HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-12-07, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE r, NEW RATES For Classified Advertisements Charges for advertisements on this page are as follows: Coming Events, and Announcements ____ $1.00 Cards of Thanks and in Memoriam $1.00 Classified word advertise- ments (first 20 words) 75c (each additional word 3c extra) Each initial, sign, group of figures and abbreviation counts as one word. Box No. Service Charge 25c If account is not paid within 10 days, an extra 25c will be charge. Classified word ads ac- eepted until 12:00 noon Wednesdays. Copy for retail and classified display accepted until 12:00 noon Tuesdays. FOR SALE .APPLES—Eating and cooking. Fred M iClymont and Sons, RR 3, Varna, phone 482-3214. 46,1 NEW POTATOES -2 miles east of Zurich on Highway 84, Call 236-4038. 34,tf CHRISTMAS DRAW — As in :former years, we are again giv- ing luggage es a Christmas Draw in our store. •One draw will be made at the end of No- vember and the other at Christ- mas time. Oesch Shoe Store, Znrieh. 44,tf CHRISTMAS just 2 weeks away. Eliminte shopping, wrapping band mailing. Give the gift that gives ail year. You name the :magazine, I sell them all. Mrs. C. Kipfer, Hensall, 'dail 262-2278 47,tf BOMBADIER SKI-DOOS, the best snowmobile made. Six models to choose from for 1968, including electric starter. Priced as low as $695. Larry Snider Motors, Exeter, Sales and Serv- ice. In Zurich contact Neil Walker, phone 236-4341. 47,0 USED TOILET, complete with fittings; also sink suitable for mud room, and recessed medi- cine cabinet. Phone 237-3576 mornings or evenings. 49x 45 WEANED PIGS. Harry Pen- ,nings, 2564087. 49,b 'USED ADDING MACHINE, Un- derwood hand -operated model, in brand new condition. Priced reasonable. Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672. 49,tf 1957 FORD, eight cylinder, in excellent condition. Call God- erich 524-8459. 49,b CHRISTMAS TREES. Place your order now for choice quality tree. Ken Westlake, phone 236.4364. 49,ef The Settlement of Huron County By James Scott Ideal Christmas Gift $5.00 Available at local book stores or County Clerk -Treasurer's Of- fice, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Buggy for :pony to haul; good condition. Write Box 111, Citizens News, 49,p MISCELLANEOUS MR, FARMER—To obtain pro- fessional advice on various sick pay and income replacement plans available to milk .and beef producers, contact James A, :Gait, Huron County Group Con- sultant, Box 692, Clinton, On- tario, 47,8,9,b NOTICE TO FARMERS DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE We now pick up dead or dis- ablecl catl.e and horses in your area. Rotten animals not ac- cepted, Por fast, efficient service, call immediately •eollect. Licence +68(67. Phone 245.0838, Strathroy JOHN' GRINSVEN 28,tf COMING EVENTS An open meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 1967, at the board rooms at 'the De- partment of Agriculture in Clin- ton at 8 p.m. sharp. A presen- tation on the Garter Commission Report will be given by Rae Sunningham, a staff member of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture, Anyone interested is very welcome to attend. 49,b Cards of Thanks The family of the late Earl Weido wish to express their sincere .appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives, for the many acts of kindness shown them during their recent be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. A. C. Blackwell, the ladies of the church, Dr. C. J. Wallace, Westlake Funeral Home, the pallbearers, the flower bearers, and to all +bhose who assisted in so many ways.—Mrs. Earl Weido and family. 49,p I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their prayers, visits, cards and concern while a patient •in South Huron Hos- pital and since I am home. A special thanks to Dr, Goddard and all the nurses for their ex- cellent care .and to our Heaven- ly Father who has blest us with improved health.—Elmer Grove, 49,p We wish to take this oppor- tunity of thanking all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness shown us dur- ing the loss of a dear father. Special thanks to the minister and ladies of the church, the pallbearers, the flower bearers, and all those who offered as- sistance in so many ways.—Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard and family. 49,b I wish to thank my relatives and friends who so kindly re- membered me with prayers, visits, cards and flowers while a patient in Exeter .and Victoria Hospital, and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace •and Dr. Allan,—Mrs. Laura Smith. 49,b Mrs. Allan Gascho and her committee wish to thank all ladies of the ,community who helped prepare and serve the food at the banquet for the official opening of the arena and community centre in Zur- ich, Cooking or serving dishes left in the arena kitchen may be had by contacting Mrs. Gascho, 49,p I would like to thank every. one who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and prayers while I was a patient at St. Jo- seph's Hospital. Special thanks to Msgr. Bourdeau for his visit and Drs. Goddard and Wilson and the nursing staff on the fourth floor. It was very much appreciated.—Mrs. Clem Regier. We wish to thank those who sent cards and other messages of sympathy in the loss of our sieter, Mrs. Alice Thompson.— Hilda and Bernie McAdams and Esther Neeb. 49,p We wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank our neighbors and friends for the lovely gift given to us at the time of oui' departure from the farm, prior to moving to our new home at Exeter. Mso for helping in any way at our farm sale and help- ing us to move in to Exeter. Your acts of kindness during our 29 years on the farm will always be remembered and we will never forget our friends on the Goshen Line south of Zurich. Thanks again.—Julian and Beatrice Mantes. 49,p a Exeter Juniors Whip Zurich In Exhibition Game (By Shane McKinnon) Friday night was a successful opening for the arena but not for the Zurich Flyers, as they were defeated in an exhibition game against the Exeter Junior Hawks, 8 to 4. The action started fast and in the first :minute of the game Larry Willert slapped one past Paul Steckle in the Zurich net. Exeter 'collected four more goals in the first period on shots from Bill Fairburn and Bruce Forrest, while Rick Mc- Donald fired two. Zurich scored one goal, which was made by Jim Consitt. In the second period the Fly- ers stuck to the Hawks closely but they still managed to allow Scott Burton to get a blistering shot through Steckle. Zurich opened up in +the third period by snaking three count- ers fly by the Hawk's goalie. The sharpshooters were Bill Hoffman, Bab 1VIerner and Earl Wagner. Exeter retaliated by having two goals sleek across the goal line, by the power of Grant Walker and Fairbarn, who netted his second of the night, . The teams were even in pen- alties with three apiece. This proves that it was a fairly clean game with neither team taking a backward step. 0 Legion Elects at Grand Bend Glenn Desjardine was named president of the Grand Bend Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 498, on Monday evening, De- cember 4. Past president is Clayton Mathers; first vase -president, S. C. Baumgartner; second vice- president, Everett Desjardine; secretary, H. A. Hamilton; treas- urer, Borden Clark; sergeant at -arms, Andrew Crown. Final arrangements were dis- cussed for the Santa Claus par- ade on Saturday, December 9, and the annual New Year party on December 30 at Ye Olde Theatre on main street in the village. 0 AUCTION SALE Of Frame Cottage and Household Effects one the premises 11/A Miles East of Zurich, thence 3/4 Mile South The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 at 2 p.m. Frame cottage, approximately 18 x 13 feet, covered with red asphalt shingles; 'combination living room and kitchen, bed- room and utility room. Cottage newly built, hydro and insu- lated. Please Note—Cottage has to be removed from premises by May 1, 1968. Household Effects in elude propane heater, 4 -burner elec- tric stove, med. size refrigera- tor, kitchen table and chairs, china cabinet, oak bedstead, dresser, trunk, dishes and other rnisellaneous items. No Reserve. Terms—Cash Anyone wishing information regarding property, c o n t a c t Arnold Merrier. THEODORE SCHROEDER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Bob's Body Shop A Complete Service On BODY SHOP REPAIRS—REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE ei FREE ESTIMATES Bob Forrester, Proprietor Dial 236.4959 (At Rear of Huron Motor Products) Zurich Midgets Drop First Game Of Schedule (By Shane McKinnon) The play was clumsy and the goal tending was superb but the Blyth Midgets defeated Zur- icit 2 to 1, Monday night. The Blyth team had been practicing for the last month and for the Zurich team it was their second time on the ice. The Zurich goal was scored by Fred Armstrong and the sharp- shooters for the Blyth team were not identified. * NOTICE — All game sheets are asked to be turned in to Shane McKinnon or given to the newspaper. Thank you! Midget Schedule December 12—Monkton at Zurich. December 14 --Zurich at 1VIonk- ton. December 18—Zurich at Brussels. December 20—Brussels at Zurich. December 26—Monkton at Zurich. December 27 Brussels at Zurich. December 29—Zurich at January 3—Blyth at Zurich. Brussels. January 8—Zurich at Blyth. January 11—Zurich at Monkton. 0 Boat Builders Will Re -Locate At Centralia (continued from page one) The Hughes brothers started their boat building operations three years after emigrating from Liverpool, England, in 1960. Since then they have de- veloped a core of highly skilled craftsmen, of a wide variety of nationalities, in such new trades as fiber glass molding and mag- nesium polishing. "We can attribute part of our international success to the re- putation of Canadian boat builders," says Howard Hughes. "The Canadian industry is known for the hand finished quality which attracts the dis- criminating yachtsman." Early in 1967, the firm took over .its second 5,000 square foot factory in Scarborough to establish separate fiber glass and assembly shops. However, the cost of moving the units proved prohibitive and the com- pany decided to take advantage of the spacious hangar facilities offered at Centralia Industrial Park. Hughes Boat Works Limited is the third firm to announce its intention to move into the government park. The Ontario Development Corporation indi- cates that final negotiations are in process for most of the exist- ing manufacturing facilities at park. Zurich Flyers Open Season Friday (By Shane McKinnon) The first home game of the WOOA Intermediate "D" hoc- key will begin tomorrow night, Friday, December 8, at 8:30 p.m., against the high flying Crediton Tigers, who will meet Zurich again on Sunday at Ex- eter. The Crediton team de- feated Blyth last Sunday, which proves that they are a tough team to beat. There are five teams entered in the league which consists of Blyth, St. Clements, Crediton, Monkton a n •d Zurich, The league will be interesting to follow and also we ask that all you hockey fans be out Friday night to support your team. Bob Johnston has been picked as captain of the local squad, while alternate •captains are Craig Chapman and Dick Be- dard. Following is the schedule of games involving Zurich: Friday, December 8—Crediton at Zurich. Sunday, December 10—Zurich at Crediton. Friday, December 15—Monkton at Zurich. Tuesday, December 19—Blyth at Zurich. Friday, December 22—Zurich at St. Clements. Friday, December 29—Zurich at Monkton. Sunday, December 31—Zurich at Crediton. Friday, January 5—Zurich at BIyth. Tuesday, January 9—St. Clem- ents at Zurich. Friday, January 12—Zurich at St. Clements. Friday, January 19 — Crediton at Zurich. Tuesday, January 23—Zurich at Monkton. Friday, January 26—Blyth at Zurich. Friday, February 2—St. Clem- ents at Zurich. Tuesday, February 6—Monkton at Zurich. Friday, February 9—Zurich at Blyth. oxo SUPERTEST PETROLEUM LTD. GAS -- OILS GREASES ® FILTERS HOME HEAT SERVICE Agent: Charles E. Eckel Dial 236.4611 — Zurich TENDERS FOR FUEL 011 BLUE WATER REST HOME Zurich, Ontario Tenders for supplying fuel oil for Blue Water Rest Home for the 12 month period of 1968. Sealed tenders to be in to, and information can be ob- tained from the undersigned, by Monday, Decem- ber 11, 1967. LANCE REED, Superintendent, Blue Water Rest Home 4 APPLICATIONS will be received for the position of SECRETARY -TREASURER of }Topsail Community Memorial Park Board and Hensall Recreation Committee Duties to commence on January 1, 1968. Applica- tions to be in writing, and forwarded to the under- signed on or before December 15, 1967. P. L. McN.AUGHTON, Secretary -Treasurer, Hensall, Ontario POLICE REPORT Ontario Provincial Police of the Exeter detachment made two criminal investigations, were called to three accidents in which there were no injuries, laid 22 charges under the High- way Traffic Act, one charge un- der the Liquor Control Act and one under the Criminal Code of Canada, and issued 58 warn ings, THANK YOU! My sincere thanks to the ratepayers of Hay Township for the confidence they showed in electing me as Reeve, on Monday. Special thanks to all those who worked so hard on my behalf. I will try to serve all the ratepayers in Hay Township to the best of my ability, -- Joseph Hoffman FREE FREE — FREE — FREE Tickets on All Purchases of $1.00 or Over on the Following Prizes 1st Prize—Bedroom Lamp, value $7.95 2nd Prize—Kitchen Clock (electric) $6.95 3rd Prize—Set of China Poodles, $6.95 4th Prize—Plush Poodle, $4.75 5th Prize—Plush Poodle, $4.75 Also FREE with every $15.00 or Over Order 1 Ib. Weston Fruit Cake DOERR'S Zurich — Phone 236-4354 See the All -New Frigidaire SUPER -SURGE DISHWASHERS Priced as low as $225 WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL SANTA SAVING SALE GINGERIC: ,s Sales & Service Ltd. Clinton ZURICH Seaforth