Zurich Citizens News, 1967-10-26, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS Nl»W$ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 36, 1967 Huron County Council Favours Deer Hunting Season For Three Days Only F .'mere" in Huron will again be ., ie to take a course in far:' management similar to tlt:•„;. ffered in the past three ye:,. :�uliur:tl representative Des:, Miles reports the course with the principles of de - making on the farm as is s t- farm profits. Record This is a repeat of the course given in .January, February and March this year and includes 10 two-hour sessions on selecting, and proper use -of machinery,' safety, manure disposal and ma- terials handling equipment and, methods. Dave Englis, extension assist- ant, will be providing a course kee .::g for the purpose of mak- on crop production forages and ing recisions is included, but c niy :: small portion of the ii ::fere is sufficient interest, two senarate courses will be ,ivt c:,! e, will be held at the Cen- tral,:: Agricultural School from 4:00 p.nm, on Tuesdays, eort :t'neing November 7. The other- will be held at the board roc+:: cif the department of agri- cullt. e in Clinton on Monday afterv".+ons, commencing Novem- ber t, R,:•g,stration for the course is Slf' and farm wives are invited to enroll. Registration should be -mailed by November 1 to C li�i;•t^, The course will be of 20 wet:e"9 duration, one afternoon per week. It a intended to cover the win range of farm manage - me:: and will include princi- ples of farm management as it applies to crops, livestock, fer- tility er- til:y insurance, income tax, parva' budgeting and other allie;i subjects such as ferns fi- nance, record keeping, interpre- tations of records and other maters to help in operating a far The course is designed for those who are farming or in- tend `o farm in the near future or frr any person associated in servicing farm people. Those enrt)iing should be at least 18 years of age. Persons wishing more infor- maticn should contact the de- partment of agriculture office in Clinton. Twc other special courses are bei -*:g offered this winter far persons who have already com- pleted the 20 -week management course in past years. Bert Moggaeh, agricultural engineer for Huron and Perth, Wiii be providing a course on machinery and equipment. mammalians - mammalians -Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 — 9.455 a.m.—Worstip Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU ARE WELCOME! at® EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL. tJn'fed Brethren Church Rey. John Huether, B.A., B.D. Minister. Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 — ,lvlinety-third Anniversary 10:00 a.m.—Morning Service. 11:15 a,m,--Church Rrhnnl ;,,m.—Evening Service. Guest Minister ?i: . C. B. Heckendorn Rodney, Ontario Thursday, November 2 — 8 p,::? —W-S.W.S. Meeting. Rev. L. Stairs, Brantford, ;eaker. Slides and talk leprosy mission. =MX' IrMIZINISSIIIMMIE2L ION it too is 10 sessions covering seed sources and breeding pro- grams, rates and methods of seeding, seed treatment, drain- age, weed control, insect and disease control, proper use of pesticides and harvesting and storing. Both courses January. Free Course A final course on soils is be- ing given by Don Pullen, asso- ciate agricultural representa- tive, and it will be two sessions of two hours each. Dates for these meeting are December 20 and 21, January 17 and 18, February 7 and 8. Anyone interested may apply for this course, the purpose of which is to have the applicant thoroughly understand how to make his own recommendations based on the analysis of soil sample report using standard analysis of mixed fertilizers and/or material that he can most economically buy from his favorite dealer. Mr. Pullen explained the •de- partment hopes to have farmers trained in making their own recommendations for fertilizers so this work will not have to be •carried on by the extension staff. There is no fee for this course and any two of the aforemen- tioned consecutive days consti- tutes a full course. 0 commence in Pillow Talkers The Pillow Talkers had their fifth meeting on October 21, at 2:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, Zurich. The girls opened with the 4-H pledge. Sally Dietrich read •the minutes and then elected Donna Schilbe for next secretary. The group discussed plans for the skit they are to do on Achievement Day. They worked on their pillows and dresser scarves the rest 'of the time. Next meeting will be held at the Township Hall at 4:00 p.m, on October 26. a�wra St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 — 10:00 a.m.—Church Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School. You Are Welcome Imemmimemmm LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister — Elmer Grove” SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 — 10 a.m.—Sunda, School 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8 p.m.—Worship Service. We invite you to worship with us.! a1111.11111111MEMImezr HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES Paid on 1 to 5 years minimum $100 L- 4 T H E ONTARIO LOA N AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL 8e" RESERVE $8,750,000 ^^ Yes. I am interested In your attractive rates of interest offered 00 debentures. Please tell me more about this system of saving. 0 Enclosed is my cheque for @ for a year debenture. Mr,,'Mrs,/Miss Actress Tel, . I I Complete end mall this coupon to: i ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 1 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London Ont. Or call: 432-4158 I 525 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633-0950 I 453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or call: 639-2051 i,i5R I Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Goshen Women 'planning Supper The Goshen United Church Women met at the church on Thursday night, October 19. Mrs. Bob McKinley opened the meeting. The first three verses of hymn 577 were sung, and 'prayer was given by Mrs, Bob McKinley. Psalm 372 was read respon- sively. A short story on "Giv- ing Thanks" was read by Mrs. Bob McKinley, with prayer by Mrs. Roy McBride. Hymn 19 was sung, A panel discussion was held on "The Church Moves and Lives". The panel was taken by Mrs. Howard Armstrong, Mrs. Keith McBride, Mrs, Arn- old Keys and Mrs. Roy McBride. Mrs. Bob McKinley was com- mentator, Business was conduoted by 14irs, Russell .Errata. Minutes were read and approved. ,An invitation to join with Varna UCW on November 9 was ac- cepted. Delegates appointed to go to the regional meeting at Monterief were Mrs, John Rob- inson and Mrs. Doug Robinson. Mrs. Roy McBride read a let- ter frotn the Johnstons in Bo- livia. The annual turkey sup- per is to be held November 2. Mrs. John Robinson's group served lunch. 0 About People You Know .. Mrs. E, Eickmeier has re- turned home after 'spending a week visiting with relatives in Stratford 'and Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Elton Schnell, of Detroit, spent the past week visiting friends and relatives in Bayfield and Zurich. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF HAY TELEPHONE SYSTEM IN DASHWOOD and ZURICFI EXCHANGES The trouble which existed in calls between these two ex- exchanes has now been cleared up, and it is no longer neces- sary to dial OPERATOR to call from the one exchange to the other. Dashwood subscribers can again reach Zurich by Dialing 236— and Zurich subscribers can reach Dashwood by Dialing 237- and the number they want, 'w :tier!. rot" +,. -' IttiNEMENSI WHICH YOUNGSTER DID YOU SEE FIRST? There are two Hallowe'en "trick -or -treaters" in the above photo but the little WHITE rabbit is much more easy for a motorist to spot in his headlights than the BLACK witch. Drivers are advised to be particularly alert for• excited little pedestrians on October 31. And here are some Hallowe'en traffic safety tips for parents, too. YOUR youngsters will be easier to see ... and safer ... in light colors. Dark costumes can be made more visible by dec- orative bands of light-colored or reflective material. And make sure your "trick -or -treaters" follow the pedestrian traffic safety rules keep out from between parked cars . . cross the road only at intersections, look in all directions before starting across and walk, don't run, while crossing . where there are no sidewalks, walk on the left, facing on -coming traffic.—(Ontario Department of Transport photo) Huron UCW Hold Hensall Meeting Huron Presbyterial United Church Women held workshops in Hensall and Blyth on Mon- day and Tuesday, October 2 and 3, on the theme, "A More Vital UCW". These were led by Miss Marjorie Smith, field worker for the Board of Women of the United Church. Features of the day's pro- gram were: the introduction of new study books, "Panorama of the Bible" and" Japan Profiles"; and Bible study session on the meaning of "Covenant", and discusssion groups on "Social Issues of Today". Mrs. W. B. Cruickshank, of Wingham, president of London conference UCW, brought greet- ings from the conference. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, member of the conference finance committee, explained the new system of self-determination, which is to replace the allocation system in 1968; and showed a film -strip entitled, "Bread, Laughter and Dignity", which portrays the outreach of the church's work in many parts of the world. A similar short workshop was held Monday evening in Ontario Street Church, Clinton, for the ladies who could not attend either of the day -time sessions. 0 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Ramblers, C. Deichert 540 5 24 V'ieties, H, F'kbeiner 534 2 16 Hi Hopes, E. Grainger 511 5 12 H'keyes, C. Geiger ___ 541 2 21 S. Wins, D. Geiger __ 530 7 9 Wh'rwills, M. Rau __ 433 0 2 H. single: Claire Geiger __ 284 H. triple: Claire Geiger __ 693 i SINGLE KING SIZE TV Tables Only $i.27 Sylvania LIGHT BULBS 40, 60 or 100 Watts 4 For 83c CHINA 20 -PIECE ,40111111 Starter Sets Only $3.$8 Zurich ardware • ...YOU CA, t-' AF Clark's Fancy -48 Oz. Tomato Juice _ _ _ 2/59c York—% Gallons—Reg. $1.15 Centennial Ice Cream 79c All Flavors—Quarts Plus Deposit Wishing Wel! Pop _ 6/99c 2 -Lb. Tin Beehive Syrup _ _ _ _ 39c McNair's-2-Lb. Package Australian Raisins _ _ 59c 3c Off Label—Giant .Size Ajax Cleanser _ _ _ 2/59c White Swan—Large Size Facial Tissue _ _ _ _ 2/49c Puss'N'Boots—A11 Kinds -15 Oz. Cat Food 2/35c 25 -Lb. Bag Purina Chow _ _ _ _ $3.75 All Kinds -8 Oz. Pablum Baby Cereal _ 31 c Chase & Sanborn -6 Oz. Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 99c 8 -Oz. Jar Club House Olives _ _ 45c All Flavors—Packages Royal Puddings _ _ 2/33c Mitchell's -48-0z. Tins Apple Juice 3/$1 Clark's -14 Oz. Pork and Beans _ _ 2/45c Minnette-19-0z. Tins Choice Tomatoes _ 2/45c Aylmer—l0.0z. Tins omato Soup _ _ _ 4/49c Saico Fancy -7.0z. Tin Solid White Tuna _ _ _ 47c Maple Leaf -8 Oz. Cheese Slices _ _ _ 2/77c 1 -Lb. Box Christie's Sodas _ _ _ 39c Planter's -16-0z. Jar Peanut Butter _ _ _ _ 49c Top Crop -1 -Lb. Bags Popping Corn _ _ _ 2 %31c Pink or White -6 -Oz. Tins Frozen Lemonade _ 3J47c White or Brown—Regular Loaves Lewis Bread _ _ _ .394/85r Prem -12 -Oz. Tins Luncheon Meat _ _ 2/95c Kadana-2-Lb, Tin Vac. Pack Regular $1.69 SPECIAL Ground Coffee _ _ $'i ,49 FRUIT and VEGETABLES ONTARIO CAULIFLOWER, JUMBO SIZE _ _ 23c BRADFORD CELERY, 24s _ _ _ _ 2 BUNCHES 45c INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT, 48s _ _ 5 FOR 49c MEAT SPECIALS SMOKED PICNICS LB. 49c MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF LB. 49c COLEMAN'S COOKED HAM LB. 99c VACUUM PACKED COLEMAN'S WIENERS _ - _ _ - _ LB. PKG. 55c EPICURE RIMLESS SIDE BACON _ _ .. _ _ LB. PKG. 79c COUNTRY STYLE OR CHUBS BY THE PIECE COLEMAN'S SUMMER SAUSAGE _ _ _ _ LB. 89c FALL DRY CLEANING SPECIAL Pants or Sacks — 59c Pair DOERR'S DIAL 296.4354 --- ZURICH