HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-12-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR Married at St. Joseph Church I UCHARME—WHITNEY George Leo Ducharme and Elaine May Whitney exchanged marriage vows in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Jos -ph. on Saturday, November 25, at 1:30 p.m. Baskets of yellow and white mums formed the setting for the double -ring ceremony, with Right Rev, Wil- liam Bourdeau officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whitney, RR 2. Crediton, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme, RR 1, Dashwood. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore an original norganza gown fea- turing a scoop neckline and el- bow -length sleeves. The con- trolled semi-full skirt fell from a fitted bodice cinched to a Basque waistline. The extra back fullness of the skirt fell into a chapel train which was outlined by chantilly lace. The entire skirt bottom was also outlined in the same lace with appliques throughout the skirt. A Swiss guipure lace petal head- piece held her silk .illusion shoulder length veil. She car- ried a cascade bouquet of yel- low roses and white miniature carnations with sprigs of ivy. Maid of honor was Miss Peggy Ruggaber wore an empire gown of sassy green crepe featuring :a scoop neckline, lace bodice and be -U-shaped sleeves accent- ed by an elbow bow and match - Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. You ARE WELCOME issmasemessmoffloursissisoksearmumms tulanumwassminstirrow St. Peter's Luther,:;n Church Rey. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNt AY, DECEMBER 10 — 10:00 a.m.—Church Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School. You Are Welcome motaamaimunnmainmensmairseasensums RIVESSAZIGLOttleinraRIDIMAINAIMISal EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. John Huefher, S.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 — 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.—Church School 5 para.—Youth Fellowship Supper and Carolling A friendly welcome awaits you mammoommemasosmetmoisommommou LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister * Elmer Grove SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Worship Service, We invite you to worship with us. ing lace. She carried a cres- cent bouquet of yellow mums and lemon leaves. Bridesmaids were Miss Diane Ducharme, sister of the groom, and Miss Marilyn Whitney. sis- ter of the bride. They were gowned identical to the maid of honor. Groomsmen were Paul Du- charme, brother of the groom, Tony Ducharme and Bruce Whitney. Mark Ruggaber and Theodore Ducharme ushered guests. Wedding music was provided by organist Mrs. Alvin Rau. The wedding dinner was held at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, and a reception at the Dash- wood Community Centre. The bride's mother chose a powder blue tunic dress of me- tallic crepe with black accessor- ies and a corsage of pink Sweet- heart roses. The groom's ,moth- er wore a royal blue satin brocade dress with silver and black accessories and a sorsage of pink Sweetheart roses. For a wedding trip to Mid- land the bride changed to a yellow virgin wool sheath dress with matching black and yellow checked coat, black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses and white miniature carnations. The young rouple will reside at RR 1, Dashwood. Prior to her wedding, Mrs. Ducharme was honored at show- ers given by Miss 'Cynthia Pfaff, Mrs. Helen and Martha Du- charme and Mrs. Donna Wat- son, Mrs. Doris Pfaff and Mrs. Ann Ruggaber and the ladies of the Crediton United Church. 0 HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of Blenheim; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs. Ed Little, who has been a patient for four weeks in South Huron Hospital, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sauter, of Marlette, Mich., were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Be1I. Ronnie Shaver, of Galt, senior men's champion figure skater of Western Ontario, was a guest of the Misses Pauline and Troy- ann Bell over the week -end. sm. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS S.T. JOSEPH and DRYSDALE Alfred Ducharme, Correspondent Sunday visitors .at the home of yours truly and Mrs. Du- charme were from London, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hartman and Bob Hartman in -company with Miss Joan Denomme, also of London; Mrs. Theresa Hartman, of Zurich; from St. Joseph, Mrs. Sarah (=•eoffroi and slaughter Lucille. On Monday last, the Town- ship of Hay election for reeve was held. The day was a sum- mer-like day and farmers who still had crop to harvest did so to save of their corn crop, caus- ing some of them from turning out to vote. Therefore, we be- lieve it was one of the lighted votes casted in years or to the memory of the poll -officials; if for any other reason it is beyound our decision. (Continued from last week) In my last Issue, we com- mented on the November wind storm while on board the City of Collingwood on Georgian Bay, the worst storm reported by the sailors of that day. All on board were seasick except a mate, Prew and Hay. The latter two men when on water followed the examples of their ancestors. When on a ship, they would chip off a tiny bit of the ship's wood and chew it much of the time they were on board. They claimed that avoided seasickness; it proved a reality that day for Prey and Hay. Perhaps the mate also heard of the cure and kept it to himself so that his fellowmen would not brand him as a suspicious character and be laughed at. Any way, only three of over a hundred men stood on their feet during that November storm. Then following in the late afternoon when the storm had abated, the captain ordered all of the seasick Jacks to rise as most of then were still numb from the cold and from their seasickness. Then orders were given also by the captain to clean up the seasickness effect and put all in order. All furni- ture that was tied during the storax was loosened and placed in their original place. Then orders were given to the cook to give to the men some nour- ishment of some kind, which he promptly did along with his cookees, They brought the best of them to bring them back to their natural being. Not too many took part in the nourishment given ,them for they still felt the effect of an upset system. Alter our survival from a long night and part of the fol- lowing day and after we shad partook of the food and liquids, all being young and hearty it was not too long that again we were ourselves. We had then shaken off that walking corpse way, also after cleaning up .our mess on board, we were ablet to be of some service. The captain, who had him- self been seasick during those long hours, he gave us courage and tried to assure us that we would complete our sailing journey without further inter- ference by storm. When all was in order on board the ship, anchor was raised out again, we were on our way to our calling in dif- ferent ports Ieaving baggage and picking some. (To be continued) 0 - Subscription Now Renew Your Rogers Majes STEREO HI -F! 1C Uncommonly fine sound from two 8 -inch duo - cone speakers, 4 -speed automatic changer; cueing switch, dynamically balanced turntable, constant speed, rumble -free motor. FM radio has Automatic Frequency Control for drift - free reception. Sockets for stereo tape re- corder—playback e- corder—playback and record. Solid, acousti- cally engineered cabinet in Swedish Walnut and Swedish Light Walnut. COMPARE OUR PRICES .. . WITH CITY DISCOUNT STORES THEN SHOP AND SAVE AT McADAM'S TV Zurich FOR GUARANTEED SERVICE AND BEST IN QUALITY a THE VILLAGE BEAUTY SHOP GRAND BEND Extends an invitation to attend our OPEN HOUSE MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1967 Demonstration and Showing of HAIR PIECES, FALLS AND WIGS Come and try them on — Special Prices This Day Only SHARON BULLOCK - Dial 238-230'7 DASHVV'OOD and DISTRICT Mr. Harry Roffman attended an Ontario Ambulance Associa- tion meeting at Oakville last week. l -Ir. and Mrs. Kenneth Ilodg• ins and Marikay, ofCentralia, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wil- liam Haugh. Mrs. Cora Geiser has returned home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kretz- man and family at Detroit, Mr. Herb Geiser, of Dearborn, Mich,, is spending some time here and with his brother, Chester, who is a patient in Westminster Hospital, London. Men's Club The Dashwood Men's Club held their dinner meeting on Monday, December 4, with 31 present. Plans were made for Santa's 'annual visit, Saturday, December 16, with treats for the children. Twenty-five dol- lars were donated to CNIB. Corporal G. Mitchell was guest speaker and showed films on safety. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1.5+47 About People You Know .. Russell Fischer, RR 1, Dash- wood, won the November draw of luggage at Oesch Shoe Store. Another draw is to be made at Christmas. Mrs, Marie Pask returned home after spending a week with friends In Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Larry Hartman and family, Robert Hartman and Miss Joanne Denomme, of London, were Sunday visitors with their mother, Mrs. T. Bart man. Larry reported their eight -month-old baby was elow- ly improving in Children's Hos- pital, London. Dial 236-4094, Zurich Service to all MAKES AND MODELS initerosonagraenenotogrevnumscastwasaam NOW IN STOCK BA:R SKATES MEN'S -- BOYS' GIRLS' MODELS Featuring the "Bobby Hull" Line ALL PRICE RANGES Zurich Hardware ASEEMENISMENEMIENEEMEN Maxwell House -10.0z. Jar Instant Coffee _ _ _ $1039 Jell-O—Assorted Flavors—Packages Jelly Powders _ _ _ 3/31c Allen's Vitaminized--48-Ox. Tins Apple Juke 2/65c Duncan Hines—All Flavors—Packages Cake Mixes _ _ _ _ 2/83c 3 Lb. Quick or 44 Oz. Instant—Packages Quaker Oats 49c Aunt Jamima—Buttermilk or Reg. -2 -Lb. Pkg. Pancake Mix 35c Maple Leaf -1' Lbs, Canned Hams _ _ _ $1.65 Fancy -28 -Oz. Tins Sunnyvale Peaches _ _ 45c Maple Leaf—T-Lb. Print Pure Lard 23c Ellmarr-1-Lb. Prints Table Margarine _ 2/59c 1 Lb. Vacuum Pack Tins Kadana Coffee _ _ _ ._ 75c Squirrel Brand -3 -Lb. Jar Peanut Butter _ _ _ _ 99c Club House -6 Oz. Marachino Cherries _ 33c Club House -12 Oz. Marachino Cherries _ 59c Raspberry or Strawberry -2 -Lb. Tin Columbia Pure Jam _ _ 59c Robin Hood -7 -Lb. Bag All -Purpose Flour _ _ 75c Laundry—King Size -30c Off Cheer Detergent _ $1.49 With Free Sprayer—Giant Size Mr. Clean 95c Allen's Assorted -48 -Oz. Tins Fruit Drinks _ _ _ _ 2/69c Mother Parker's -2 -Lb, Package instant Chocolate _ _ 79c King Size -15c Off Ivory Snow $1,69 Centennial—All Flavors -1 Gal. York Ice Cream _ _ _ _ 89c Assorted—Four Kinds -16 -Oz. Jars Heinz Pickles Blue Bonnet -3 -Lb. Carton Margerine Ingersoll -16-0z. Regular Cheese Spread _ _ Ingersoll 341 $i.05 49c Skim Milk FRUIT and VEGETABLES FLORIDA TANGERINES 2 DOZ. 89c IMPORTED LETTUCE, 24s 2 HEADS 49c CELERY, JUMBO SIZE, 24s BUNCH 29c MEAT SPECIALS CHICKEN LOAF -- LB. 49c SMOKED PICNICS _ LB. 49c FRESH LEAN HAMBURGER 1.8. 49c See Oiu' Announcement Elsewhere in This Paper re Christmas Promotion Draw ORDERS TAKEN FOR FRESH TURKEYS for CHRISTMAS (All Weights) DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 --- ZURICH