Zurich Citizens News, 1967-09-28, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1967.ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 'Piet/tQaPk d64 Miss Ann Mickle left last Friday for London where she will enter her second year at the University of Western On- tario. She spent the last two weeks holidaying with her par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs, Ross McNichol is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Eric Kennedy is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- Kippen Sleeping Beauties Meet The second meeting of the Kippen Sleeping Beauties was held at .the Legion Ball, Hen- sall, which opened with the 4-H pledge. The roll call, `The color I am using in my bed- room", was answered by 13 girls. Minutes were read by Patsy Parker, and Marianne Roberts was nominated secretary for the next meeting. Barb Gem- mel was nominated press re- porter. The girls decided to have orange covers for their record books. They elected Diane Mc- Kay, Marilyn Durst and Ann Klein Haar to plan the exhibits for Achievement Day and Don- na Whitehouse to commentate. Club leaders showed them how to make a mitred corner and Italian hemstitching. Next meeting is to be held at the Legion Hall, Hensall. Hensall Guides Hold Activities MRS. MAUDE HEDDHN, Editor don, where she will undergo eye surgery, She was admitted to the hospital Monday of this week. Church Activities Chiselhurst United Church observed anniversary services Sunday afternoon •at 2:30 p.m. and had as their guest minister Rev. Currie Winlaw, of Strat- ford, and former minister of the church. The choir, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton of Hensall, .and under the direction of Mrs. Al- fred Ross, sang "A Song and a Prayer". The Lakeview Quar- tette of Zurich, composed of Irwin Martin, Stuart Steckle, John Geiger and Ralph Ginger- ich, contributed several num- bers. A large congregation at- tended the service. Harvest Service St. Paul's Anglican Church, decorated with fruit, flowers and corn, was the setting Sun- day evening for their annual harvest services, with the rec- tor, Rev. H. A. Seegmiller, de- livering a splendid discourse in keeping with the occasion. The choir, under the direction of Mrs. F. Forrest, sang an an- them. At Hensall Unted Church on Sunday morning, Rev. Harold F. Currie occupied his own pul- pit delivering a fine discourse, "Has the Lord Anything to Say?". The choir rendered a number with Mrs. John Turk- heim at the organ consol. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed Sunday, October 1, at 11 a.m. Kippen E. Women's Institute Conduct Floral Competition at Meeting The regular meeting of Kip- euchre, October 10; appoint - pen East WI was held in the Legion Hall, Hensall, Wednes- day night, with Mrs. Ken McKay and Mrs. Alex McGregor as hostesses. President Mrs. Grant MacLean read a poem on the theme, "Flowers", and the Le- gion Hall was ablaze with color as the ladies competed in a floral competition. Miss Carroll, home economist of Clinton, :and Mrs. Adam Hiltz, of Kippen, judged the displays. Mrs. Grant MacLean was the winner, "Walk in the Country". Mrs. Alex McGregor's "Church Basket" was best. Mrs. William J. F. Bell's treasures from Grandma's House in antique container, and Mrs. Robert Bell's arrangement in a teapot got the judges' nod of approval. The meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes were read by the sec- retary, Mrs. James Drummond, and approved. The ladies dem- onstrated a good exercise to answer the roll call. Guides and Brownies of Hen- sall. taking advantage of the good weather, have begun their fall activities in the out-of-doors. Brownies, under the guidance of Brown Owl Mrs. Anita Cook and Tawn Owls Mrs. Pat Ven- ner and Mrs. Phyllis Jackson, worked on athlete badge. On Tuesday evening the Guides ate their suppers in the community park and did a good turn by sweeping and tidying the new pavilion. On Saturday they again enjoyed an out -door supper at Camp Glen Mac, after working very hard removing brush which had been cut earlier. This year, for the first time in its 20 -year history, the Hen- sall Guide Company is to have three former Guiders share the work. Mrs. Jean Turner, Hen- sall's first Gold Cord Guide, as captain, will be assisted by lieu- tenants Mrs. Eudora Caldwell and Mrs. Gladys McGregor. October 14 has been reserved across Ontario as Centennial Good Turn Day. Guides, Brown- ies and Rangers will that day be carrying out good turn pro- jects en masse. ment of Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs. John Sinclair to the training school in Clinton, Oc- tober 17, 18; appointment of Mrs. William Bell to Huron County rally in Crediton, Oc- tober 2; voted 25 dollars to the sunshine convenor, Mrs. Wil- liam Kyle. Mrs. Alex McGregor thanked Miss Carroll and Mrs. Vern Alderdice gave courtesy re- marks. Lunch was served by the hostesses and the commit- tee of Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. Vern Alder - dice and Mrs. John Sinclair. Mrs. Grant MacLean showed beautiful slides of the Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C. Mrs. Douglas McGregor gave an ex - cep ti on al .account of Nova Scotian history. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot read `Be a Friend", by Edgar Guest. Mrs. Cecil Pullman commented on the motto: "There's a wealth of beauty in a pack of Seeds". Report from historical re- search was given by Mrs. Wil- liam Gibson; citizenship and education, Mrs. John McGreg- or; home economics and health, Mrs. William Kyle; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Joyce Cooper; treasurer's re- port, Mrs. Vern Alderdice. Business of the meeting in- cluded: acceptance of an invi- tation to Seaforth to a •dessert McADAM'S TV Dial 236-4094, Zurich Service to all MAKES AND MODELS PAGE THREE HIGHEST DEBENTURE RATES „. IV '1:544.4.. �,='p •tin'�lwaY.1:•: `.. GOLF CHAMPION — John McCluskey, of De- troit, won the O'Keefe invitational tournament at Bayview Golf Course last week, with a score of 69. He is shown here, on the left, being presented with the trophy by Jim Lyttle, of the sponsoring company. Stocker Feeder Sale HENSALL SALES BARN SATUR AY, OCTOBER 7 AT 1 P.I. 8 Consisting of Calves,. Heifers and Steers FOR CONSIGNMENTS — CONTACT The Management Jack Morrissey 482-7511 2344200 HECTOR MeNEIL, Auctioneer Paid on 5 year debentures of $5,000 or more 6%s%; paid on 1 to 5 years minimum 4100. 0 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1.870 ASSETS OVER 580,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE 58,750,000 Yes. 1 am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. 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Seed Wheat FOR SALE And Available on Contract co MILLING CO, LTD, DIAL 262.2605 — HENSALL �� ID lb. 67c Smoked E Whole or Half Cottage Rolis Ib. .5c Cubed Steaks Ib. 98c Schneider's — 1Lb. Package WIENERS - - Ib. 49c Macaroni and Cheese or Chicken Loaf Meat -By -Products - - Ib. 49c - - Ib. 35c Beef or Pork LIVER - FROZEN FOODS mgaimmenamimmaimemor Morton's — 8 Oz. POT PIES CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY 4 For 89c PRODUCE FEATURE samismassismsoszimain Ontario No. 1 Potatoes ineemaimismensersmensemmeneratemoncens 25 -Lb. Bag 69c Van Camp -19-0z. Tins Bears with Pork _ _ _ 4/89c Wonder Food -16 -Oz. Packages Marshmallows 3/$1 Stokely Pumpkin _ _ _ 3/49c Salado Tea Bags 79c 14 -Oz. Tins 60s 12 -Oz. Packages Peanuts in the Shell _ _ 3/1 By the Carton—All Popular Brands Cigarettes, 200s - - - $3m:69 Delsey Toilet Tissues, 8 rolls _ _ ._ $1 Royal -3 -Oz. Packages Instant Puddings - - . 5/79c Roll -on -1 Oz. Ban Deodorant 69c 24.Oz. Apple or Raisin Super Save Pies _ _ _ _ 3/$1