HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-06-01, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1961 BLUE WATER REST HOME NEWS and VIEWS Lance .A warm welcome is extended to Henry Hawkins, of Arkona, and Art 1 dighoffer, of Zurich. Mr. F d „ hofler is sharing a room with his soli, Grant, who came several weeks ago. We hope they will enjoy life here with us. .4. sincere and belated `thank you is extended to the Zurich Chamber of Commerce for their gift of sauerkraut from their popular „annual sauerkrant supper". Deepest sympathy is extend- ed to the fancily of one of our late residents, Mrs. Isabella Cook, of St. Marys, Ontario, who passed away Friday last. "May the souls of the faithful depart- ed rest in peace." * * * The Blue Water Rest Horne being a new home and now open six months, I am sure many people have questions concering the Home. There- fore, if any readers have ques- tions, out then in a letter and I will answer them through this column.• If you would care to write and perhaps you do not wish to sign your name, send By J. Reed, Superintendent your letter along under a pen name ar just as anonymous. Your questions will be printed here along with my reply. Do not hesitate to write. I look forward to hearing from you at any time. We are now on the way to having a full house. Many peo- ple have been making applica- tions of late. As I see the resi- dents each day, the thought goes through my mind as to how many different occupations our residents have taken part in during their life to date. In future columns I am going to record the thoughts and remem- brances of any residents who would care to be reminiscent with me. * * This week I chatted with Chester Smith, who lived in Zurich before coming to the Horne. Here is the first thoughts in the new section of this col- umn, "The Memory Basket": Chester Smith was in the printing and publishing busi- ness in Zurich for 45 years. The Zurich paper now operates un- der the name of the Zurich Citi- zens News, but up until Chester a sold the rights of the paper, it was published weekly under the 1 name of the Zurich Herald. Chester recalls that when he first took over the paper, it .cost $1.00 per year for a subscrip- tion, and the year he sold the paper it was costing only $2.50 per year. Mr. Smith, after he came to Zurich, apprenticed un- der Mr. Andrew F. Hess in the same newspaper that Chester was later to .own, It is interesting to note that Mr. Smith had the first Baso- , line engine in Zurich. The en- gine was made in •Hensall and was used to operate the print- ing press. In looking back over the various items Chester had to print in his business, he re- calls that the happiest item he ever printed was the special booklet on the 100 years of Zurich, which was compiled by Albert Kalbfleisch. The saddest items he had to print were the names of those who lost their Local Contractor Appointed Dealer Synthetic Protective Coatings Ltd., of Cooksville, this week announced the appointment of Donald Oke Ltd., Zurich, as the licensed dealer -applicator of Readco seamless flooring for this entire area. Associated with Mr. Oke in the application of this new type flooring will CLINT() Clinton Community Park Afternoon and Evening Programs SATUR JUDGING OF Heavy Horses - Light Horses • Ponies Market Cattle - Dairy Cattle - Beef Cattle Sheep - Swine Poultry - Pets Rabbits - 4-H Classes titY tS 2:30 p.m.—BABY SHOW in New Arena. 3:30 14" 3 1:00 p.m.—PARADE, Legion Hall to Park; Bands, Floats. 2:00 p.m.—OFFICIAL OPENING by Floyd A. Lashley. p.m,—PARADE OF LIVESTOCK in front of Grandstand. EVENING HORSE SHOW at 7:00 o'lcock Junior Farmers' Square Dance Competition y be Gerald Shantz. Both men recently attended an instruction course for this product at Cooksville. At the present time Mr. Oke has a room at his resi- dence in Zurich •in which the Readco flooring has been in- stalled, for interested parties to inspect. -a:alk, AlniE,4 .Ex CUSTOM SEAMLESS FLOORING Thousands of different color combinations ever needs waxing ss Y ReadTex . . . the new miracle seamless flooring , pours on wall-to-wall with colored ChiptexTM for an exciting three dimensional effect ... thousands of color combinations to choose from. There are no seams to collect dirt. Its high gloss, non -slip, resilient surface stays bright and brand-new looking year, after year, after year. Waxing and polishing are no longer necessary . , . wipes clean with a damp cloth. Discover how easy it is to beautify the floors in your home, office .. , everywhere. Just fill in and return this coupon. 5, AUTHORIZED READCO DEALER DONALD OKE LIMITED Dial 236.4092 ZURICH Box 201 I am interested in ReadTex Custom Searlttess Flooring. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO. lives in the two World Wars. Locally the saddest items were about two fires that hap- pened in the village of Zurich on two different no One was 'the fire on the present Bank of Mtheontreal site. Chester states that the fire there de- stroyed old Ba real and a type of depnk aofrkmenlMont- store adjoining. The second fire was in the bake shop which destroyed several adjoining stores. The hardest items Mr. Smith had to print about were the de- pression stories. The fastest item he printed was on one oc- casion when auction sale bills were brought .in to him on a Monday evening and they were out and at the sale by Tuesday noon. The sale, as a matter of interest, vas the Carling estate in Exeter. One of the many personal items of printers was a green eye protector shield which was worn by all printers on the forehead over the eyes. This shield was to protect the eyes from the brightness of electric- ity which had come into being. As Chester goes to his dresser drawer and takes out his green eye protector shield, he is re- minded of how valuable this item had been for him, and the many happy and pleasant mem- ories that he cherishes from his printing business. I know, Chester, that the citizens of Zurich say 'thank you' for a job well done, and the pleasant and happy memories of the former Zurich Herald. e Have The Best When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best, Itte 1JeLu\e 11a1I Nita Super Kem-Tone and Kem-G!o S1PerMshab4 S P bI" Graduated With Honors ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK Allan John Prang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang, Zurich, graduated with honors in mechanical technology, from Mohawk College, H a m i l t o n. Allan is employed at Worthing- ton's in the planning and de- signing department, at Brant- ford. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nite mmiuraunammiumis TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green artd Long -Term Mixtures now from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade & Weide Hardware DIAL 236-4921 — ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" c-0 Those important events in your family interest OMSIP too! The Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan needs your help in keeping your file up-to-date:.. so that, for instance, you get instant coverage of your new baby...or your own cover- age when you turn twenty-one...perhaps even reduced rates if you should lose your income! We suggest you tear out this check -list and keep it handy—and do let us know about these changes in your family. A Change of Address. Moving's a busy time, but please take a minufe to drop us a line. Marital Status. When you get married, you'll want to put your wife on your own OMSIP contract. Birth. Please advise OMSIP within 30 days after the baby is born, or adopted, so you'll get effective coverage immediately. Otherwise, there's a 3 month wait- ing period after notification. Turning twenty-one. When a dependant comes of age, he is no longer covered by his parent's contract and must take out his own coverage. Again, let us know within 30 days for continuous coverage, or you must expect a 3 month waiting period after notification. Loss in Income. If your income is reduced or stopped because of unemployment, illness, disability or retirement, you may be eligible for premium assistance. Please make special application to OMSIP. Old Age Pension. If you are receiving Federal Old Age Security, you do not re- ceive OMSIP coverage automatically. So ifyou wish to loin OMSIP, please apply. Death. Upon the death of a contract holder, the new head of household should notify OMSIP. Please tet us know as well if a dependant dies. This information, kept up-to-date in your file, helps make sure your OMSIP claims are settled fast. But wheneveryou write OMSIP, be sure to include your name, address and contract number: Address all OMSIP correspondence to: OMSIP, 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto 7, Ontario. OMSIP helps pay your doctor bills,,,OMSIP pays 90% of O.M,A. scheduled fees.