HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-06-08, Page 7THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1967 THE PRINCESS AND THE MOONWALKER—Pretty six-year-old Heather Williams, an outpatient of the Ontario Crippled Children's Centre, drove her Moonwalker to meet Princess Alexandra during Her Royal Highness' recent tour of the Centennial Centre of Science and Technology workshop in Toronto. The Moonwalker, a mobile chair with eight legs instead of wheels, is the successor to a large Lunar Walker originally developed for the United States space program. Such Canadian -American achievements in bio -medical engineering will be exhibited in the Science Centre's Hall of Health. From left to right: Tourism Minister James Auld, Mrs. Auld, Princess Alexandra and her husband, Hon. Angus Ogilvy. • Obituary WILLIAM ALFRED PFAFF William Alfred Pfaff, 85, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Friday, June 2, following a lengthy ill- ness. Funeral service was from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Monday, June 5, with Rev. Andrew Blackwell offie&at- ing. Interment was in the SPECIAL PURCHASE! Save $5.00 Per Panel Lovely enough for your living room. Only the most expensive veneers were used in production —with multiple coats of satin finish. V -grooved; full 3/4" thick. Conklin's has everything you need, including solid 4"x4" cedar posts. EXETER, 2351422 GRAND BEND, 238.2374 Lutheran cemetery. The deceased was born Jan- uary 29, 1882, in. Hay Town- ship, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff. He was married to the former Margaret Anna Deichert, •also •of Hay Township, who survives. The couple farmed on the Blind Line until Mr. Pfaff's illness two and one-half years ago. Only other survivor is a sis- ter, Mrs. Violet Schwalm, of Hensell. Pall bearers were Claire and Harold Deichert, Carl and Ed- gar Willert and Fred and Carl Haberer. Westlake funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Brownie's DRIVE-IN Theatre — Clinton Box Office Opens at 8:00 THURS., FRI. — JUNE 8-9 'A Patch of Blue' (Adult Entertainment) Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 Sidney Poitier, Shelley Winters, Elizabeth Hartman CARTOON SAT. — JUNE 10 ONLY "RETURN OF THE SEVEN" ,(Adult Entertainment) Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 Yu! Brynner, Robert Fuller COLOR CARTOON MON., TUES., WED. — JUNE 12-13-14 Academy Award Winning "WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF" Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 RICHARD BURTON ELIZABETH TAYLOR George Segal, Sandy Dennis ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO* 11 YEARS C/ AGE 01 0V ZURICH CITIZEN NEWS SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley TAKE PEN IN HAND What's the most common question being batted about the country these days? That's right. It's, "Are you going to Expo?" Well, are you? If not, why not? You can't afford it? Of course you can. You mean you can't afford to miss it, Yeah, you say, but what about bread, loot, gelt, money? Nothing to it. Anybody who can't make some fast money in this ridiculous world deserves to starve to death, let alone not go to Expo. I have a few suggestions. In fact, I have quite a few, be- cause I've been giving the mat- ter of our own trip some thought. I've discarded one or two of them for various rea- sons, but it's every man to his own taste, and one or more of them might be just the ticket for you. Put your wife to work. If she's •already working, and you still can't afford the trip, have an auction sale and get rid of a lot of that old junk you've accumulated over the years. This does not refer to your wife. If you haven't any old junk, think of something. Throw a bingo party. Chicken feed, you say? All right then, how about throwing a martini party, at $5 a rattle, on the Monday of a holiday week -end, when every- body has run out of booze? You'd clear about $300. Buy some veterans' calen- dars, cut off one of your arms, and sell them •door to door. Come on, you can figure out a gimmick. Send your kids out mowing lawns. If you have no kids, send your mother-in-law out mowing lawns. And if she's too decrepit, insure her heavily and push her off a cliff. COMING NEXT: "HOW TO STEAL A MILLION" Arrange will a friend to bump your car gently from be- hind at a stop light, then run screaming to the doctor and claim you have a whiplash and collect bags of insurance. No? How about some black- mail? Know anybody who's running around with somebody who shouldn't be running around with anybody? Have a moving van come in the middle of the night, re- move all your furniture, then you set fire to the house and claim insurance for it and the furniture. You could clear $3,000 onthis one. Speaking of moving vans, how about pushing your wife, or husband, in front of a mov- ing moving van, provided you have a joint account and mu- tual insurance? All of these are too coarse, or common, or complicated for you? My, you are an old poke. So run a bookie joint, sell pot, hold up a bank, if you want something simple. Against your principles? Well, all right, all right, but it shows the depths of depravity to which I can sink in the middle of the night, as I try to figure out how we can afford Expo plus all the redecorating my wife is doing. Well, you and your danged principles have forced me into it. Here's the deal. We're going to have a contest. Now, we all love contests, don't -we. I have been writing this column for about 14 years, without missing a week. I want a week off to go to Expo. Still with me? I have a great many faithful readers (and no doubt a fair smattering of unfaithful ones, too). Many of them write very well, as I know from letters received. For the best guest column submitted, I will personally send a cheque for $25, along with an autographed copy of my latest book. The latest one is the one I haven't written for MacMillan Company. The other books I haven't written were not published by McLelland - Stewart and Prentice -Hall. This handsome award (so I'm not J, P. Morgan) will be sup- plemented by the Telegram News Service, 440 Front Street W., Toronto 2B. They will PAGE SEVEN either double or triple the cash award, depending on their atti- tude when they read this, which it the first they've heard of it. Topic: anything you like. Length: about 700 words. Send all entries to above address. And there you are. Cash. If you win, you can hitch -hike to Expo and blow the whole bun- dle on high living. Or you can bet it on a horse, fly to Mont- real and rough it at the Queen Elizabeth. This is real. today. Get cracking NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS AND CATS Prevention of Rabies The Health of Animals Branch of the Canada Department of Agriculture, in co-operation with the Huron County Health Unit, will hold a FREE RABIES CLINIC Zurich Rabies Clinic --Community Centre THURSDAY, JUNE 15th FROM 9:00 A.M. — 12:00 NOON Hensall Rabies Clinic -- Fire Hall THURSDAY, JUNE 15th FROM 1:30 P.jM. — 5:00 P.M. Dashwood Rabies Clinic — Fire Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 16th FROM 9:00 A.M. — 12:00 NOON Vaccination against rabies will be provided for dogs and cats three months of age and over. Owners who require certificates of vaccination for export or other purposes should consult their private veterinary. No certificates will be issued at this clinic. Help prevent human exposure to rabies, take advantage of this opportunity to have your pets immunized. A boost- er shot each year is recommended. OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING THURS., FRI., & SAT. JUNE 8, 9, and 10 FREE Pepsi OR Mountain D ew is.osrno FREE Shirriff Potato Clxips With Every $3.00 Purchase of Gasoline FREE 14kt. GOLD IG I ION KAY For Ford, G.M., or Chrysler Products Only FREE GOLD PLATED KEY CHAIN for Other Makes INTIOOMENT CANAOIE NNE Your Own Custom Cut Gold Key Made While You Wait FREE DRAW First Prize Second Prize 2 775x14 W.W. 50 GALS. LI UNIROYASUPERTEST RAIN TIRES GASOLINE Third Prize 1SET FLOOR MATS CHARL1ES AUTO SALES Authorized Rambler Sales and Service NORT}IEND SUPERTEST Corner Highways 4 and 83 EXETER, ONTARIO 44,