HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-08-03, Page 6PAGE SIX 50 Years Ago AUGUST, 1917 lambert Klopp, who is study- ing for the ministry at a col- lege in the eastern United States. is a summer visitor at his home in Zurich. Henry Gellman will open a garage next week in the imple- ment shop of F. Hess. He will spe•alize in repairs to all makes of autos and tires, This will be appreciated by the many automobile owners in the com- munity. A. T. Douglas, of the town line, Stanley Township, has sold his fine 100 -acre farm to Her- man Walters, for the fine sum of $7.000. Mr. Waiters, in turn, has sold his property on the 14th concession to Charles Fritz. The congregation o£ Carmel Church in Hensall have extend- ed a call to Rev. l rcConneIl, of Torc^to. 40 Years Ago AUGUST, 1927 Dr. H. Cowen and Ward Fritz were on a fishing hike to the, Georgian Bay area r?..(tring last week, and report good catches. The neW 'oil engine at the fio'a mil/- in Zurich is now al- most d'".,mpletely hooked up and The capacity, the efficiency to lead todays big combines. It takes big capacity, brute strength to feed today's BIG combines. Innes fills the bill. Built Rugged to work acre after acre, season after season. Built Big to pick up two windrows at once, to use the full capacity of your combine. Built with the efficiency needed to get all the crop you raise. Long RubberSet Fingers are Indi- vidually replaceable. Large diam- eter rotor ... Windrow HoldDowns . RotorRods ... Heavier con- struction . . dual 1'slingers sealed and self-afigning ball bear- com- bine to gIVe you are the most all for your money you'll find any- where. Five big models from seven to fourteen feet fit most popular combines. ME SAYINGS ON STANDARD MODEL Similar in design but smaller and with all steel spring fingers. 4 models up to 84" ... with savings up to 45%, See Your Dealer or Write for Literature, aistribbted by H. L. TURNER (ONTARIO) LTD. Blenheim, Ontario MINE 5' 8ETTENDORF, IOWA 82722 -OF- YEARS GONE ready to run, It is Indeed a fine piece of machinery. Norman Fleischauer met with an unfortunate accident the other day while plowing. In some manner he was thrown aver the front of the plow, but luckily he was not seriously injured. Thomas Sherritt, who has re- cently sold his dairy business to Archie Rowcliffe, is going extensively into the mushroom growing, and at present is pre- paring a number of beds. 25 Years Ago AUGUST, 1942 Moses Erb has recently pur- chased from Mrs. Mabel Snider her fine brick residence on Louisa Street, and will get pos- session early this fall. Gus Denomme has just re- cently returned from Windsor and is back at work again at Eckel's Bakery in Zurich. Mrs. Milton Oesch and little daughter, Donna, have returned home after spending some time at the home •of the former's math?„, at Desboro, and •other "relatives in the same area, Kippen hall was recently crowded to capacity for a re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, a recent bridal couple, 15 Years Ago AUGUST, 1952 Ross Johnston, Gideon Koeh- ler, Len Prang and Charles Thiel enjoyed a fishing trip to Midland over the past week- end and came home with a very fine catch of lake trout. Bruce Eickmeier has recently completed his fourth year in the Faculty of Dentistry, at the University of Toronto, having obtained a class standing of seventh in a class of 71 stu- dents. The annual reunion of the McArthur clan was held Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing, in Exeter. A peculiar accident happened to Sid Baker, •of Dashwood. While cutting wheat he lost his ring of keys, and could not find them. Later while dumping the wheat into one of the elevators at Hensall, the keys came slid- ing down the shute. 10 Years Ago AUGUST, 1957 Early Wednesday morning fire started in one of the ele- vators at E. L. Mickle & Son in Hensall. Hensall, Zurich and Exeter fire brigades were soon on the job and in no time they had the fire under control. R. H, Middleton, who has been a druggist in Hensall for the past 18 years, has disposed of his business to Trevor Wil- son, of London. The farmers in the area are well on with their grain harv- est, and the •crops to date are quite good. But the prices of grain today are very poor, com- pared to the prices of many of the cereals they are used for, Harvest Time STOC UP NOW ON inder Twine We carry the famous "Plymouth Red Top” ARE THE BUGS EATING YOUR GARDEN? "KING" BUG KILLER Will rid you of any unwanted pests! FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN AND FARM NEEDS Shop At Stade :'je do Hardware "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" DIAL 236.4921 — ZURICH inerementaximegeetemeameseemeersenoccoionamozwe ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS TOWNSHIP of HAY The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. Gentlemen: I have audited the accounts and records of the Township of Hay for the year ended December 31, 1966, and have prepared therefrom the statements listed in the index accompanying this report. Operations The Operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $5,101,26, cont. pared with a surplus of $3,512.24 for 1965. Presented herewith is a condensed statement of comparative rev- enue and expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1966, 1965 and 1964. REVENUE Taxation $235,011.23 $191,681.80 $158,358.84 Debenture debt recoverable 54,223,03 33,597,71 31,357.50 Subsidies — Dominion of Canada Province of Ontario Other municipalities Licences and permits Interest and tax penalties Other revenue Miscellaneous Surplus from prior years to reduce levy Provision for deferred income Year Ended December 31 1966 1965 1964 EXPENDITURE 2,002.00 63,945.06 56,109.35 61,259.23 220.40 102.81 1,758.45 1,413,00 1,548.50 1,802.06 2,195.13 3,044.48 3,559.57 1,617.36 2,341.69 1,482.85 222,45 114.60 3,500.00 12,000,00 35,000.00 135.37 74.23 3,398.88 $367,640.02 $299,013.84 $296,923.72 General government $ 14,718.26 $ 13,048.62 Protection to persons and property_ 3,054.57 2,156.73 Public works 97,374.37 89,489.71 Sanitation and waste removal 115.00 140,99 Social. welfare 2,621.60 1,168.76 Education 108,584.23 82,842.35 Recreation and community service7,732,69 1,597.99 Debt charges 68,977.39 43,727.61 Capital expenditure out of current revenue County rates 55,899.62 49,232.69 Police village rates 3,230.25 3,057.00 Taxes refunded and written off 230.87 39.15 Provision for reserve fund 9,000.00 Surplus (deficit) for year $ 13,543.20 3,738.24 79,667.09 166.00 674.50 71,482.30 1,556.38 36,252.83 10,188.76 43,925.39 2,976.75 157.11 35,000.00 $362,538.76 $295,501.60 $299,329.15 $ 5,101.26 $ 3,512.24 $ (2,405.43) The operations of the other Boards and Conunissions were as follows: The Public School Board of the Township School Area of Hay surplus $14,032.06 C.R..C.S.S, Hay and Stanley surplus 7,288.36 Hay Municipal Telephone System surplus 8,362.30 Auditor's Opinion I report that in my opinion (1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1966, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. A. M. HARPER, License Number 3244. Date of filing: July 12, 1967. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1961 AUDI.TCIR'S REPORT Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet ' '. December 31, 1966 ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due from School Ratepayers (for Debentures) Public andContinuation $265,742.45 Collegiate and High 53,836.10 Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (for Debentures) Telephone System Debentures Assumed by Other Municipalities Accouche) nasuRelece tivable (Schedule 17) Other Tangible Assets Due from Hay Township School Area Less: Proceeds of debenture payable 100,00 0.00 LIABILITIES $ 51,505.32 319,578,55 461,000.00 141,001.50 197,665.61 12, 984.65 $1,183,735,63 Drainage (other than general) $ 99,433.40 Schools--Pubiie and Continuation 335,000,00 Public Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises Telephone System 461,000,00 Total 895,433.40 Debentures Assumed from Other Municipalities (Schedule 2) 125,580.05 Temporary Loans 93,000.00 Due to Other Funds 18,216.86 Investment in Capital Assets 51,505.32 $1,183,735.63 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1966 ASSETS Cash in Bank $ 20,275.91 Accounts Receivable Sundry $ 347.20 Agreements: Drains 13,788.75 Total 14,135.95 Province of Ontario 23,670.98 Other Municipalities 30.66 School Boards 60.99 Other Funds: Capital funds 18,216.86 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) 25,264.75 Property Acquired for Taxes (Schedule 6) 2,118.12 Deferred Charges43.06 Total Assets LIABILITIES $103.817.28 Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) $ -4,000.00 Accounts Payable 3,867.76 Debentures and Coupons Due --interest 11,818.14 Other Municipalities 84.20 Ausable River Conservation Authority 1,206.79 School Boards 263.23 Deferred Credit: County grant for road building 8,816.95 Reserves (Schedule 8) 44,000.00 Surplus (Form C) 29,760.21 Total Liabilities and Surplus $103,817.28 Revenue Fund Surplus Account Balance at January 1, 1966 Surplus included in Current Budget___ Surplus for the year (Form D) Totals of Debit and Credit columns _.. $3,500.00 Balance of Surplus at December 31, 1966 (Form B) December 31, 1966 Debit $3,500.00 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure For the year Ended December 31, 1966 REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Sched, 3) Long,Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) Contributions Grants and Subsidies Governments: Canada— Ontario— Welfare Assistance Highway Improvement Payments in lieu of municipal taxes Unconditional Per Capita Grants __ Centennial Warble Fly Other Municipalities Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. _____ Other Revenues— Rents, Concessions and Franchises __.. 1,062.99 Fines _ 44.93 Service Charges _.__.. 2,451.65 Miscellaneous— Tender deposit cheque forfeited __ _ , 1,305.00 Recovery of taxes written off ____ 162.93 Provision for deferred revenue -.135.37 14.92 $ 2,070.65 53,209.45 273.04 6,206.20 2,002.00 183.72 Actual Budget $235,011.23 $234,312.00 54,223.03 54,223.00 2,002.00 2,002.00 63,945.06 74,522.00 220.40 200.00 1,758,45 1,600.00 1,802.06 4,900.00 3,559.57 2,020.00 Gross Total Revenue _ Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy _ - _ 3,500.00 3,500.00 $367,640.02 $377,279.00 1,618.22 364,140.02 373,779.00 Total Revenue Section —__. EXPENDITURE Credit Balance $28,158.95 5,101.26 $33,260.21 $24,653.95 $29,760,21 Acttal Budget General Government Executive and Legislative Administrative $ 2,551.64 Other 7,460.53 Protection to Persons and Property Fire 1,560.00 Law Enforcement 48.00 Street Lighting 11710 Protective Inspection 74.25 / Warble •Fly 436.89 Ausable River Authority 818.33 4,706.09 $ 14,718,26 $ 1.5,900.00 Public Works— Roads, Highways and Streets, etc.___ Sanitation and Waste Removal Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Welfare Assistance 2,62]..60 Education, .including debt charges (Schedule 9) Recreation and Community Services___ Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Sched. 11)__ 101,359,47 Less own share of school debt charges 34,091,30 2Short-term interest and other charges 61,70 Taxes written off Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates ___..__... 55,899,62 Police Village Rates _._ 3,230.25 Gross Total Expenditure _— Surplus for the Year ______-.__._.,._w__.. Total Expenditure Sectian .,_._ 3,054.57 4,159.00 97,374.37 110,000.00 115.00 140.00 2,621.60 1,800,00 108,534,23 108,164.00 7,732.69 6,300.00 68,977.39 71,768,00 230.78 120,00 59,129.87 58,928.00 362,538.46 377,270.00 5,101.26 $367, O,p2 $877'""