Zurich Citizens News, 1967-10-26, Page 7THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1967 ZURICH. CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN _ - OF - I YEARS GONE. - BY -, 50 Years Ago OCTOBER, 1917 Wiliiam Lane, the present 4aunly clerk, has been sworn in as a temporary treasurer for the County of Huron. A perm- anent appointment will be made at ttoe December session of county council. Lieutenant-Colonel E. N. Lewis has been recommended for the vacant judgeship in Huron County, A formal an- nouncement is expected to be made any clay regarding an ap- poin^tment for the position. The gasoline engine in the fire hall in Zurich has been ,sold, and the village fathers are purchasing an electric motor to pump the water into the reser- voir, So far this season Charles Fritz has bagged 33 •ducks. He is well-known for his shooting ability, and very seldom any wild life escapes him. Large shipments of onions are being made each week from the railway station in Hensall, and the product is bringing in a fair return on the investment. The new home of F. C. Kalb- Ileiseh in Zurich is rapidly nearing completion, and when finished k will undoubtedly be the finest home in the village. 40 Years Ago OCTOBER, 1927 William Siebert, of Zurich, is the recipient of a fine big deer, shot by his son, Albert (Babe), in the wilds of the province of O ueb€r. The new pump for the deep rock well in Zurich has arrived and has been installed by the local pump expert, Louis Prang. The pump, which has a 12 -inch stroke, lifts the water the 270 feet as if it were only a matter of inches. J. 'W. Skinner has sold his mercantile business in Hensall to W. J. White, of Owen Sound, whca takes possession on No- vember 1. The people of the area are pleased that Mr. and Mrs. Skinner will remain as residents of the village. The monster fowl supper in the Lutheran Church shed in Zurich last Thursday night was most successful, and profits from the venture •amounted to over 700 dollars. Over 1000 people were fed. John Decker, Jr., noted stand- ard bred horseman, has sold three spring colts to Fraser and Shepherd, of Forest, for the handsome sum of $1000. He has also sold another fine young pacer to a gentleman in Palm- erston, for the sum of $1000. 25 Years Ago OCTOBER, 1942 .Elda Reichert and Helen Mil- ler have recently ;accepted posi- tions as operators at the Zurich exchange of the Hay Municipal Telephone System. Two Zurich hunters r:iust be expert marksmen. W a m O'Brien, who is climbing up in seventies, and his son Leroy went out in the country the other day and in a short time they returned home with 19 nice large wild ducks. Arthur Finlayson, school mas- ter al. Blake, had the minsfor- tune to fracture his left wrist while assisting pupils in prac- tice pole vaulting in prepara- tion for the field meet at Zur- ich on Friday. A quiet pretty wedding was solemnized in the Evangelioal parsonage, Zurich, on Saturday, when Grace Irene Ortwein and Clarence William Fahner, of Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McI INLEY Dial 236.4830 -- ZURICH esteotteov*ateestsseetisteenstiossevaciiier Crediton, were united in holy wedlock. A pretty wedding was solem- nized in St. Boniface Church, IZurich, on Saturday, when Re- gina Margaret Miller, of Dash- wood, was united in marriage to Louis Zimmer, also of Dash- wood. Mrs, Mabel Snider has moved her household effects to her new home in Sarnia, 15 Years Ago OCTOBER, 1952 Mrs, Barbara McNab, who has been on the staff of the Bank of Montreal for some time, has resigned her position, and has been replaced by Mrs. Keith Thiel, who has had previous ex- perience in this line of work at Parkhill. Mrs. Florence Joynt has left Hensall for an extended trip to visit her aunt, Mrs. Donald Mc- Leod, of Calgary, She expects to be away for several months. The first snow storm of the year visited this area during the past few days, and to make matters worse the temperature dropped to 20 degrees. The Most Reverend John C. Cody, Bishop of the Diocese of London, confirmed 11 girls, 20 boys and two adults at St. Boni- face Church an. Tuesday night. At St. Peter's Church, St. Jo- seph, he confirmed 20 girls and 22 boys. Samuel Meitner, of Hensall, a brother of Wesley Merner, Zur- ich, who is 90 years of age, is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, where he will undergo surgery, 10 Years Ago OCTOBER, 1957 The new addition to the Zur- ich Public School was officially opened last Friday afternoon, by G. L. Duffin, assistant super- intendent of elementary educa- tion for the province of On- tario. The addition was built at a cost of $40,000. Stanley Township co unci 1 have granted approval to Blue - water Oil Company to run a pipeline from the farm of Elgin Porter to the RCAF station at Clinton, to supply natural gas, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Laidlaw have left on an extended motor trip to visit various members of his family in the western provinces. A contract has been let for grading, rebuilding and paving the stretch of Highway 21 from St. Joseph to Bayfield. Thomas Lavender was ap- pointed motor mechanic of the Hensall fire department, replac- ing John Traquair. He was ap- pointed at the regular meeting of the Hensall •council. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hoffman have moved from their home on the Goshen Line south to the house they recently pur- chased in Zurich from the Ed Beaver estate. They have made considerable changes to the house since purchasing it. I appreciate and thank you for the support which you have given me. Morgan Smith (Huron Liberal Association) THE ERNIE GAME—First of two CBC - National Film Board color film dramas to be seen on OBC -TV's Festival series, this season is The Ernie Game, the story of a youth who wants to play the game of life by his own rules. In this scene from the production, Alexis Kanner and Judith Gault are seen as Ernie and Donna, the girl who befriends him. The setting is present-day Montreal, where the entire movie was shot on location. News of Dashwood District (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) (Intended for last week) Ladies' Aid Fowl Supper Group two of the Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran Church, with Mrs. Charles Martene convenor, was in charge of the annual Ladies' Aid fowl supper for members and their husbands. A sing -song was held and happy birthday was sung to Mrs. Herb Wein. Mrs. Leonard Schenk, presi- dent, conducted the business. A donation was made to the blind. It was decided to don- ate the Christmas collection to the Lutheran Hour. Bunco was played with Bob Hayter and Mrs. Addison Tie- rnan high, and Rev. E. E. Stein- man teinman and Mrs. Harry Hayter low. G.N.O. Club The G.N.O. bridge club eleot- ed the new officers as follows: president, Vera Guenther; vice- president, Elda Koehler; secre- tary, Jean Anne Guenther. W.S.W.S. Meeting The October meeting of the W.S.W.S. of the Evangelical UB Church was held with the spiritual life committee in charge and Mrs Eben Weigand convenor. Theme was "The art of thanksgiving is thanksliv- ing". Mrs. Harold Kellerman, Mrs. Gordon Bender, Mrs. Lloyd Guenther, Mrs. Lloyd Beaver, Mrs. Art Haugh and Mrs. Hugh Boyle all took part. Patricia Bender played an accordion s o l o. Thank -offering boxes were presented. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher, presi- dent, dealt with the business. Reports were heard from com- mittees. Literature was re- ceived from the UC women and the regional meeting of UC women is at Greenway, October 24. There were 27 members and one visitors present. Sixty sick visits were made during September. Mrs. Lloyd Eagle- son asked for clothes to, be left at the church far the Mennonite General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN • PLUMBING • HEATING • • ELECTRICAL WORK • We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete project Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Only $38 Completely Installed Richard Bedard DIAL 236.4679 ZURICH Mission for the Indians. Don- ations were made to CNIB, Chil- dren's Aid, War Nlemorial Hos- pital, Care, Crippled Children's Treatment Centre. The district rally is October 19 at Zurich, with Miss Jean Kellerman guest speaker. Attend Session The concluding adjourned session of the Canada Confer- ence of the Evangelical United Brethren Church was held in Waterloo, October 10-12, with Rev. M. J. James and Donald Gaiser attending from Dash- wood. January 1, 1968, all Evangelical United Brethren churches in Ontario will be a part 0f the United Church in Canada. The Dashwood church will be a part of the Huron Presbytery and of the London Conference. Representatives of the United Church presented insights into the local church presbytery, conference, agencies of the United Church, the home mis- sion program and the overseas mission of the United Church. Dr. E. H. Hallman, superin- tendent of the E.UB Church, will be home mission secretary and will assist the churches in the integration program. A com- munion service concluded the conference. 0 Votes at 99 Some people may have stayed home from the polls last Tues- day because of the rain, but Mrs. Mary Harrison did nott allow the weather to interfere with :her right and obligation to vote. Mrs. Harrison, who lives on the second concession ,of Stan- ley Township with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Beane always gets out on an election day. That really doesn't seem too unusual, ex- cept that Mrs. Harrison will be 99 years old in January! Kippen East W.I. Discuss History The historical research meet- ing of Kippen East WI was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Mac- Lean, on October 18, with co - hostess Mrs, Charles Eyre. The president opened the meeting with a poem, "When grandma made her soap". Roll call was answered by giving the model of your first car. A song, "Grandma end I", and the minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. James Drum- mond, and approved. Business of the meeting dealt with: Achievement Day for 4-H girls will be held in Exeter December 9. Treasurer Mrs. Vern Alderdice reported a new member — Mrs. Hiltz was wel- comed and presented with her pin and handbook. Mrs. Robert Kinsman chaired the meeting for the program. She read a poem, 'When father papered the parlor". Mrs, Wil- liam Kyle gave a splendid" motto prepared by Mrs. Robert Simp- son, "In youth we learn, do age we understand". Mrs. Grant MacLean conducted a centen- nial bingo and also a song, "Throw it out the window". Mrs. James Drummond gave the topic: "Domestic life—past and present". Wedding photos of the members were on display. Mrs. Vern Alderdice gave the history of Prince Edward Island. Mrs. Alex McGregor reported for the next meeting and. Mrs. William Caldwell gave courtesy remarks. A contest was con- ducted by Mrs. William Gibson, and lunch was served by the hostesses and committee, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Alex McGreg- or, Mrs. Grant MacLean, Mrs. June Cooper. McADAM'S TV Dial 236-4094, Zurich Service to all MAKES AND MODELS mss. 1 1 Harvest Time STOCK UP NOW ON Binder Twine We carry the famous "Plymouth Red Top" ARE THE BUGS EATING YOUR GARDEN ? "KING" BUGKILLER will rid you of any unwanted pests! FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS Shop At Stade & Weida Hardware "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" DIAL 236.4921 ZURICH A New Shipment of CENTENNIAL ROSE CUPS & SAUCERS THE MOST MODERN DESIGNS ! Order Your Coad Now FOR THE WINTER SEASON AHEAD ! TIEMAN'S HARDWARE and FURNITURE DASHWOOD 1 • Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish ! ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! NEW MATTRESSES Spring Filled MATTRESSES Priced as low as $19.3 Many makes and styles for you to I choose from ! FLOOR -COVERING Congoleums • Corions • Vinyl Wall -to -Wall Carpet Drop in for a Free Estimate! Westlake Furniture Main Street — Zurich