HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-08-31, Page 2PAGE TWO .10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Camotefrd The Hippie The latest thorn in the establish- ment's side is the hippie, the newest type of non -conformist, character- ized by long hair, eccentric clothing, guitars and songs and extreme leth- argy. Unfortunately, many hippies also use LSD and other drugs in order to facilitate their sought-after esu ane into what they call a mystic, spiritual world — one far removed from the traditional western, prob- lem -solving, goal -oriented society. Hippies who are "in the know" say the key ethical element in their movement is love, certainly most laudable! They also preach honesty, joy and non-violence. Great! But unfortunately again—non work, too. Aye, there's another rub. While freedom of the individual is of para- mount value, responsibility must ac- company it. Hippies in some large cities have become a burden on "square" citizens. Their drugs put them in hospitals ; they must be cared for ; society must also practise love —it must restore the health of the hippies. Because the hippies refuse to be a part of the making -and -spending, MN Scene get-up-and-go society of today is no no reason to condemn them. But when their apathy hurts others, they must be dealt with. \'That is most disturbing is not so much their rejection of virtually every aspect of today's ;society, but their failure—even refusal—to sug- gest any alternative. Unlike rebels of the past, hippies have no urge to reform the world. Their code seems to be a purely apathetic one — even though •they preach love and broth- erhood of man. If old standards are to be torn down — and perhaps some of them should be — they must be replaced by better ones. And the hippies and other members of the "New Moral- ty" do not seem to have any altern- atives at all. The hippies: a threat to society's well-being? A fad, soon to be re- placed by another? A result of un- der -disciplined youth? Over -discip- lined youth? At any rate, one of the phenomena of the 60s — and one that should be thought about, if nothing else. — (Stratford Beacon - Herald) Store Indentification Would Help Merchants who are always striving to improve the service rendered to customers and at the same time gain new business, should harken to the need for a small improvement to the fronts of their places of business as suggested by a visitor here recently. It was noted by the visiting shop- per that very few stores here had the name of the store posted at eye - level where it could be seen by a person walking along the street in front of it. This means that a shop- per has to look up in an awkward fashion at the signs atop the first storey of the building in order to identify a place of business. In many larger centres it is found that the majority of the stores have a small sign in each display window, or a sign painted on the glass of the window or the front door naming the place. This makes it not only more convenient for the person who is not so familiar with the commun- ity, but is especially useful for strangers who may be calling in the town. Shopping habits a n d shoppers change every day, and only by in- stituting small conveniences of this nature can the service offered on the local scene be improved. Surely this is a worthwhile and inexpensive sug- gestion for all local stores who are lacking signs of this eye -level nature. Why not? Why not let each and every shopper know whose store they are passing. Advertise it as a con- venience to them — and a booster for yourself. — (St. Marys Journal - Argus) It's How You Say It "No Trespassing", "Keep Out". Familiar signs, and ones that will be seen by many as they travel the by- ways this summer. It is a well- known one to sportsmen whose fav- orite fishing spot or golf course is • adjacent to or on some private prop- erty. These cold, terse statements serve the purpose of making the property owners' attitudes clear. They also invite the contrary -minded to delib- erately disregard the rights of the individuals concerned. Recently two signs near a golf course with the same intent but phrased in distinctly different terms, made the reader stop and think. In one instance the sign read "Private Property". The other stated as fol- lows: `For your convenience an open- ing has been left in the hedge in order that you might retrieve your golf balls. Please extend us the courtesy of using this opening rather than destroying the hedge. Your re- spect for our property makes this courtesy for you possible." Any person reading these two signs would be struck by the thoughtful- ness of the one and respond to it by care and attention when walking on private property. The other by its blunt no-nonsense approach, does not invite any feeling other than frus- tration. There is a feeling engendered by the attitude of co-operation. It wouldn't hurt to use it more often. —(New Hamburg Independent) How Come I'm Tired? Diel you ever complete a hard day's work, ancl, feeling very exasperated, have dragged yourself over to your favorite easy chair, flopped clown in it, and then asked yourself, "How come I'm so darned tired?" Next time this happens to you, perhap this following little incident might give you a bit of "food for thought". The Ontario Medical Review re- ports that during a heat wave a lady kept showing up at the doctor's of- fice asking plaintively, "Why am x so tired, doctor?" Finally the doctor gave her this answer: "You've had a busy day, madam. Your heart beat 103,389 times, your blood travelled 168 mil- lion miles, you breathed 23,040 times, you inhaled 438 cubic feet of air, ate 3.25 pounds of food, drank 2.9 pints of liquid, perspired 1.43 pints, gave off 85.6 degrees of heat, generated 450 tons of energy, spoke 4,900 words, moved 85 major muscles, grew .000046 inches of finger nails and .01714 inches of hair, and exercised seven million brain cells. Lady, no wonder you're tired." THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1967. From My Window Summer time television in Canada, at least, is perhaps the saddest excuse for entertain- ment that 1 can imagine. It seems to me that the television stations—especially the CBC— send everyone on a two-month vacation and leave a stack of filmed reruns to play and play and play for the audience. I suppose the reasoning be- hind this trend to rebroadcast everything from Madam Benoit's carrot souffle to Matt Dillon's shoot-out with the CalicoKid is 0 belief that the television viewers take a hot -weather holi- day from Boob Tube looking. And while it may be abso- lutely correct that most Cana- dians are on vacation some time throughout the summer and that some watch less tele- vision then than at any other season of the year, I wouldn't wonder if there are more folks like me who enjoy television just as much in July as in Jan- uary—and have more time in the summer to relax with a favorite TV program. By Shirley Keller I haven't seen it, chances are they don't look at much tele- vision even in the peak peering months. And since the public pays for their television entertainment— either directly or indirectly — surely we have a right to de- mand more than repeats of a show which was too bad to last more than one season, or a third or fourth helping of a program which was good but grows stale after five years. Just a thought. With Canadian talent moving south of the border to work, why not begin a campaign to provide these youngsters with. jobs during vacation and home viewers with a brand new schedule of programs next summer? The other night, for instance, I pulled on a comfortable robe, made a pot of tea and headed for my own soft chair by the television. Happened that I was tuning in at the middle of the program, but that didn't matter. I soon realized I'd seen the show and even though it was half over, I could follow along nicely. 0 Television News The grapevine (Liberals who don't want their names men- tioned) has told us that the channel 3 affair is over. Jack Pickersgill will not sign the piece of paper that would make it legal for Snelgrove and his associates to move the Barrie TV tower closer to Toronto. It's a sure bet that the cabi- net has discussed this whole business, and they realize that it would be political suicide if they did • anything to interfere with the reception of the two Buffalo channels in the Toron- to area. So, if our information is cor- rect and the tower move will not take place, there 'is no rea- son for Dennis Braithwaite, the Globe and Mail TV columnist, and Geoff Stirling, of channel 3, to get into a debate. As it stands now, the big de- bate (which could only end in disaster for Stirling and Snel- grove) is scheduled for Septem- ber 19 at 10 p.m. on "The Public Eye". So, let's end this affair. It was all a mistake. Snelgrove should never have applied to move his tower closer to Toron- to. The BBC should never have sanctioned it. And the cabinet could have spent time on im- portant issues instead of the pros and cons of moving a TV tower. The people won, I hope. I told myself the next half hour would be better. After all, that show had been a popu- lar offering and I really didn't mind seeing it again. It was something like reading a book from back to front, but I wasn't complaining. Everything can't please everybody all of the time, I thought. After the commercials (which incidently seem to be the most timely bits on the picture con- traption) I was elated to note the familiar theme of the Bob Hope Theatre. One of my favorite people, Bob Hope' -can always be de- pended upon for topnotch view- ing. Just two minutes into the performance and I knew the plot from last winter when I was surprised to learn the sec- retary was the murderer. My kids tell me the daytime shows are re -runs, too. This I can understand, because day- time viewers are probably dras- tically cut by swim lessons, golf, sun bathing, shopping, visiting, appointments, chores, strolling and similar activities that go on in a normal household. Come evening, though, when all the spendable dollars are gone after vacation; when the kids are in bed and the phone is silent; when the drapes are drawn and the evening is cool, I'll take bets that a large per- centage of the Canadian popu- lation is at home with their feet up in front of their idiot boxes waiting in vain to be en- tertained. Advertisers should know that most viewers are intelligent enough to remember a program they have seen before. If they Zurich 'ma News PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS LIMITED, ZURICH HERB TURKHEIM, Publisher J E. HUNT, Plant Superintendent Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in. cash. Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Member; Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Member; Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives ;Subscription Rates: $3.00 per year in advance, in Canada; $4.00 in United States rind and Foreign; single copies 7 cents. vs FOR ENJOYMENT IN EATING 01. Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dinin, room. We offer a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. 1 Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish ! ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF QUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel s • Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH 4 For the first time in months Nielsens in the U.S. conducted a survey when specials were absent from network schedules. Here are the top 10; 1, Bon- anza; 2, Gomer Pyle; 3, Andy Griffith; 4, The Saint; 5, Gun - smoke; 6, Lawrence Welk; 7 Green Acres; 8, Family Affair 9, Tuesday Night At the Movies 10, Beverly Hillbillies. It's interesting to note that The Saint placed fourth. The Saint has played in Canada, but is new for U.S. viewers. We hear that those in charge of the show in England are seriously considering making a new series. General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK • • We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take caro of your complete project Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows Only $35 STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Completely Installed Richard Bedard DIAL 236.4679 ZURICH 1 BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE (1/2 Mile South of St. Joseph) GREEN FEES Monday to Friday (ALL SEASON) $1.50 Week -ends to June 1 AND AFTER OCTOBER 1 $1.50 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JUNE AND SEPTEMBER $2.00 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JULY AND AUGUST $2.50 MEMBERSHIPS Men, Full Season $35 Ladies, Full Season $25 Students, 16 to 20 Years $20 $15 Juniors, up to 16 Years Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRISTS J. E. Lo n gstaff OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday a.m., Thursday evening CLINTON OFFICE 10 Issac Street 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday Call either office for appointment. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9-12 A.M. — 1:30-6 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday Phone 235.2433 Exeter ACCOUNTANTS Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH P.O. Box 478 Dial 5249521 HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES J. W. JLABERER Authorized Representative 61/2% for 3, 4 and 5 Years 5°/.t% for 2 Years 51/2% for 1 Year Minimum $100 DIAL 236-4346 — ZURICH FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE DIAL 236-4364 — ZURICH AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DIAL 237-3592 DASHWOOD INSURANCE For Safet y... EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurance — Cali BERT KLOPP Dial 2364988 -- ZURICH Representing CO.OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION J. W. Haberer Insurance Agency "All Kinds of Insurance" DIAL 236.4391 ZURICH