HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-10-05, Page 4PAi ..E POUR BLUE WATER REST INCOME NEWS and VIEWS By Lance J. Reed, Superintendent ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 167 this past week we of Zurich; Mrs. Susie Snider, of Dashwood, and Mrs. Mabel Holness, of London. ate ,apy to welcome the fol. - residents of our llome a:z A 1 ,incerely hope that they joy and happiness hey.==, , :h us: Mrs. Emma Kipfer al: !dirs. Sarah Gingerich. both senasseesseameeseszesameeme LA&EVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8 par.—Worship Service. We invite you to worship with us.! iEMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. John Huether, B.A., B.D. Minister him. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — 10 a m.—Thanksgiving Service. 11 a.m.—Sunday Church School October 10. 12 — Ac ourned Session •of Con- ference, Waterloo. October 13.15 — Yoath Convention at Wallace sRN& Zurich Mennonite Ephiriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — 9:45 a.m—WorsTiip Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU ARE WELCOME! St. Peter's Lutheran Church Ren. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 — 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. You Are Welcome ilintillenenateralleleenemeaseeneeeermistormi Gaining AH Women HEAR Mirs. John R. Pierce PHILADELPHIA, PA. Gifted speaker and highly re - garde associate •of the Myron Aug',bur ger Crusade Team. Ontario Street Baptist Church, Stratford N bfe Street Entrance) Tuesday, October 10 8 P.M. illefellialleteaSeaellantintieeralleorniterMeranie A sincere thank you to How-, and Johnston for his gift of garden fresh acid -free toma- toes. * . x This week we had the pleas- ure of celebrating an annivers- ary for a happily married cou- ple. now living in our Home. This was the first anniversary celebration since aur Horne opened and at the same time a noteworthy one for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker, who lived in Granton prior to their corn- ing to the Home. It was Mr. and Mrs, Baker's diamond wed- ding anniversary. On Monday last (which was the celebrated day) the residents, staff, friends of residents and the relations and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Baker gathered in one of our sitting rooms for an afternoon tea, Congratulations to both Mr. and Mrs. Baker and may VARNA NEWS Mr. Cecil Oke, of London, called on friends here on Sun- day last. The sympathy of this com- munity goes out to the family of the late Ernest McClinchey in their recent bereavement. Representatives of the local Orange Lodge attended the zone rally at Listowel on Friday eve- ning last. 0 Obituary JACQUELINE MEIDINGER Jacqueline Meidinger, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meidinger, Zurich, passed away on Sunday, October 1, at Sun- beam Home, Waterloo. She was two years old. Besides her parents she is survived by one brother, Doug- las; three sisters, Janet, Mari- lyn and Wendy; also grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mei- dinger and Mr. Albert Badour. Mass of the Holy Angels was sung at St. Bonifac Church, Zurich, •on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m., with interment in the adjoining cemetery. Father N. A. Page officiated. Pallbearers were Peter Re- gier, Aubrey Bedard, David Stark and Dennis Regier, CONRAD GREBEL LECTURE SERIES AT Blake Mennonite CHURCH Sunday, October 8 — 11:00 a.m.—The Authority of the Bible. 8:00 p.m.—Our Christ -Centred Bible. Monday, October 9 — 10:00 a.m.—Praise and Thank - offering Service. 10:45 a.m.—The Bible in Our Tongue. 8:00 p.m.—The Interpretation of the Bible. Guest Speaker: PROF. J. C. WENGER Goshen College Biblical Seminary HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES Paid on 5 year debentures of $5,000 or more 6Y40A paid on 1 to 5 years minimum 5100. 16 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750,000 Yes. I am Interested In your attractive rates of interest offered an debentures. CI Please tell me more about this system of saving, t"J inclosed is my cheque for t for a year debenture. Mr./Mrs./Miss Address • 'Tel, I Complete end mail this coupon to; ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London Ont, Or call: 432-4158 525 Talbot. Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633-0950 463 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont, Or call: 539-2051 k-ts Number: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Your Desserts Deserve the Best I Have Plenty of WHIPPING CREAM PUMPKIN P!E JUNIOR CHAMPION — Aubrey Bedard, centre, won the junior • golf championship this year at Bayview Golf Course, and was presented with the trophies last Saturday when the members were treated at the club house. Left is Bill Graham and on the right is Archie Wright, co -man- agers of the popular golf course, as they present the trophies to Aubrey. they enjoy many more years of happiness together. *,� If any persons in the area will have any extra pumpkins we would appreciate receiving some to help with our Hallo- we'en party coming up, and with decorations for fall. * * 4, It was two years ago that the building fund collection cam- paign got underway and at that time many people were very kind in supporting this either through a donation at that time or through pledges. Upon look- ing over the pledge cards I notice that many will be com- ing due in the next month or two. The kind co-operation of the pledge holders in honoring their pledges as they fall due would be greatly appreciated by the board of the Home. At the same time it is noted that there are some who have fallen behind. Upon receipt of any payments in the office, of- ficial receipts will be mailed out immediately. Your contin- ued support and interest in the Home will be appreciated. Institute Meet (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Bradnock showed slides of the conference and of her visit to Ottawa. Lunch was served. The afternoon session began at 1:30 with "0 Canada" and a fashion parade of authentic costumes of yesteryear. Miss Sharon Carroll, home economist, reported 110 more girls in club work than in the previous club and presented the scholarship to Miss Nancy Strang who is at present attending Macdonald Institute in Guelph. Mrs. Strang accepted for her daughter. Dashwood conducted a sing- song and Mrs. Molitor, Credi- ton, gave a reading. The highlight of the day was a historical skit by the Elim - vale Branch. Mrs. William Routely was commentator and displayed baby clothes of long ago, and the ladies modelled the beautiful dresses from the 1800s up to a wedding dress •of a few weeks ago. Mrs. Johns, in the oldest wedding dress, Made by Rebmflec, these Custom Made ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS are ElectroPile Sealed They offer twice as much weather stripping as ordinary storms. An exclusive lock on top sack eliminates rattles and enables r e m o va 1 of screens during winter if desired. Newly designed screens give added rigidity. Conklin's will measure your windows and give you a free, no - obligation estimate. Installed if you wish. ALL SIZES? PRICED FROM NO MONEY DOWN EXETER, 235.1422 GRAND BEND, 238.2374 read a poen on centennial dress. Mrs. W. Colcough, Clinton, gave courtesy remarks, and East Huron issued an invitation for next year's rally The meeting closed with the singing of God Save the Queen, and afternoon tea was served by the hostess branch. .r On Hand for the HOLIDAY WEEK -END NO MILK DELIVERY ON THANKSGIVING DAY! Make Sure You Stock Up on Saturday! Hurondale Dairy HENSALL — DIAL 262-2712 for your traditional Green Giant -12 Oz. Niblets ...our traditional love prices Stuart House -18 -in. Wide Foil Wrap Nescafe -6 Oz. -14c Off Instant Coffee Yum Yum-32.Oz. Jar 4c Off Bick's Pickles _ Stokely's-28 Oz. Fancy Pumpkin Lemon, Pineapple -Lemon, Je11-0 Pie Fill Mother Jackson -4c Off Pie Crust Mix _ Ellmarr-1-Lb. Prints Margarine _ _ _ Hostess -12 -Oz. Package Potato Chips Aylmer -48 Oz. Tomato Juice _ 2/43c 57c _ 45c - - 2/45c Lemon -Lime -4 Oz _ _ 2/35c - - 2/59c 65c _ _ 2/69c Ocean Spray—Whole or Jellied -14 Oz. Cranberry Sauce _ 2/49c Q.T.> —15 Oz. Fruit Salad 3'1c Treesweet-48 Oz. Orange Juice 45c Van Camp -19 Oz. Beans with Pork _ 2%49c Christie's—1-Lb. Box Premium Sodas _ _ _ 41c Vegetable or Tomato -10 Oz. Aylmer Soup _ _ _ 2/27c Ellmarr Pure -16 Oz. Peanut Butter _ _ _ _ 39c 100c—Package Kadona Tea Bags _ _ 69c Instant, 72 Oz. or Quick, 5 -Lb. Bag Robin Hood Oats __a _ 78cInstant, 32 Oz. or Quick, 36 -Oz. Bag Robin Hood Oats _ _9_ 43c Sudden Beauty—Regular $1.39 Hair Spray _ _ Special 1 Weston's Fresh—Regular 65c Mince Pies_ _ Special 49 Clark's -10-0z. Tins Tomato Soup _ _ _ _ 8/$1 FRUIT and VEGETABLES LOCAL CABBAGE LB. 7c LOCAL WAXED TURNIPS - _ _ LB. 7c LETTUCE, JUMBO 18s _ _ _ _ - _ 2 HEADS 45c SUNKIST ORANGES, 138s DOZ. 55c MEAT SPECIALS FRESH TURKEYS, 8-18 LBS. LB. 49 MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF _ _ _ _ LB. 49c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL LB. 69c FRESH LEAN HAMBURGER LB. 49c DOERR'S DIAL. 236-4354 -- ZURICH 04' a, 4'4 1,4