HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-08-03, Page 2PAGE TWO Hazards of Farming Farmers have been complaining a great deal about the cost -price squeeze and the hazard.; of farming in a day of many uncertainties. Many of the hazards they talk of are unavoidable. Weather conditions, marketing controls resulting from supply and demand and many other similar hazards. The fact of the matter is that many farmers have either gone broke or changed their occupation because of the hazards over which they have no control. We have never heard of a farmer dying of starvation in Canada, even though some have had some pretty hard times. But there are other hazards over which the farmers have much control if they desire to exer- cise such control. These hazards have killed hundreds of Canadian farmers annually. You've guessed it! July 23 to 29 is farm safety week. More than 50 farmers are killed every year in Canada in tractor ac- icdents. Many, if not all of these, could have been avoided if more care had ben taken. Out of 281 fatalities due to machinery in Canada in 1965, 136 occurred on farms. These are the kind of hazards that take life, and often add to the financial burdens already piled up due to other hazards. Roll bars are becoming more com- mon on tractors but only a very small percentage are used yet. Far too many children, too young and too weak to cope with powerful and fast moving modern machinery, are being allowed to operate them creating death traps for all concerned. But danger lurks around every corner. Cattle, horses, ill -kept farm buildings, make -shift ladders and stools in house and barn, worn-out tools and dozens of other factors con- tribute to the accidents and injuries received on farms which can be termed the hazards of farming. The National Safety League of Canada urges farmers particularly to pay dose attention to farm haz- ards during this coming week and try to creat the habit of reducing the number of farm hazards by be- coming safety conscious at all times. Do it NOW before it's too late and you become a casualty. (Nanton (Alta.) News) Mr. Gordon Has a Rival Canada's famed 01' Foot -in -the - Mouth politician, Hon. Walter Gor- don, had better look to his laurels. Another Torontonian, Ralph Cowan, MP, is striving to replace Mr. Gordon as leader of the muddled thinkers among the Liberal party. Mr. Cowan has been bellowing for some time for increased postal rates for weekly papers. No we know why. He says the McConnel interests in Montreal and the Sifton interests in Winnipeg are making too much money, and they already are rich. To heck with them, Mr. Cowan says. They shouldn't -be subsidized by low postal rates for their farm magazines. So Mr. Cawon, with the typical broad outlook of a Torontonian which encompasses a horizon extending to the Toronto city limits, wants to pen- alize several millions of Canadians who read weekly newspapers because the McConnells and the Siftons have too much money. It would be well if Mr. Cowan knew a little more about Canada, and the fact that there are several hundreds of weekly newspapers in Canada pub- lished by people who are somewhat less affluent than the McConnels and the Siftons. It would be well if Mr. Cowan knew that most readers of rural news- ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS papers do not receive the high sal- aries and high wages of those resid- ing within periscope sight of Mr. Cowan; and the inescapable fact that if postal rates are raised the news- papers will be forced to increase sub- scription rates and, as in everything else, the consumer will pay the addi- tional charges. It would be well if Mr. Cowan knew that when weekly newspaper publish- ers announce their increased sub- scription—if they are forced to do this — the newspapers undoubtedly will explain to their readers that the increased cost has been forced upon them by the government. It would be well if Mr. Cowan knew that the Liberal party fared very badly in the rural areas of Canada in the last election ; and largely be- cause 01' Foot -in -the -Mouth No. 1 didn't know anything about the peo- ple of rural Canada. Now we have 01' Foot -in -the -Mouth No. 2 trying to louse up the Liberal party's chances in the next election by advocating increased expenditures by most rural residents simply be- cause Mr. Cowan doesn't like the Mc - Connells and the Siftons, who don't happen to live in Toronto. — (The Sussex (N.B.) Kings County Record) Will Higher Rates Bring Better Service? If there is such a deficit caused by the servicing of second-class mail, that huge sum must include not only newspapers, but the floods of public- ity handouts that end up in waste- paper baskets and the "special sale" broadsides that pile up on post office courriers with almost every mailing. No editor asks for, or wants, these promotion pieces and a study of their sources might unveil the fact at least half of them are the "brainchilds" of government public relations peo- ple. Much of that deficit in the post office department may be merely a book-keeping entry involving the franking privileges of politicians and government bureaus. We doubt that the handling of newspapers is costing the public treasury $30,000,00 a year in postal charges. If the loss is anywhere near that figure the postmaster -gen- eral should long ago have increased the rates, if only in the cause of efficiency of operation. This newspaper would gladly pay a higher postal rate if it could be assured more efficient delivery of its paper to the subscribers served from the big cities. On the local scene we have no quarrel, except perhaps that deliveries might be better pro- grammed to some centres. Our area postmasters and route men are con- scientiously getting the paper to its subscribers. The same cannot be said for the deliveries out of our large cities. There the service can be much worse than second-class as subscrib- Froin My Window Today finds me bone-weary, dog-tired, out -on -my -feet. From the .instant niy hus- band's violent bellow wafted across the bed to encourage me to rise up and meet my house- wifely obligations, I knew this day would be that rare mix- ture of snarls, yawns and keep - awake -pinches which always ends in a horrible quarrel with somebody near and dear—usu- ally my husband, Just how I got so tired is really nobody's business but my own, but because I've nothing else upon which to expound this week, I'll relate my tale which women will recognize as ordinary devoted sacrificiaallnd liv- ing normal for every wife mother. I guess it really began a cou- ple of weeks ago when our youngest child was sick. The poor little guy was thoroughly miserable and his only desire was to be held, rocked and loved. Besides getting nause- ated in a swaying rocker, my husband complained that fa- thers were useless when it came to soothing fevered brows — especially those brows which are fevered between midnight and 5:30 in the morning. By Shirley Keller garble faithfully know theory about picnics. As as I'm concerned, picnic are "fun" times for dad and the kids and "run" times for mom. r my far ers wait from four to seven days for delivery of their paper. There the approach of mail sorters and post of- fice officialdom seems to be "The papers be damned". And their flow, especially if they are weekly news- papers, is damned most efficiently. They seem to be eventually sent on their way only when the spirit of service stirs the postal people, or when there is nothing else to do. We don't claim our newspaper is first-rate, but in our decades of pub- lishing and printing we have tried to give service. We are not satisfied with any thing that can be called. second-class; and that includes the mail delivery of our paper. We'll be glad to pay more if Postmaster -Gen- eral Cote will guarantee that our readers in Guelph or Gatineau will receive their copies in a reasonable time. The postmaster -general is to be commended if he plans to show a surplus on operations while running a trim ship. If his postal delivery men in the cities are to be ordered to sort and deliver all the news of Glengarry as soon as it reaches them, we at this end will be happy to meet the higher charges. If we are to continue to be thought of as no more readable than a government brochure or a throw -away we will have to find consolation in the fact Ottawa con- siders us just some more trash to be delivered when there is room for gar- bage, at garbage rates.—(The Glen- garry (Ont.) News) PRINTED. BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS , ZURICH HERB TURKHEIM„ Publisher J E. HUNT, Plant Superintendent Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Member: Ontario Weekly Newspapers Asseciation Member: Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives Subscription Ra tes: $3.00and pee year i aadvae Copies,in nce ',$4.0O in United States and reig 1 1 1511 No magic wand packs the lunch. No good fairy does the setting up chores at the picnic site. And no mysterious nose twitching will clean up the mess afterwards. It's always mom who gets the kick in the pants with the family feeling smug because they've gotten mom out of her kitchen for at least one meal. And still the law allows the marriage ceremony to pledge women to obedience! Now, for several nights in a row, my gallant provider has been working late. I'in grate- ful. The kids are grateful. The grocer's grateful. But that's not enough. Someone has to stay up to throw some bread into the toaster or pour hot water on the instant coffee. The same man who is an im- pervious giant at work all day is a demanding weakling in the privacy of his home. I really don't object to trudg- ing wearily between our bed- room and the nursery for five nights in a row. What did irri- tate me was the regular early - morning call to duty which never varied more than five minutes in either direction of 7 a.m. And they say women are the weaker sex! The week -end arrived with a picnic supper on the agenda. Those of you who read this This morning, the baby is well. There is really nothing to prevent me from resting in bed until '7:30 or 8 o'clock—except my husband's mid-Victorian no- tion that he has a wife to find his socks for hien and wave goodbye to him. I know my husband feels sure he has me on the ropes. Boy, has he a wrong number. As soon as he's out the door it's to the typewriter for me. I may not ever win on the home front, but at least I'll have the satisfaction of nagging through this column. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1967 Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish. ! ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236.4371 -- ZURICH /10 ANNOUNCING Centralia School of Agriculture and Home Economics A new technical school at Centralia, similar to those presently in operation in Ridgetown and Kemptville, will commence training sessions in September, 1967. The two-year courses provided will lead to diplomas in Agriculture or Home Economics. Living accommodations on campus. Applicants with Grade XII standing or equiva- lent are invited to contact the Director, Centralia School of Agriculture and Home Economics, Centralia, Ontario. ONTARIO PROVINCE OF OPPORTUNITY General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN • PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WORK • • We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete prolect Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows Only $35 SIZE DOORS Completely Installed STANDARD STOCK � Richard Bedard DIAL 236-4679 ZURICH 41,41,440, 1 BAYVIEW 1 GOLF COURSE (1/2 Mile South of St. Joseph) GREEN FEES Monday to Friday (ALL SEASON) $1.50 Week -ends to June 1 AND AFTER OCTOBER 1 $1.50 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JUNE AND SEPTEMBER $2.00 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JULY AND AUGUST $2.50 MEMBERSHIPS Men, Full Season $35 Ladies, Full Season $Z5 Students, 16 to 20 Years $20 $15 Juniors, up to 16 Years Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRISTS J. E. Longstaff OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday a.m., Thursday evening CLINTON OFFICE 10 Issac Street 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday Call either office for appointment. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9-12 A.M. — 1:30-6 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday Phone 235.2433 Exeter ACCOUNTANTS Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH P.O. Box 478 Dial 5249521 HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES J. W. ITABERER Authorized Representative 61/2% for 3, 4 and 5 Years 53/i% for 2 Years 52% for 1 Year Minimum $100 DIAL 236-4346 --- ZURICH FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE DIAL 236-4364 — ZURICEI -.-.-- AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DIAL 237-3592 DASHWOOD INSURANCE For Safety .. EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurance -- CaII BERT KLOPP Dial 2364988 -- ZURICH Representing COOPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION J. W. Haberer Insurance Agency "All Kinds of Insurance" DIAL 236.4391 ZURICH