HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-06-01, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c, REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50, (CASH DISCOUNTS— ! 1/3 off if paid by Saturday following last insertion, BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COW, carrying fifth calf, due to freshen within one month. Noah Gingerich, dial 262-5450. 22,b HEAVY DUTY Farm Wagons, six ton, Timken roller bearings, auto steering, wagon, less tires, $110. With new four -ply tires, ,'$160; with new six -ply tires, '8175. Joe's Farin Wagons, lo- cated two miles southeast of Linwood. 13to25,b LADIES, see our full line of white shoes, summer casuals and sandals. Men: Hydro, Sis- man and Greb work shoes, fine oxfords in widths, and casuals. Oesch Shoe Store, 2364602. RE-INFORCED Cement Tiles, 4' and 3'. Contact Lawrence Ziler, 1/ miles south of Dash- -wood, phone 237-3487. 14to20,b COB CORN, approximately six tons of good quality. Dial 236- 4669. 22,p -ONTARIO No, 1 POTATOES, $11.0 for 75-1b. bag. Apply to Arnold Vandenboomen, two miles east of Zurich or four miles west of Hensall, on High- way 84. 17,8,9,20,1, FLOWERS — arrangements for all occasions: weddings, hos- pitals, funerals, anniversaries, etc. Also tropical potted plants and potting soil. Nete's Flow- ers, Nete Oesch, Zurich. dial 236-4602. 20,b Property for Sale HENSALL — 3 bedroom, two. - storey brick home; wall to wall carpet; modern kitchen; full basemenn; oil heat; large yard; garage; excellent location. Cali 262-2139, after 6 p.m. 20,1,2,b FOR RENT EXPO HOUSE TRAILER, all .conveniences, on lot near Expo site. Sleeps four. Minimum of three nights, June to October. Phone 237-3654, evenings. 20,2,4,b CUSTOM WORK +CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich. BRICK WORK — Chimneys re- paired, repainted; stone work; fireplaces built; plaster repairs and water leaks stopped. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, phone 521-1332, Box 835, Seaforth. 10,tf MISCELLANEOUS GUITAR LESSONS at Hensall Town Hall. Enrol this Friday night, June 2. Guitars for sale or rent, or use your own. For all particulars, see Henry Pul sifer, in the council room, from `7:36 to 9 p.m. 22,b REPAIRS to all makes of bi- cycles, motor cycles, Hondas, ate. Also to power lawn mow- ers and garden tractors, Con- tact Kurt Uphoff, at Zurich Citizens News. 22,tf HELP WANTED TWO MEN, full time; two ladies, part or full time. Ap- ply to McKinley Farms and Hatchery, dial 262-2837. 21,b :MUSICIANS, male or female, wanted for a country and west- ern band, now forming. Dial 236.4004. 22,b POPULAR AVON COSMETICS ;has opening in Dashwood - Shipka and Grand Bend area. Fine earnings, convenient hours, Call collect evenings for infor- mation, Mrs. M. liaison, Lon- don. 451-0541, 22,33,4,b Cards of Thanks The Grenier family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the mes- sages of sympathy, floral trib- utes and the many acts $of kind- ness during their recent be- reavement, Special thanks to the neighbors, Father N. Page and Monsignor W. Bourdeau, the C.W.L., Westlake Funeral Honie, and all those who assist- ed in any way. 22,p I wish to express any appre- ciation to all niy relatives and friends for visits, treats and the many beautifulcards which I received while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. I also wish to thank Rev. M. Shatto, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Reed, the residents and staff of the Blue Water Rest Home for their concern for my family and myself while I was in the hospital.—N, J. Corriveau. 22,p The family of the late Mrs. Daniel Weber wish to express their sincere thanks and appre- ciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for messages of sym- pathy and kindness shown them in .their recent bereavement. 22,p The committee of ladies in charge of the Inter -church Cen- tennial Pageant would like to express their thanks to all who took part in the presentation, to those who worked behind the scenes and all that helped to make this evening a huge success. Also thanks to a great audience that filled the auditorium to over -flowing. Sorry we could not accommo- date the many folks that had to return home. 22,p IN MEMORIAM Gingerich—In loving memory of wife and mother, Mrs. Amos Gingerieh, who passed away one year ago, June 1, 1966. This is the day of remembrance, And one of sad regret, This day we shall always re- member When the rest of the world forgets. Though her smile has gone, And her hand we cannot touch, We shall never lose the memory Of the one we loved so much. —Ever remembered by husband and family. 22,p Gingerieh In loving memory of my twin sister, Mrs. Amos Gingerich, who passed away one year ago, June 1, 1966. This month comes back with sad regret, It brings back a day I will never forget, You fell alseep without a good bye, But my memories of you will never die. I miss you more than anyone knows, As each day passes the empti- ness grows, The tears I shed I can wipe away, But the ache in my heart will always stay. If she could have spoken before she died, These are the words she would have replied: This life for me has truly passed, I've loved you all to the very last. —Sadly missed and always re- membered by her sister, Mrs. Roy Gingerich. 22,p COMING EVENTS Centennial Tea at the Blue Water Rest Home, on Wednes- day, June 7, from 2 to 5 p.m. Guided tour of the home in- cluded. Centennial dress op- tional. Sponsored by Exeter chapter of the O.E.S. Proceeds to the home. Everyone wel- come. 20,2,b Monthly m ee tin g of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Blue Water Rest Home will be changed from Wednesday, June 7, to Tuesday, June 6, at 3 p.m. Picnic with residents. All ladies invited. 21,b ssr�r's. McADAM'S TV Dial 236-4094, Zurich Service to all MAKES AND MODELS mieetimestomememsvieuranerenorenea CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Trac tor, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc. Items on the premises Lot 21, Con. 14, Stephen Township 11/4 miles west of Dashwood thence 11/4 miles south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, JUNE 2. at 1 p.m, Horses: Percheron gelding, Belgian mare, good work team. Hereford Cattle: Six Hereford cows, due to calf in July and August. Here- ford heifer, rising two years old; Hereford steer, rising two years old; Hereford bull, rising three years old. Hogs: York sow with litter of 12; York sow, recently bred. Tractor and Farm Machinery: 1949 Case standard tractor; M -H 2 -furrow plow; Mc -Deering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Deering grain drill; Me -Deering 3 -bar side rake, new condition; Me -Deering horse-drawn mower; M -H grain binder; Mc -Deering hay loader; M-1-1 medium size tractor spreader; M -H team scuffler; rubber tire wagon; new liay rack; gravel box; M -H team cultivator; 2 -furrow gang plow; set of harrows; Mc -Deer- ing riding plow; 2 single plows; 2 cutters; buggy; harness; set of sleighs; dump rake; 3Q foot ladder; fanning mill; heavy duty anvil; iron kettle; root pulper; chains; forks; shovels, etc. Five loads unthreshed beans. Household Effects: Mareona battery radio; organ, in good condition; 8 -day kitchen clock; coffee grinder; dry sink; Aladdin lamp; many other articles. Terms—Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. JOHN HECKMAN, Proprietor GLENN WFRB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, 64 Hereford and Durham Cattle, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Feed Grain, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 19, Con. 10, Hay Township Half mile south of Zurich on paved road. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, JUNE 9 At 12 p.m. Real Estate: PARCEL No. 1 -100 -acre farm Lot 19, Con. 10, Hay Township, on which is situated modern 2 - storey frame dwelling, with all conveniences. Well built bank barn, with adjoining cattle barn, Also silo, large implement shed. Land of choice clay loam and in first-class state of cultivation. PARCEL No. 2 -125 -acre farm Lot 9, Con. 6, Hay Township, 50 acres pasture land, remainder Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL. Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 25c 66 Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. lWcKKINLEY b i a l 23644830 — ZURICH mixed bush. Never failing water supply. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list of this impor- tant sale in following issue. GEORGE GRENIER, Administrator for the Estate of the late Hermas Grenier ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc, Items on the premises in the Village of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 3 at 1:30 p.m. Real Estate Consists of lot 27, plan 10, Stephen Township, in the vil- lage of Dashwood on which is situated a frame dwelling cov- ered with asphalt siding. Liv- ing and dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and utility room; also small woodshed. Full size basement. Dwelling conveniently situat- ed; ample garden land and shade trees. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Household Effects Consists of pine glass cup- board; pine chest and table; rockers; bedsteads; dr es s e r; trunk; daybed; kitchen table and chairs; variety of dishes; garden tools; step Iadder; space heater, etc. Terms—Cash FRED GENTTNER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects being in the estate of Miss Anne E. Consett, late of the Village of Hensall on Oxford Street on SATURDAY, JUNE 3 at 1 p.m. In case of rain this sale will be held in the Hensall Arena A few of the items offered for sale: Frigidaire stove, almost new; refrigerator; Sp a r t on 21 -inch TV; Duro pressure system, good condition; oval extension table and 6 chairs; dropleaf table and chairs; small chesterfield; six horsehair chairs, platform rock- er and settee; Duncan Fyfe style end table; bookcase, books including old school books; needlepoint stool; settee and chairs, recovered; &poster bed a and dresser; two washstands; Davis sewing machine (bill of sale 1887 with it); large bureau, porcelain knobs; clock shelves and knic-knac shelves; small walnut chest of drawers; com- modes and blanket boxes; bed and dressing table; wardrobe; studio couch; glass top cup- board with pie shelf; Boston rocker and many odd peces of furniture. Among the dishes and small articles there is: colored glass; some milk glass; toilet sets; sev- eral sets of brass candle holders and snuffer; brass bedwarmer; 12 -place setting of Rodgers 1847 flatware, in Remembrance, com- plete with serving pieces; Limoges, Austrian china; com- plete set of semi -porcelain, in- cluding 2 turiens and laddles, teapot, etc.; silver tea service; Bavarian china; crystal pieces; brass pieces; china tea set; lamps; pictures, and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash Day of Sale House is sold and all must go to settle estate. HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer Alvinston 898-5330 4111111111111 Jean Macklin at the organ in the ROD and GUN ROOM Colonial Hotel GRAND BEND EVERY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night Also Saturday Matinee SUPERTEST PETROLEUM LTD. GAS -- OILS GREASES • FILTERS HOME HEAT SERVICE Agent: Charles E. Eckel Dial 236-4611 — Zurich 11M110111111MIUM HAY TOWNSHIP Centennial Day AT THE Hay Township Centennial Park (11/4 Miles South of St. Joseph, Highway 21) SUNDAY, JUNE 25 2:30 P.M. • Official Opening • Short Service Unveiling of Plaque — Singing by School Children SPEAKERS; PROF. HERB KALBFLEISCH and PROF. ALVIN SURERUS Bring your picnic basket for an old-fashioned picnic supper. • Coffee and Pop Supplied • All residents and former residents of Tay Township are invited! HAY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AND CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE H. W. BRO1(ENSHIRE Chairman Secretary DELBERT GEIGER TIEMAN'S HARDWARE and FURNITURE DASHWOOD Serta Mattress SPECIAL Regular $49.50 FOR $39.50 Special Prices on Summer Furniture Shower and Wedding Gifts IN CHINA AND CRYSTAL Plumbing, Heating, Electrical Work ANNOUNCEMENT It is, with great pleasure we announce the opening of "The Bookkeeping Service" For . . • THE BUSINESMAN • THE FARMER WEEKLY or MONTHLY or YEARLY STATEMENTS • Certified Statements Prepared • NO CONTRACT TO SIGN For further information as to rates and how and when the work is done, — CONTACT — LANCE REED — ZURICH Dial 236-4004 or 236-4954 BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE (34 Mile South of St, Joseph) GREEN FEES Monday to Friday (ALL SEASON) $1.50 Week -ends to June 1 AND AFTER OCTOBER 1 $1.50 WEER -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JUNE AND SEPTEMBER $2.00 WEER -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JULY AND AUGUST $2.50 MEMBERSHIPS Men, Full Season $35 Ladies, Full Season $25 Students, 16 to 20 Years $20 Juniors, up to 16 Years $15