HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-11-09, Page 1No. 45—FIRST WITH THE LOCAL NEWS ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1967 7 CENTS PER COPY OVER 450 YEARS — These five residents at . Blue Water Rest Home make up a total of over 450 years in their ages, and they all seem to be enjoying life at the Home, which has been oper- ation now for one year. Left to right, are Mrs. Mary Steinbach, John Cochrane, Mrs. Mabel Holmes, David Murray, who will be 101 next month, and Mrs. Christine Anderson. Four of the group are all around the 90 mark. (Citizens News Photo) MORE 90 -YEAR-OLDS — There are at least a dozen residents of Blue Water Rest Home who are around the 90 mark, and this photo shows six more who are enjoying their stay at the Home. Left to right, are Mrs. Emeline Desjardine, Mrs. Elizabeth Carnie, Mrs. Susan Wanless, Mrs. Catherine Far- weIl. Standing are Francis Clark and Mrs. Annie Preston. At the present time the Home is full. NO DULL MOMENTS — There is always something to do for residents at the Blue Water Rest Horne, and these two sisters enjoy many hours making quilt patches. Left is Mrs. Ernma Kipfer and on the right is her sister, Mrs. Sarah Gingerich. (Citizens News, Photo) Hensall Council Approves Plans For Large New Apartment Building The Hensall council met in the chambers Monday night with reeve Mrs. 141. Noakes pre- siding. Other members of the council present were: J. Baker, O. Jaques, J. Lavender, with Mr. Knight absent for the first part of the meeting. Also pres- ent was Earl Campbell, clerk - treasurer, The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting. The prop- erty street commitees had noth- ing to report, Ernie Davis re- ported that work had been done to relieve the water situation on Richmond Street West, with eatch basin put in at Beers; all catch basins have been cleaned; the town tractor had to have some repairs. The pump for pumping of water .holes is in need of new hose in order that it might be in a better working condition. The road to the dump, as well as the dump it- self, were in terrible •condition. The property committee are to look into this matter and deal with it as they see fit, The correspondence was read (Continued on page R) Crop Report Wet and snowy weather con- tinues to hamper outdoor fall work on the farm. Hope .is fad- ing concerning the quality of unharvested white beans. A considerable acreage of grain corn remains to be harv- ested. Most beef cattle are still out on pasture. Zurich Hears Report on Sewage Works The council of the village of Zurich, at their regular monthly meeting last week, 'heard a re- port from the Ontario Resources Commission regarding a sewage system for the village. The re- port advised council that all preliminary engineering h a s been completed, and that soil tests have been taken through- out the village. The OWRC report .also ad- vised council that they hope to be able to call tenders for the project before the end of 1961, with work to commence in 1969. Under the present plans, the OWRC will own the sewage system, and residents of the vil- lage will pay a rental fee for the service. The ,charges for this service would be made along with the regular water billings. Council accepted the tender of Arrow Petroleums, through their local agent, Robert N. Mc- Kinley, for the supply of fuel oil for all the village buildings. The Arrow bid was for 15 cents a gallon, on a guaranteed rate for one full year. Two other tenders were received. The hydro and water commit- tee of the council have accepted the tender of Huron Motor Pro- ducts, Zurich, for the supply of a new truck for the hydro sys- tem, at a price of $2907.75. The local firm's bid was the lowest of three received. Pians call for equipping the new truck with a modern ladder and other equipment needed in the hydro department. Clerk Mrs. E1da Wagner was instructed to apply to the de- partment of highways for a Plan Work Bee at Arena for Tonite Any number of volunteer painters, and four or five men who have a slight knowledge of carpenter work, are needed at the Zurich arena and commun- ity centre tonight (Thursday). Those wishing to paint are asked to bring along a brush, while those interested in a bit of carpenter work are urged to bring along a hammer. Seats are to be built in the -dressing rooms, players benches and penalty box, and if enough men show up for this phase of work tonight the entire job can be completed. For •the painters there is still considerable work to be fin- ished in the auditorium, the rest rooms and the kitchen. The date for the official open- ing is getting closer and the building committee is anxious to complete the unfinished por- tions of the building as soon as possible. Since this could easily be about the last work bee, as many as possible are urged to come out and help. Many Features Being Planned For Big Opening Event at Zurich Arena Project Plans are now almost com- plete for the grand re -opening and dedication of the Zurich Arena and Community Centre, which isscheduled for Friday, December 1. Activities will be- gin at six o'clock with a hot turkey banquet to be served in the •community centre: Only 225 tickets will be sold for this banquet on a first-come, first- served basis. Tickets are now available at Zurich Pro Hard- ware, Bank of Montreal, or Zurich Citizens News, for two dollars each. The evening program in the arena, which can accommodate up to 1400 people, will consist of figure skating display, an ol&timers' hockey game, the official opening ceremonies and an exhibition hockey game. The entire evening will con- clude with a modern dance in the auditorium, with musie sup- plied by Desjardine Orchestra. There will be no advance ticket sale for the activities in the arena or the dance, Committee members are ar- ranging an old-timers' hockey game between the Zurich Fly- ers of the early 1950s, and the Lucan Irish of the same era. Some of the former big names such as Benny Gignac, Marcel Quesnel and Junior Barash have already been contacted, and have indicated their intentions of being present. This will provide fans with an opportun- ity to see their old favorites back in action. Hon. C. S. MaeNaughton, Hur- on MLA, and Robert E. McKin- ley, Huron MP, have both ac- cepted the invitation to be pres- ent to take part in the official ceremonies. T h e committee also hopes to have Syl Apps, former hockey great with the Toronto- Maple Leafs, and a number of present NHL stars, in attendance. Mr. Apps will be the guest speaker for the occasion, if he is able to attend. Special music for the occa- sion will be supplied by the Zurich Centennial Band. The exhibition hockey game will see the local Zurich Flyers, intermediate entry in the WOAA, pitted against the fast, smooth -working Exeter Junior Hawks. This gani.e will be a highlight of the evening. More details will be released as they become available, but in the meantime any persons wanting tickets for the banquet should waste no time in pick- ing them up, partial road subsidy, amounting to $2500. Council learned, with regret, of the plans of road su- perintendent Urban Pfile to re- tire at the end of the year. Members of council praised Mr. Pfile for the fine work he has done over the past years. A successor will be named ie car this year, A building permit was ap- proved for Leo Meidinger, win plans on building a new home an Goshen Street north. More Drain Problems for Hay Council As Another Petition Received Aronday Hay Township council. at their regular meeting on Mon - clay night, accepted a drainage petition from AmieI Fischer, con. 15; Frank Dielman, con. 14; Reinhold Miller, con. 13; Howard Deters, con, 12, and Delmar Miller, con. 15, for a municipal drain. Engineer C. P. Corbett, of Lucan, is being instructed to investigate the drain and bring in a report as soon as possible. Council approved the refund- ing of a $500 deposit from gravel contractor Gordon Heard who has completed his contract on township roads to the satis- faction of the road superinten- dent. In other business the council decided to call tenders for the supply fuel oil . for their muni- cipal offices and the township hall, located in the village of Zurich. All tenders are to be in by November 21. A contract was awarded to Gingerich's Sales and Service Zurich, for the installation of a new oil furnace in the town- ship hall' Price of the con- tract is $930 complete. An account from Ben Tinney was received by council for building a breakwater on the Tinney-Wildfong drain. Amount of the account was $60, but council felt this was too high so they offered Tinney $30 in- stead. The council secured an esti- mate of $1050 from engineer C. P. Corbett, for repairing the outlet in the Eacrett-Elder and Eacrett-Taylor drainage works, presenly under construction. It was agreed that this work should be included if the con- tractor is willing to do it for this amount. Since contractor Ga_ een Heard has completed haedinry crushed stone on concessions 2 and 3 for five and a quar*..er miles north of Highway 33, clerk H. W, Brokenshire was instructed to render an account to the department of highways for 25 per cent of the de sts, up to an amount agreed 3n by them, Next regular meeting of the council will be held on Tues- day, December 5, at 1;30 pan. Ordinarily the council meets on Monday, but if there should be an election in Hay this year it would fall on the Monday, so the meeting was changed to Tuesday. 0 HENSALL Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle, Sr.. of Hensall, celebrated eiteir 64th wedding anniversary _ stn Sunday, and members of .heir family treated them to a fam- ily dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. All but .11:e member of the family ee,ure present for the occasion. Injured in Crash Mrs. Ecl Little is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Ex- eter, with back injuries nf- fered in a one -car accident, when her car left Highe:i::' 4 into the ditch, while reter::ine home from work at Seaf ;•rth Monday evening. She was alone in the car. Weather conditions ns at the time were poor. BIG, BAD WOLF — Who's afraid of the trig, bad wolf? This animal met an untimely death last week when he was hit by a car driven by Joe Minderlein, RR 3, Zurich. on Highway 83 between Dashwood and Exeter. According to Mr. Minder- lein, he saw the wolf on the road and with a slight twist of his wheels he managed to hit it enough to stun the animal. There is a bounty on wolves, and he hopes to collect it.