HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-10-26, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS qiewtetee lr MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Editor Miss Sylvia Henderson, To- ronto., spent the week -end with her. mother, Mrs, John Hender- son, and family.. Sam Oesch is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, where he underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and Allan spent the week -end at Niagara Falls. Ohiselhurst UCW are spon- soring a bazaar and tea in the Chiselhurst United Church, on Friday, October 27, from 3 to 5 p.m. The overseas bale packed an - Wedding MOIR—WALL A lovely autumn wedding took place in Teeswater United Church, when Beverley Jean Wall, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall, Holyrood and Harry Moir, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, Hensall, ex- changed marriage vows before the Rev. Mr. Dawning in a dou- ble ring ceremony. Mrs. Kay Smith, Teeswater, was organist and, soloist was Miss Janet Whitehead, Teeswater, cousin of the bride. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a formal wedding gown of peau de s•aie with lace trim and long lily- point sleeves. Her train, trim- med with lace, fell softly from her shoulders. Her vail was of nylon tulle, caught by a head- piece of crown jewels. She carried a cascade of yellow rose buds and green ivy. Miss Jean Doupe, of London, was maid of honor. She wore moss green peau de sole with matching headpiece. The brides- maids, Misses Eida and Doris Wall, London; Miss Lois Wall, sisters of the bride, were gowned identical to the maid of honor. Flower girl, Miss Linda Wall, sister of the bride, wore white peau de sole with green sash and bow, with matching headpiece. She car- ried a basket of yellow and bronze mums. Bruce Moir, Hensall, was his brother's groomsman. Robert Moir, Hensall, brother of the groom, and Robert Wall, Holy - rood, brother of the bride, ush- ered guests. For the reception in the c h u r oh parlors the bride's mother received in .a gold two- piece ensemble of •crimp knit, brown accessories and corsage of yellow mums. The groom's mother wore ,a burgundy crepe dress with lace tram, matching hat, and corsage of white mums. For travelling the bride chose a three-piece suit, beige and brown with matching accessor- ies and corrsage •of yellow mums. nually by the United Church Women will be packed the last week of October. Good clean wearable clothing can be left in the foyer of the Christian education building. Flowers in the United Church sanctuary Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mrs. Leola P. Cross, who passed away Oc- tober 19, 1966, placed there by her daughter, Mrs, Donald Rob- inson. 0— Legion Auxiliary Entertain Zone Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary entertained six Legion branches: Exeter, Clinton, Sea - forth, Goderich and Blyth, to a zone card party attended by 40. Winners for euchre were: Mrs. Harold Thiel, Zurich; Mrs. Grant Bisback, Hensall; 500, Mrs. Marion Frayne, Exeter; Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, Goderich; bridge, Mrs. Eva Scribbins, Clinton; Mrs. Isabel Kneeshaw, Goderich. Door prize draw was won by Mrs. Clarence Reid, ticket drawn by Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, of Goderich, zone commander. The Legion Halls was attrac- tively decorated in Hallowe'en motif, and the artists were Mrs, William Smale and Mrs. Clar- ence Reid, sports officers, who convened the party. 0 Premium Discount On Crop Insurance The Crop Insurance Commis- sion of Ontario announced last week the introduction of a "no claims discount" on winter wheat contracts issued by the commission. Farmers who were insured for winter wheat during the 1966-67 crop year and who did not make a claim on the crop will be allowed a ten per cent discount on their premium for the current year. R. D. Blackburn, general man- ager of the commission, stated' that it was the intention of the commission to develop :a graded "no claim discount" which will become a permanent feature of the plan applicable to all insur- able crops. The commission stated that since the crop insurance con- tract is a continuous one, the principle of a discount is being established to encourage insured persons to maintain the con- tinuity of their insurance. In addition, the discount is ex- pected xpected to encourage efficient farmers to avail themselves of the insurance program. 1 2915000 $509100011° 0 oa DOWN GETS YOU Buy a. Bond at Bank of Montreal Canada Savings Bonds 1967/68 Series Buy yours now for cash or by instalments.. Only 5% down — balance in easy payments over a year. Now available at all branches. Bank of Montreal Canada's First Bank ue�t Amber Rebekahs Cater to Banquet Regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Octo- ber 18 with noble grand Mrs. John Corbett presiding. Word was received of the visit of the assembly president in Novem- ber, for which a special meeting will be held November 22, when Seaforth Lodge will be special guests. Plans were finalized for the banquet held Friday at the Arena to honor the Grand Mas- ter of the Assembly of Ontario and other distinguished guests, attended by 200. Guest soloist at the banquet wis Miss Linda Elligson, Don- ald Gornell, Clinton, student at Clinton High School, was pre- sented with his United Nations award pin. Mrs. Beatrice Hess, of Zurich, was accompanist for a sing- song. 0 Hensall Guides Assist Residents In Odd Jobs Last Saturday afternoon a band of girls in blue and brown uniforms, G i r 1 Guides and Brownies, descended on 66 homes of Hensall residents to perform a "good turn". Although they found only half of these people home or ready with a job, they cheer- fully washed windows, swept sdiewalks, raked leaves and ran errands to a total of 40 tasks. Favorable comments by those helped indicate that the girls did their work well. Good Turn Day was a Centennial project of Brownies, Guides and Rang- ers across Canada. Incidenally, the girls report that doing a free good turn is very different since many well- meaning people tried to impress a reward on them. PAGE THREE NOTICE One Carload of Steer Calves will be arriving in Hensall ina few days. Any boy or girl, under the age of 21, in the townships of Hay. Hibbert, Tuckersmith, Usborne, Stanley and Stephen, wishing to feed calves for the Hensall South Huron. Agricultural Society, kindly contact any one of the following directors as soon as possible: WILLIAM COLEMAN, Dial 262-5031 JIM McGREGOR, Dial 262-5156 JACK KINSMAN, Dial 262.5472 VICTOR HARGREAVES, Dial 482-7511 JACK MORRISSEY, Dial 234-6200 WAITING FOR CAROLINE — Starring in her first Canadian film, Montreal's Alexandra Stewart, star of many European movies, plays the title role in Waiting for Caroline, a National Film Board -CBC co -production to be telecast on CBC -TV's Festival series Wednesday, November 29. The 90 - minute color film was shot in Quebec City, Vancouver and Montreal, and ate story concerns :a romantic triangle involv- ing a French-Canadian actor and a childhood friend from Caroline's hometown. Have you found the answer to planned financial security? Call: The Mutual Life of Canada REPRESENTATIVE: G. R. Godbolt, CLU, Phone 235-2740 Collect, Corner Sanders and Edwards Streets, EXETER, ONTARIO. P. L. McNAUGHTON, Secretary, Dial 262-2118, Hensall SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY! FOR Beautiful Pre -Finished LIGHT MAHOGANY V-Groved PANEL 4 x 8 Sheets ONLY BOARD $4.93 Suitable for Recreation Room, Family Room — in fact, any room where a deluxe panelled wall is desired. Zurich Wood Products LIMITED Dial 236-4374 — Zurich 11111111.1116 fir" Yy f IT o, FRESH HA. SPARE�RI (OOKEDH JPOTROAST SIRLOIN STEAK Ib ib. Ib. : c Ib. 55c Ib. 98c FROZEN FOODS riamaimmamminamonomismosym BERRYLAND — 15 -OZ. PKGS. Strawberries OR Raspherries 1 2 For 79c PRODUCE FEATURE No. 1—GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS IOc Ib Clark's— 19 -Oz. Tins Beans in Chili Sauce _ 4 89c Humpty Dumpty — (Regularly 69c) Potato Chips 49c Puss'N'Boots—Fish, Chicken or Liver -15-0z. Tins Cat Food 5/89c 2 Lbs, in Plastic Container Mnitrch Margerine - - - 59c Bere's — 12 -Oz. Bags Peanuts in Shell _ _ _ _ 3/$1 Cookies—Chocolate, Oatmeal, Ginger -2 -Lb. Bags McCormick's Snaps _ _ ._ 59c 5 -Lb. Quick Cooking or 72.Oz. Instant Quaker Oatmeal 69c Stokely— 144)z. Tins Kidney Beans 4/69c: Deal Pack -64 Oz. Fleecy Fabric Softener _ 69c For Hot Dogs or Hamburgers-8s—Packages Super Save Rolls _ _ _ 4/89c