed by fellow resi- dents and staff members. * ', * Last year the residents, with some outside assistance, pre- sented a Christmas program for the public to see. This year the residents will again present a special Christmas program to which all friends of the Home are cordially invited. There will be no admission charge, The program will take place on Thursday evening, December 21, at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. In order to guarantee yourself a seat tickets will be given out on a free basis as was last year. You may reserve yours by tele- phoning the Home office or by picking them up at the Home office. The program will consist of special music, •costumes, ligth- ing and other effects and will be the presentation of the resi- dents. I hope that all who can will show their support by try- ing to attend either one of the two times for the program. Any boy or girl wishing to write a letter to Santa Claus, if they do this through the Blue Water Rest Home, Santa Claus will send thein an answer. All letters should be addressed to Santa Claus, c/ Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, Ontario. Santa Claus has already visited sev- eral Christmas events in this area and I know he would be happy to visit your home or group if you just let him know the day and the time. 0 ZURICH LADIES` LEAGUE Starlites, E. Datars _ 674 7 '79 Packers, F. Gibson __ 637 7 63 Nighthawks, Dot Hess 637 3 59 Dom'naires, M. Rau__ 627 3 51 H. als, Erla Smale P. Miller ___ 499 2 50 Aces, H. 'MeEwan___ 620 4 39 Scamps, E. Schroeder 541 0 33 L. St'kes, W. McC'chey 498 0 29 IJ. & Downs, S. Braid 547 4 28 3'downers, E. Burgess 607 5 24 H. single: Hazel McEwan_ 310 H. triple: Hazel McEwan__ 671 H. average: H. McEwan __ 201 Where One - Stop Supplies You With All Your Shopping Needs! w gtr;teictctcetgte tg oc.--te vz•tcg ¢tctcoc tctctwgtzmg g•tcid+Pt mt t`; tvmbgiztvcio octctvcoE TOYLAND 0 GIFTWARE 0, Coarse in and see our Complete Selection • Lead Crystal of Toys. All the Toys and Games that win Trillium and Pinwheel Design Children's Christmas Dreams are made g of are here now. § • Brassware Fern Stands o DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY! 1 • China and Glassware ri tgtctocramagle t W eregmi+ miglStE:tU Retia mtetct tot vxmtit€t mtemi;+ tvctzrawgt mmtPtmvatt APPLIANCES 1 FURNITURE Hair Dryers -- Toasters 4 Clothes Hamper • Hassocks • Floor Polishers • v Lamps • Tables and Chairs 1SMOKERS — ROCKERS MIRRORS Electric Clocks -- Mixers Complete Line of Juvenile Furniture • Vacuum Cleaners • 11 • Frying Pans -- Kettles B • Washers and Dryers • 5 -Piece Breakfast Suite Regular $139 tgtgiptoovctmQto?$/61zscut${F'owtctetE?„tF,tG;tt;tetetctafK thtP' vztG'tE. etla'tC;tta vct6'tF.'.t.`{?t;'tgtct€'tC•'• ctg tG. etvetcE$tf,'�tt zte Now $119 FOR THE CHRISTMAS TREE Stands, Ornaments, Lights, Decorations, Tinsel, Etc. i.;tett •tgtalgtM tikagtr~tgtCWCACI Mtgtghat ttgtat,tgtgtOgtGtVliINVCCI4tVetCWICItat,CtgtiMICLI. OCtetgtct e,ttaro"tgrocmclogte TIEMEN' Phone 237-3681. ARDWA E AND FURNITURE DASHWOOD / °tors , !AS :/v4' FLOOR POLISHERS1 CLEANERSOnly $2688 OnEy $49a95 wAiR DRYERS Only $15.99 l VACUUM SANTA SAVINGS SALE CONTINUES From Now 'Till Christmas Bargains in every depart- ment of our store — electrical — appliances — furniture — television. DROP IN NOW AND BROWSE AROUND Clinton Sales & Service Ltd. ZURICH N 7 Seaforth SHUR-GA9N 18% PIG STARTER NUMBER 10 MEDICATED A M LO ER COST ATM FOS. BABY PIGS F 1 PORTANT RE MONS IN PIG FEEDING COSTS AVAILABLE NOW FROM YOUR LOCAL SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE DEALER M DEITZ and SON DIAL 236.4951 ZURICH