HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-12-07, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1957 50 Years Ago DECEMBER, 1917 Five carloads of heavy horses were shipped from Seaforth re- cently for the English markets. They were purchased by T. E. Roberts, representing an Eng- lish firm. There were 84 in the shipment valued at $21,000. A meeting was held in the town hall, Zurich, on Wednes- day evening in connection with the food production campaign, The question of profitable hog production and the necessity of everybody keeping at least one hog was discussed. Wanted — 200 live pigeons, not later than Saturday, Decem- ber 1. Highest cash price. Ward Fritz. Hensall News—The arrest of a farmer and his hired man, living a few miles west of here, for alleged theft created some excitement in our village on Tuesday. 40 Years Ago DECEMBER, 1927 What might have proven an even more serious auto accident took place at the corner of the 14th concession and Zurich Road one day last week, when Mr. William Elsie, merchant of Grand Bend, who was driving in his Chrysler coupe and Mr. Alex Voisin, hateikeeper of Zur- ich, with his Jewett sedan, col- lided with the result of quite a mix-up. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess are moving their effects from Crediton into the dwelling prop- erty owned by the late Mrs. Ehnes estate, just north of the mill. On Thursday morning, No- vember 24, Rev. H. Rembe unit- ed in bonds of holy matrimony, Miss Clara A.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfleisch, 16th concession, Hay Township, and Mr. Bertram W. Klapp, son of Warden E. F. Klapp, Zurich. Philip L. Denomme had the misfortune of having one of his legs injured with the belt of the chopper. 25 Years Ago DECEMBER, 1942 Judge T. M. Costello, of God- erich, was in town Wednesday last to revise the 1942 voters' list for the Township of Hay. Miss Lorinda Schoch is spend- ing some time with relatives in Kitchener. After many months of wait- ing for priority rating from the department at Ottawa to pur- chase a new motor for the local water system, H. G. Hess was fortunate .to purchase a real good rebuilt Canadian -made mo- tor in the city. This, we ,trust, will eliminate the much incon- venience caused by the old motor, which sor.ta finally got "burned out". About 1400 more men in Western Ontario will be called in December for compulsory military in the Canadian Army, it was learned. Heavy rains visited these parts on Friday night and then again an Monday night. The ground is well soaked up with water and on Saturday morn- ing many fields were under water. Farmers are in a bad way to get their late plowing done as they can't get on the land with either tractors or horses. 15 Years Ago DECEMBER, 1952 At the Hay Township nomi- nation meeting, no new council- lors were nominted. The elerk declared the old council re- elected for the year 1953 as follows: reeve Earl Campbell; councillors V. Becker, L. H. Rader, Gus Roche and Irvin Willert, For Zurich police village, five names were nominated for Crus - tees, They were J. M. Turk- heirn, Lloyd 'O'Brien and Mil- fred Schilbe of the former board, and two new ones, Reg. Illsley and Milt Deitz. Four qualified as the latter men- tioned did not qualify. Herbert Klapp, Ronald How - aid and Allan Brokeiashire trade the presentation of gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Klapp when they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary recently. Dr. and Mrs. G. St. Pierre and family spent the week -end in Owen Sound. - qF- YEARS GONE - BY - 10 Years Ago DECEMBER, 1957 Members of the United Luth- eran Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang when they marked the 25th an- niversary of their organization. V. L. Becker gets the Hay Township reeveship by accla- mation for the second time in a row. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Erb spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vallie Gerber, in Adamsville, Penn., over the week -end. Mrs. 0. Winter, of Zurich, addressed members of the Arn- old Circle of Carmel Church. With every $20 cash purchase we will give you a Christmas tree. (Only one to a customer.) Westlake Furniture—advt. The St. Boniface parish ba- zaar brought out a large num- ber of people. The grand prize (Frigidaire clothes dryer) was won by Milton Bedard, Wind- sor. The door prize, a fine live pig, was won by Mrs. Raymond Hartman, RR 3, Zurich. Two specials showed up in the latest Nielsen rating in the United States. "It's a Great Pumpkin" was 3rd, with "The King and I" in 10th position. Andy Griffith made number one position, with The Lucy Show in second spot. Bonanza was 4th, and tied for 5th were CBS Friday Night Movies and Gomer Pyle. Red Skelton was number 7, with Gunsmoke 8th, and Saturday Night at the Movies in 9th position. :k * * More about ratings: Remem- ber "The Fugitive"? This show had a 50.7 rating and a 73.2 per cent audience share on ABC. For the same hour, CBS drew a 2.4 rating with their "News Hour". The NBC telecast of the Jerry Lewis movie, "The Pardners", had a 5.1 rating. David Janssen's appearance on The Joey Bishop Show drew an 8.8 rating, while Johnny Carson on NBC drew 5.0. Not only was this the best rating that Joey Bishop ever had, but it was the first time that he ever outrated Johnny Carson. EEPSAKE DIAMOND PAIR Registered and 7nssrod Ynri 3lfodern Designs Salt Tor Sara We will be pleased to serve you for all Christmas Gifts Watches, Clocks, Jewellery China and Crystal Barometers and Binoculars Electric Shavers Dinnerware Sets Just a $i.00 purchase—.you may win a fine quality LADY'S or GENT'S WRIST WATCH DRAW CHRISTMAS EVE Hess the JeweEker ZURICH Ch ristmas'� CAN OPENER Fiberglas Jumbo Size KNIFE SHARPENER Fully automatic power pierco action can opener — plus a built in knife sharpener, fin- ished in gleaming white with chrome stand to harmonize with any kitchen decor. Reg. $22.95 Christmas Special! TV TABLES Set of 4 extra Targe 17"x23" tables, with one rack on smooth rolling casters. Truly o deluxe set with a wide choice of beautiful designs. KING SIZE METAL TV TABLES 4 big 22%2"x16%2" trays with br5sa finish frame in an assortment of patterns. Easily stored! SET PROCTOR Deluxe ELECTRIC TEAKETTLE' Dependable stainless steel kettle with au- tomatic reset, Comes complett with cord. Reg. 8.25 Xmas Special 2 SLICE TOASTER Sporting Goods We have sports equip- ment for skiing, skat- ing, hockey, etc., all reasonably priced for your budget. Dependable fully automatic colour control guarantees golden brown toast with any type of bread, A Christmas gift with beau- tiful modem styling that makes it so easy to clean. Christmas Specicll 1488 TO OGGANS Enjoy the thrills of sliding down a snow-covered bank on ono of our sleek new toboggans. Children's WOODEN TABLE and CHAIR SET TOYS TOYS TOYS PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER 17"x21"x18" varnished hard- wond table with 2 matching chalks. Hours of fun for the small' ones. SET .... e,igi - JONNt1 POLE Floor to ceiling apace saver 1" spiral all chrome poles -3 gleaming white me- tal shelves 2 chrome towel rings. Adjustable from 7'e" to 8'6". Looks so emart and makes good use of that waste space, Christmas Special! Trains, dolls, planes and a hundred °there to make Christmas for your children more enjoyable. 3 SPEEDS! PLAYS STEREO OR MONO! Attractive, smartly designed unit folds qforotry avelnd oreatolr age. Plays LPs or singles In mono or stereo. Turn on your teen-ager, Reg. 29.95 Christmas Special 18" FLUORESCENT DESK LAMP Smartly designed 15 watt desk lamp with switch in base. Rigid lower stem and flexible upper arm adjust easily to desired positions, available in brawn or grey. The ideal gift for Dad. SAVE 7.96 Gift Special! Reg. 9.95 Christmas Special 8.88 HOSTESS STACKING STOOLS s strongly constructed wrought Iron frame ftools in bronze tone inish. 12"x18" uphol. stared vinyl covered seats. t assorted col. V See ours to set, "HIPPY" 8 -TRANSISTOR RADiO Portable radio with uniqpue, tto♦o d e r n design. Tise rut can't set"in thJ one. ma equipped Miter bat. `Ory And astrphone, CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS •Tree tights • Chrlstni s arra• ante 0 icicles w Artificial snow • Wraaths • Bells. 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