HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-07-06, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NES PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS— ; 2c a word; Minimum 50. (GASH DISCOUNTS— ! 1/3 off if paid by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. PREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE ---- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday Cards of Thanks Many thanks to all who re- membered me in any way dur- ing any stay in South Huron Hospital and since returning ;home. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Westlake ambulance service, nurses and staff at South Huron, Rev. Boyne, WMS and Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church and Hensall WL—Mrs. S. McQueen. 27,p FOR SALE LEGHORN Roosters, 3 to 4 lbs. Apply to McKinley Farin & Hatchery. Phone 262-2837. ONE GOOD Used Ghel forage rack -with endless apron; one Allis Chalmers pull type com- bine. Curtis Gingerich, phone 236-4875. 26,7,b LADIES, see our full line of white shoes, summer casuals and sandals. Men: Hydro, Sis- :man and Greb work shoes, fine 'oxfords in widths, and casuals. Oesch Shoe Store, 236-4602. RASPBERRIES—Pick your own at Stan Gingerich's farm. For appointment call Gus Soudant, 236-4178 or Mrs. Harold Soper at 236-4963. 27,8,p SWEET CHERRIES FOR SALE We have a beautiful crop of large cherries. Pick your own or buy ready picked. Com- mencing July 10. Montmorency or sour cherries are scarce and later this year. AUSABLE ORCHARDS LTD. Lorne B. Teeple ARKONA 828-3645 Closed Sundays 27,8,b FLOWERS — arrangements for .all occasions: weddings, hos- pitals, funerals, anniversaries, etc. Also tropical potted plants end potting soil. Nete's Flow- ers, Nete Oesch, Zurich. dial 236-4602. 20,b Property for Sale HENSALL — 3 bedroom, two- storey brick home; wall to wall carpet; modern kitchen; full basement; oil heat; large yard; :garage; excellent location. Call 262-2139, phone for appoint- ment. 20,1,2,3,b CUSTOM WORK BRICK WORK — Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work; fireplaces built; plaster repairs and water leaks stopped. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 10,tf MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS to all makes of bi- ;cycl.es, motor cycles, Hondas, .etc. Also to power dawn tnow- ,ers and garden tractors. Con- tact Kurt Uphoff, at Zurich Citizens News. 22,tf CUSTOM Combining. Swathing can be arranged. Trucks avail- able. Reasonable rates. Con- tact Lionel Wilder, 236-4020. 27tf Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company DP CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 25 e 66 Engagements 1VIr. and Mrs. Stewart Thiel, of Zurich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Eunice Helen, to Mr. Douglas Taylor, son of Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor, Brucefield, and the late Harvey Taylor. The wedding will take place on August 5, 1967, at 4 p.m., in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. 27,x COMING EVENTS Benefit dance for Andy Diep- straten and family (who lost their barn and stock by fire) in Dashwood Community Centre on Friday, July 21. Music by Ken Mittelholtx and the Twy- lites. Donations received at the door. 27,p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of HERMAS GRENIER, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Hermes Grenier, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, farmer, who flied on or about the 20th day of May, 1967, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, so- licitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of July, 1967, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims ofwhich notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitor for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable -Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous on the premises 163 King Street, Hensall The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 8 at 1 p.m. Three-piece chesterfield; oc- casional chairs; centre and end tables; rockers; antique settee; walnut dining room table six chairs, china cabinet, buffet; round top table; daybed; large variety pictures and frames; coal oil lamps; four antique kitchen clocks; mantel clock; electric radio; Singer sewing machine; electric hair dryer; electric lamps; electric heater; vacuum cleaner; 4 complete bedroom suites; dressers; com- modes; cedar chests; trunks; feather tick; sewing basket, as- sortment bedding; linens; mats; fancy work; rugs; mats; cush- ions; Victorian drapes; combi- nation 4 -burner wood and elec- tric stove; Simplicity electric washing machine; Viking teed. size refrigerator, like new; kit- chen table and chairs; footstool; large assortment of glassware; Adam pattern silverware; fancy and antique dishes; jadineres; silverware; iron stone dishes; assortment camphor glass; py- rex dishes; carving set; iron kettle; set of dishes; sealers; crocks; copper boiler; step lad- der, carpentor tools, etc. This is . an extra large sale,. everything in first class condi- tion. Plan to attend. Terms—Cash MRS. MURIEL ROBINSON Executor for the estate of the late Rheta Clark ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, House- hold Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 128, Brock Street, Hensall First block north of Coop building The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 af 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of lot 128, Brock St., Hensall, on which is situated well constructed 2 -storey frame dwelling. Main floor: 'modern kitchen, living room and din- ing room, bedroom and utility. Second floor: three bedrooms, clothes closets, and 3 -piece bathroom. Full size basement, newly in- stalled oil furnace, Dwelling nicely situated and in first class state of repair. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, •balance in 30 List Promotions (continued from page one) Sandra Schroeder, Mary Ellen Steckle, Randy Thiel, Wayne, Thiel, Raye Widrick, Glenn Zirk.—Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Grade 11 to Grade 111 Bradley Clausius, Douglas Oorriveau, Billy Datars, Jenni- fer Decker, Billy Deichert, Henry DeMooy, Mark Despar- dine, Murray Erb, Susan Fisch- er, Charles Gingerich, Robert Gingerich, John Haggitt, Billy Hay, Gary Love, Julie Luther, Jeffrey O'Brien, Richard O'Brien, Lyn Schwartzentruber, Yvonne Trenchard, Mary Lou days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, Complete list of household effects in next week's issue. MRS. CHESTER LEE, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, House- hold Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Goshen Street, South, Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 15 at 1 p.m. Real Estate: Consists of lot 11, Zurich, on which is situated 2 -storey frame dwelling, Main floor: large kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and utility room. Second floor: three bedrooms and clothes closets. Full size basement, newly installed oil furnace; also small barn suit- able for garage. Property con- veniently situated and in first class state of repair. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list in next week's issue. FRED THIEL, MRS. MARIE HESS, Executors for the estate of the late Julius Thiel ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre -- Clinton Boa Office Opens at 8:00 WED. - THURS. - Flt!. JULY 5-6-7 Fop Family Entertainment WALT DISNEY'S "FOLLOW ME, BOYS I" 9:15 and 11:00 FRED MacMURRAY VERA MILES CHARLES RUGGLES COLOR — PLUS — "GOOFY'S FREEWAY TROUBLES" CARTOON SAT. - MON. -- July 8-10 'HARPER' (Adult Entertainment) 9:15 and 11:00 PAUL NEWMAN LAUREN BACALL JULIE HARRIS ROBERT WAGNER COLOR CARTOON TUES. - WED. ----July 11-12 A SPY DRAMA "THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD" 9:15 and 11:00 RICHARD BURTON CLAIRE BLOOM OSKAR WERNER CARTOON Confine Next "AFTER THE FOX" Turnbull, Ingrid Uphoff, Joanne Webb, Catherine Weido,--Mrs M. Deichert. Grade 111 to Grade W Mark Adams, Ida Anne Black well, Shannon Brown, Davi Clarke, Wayne Clarke, Pete Datars, Barbara Dietrich, Doug las Eckel, Steven Haberer, Kb Hendrick, Beth Hugill, Larr Keller, Dianne Mack, Myro Oestreieher, Randall Oke, Di anne Rader, Wayne Schilbe Sue -Anne Schroeder, Grac Schwartzentruber, Brian Sher raw, Danny Turkheim, Andre Wallace.—Mrs. Ruby Neeb, Grade IV to Grade V Ruby Beierling, Shelley Burg ess, Elizabeth Deiehert, Lois Doerr, Eunice Gascho, Richard Gingerich, Stewart Gingerich, Shirley Hay, Barry Hess, Paul Klopp, Linda Klopp, Gregory Love, Joanne Miller, Debra O'Brien, Derek O'Brien, Wayne Oke, Janice Ramer, Gregory Thiel, Cheryl Turkheim, Sue - Anne Walker, Gerald Zehr. Grade V to Grade VI Peter Corriveau, Martha Erb, Eugene Leibold, Jane Merner, Patsy Neeb, Christine Plantenga, Kenneth Schroeder, Paul Truem- ner. Transferred: Gloria Ad- kins.—Mrs. Phyllis A. Deichert. Grade V to Grade VI ' Brock Adams, Ronald Beier - ling, Mary Blackwell, James Brown, Bradley Datars, Susan Decker, Randy Dietrich, Cheryl Gingerich, Vicky Hay, Wendy Hay, Raye Jacobe, Linda Neeb, Bradley Oke, David Schilbe, Shelley Taylor, Wayne Truem- ner, Peggy Uphoff, Gerald Weido. Grade VI to Grade Vii Elva Becker, Janet Becker, Joyce Beierling, Ronald Clarke, Abram DeMooy, Susan Dignan, Robert F i n k b e i n e r, Maura Gascho, Peter Hendrick, Diane Klopp, Ronald Rader, Danny Schilbe, Janet Webb.—Mrs. M. Horner. d r n y n e w Day Township Council The council of the Township of IIay is appealing to the On- tario Department of Highways for special assistance in main- taining the road on the second concession, due to an extra heavy amount of traffic at the present time. Council have pointed out to the department that due to reconstruction of Highway 4 from Hensall to Exi eter, many heavy trucks and other vehicles are detouring around the second -concession. As a result, the road is de- teriorating rap 1 d 1 y, officials Grade VI to Grade VII Elaine Baechler, Lois Burgess, John Deichert, Elizabeth Ging- erich, Howard Gingerich, Peter Hesse, Peter Jantzi, Judy Miller, Nancy Shantz. Grade Vil to Grade VIII John B la c k we 11, Barbara Datars, Randy Decker, Sally Dietrich, Marvin Erb, Joan Fink- beiner, Earl Gascho, Dixie Rose Grove, Christine Haberer, Stephen Hesse, Steven Horner, Melvin Melick, Alan Merner, Harold Merner, Johanna Plan- tenga, Tames Rader, Donna Schilbe, Howard Thiel, Douglas Turkheim, Wilma Weiberg. C. W. McQuillin. Grade VIII to Grade IX Barbara Brown, Dianne Clark, Cheryl Clausius, John Corri- veau, Gary Datars, Judy Datars, Timothy Decker, Maryke De- Mooy, Wesley Dignan, Robert Doerr, Dale Erb, Ralph Geiger, Carol Gingerich, Clifford Ging- erich, Mary Catherine Ginger- ich, Garry Hess, Larry Hess, Sharon Jacobe, Helen Leibold, Deborah Merner, Bonnie Neeb, Donald Oesch, Dean Oestreicher, Harry Plantenga, Douglas Rader, Thelma Ranier, Barry Thiel, Carolyn Thiel, Donald Truem- ner, Richard Walker, Sandra Webb.—D. L. O'Brien. Applications Wanted Zurich Arena & Community Centre Applications for the position of MANAGER • CARETAKER for the Zurich Centennial Community Centre and Arena will be accepted until July 15, 1967. Duties to commence on a full-time basis, starting Septem- ber 1, 1967. State qualifications and salary expected. AH applications must be in the hands of the secretary no later than July 15, 1967, at 6 p.m. MRS. DOUGLAS ARMSTRONG, Secretary, ZURICH, ONTARIO. NOTICE Ratepayers of the TOWNSHIP OF HAY Since the Township of Hay and the village of Zurich have not been able to reach an agreement regarding the retaining fee for Fire Protection, the Township of Hay re- quest the Ratepayers West of Zurich to call, either Dashwood Fire Department Tel. 237-3611 OR Grand Bend Fire Department Tel. 238-2311 AND Ratepayers East of Zurich to can, either Hensall Fire Department Tel. 262-2111 OR Exeter Fire Department Tel. 235-1600 THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY point out. At the same time, the Hay council is asking for are addi- tional road allowance of $5000, so they may complete a section of the Babylon Line, which they are presently rebuilding with a sand cushion, In other business at the Mon- day night meeting, Hay coun- cil granted a building permit to Anthony Regier, of Detroit, to construct a cottage on the westerly part of lot 3, LRW, on the highest part of the plateau below the top of the lake bank. The only stipulation in the per- mit is that Mr. Regier must have approval from the Huron County Health Unit. Council accepted Huron Counyt by-law 46, setting out the equalized assessment of Hay Township at $3,334,940. At a special drain meeting on Tuesday night, the council accepted the tender of Parker & Parker, Hensall, or the con- struction of the Tinney-Wild- fong drainage works. Price of their contract is $4500 for labor and machine work, with the township paying for the tiles. A petition for drainage work was received from Keith Love, lot 24, concession 7.. This pe- tition was accepted and concil have instructed engineer C. P. Corbett to bring a report. Jean McLachlin at the organ in the ROD and. GUN ROOM Colonial Hotel GRAND BEND EVERY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night Also Saturday Matinee T RGI* N VAN CAMPS -19 OZ. Beans with Pork APPLE OR RAISIN -19 OZ. Pie Filler 16 OUNCE 4/89c 2/69c 69c Kraft Cheez Whiz 14 OUNCE York Creamed Corn _ _ Cabbage LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD ZURICH - - 4/69c Lb. 9c MARKET AUCTION SALE AT THE Clinton Legion Hail CLINTON, ONTARIO Tuesday Evening, July 11, 8 P.M. SHARP Repossessions -- Bankrupt Stocks AND MANY, MANY PERSONAL CONSIGNMENTS CONSISTING OF Appliances — Furniture •— Television t Clothing FURNITURE — A 2 -piece davenport suite that folds out to a full %-size bed with nylon cover and swivel rocker; a 2 - piece French provincial chesterfield set covered in a top grade nylon cover; 3 assorted chesterfield sets with foam cushions; 2 9 -piece coppertone or chrome kitchen -dinette sets consisting of 8 chairs and a 72" table; 2 7 -piece sets consisting of 6 chairs and a 60" table with an inlaid top; 1 5 -piece deluxe coppertone dinette suite; 3 bookcase bed- room suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers and a matching box spring and mattress with each set; 2 sets of lamps consisting of a trilight and 2 table lamps to each set; 1 set of solid step and coffee tables in a arborite finish — other step and coffee tables; 2 39" continental beds complete with headboard and legs; 1 54" continental bed complete; 4 full size 54" spring -filled- mattresses; 2 hostess chairs; platform rocker; 9 x 12 rug; hi -chair; tele- phone table; kitchen step stool; chrome rocker. APPLIANCES AND TV — A large refrigerator with a full cross -top freezer; 2 electric ranges, one being a deluxe model; a long -skirt washer with pump; automatic washer and dryer, matching pair; combination radio -record player; and last of all, 4 different television sets, 21" models that have all been checked over and are in A-1 working condition All the appliances in this sale are guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you :hook them up at your home. CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY — A large selec- tion of clothing has just been received for auction from one of the largest clothing wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of Men's Clothing: socks, underwear, ties sweaters, dress shirts, sport shirts, dress pants, -pyjamas, T-shirts, work socks, work shirts. For the Ladies and Teens: double knit suits, skirts, blouses, nylons, cardi- gans, pullovers, slims, jackets, dresses, socks, pyjamas, slippers. Boys, Girls, Babies: Jeans, sweaters, shirts, socks, blouses, jackets, pants, sleepers, housecoats, crawler sets, T-shirts, jumpers, skirts, dresses, sweater sets, girl's 3 - piece sets, sleep and play sets, 3 -piece velvet suits, coat and hat sets, and many other items too numerous to mention. Don't Miss This Outstanding Sale ! Auctioneer—LEO E. BIRD Clerk—LLOYD TANNER it Operated by Forest City Distributors Terms—Cash Cheques Accepted en Furniture 5% Saks Tax in Effect