HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-06-29, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 29, '1967 .zPAKsyr (Phot by Jack Doerr) MARRIED IN DASHWOOD — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harry Hoffman were married in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, by Rev. Earl Stein- man. The bride is Norma Annamarie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward E. Kraft, Exeter, and the groom is the son of 1VIr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood. The couple will reside in Dashwood. atalearair emomm000k PROCLAMATION VILLAGE OF ZURICH Saturday, July 1, has been proclaimed as a Public Holiday, and since this date has been chosen for the Zurich and District CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION We hereby ask all citizens to participate in the events of the day. Council of the Village of Zurich L EROY THIEL ELDA WAGNER, Reeve Clerk -Treasurer 50 Years Ago JUNE, 1917 School closed for the summer holidays this week. Miss J. Veiteh, who has taught one of the junior rooms very efficient- ly for some years, has resigned, her resignation to take effect at the end of the present term. Rev. Mrs, F. B. Meyer are attending the camp meeting be- ing held at Mildmay. Canada will probably issue specially designed Dominion notes of various smaller denom- inations to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Confeder- ation, On Thursday of last week, Mr. W. H. Talbot., Stanley Township, had a raising to put up the frame of his new barn. The foundation is of cement blocks and the barn is hip - roofed with straw shed attach- ed, .also hip -roofed. Rev. F. G. Richard, who has been rector of Bayfield, Varna and Goshen churches for two years, has been forced to re- sign owing to ill health. Zurich Wi Plans For Bean Festival The roll call for the Insti- tute's June meeting was an- swered with, "The subject I like best in school". Spelling was favored, geography second. President Mrs. H. Finkbeiner conducted the sing -song pro- gram and the visiting. Visiting committees for the Rest Home were planned for the third Thursday of July and August. It was agreed to prepare and serve lunch for a wedding re- ception in August. At the August 26 Bean Fes- tival, the Institute plans to have a variety booth featuring home- made bread and variety baking. Mrs. Thomas Meyers was chosen to be shut-in secretary. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 Book your accommodations for Expo 67now. With over two months''expe- rience in finding accom- modations for Expo 67 visitors, LOGEXPO is a proven success. You are assured of a place to stay in Montreal. LOGEXPO has listings of over 79,000 rooms, in hotels, motels, tourist homes, efficien- cy apartments, special trailer motels and private homes. If at peak periods, such as holiday weekends, certain kinds of accommodations are not available, LOG EXPO can offer you alternatives which we are sure you will find satis- factory. All you have to do to make a reservation is fill out the coupon below, and mail it to LOG EXPO. You will receive a reply within a few days, followed by a confirmation of reservation direct from the management of the hotel, etc, or the homeowner. Or you may phone EXPOVOX at (514) 397-8397 for full inform - ation about availability of any of the accommodations listed below. Make your reservations as early es possible—the sooner you write or calf, the wider your choice. Private Homes. Over 30,000 hospitable Montrealers are welcoming visitors into their homes. The locations have been picked to make it easy for you to get to and from the Expo 67 site. RATES: from $8 to $14 a day for two people, $10 to $18 for three, or $12 to $22 for four. Efficiency Apartments. Accommodations, mostly in central Montreal, for 10,000 people, with kitchen facilities and maid service. RATES: $18 to $25 a day for two persons, plus $3 a day for each addition- al person. Hotels. There are still vacan- cies in downtown hotels during some periods, also In *resort hotels within easy reach of Expo 67. RATES: from $12 to $30 a day (double occu- pancy). Motels. Available in many periods. RATES: $12 to $30 (double occupancy). Tourist Homes. Available in many periods. RATES: $10 to 818 (double occupancy). Motels (Trailer type). 1200 units offer another attractive alternative, are ideal for fami- lies; kitchen facilities and maid service included. RATES: from $25 a clay for two persons, $30 a day for four, or $49 a day for eight. Children under 12, free. Trailer Sites. There are ample trailer sites within easy driving distance of Expo 67, all with 3 -way hook-up. RATES; $3.50 to $5 a day. Camp Sites. 20,000 sites, in 120 separate locations, in the area around Montreal. RATES: $2.50 to $3,50 a day. All accommodations government-inspeoted and approved. TO LOGEXPO, Expo 67, Montreal, P.Q., Canada, Phone (514) 397.8397, l Please reserve accommodations as follows: j Name . 1 Address Apt. j City vone Province j Arrival Date Departure Date Number of nights Price range—to- 1 ange_.--_to_,._.....l Number of adults (over 12)—Number of children (under 12) Means of transportation lType of accommodations required; (preference one, two or three) l PRIVATE HOME 0 APARTMENT (efficiency) 0 �/ �-y�^ `IY l HOTEL MOTEL ❑ TOURIST HOME ❑ MOTEL t' & L M l�^a► 1 SITE 0 (Trailer typo) 0 TRAILER SITE 0 C 1 Remarks Ltr,M 1*) ,1.,C Ni41C.,mg. lar t*11itmm hAb11M The Universal and international Exhibition of 1967 Montreal, Canada/APRIL 28— OCTOBER 29,1963 OF- YEARS GONE _BY - 40 Years Ago JUNE, 1927 Those who passed with honors in room three at Zurich Public School with F. 141. Kalbfleisch, teacher, were: Violet Schwalm, Hugh MacKinnon, Ivan Willert, Earl Flaxbard. In room two with 0. M. O'Brien, teacher, honor students were Beatrice Gascho, Quimbe Hess, Alwyn Staubus, Margaret Haberer, Lenora Haberer, Shir- ley Koehler, Charles Thiel, Vera Deichert, Edith Deichert, Fred Brown, Leeland Schwalm, Bea- trice Meidinger, Jack Merner. Honor students in the class- room of Mrs. G. Koehler were: Vera D e c k e r, Patricia Du- charme, Mae Snaith, Laura Deichert, Margaret Schwalm, Grace Meyers, Theresa Zettel and Hubert Smith. With this issue of the Herald, we are completing the 27th year of its publication, which commenced in July, 1900. 25 Years Ago JUNE, 1942 Quite a number of men from St. Joseph and Beavertown are working at the air port in the Pinery district. On June 26, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader, Dashwood, a daughter. Miss Mattie Ellis, popular teacher at Hensall Public School and who is retiring this year, was presented by the pupils with a cut glass plate and salad bowl. She also received a vase and roses from the other grades. Fire, believed to have fol- lowed an explosion in a refrig- erator, did more than $3,000 damage and completely de- stroyed the interior of Herman Calf Club Meet at McAllister Farm The Zurich 4-H Calf Club met at the farm of Ian McAllister on Wednesday, June 21. Ten members were present. The topic for the evening was marketing. Pat Pickert, fieldman for Stacey Bros., spoke on milk regulations, present and future. Dwight Stacey, of Stacey Bros., discussed sanitation and the future of milk marketing. Ian McAllister led a discus- sion on beef products and mar- keting, stressing care and han- dling of beef animals in route and timing of marketing. The meeting closed with busi- ness led by the president. Delicious lunch was served by the McAllisters. STARLITE JUNE 29-30, JULY 1 (Double Feature) Born Free (Colour) Bill Travers, Virginia McKenna A Man. Called Flinstone (Colour) Joseph Barbara —o0o---- JULY 2.3-4 (Sunday Midnite, Mort., Tues.) Murderers' Row (Adult) (Colour) Dean Martin, Ann Margaret —000— JULY S.6.7-8 Torn Curtain (Adult Entertainment) (Colour) Paul Newman, Julie Andrews Box Office Opens at 8 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Double Features will be Shown Only Once earessetememeimmeememesseemen Daytnan's grocery store in Hen- sall on June 24. Moving pictures in the Town Hall, Zurich: Ken Maynard and his wonder horse "Tartan''; Gene Autry, the singing cowboy and orchestra "In Old Santa Pe"; and added attractions, war news parade, Battle of Britain, Alice in Wonderland, the Di- onne Quintuplets, and Just a Clown, Admission, 30 cents adults; 20 cents children, 15 Years Ago JUNE, 1952 The local trustee board is making an appeal to water - users not to use the lawn or garden hose for sprinkling pur- poses, as the water supply is not adequate for anything like that, and water customer s should co-operate with the local utilities board in observing their demands. Our home economics teacher at the Zurich Public School, Mrs. Herb Neeb, and her some 60 pupils presented a program for the parents last week. Victor Dinnin left on Sunday evening for Mexico City where he will attend the International Lions convention. Clayton Pfile, Dashwood, was guest soloist at the Loessel- Lundberg wedding in Lansing, Michigan, last Saturday. 10 Years Ago JUNE, 1957 Leeland Willert has put in BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nits mom the foundation for a good sized addition to the west end of his business block which will en- large his room for the supplies they carry. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Noakes, Hensall, announce the birth of their son at Clinton Public Hos- pital on June 13, 1957. Assessor George Armstrong, of Hensall, is making his rounds in the village these days, And it is too bad if you are a busi- ness man in town. How they do pile on the taxes by raising our business assessment. Official count in last week's vote was: Cardiff, 12,323; Me.. Lean, 8,$70; spoiled ballots, 108. Miss Brenda Becker, Ronnie Merner and Glen Rader are spending a week at Sparrow Lake, They were accompanied by Pastor and Mrs. K. Zorn, Dashwood Zion Lutheran Church, Rev, Zorn is camp counsellor. Miss Barbara Becker has graduated from the K -W Hos- pital of Nursing. She is the daughter of V. L. Becker, Dash - I wood. FOR 'ENJOYMENT IN EATING OUT. Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer 'a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish ! ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236-4371 — ZURICH b9 g �g6D CANADIt1 CONFEDERATION -tte/iitie COME TO THE... ZURICH and DISTRICT CENTENNIAL REUNION and GARDEN PARTY SATURDAY, JULY 1 ZURICH ARENA AND COMMUNITY PARK 12:30 p.m.—BASEBALL GAME: Dashwood vs Zurich 3:00 p.m. --OFFICIAL OPENING: Municipal Officials and Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, Huron MLA 3:30 p.m.—LOCAL TALENT VARIETY PROGRAM, Under direction of Mrs. Beatrice Hess 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.—BUFFET SUPPER, Served Picnic Style ADULTS, $1.50; CHILDREN, $L00 7:00 p.m. --BEARD JUDGING; COSTUME JUDGING 9:00 p.m.—DANCE in Community Centre Music by Ken Mittelholtz and The Twylites ZURICH CENTENNIAL BAND and ZURICH LIONS MAJORETTES will perform in the afternoon MONSTER CENTENNIAL FIREWORKS Spend the day in Zurich and renew old acquaintances!