HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-06-15, Page 6PAGE SIX
Rader Reunion
The.annual Rader reunion
was hld at Riverside Park, Ex-
eter, Sunday, June 11, with 76
Wayne Weiberg and Ray Tay-
lor i'cnducted sports with win-
ners as follows: 5 and under,
Lynda McGregor: 6-10, Lyn
Gamble and Tom •Hayter; 11-14,
Shartn Willert and Ray Weido;
young ladies. Barbara Willert;
young men, Ray Taylor; find
partner. Keith Koehler and
Darlene Willert; 4 -legged race,
Keith Taylor, Sharon and Dar-
lene Willert.
Threw ball, Bernice Willert;
partner race, Gary and Niel
Gamble; kick shoe, Mrs. Luella
Willer:, men, Wendell Gamble;
guessing cards in jar, Niel Gam-
ble; most keys, Mr. and Mrs.
Colin McGregor; youngest baby,
Paul Zurbrigg; total of licence
plate number, Harry Hayter.
Nice -president Ray Rader con-
ducted the business. •Offieers
for next year will be: president,
Lloyd Howe; vice-presidents,
Wendell Gamble and Irvin Ra-
der; secretary, Herb Klopp;
treasurer, Mrs. Herb Klopp;
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Colin McGregor; table conven-
or, Mrs. Oscar Miller, •
The picnic will be the third
Sunday in June at Riverside
Park, Exeter,
Lodge Visits Church
Lebanon Forest M a s o n i c
Lodge, No. 133, joined with
Dashwood Evangelical United
Brethren Church for divine
service at the Sunday morning
service. Worshipful lodge mas-
ter Mervyn Webb read the
scripture. The choir rendered
two numbers. Rev. Merrill
James delivered the message
with the theme, "Call to Serve".
Bob's Body Shop
A Complete Service On
Bob Forrester, Proprietor Dial 236-4959
(At Rear of Taylor Motors Garage)
General Contractin
We will build your
One contract will take care
of your complete project
Backhoe Service New Available !
Aluminum Doors and Windows
Only $35
Completely Installed
Richard Bedard
DIAL 236-4679
50 Years Ago
JUNE, 1917
Few apple blossoms have
made their appearance and
farmers say that the trees are
not going to bloom this year
at all. Last year was the apple
year and it was expected that
this year the crop would be
small, but to not have a crop
at all will be a calamity.
Miss Dorothy C. Truemner,
nurse, who is visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Truemner, was awarded
a diploma at the Toronto West-
ern Hospital.
Addison Tiernan, of Stratford,
is spending the vacation at his
home in Dashwood,
Hay Township council ap-
pointed Louis Schilbe road com-
missioner to replace A. Rose.
Notice — Owing to the ad-
vanced price of fuel, all busi-
ness places and residences con-
nected for hydro electric power
and using .current under the
present system, will be charged
for every lamp connected. Peo-
ple using large lamps will be
charged accordingly. — Zurich
Electric Light Plant.—(Advt.)
40 Years Ago
JUNE, 1927
Miss Victoria Deichert is
spending a week at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Deichert Sr.
Rev, and Mrs. Harrison Beck-
er, of Illinois, who attended the
funeral of Mrs. Becker's father,
the late William Klopp, have
left for Elmira where they will
visit Mr. Becker's parents, Rev.
and Mrs. E. D. Becker.
Barrister D. E. Holmes was
in the village on Monday.
Lace curtains, 40 inches by
21 yards at 78c a pair; men's
and boys' straw hats, 10c; ladies'
house dresses, $1.—J. Gascho.
and Sons.—(Advt.)
Some unruly boys of the vil-
lage are hereby warned to dis-
continue throwing stones on
verandahs and breaking off orn-
aments from some privately
owned fences along the streets
of Zurich. If this practice will
not discontinue, an example
will be made of such boys.
Mrs. E. Rannie and son Sam-
uel have returned from a visit
with relatives in Detroit, mak-
ing the trip by motor.
25 Years Ago
JUNE, 1942
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison
are packing up their effects and
leaving for Sudbury where the
doctor has a responsible posi-
tion in a hospital.
You can really "be good to
father" if you visit our
store and pick one of the
many new chairs in stock.
We have the Finest Selection of
Recliners • Rockers
• Swivel Rockers •
Rest Rockers •
Recliner Rockers
All of them have one thing
in common -- they're com-
fortable! That's what all
fathers want.
Priced from $45 up
Main Street — Zurich
- OF �.
_ BY _.
A male quartet comprised of
E p hr i am Gingerich, Alfred
Ropp, Alvin Gingerich and
Newell Geiger sang at a recent
meeting of the Zurich Women's
Leading Aircraftsman G. L.
Passmore, of Hensall, was a
member of a large class of
pilots which graduated at No,
2 Service Flying Training
School, Uplands, near Ottawa.
Under the auspices of Zion
Lutheran Church, Dashwood, a
lawn social is to be held on
Saturday evening on the lawn
next to Tieman's Hotel,
Allan Gascho, who recently
enlisted in the Air Force, has
been given a few weeks leave,
being called to report July 2.
15 Years Ago
JUNE, 1952
Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Keast, of
town, motored to Toronto last
week where at the university a
specially arranged celebration
was held in honor of Dr. Keast's
silver anniversary since grad-
Auctions sales this week for
Gordon Pearson, Stephen Town-
ship, and the Cudmore estate,
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Ducharine,
in company with Mr. and Mrs.
Kuno Hartman and two sons,
Robert and Gerald, attended
the graduation of the former's
grandson, Robert A. Stansberry,
of Detroit.
Carl Scott is the new manager
at the Bank of Montreal, Zur-
ich, replacing Campbell C. Mc -
Honor Zurich Man
On 80th Birthday
Roy Lamont was guest of
honor at a family gathering at
the home of his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Elliott, on Sunday, June 11, the
occasion being his 80th birth-
Mr. Lamont farmed for many
years on the farm now occupied
by the "Elliotts". The Lamonts
moved to their present home in
Zurich some 18 years ago. Mr.
and Mrs. Lamont celebrated
their golden wedding annivers-
ary two years ago.
Present for the occasion were
his three sisters, Mrs. Mayme
Hoffman, Zurich; Miss Jane La-
mont and Mrs. Margaret Braun,
Blue Water Rest Home; his
grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Elliott, St. Thomas, and Miss
Joan Elliott, Zurich. Also at-
tending were Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Pfaff and Barbara, St.
Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Braun
and family, of Forest; Mrs. Paul
Postian and family, of London,
A picnic supper on the lawn
was enjoyed by all.
Ample rain which fell this
week has made the hay crap
look very promising for 1967 in
Huron County. It also has given
the cereals and new seeding an
excellent start.
Bean planting has been pro-
gressing well, but is temporar-
ily halted because of the rain
over the week -end.
Almost all corn is up and
post emergency sprays are be;
ing applied.
DRIVE -111
JUNE 16 and 17
First Area Showing
(Double Feature)
A Fistfull of Dollars
Clint Eastwood Mariam Koch
Namu the Killer
Robert Lansing, Lee Mariwether
Box Office Opens at 8 p.m.
Double Features will be
Shown Only Once
Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs.
Ferdinan Hermann and Charles
Keller, from Zurich, Switzer-
land, were in the village.
10 Years Ago
JUNE, 1957
Drs. W. B. Coxon and G. L,
Leitch, of Zurich, have pur-
chased and will take over on
June 15 the veterinary practice
of Dr. E. 5, Steiner, Exeter.
Baby daughters were born
this week to Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Beierling, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs.
Ephriam Gingerich, RR 2, Zur-
ich; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jeof-
fery, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Regier, RR 1, Dashwood.
The ,barn and contents on the
farm of Urban Duoharme, on
Highway 84, east of Zurich,
was destroyed by fire.
Simon Hoffman, of Goshen
Line south, has purchased the
Beaver residential property lo-
cated at the westerly end of
Harry C, Hess, 59, manager
of Zurich PUC for many years,
died in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Sunday, June 9.
Elston Cardiff, PC, was elect-
ed in Huron County to the fed-
eral House of Commons, beat-
ing out A. Y. McLean, Liberal
from Seaforth.
Jean McLachlin
at the organ
in the
Colonial Hotel
Thursday, Friday and
Saturday Night
Also Saturday Matinee
Thousands of different color combinations
Never needs waxing
ReadTex . . the new miracle seamless
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Its high gloss, non -slip, resilient surface
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are no longer necessary . . , wipes clean
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Discover how easy it is to beautify the
floors in your home, officer,... everywhere.
Just fill in and return this coupon.
D i a 236-4092
Box 201
am interested in ReadTex Custom Seamless Flooring.
it started 90 years ago...
90 years ago this fall, Canada's first com-
mercial telephones were installed in Ottawa.
Canada's second Prime Minister, The Hon.
Alexander Mackenzie (who was also Minis-
ter of Public Works) had one set installed
in the Public Works Department; the other
was at Rideau Hall, residence of the Earl
of Dutl"erin, the Governor General. These
phones were usedfor government business
and `for musical concerts to demonstrate
the miracle of the telephone to guests at
Rideau Hall'.
And from that beginning grew Bell Canada!
Today, there is probably not a single person
in Quebec or Ontario who does not, in one
way or another, `use' the services we
Radio and TV programs are relayed through
our microwave network; businesses com-
municate by voice or teletype, or transmit
data through our facilities; so do news-
papers and the government, police and fire
departments; there are 41/2 million 13e11
Canada phones in homes and offices,
and thousands of public phones. Like
Canada, we of Bell Canada have come a
long way. And one more point: we're
proud that nearly 95% of our shares are
owned by Canadian residents.
Bell Canada