HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-05-25, Page 641111111111111 Ms. PAGE SIX Hensa,ll Lady Honored The 24th conference of the C:a:•.:t;i an Council of the Blind W:S held May 15, .Id and 17. at the Beacon Arm lintel, Al- bert Street, Ottawa. At the banquet Tuesday t'venin4, Miss Greta .Latnr,Iie, of Hensall, was honored when the president, Air. .1. liews, Kingston. present- ed `ter with a citation and an- nnu:;eed that her name would he entered in the C.C.B. Bonk of Fame. hiss Lannnie ex- pressed her thanks for the honor conferred upon her and aIs, for the warm reception she received. offiairag MILIe,:5"a;. ,39.51MnrtCItlC60412Witit R I,0:1:1 TAMUTE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 RIVE -1H THEATRE WEEK -ENDS ONLY! MAY 26 and 27 Any Wednesday (Colour) Jane Fonda, Dean Jones Box Office Opens at 7:30 p,m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Double Features will be Shown Only Once Best Man in old costume at the big Costume Caper was Harry Torrance, RR 2, Bayfield, who carried home the $10 prize in his class from the event held in the Zurich Community Centre last Saturday eve- ning. v HE SETTLEMENT OF HURON COUNTY Author: James Scott a History of the County of Huron Excellent Graduation Gift or Gift for Centennial Year p KE $5.00 Available at office of County Clerk -Treasurer, Court House, Goderich, and local book stores. '.AiitC4 V(1, FAE: h-a:.i.'s'.:a.hnc...v �":.;•...:Y•a Is The A WE GET LETTERS I When you write a column like this, you get some reac- tion. If you didn't it wouldn't be worth writing, because it wouldn't be worth reading. I A recent column has pro -1 clued reaction. It dealt with the load we heap on teenage kids generally, and contained a' list of what my 16 -year-old, specifically, had to • do in the' next few weeks, Two letters arrived smartly, then a third. The first was l• from KD.. of Owen Sound, i "Your colunm is not up to your usual standard. Not quite so frank. It might have been if you had turned the x-ray on yourself as well as on the crit- ics of the young people of to- day—whoever they may be" Critics? K.D., meet L. E. Taylor, of Toronto. Admitting that he has met a few decent teenagers while on summer vacations in a small town, he About People You Know .. . Mr. and Mrs. Milt Oesch and Don were week -end visitors with relatives in Chesley. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes, Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gascho and family, Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho. Mrs. Leroy O'Brien has re- turned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clausius and Wayne CIausius motored to Nova Scotia the past week to attend the wedding of Barbara Clausius to Jim Willis. Miss Inez Yungblut was a week -end visitor with friends at their cottage north of Goder- ich. Mrs. Reg Black and Laurie, of Buckingham, were week -end visitors with relatives in Zur- ich, also visiting with her moth- er, Mrs. Herb Mousseau, who is a patient at South Huron Hos- pital. ime To y Beatty Freezer or Refrigerator Clinton Buy now, while the prices are lowest, and the selection'is best. Highest possible trade-in allow- ances will be made on your old Freezer or Refrigerator. ales & Service Ltd. ZURICH y Seaforth adds: "But not so itt this big city , . . A great many of the teenagers here are the push- ing, impolite, immoral bores to be shunned and avoided wher- ever possible" KD. says: "Any sane person would know your daughter is trying to do too much. Result of having two over -ambitious parent . . . Each of you want- ing to realize in each of your children your own ambitions. Selfish, I'd say." Now wait •a minute, there, KJ). You can say what you like about my wife. But by gorry, you're all wrong about me. All I want is for my daugh- ter is stop driving her mother nuts, pass her school year if possible, get married (.prefera- bly.•by elopment; I'll spring for a 50 -foot ladder in lieu of a $1,000 wedding), have about five kids, and get as much fun out of them as we have out of ours. • Back to Mr. Taylor. He doesn't blame the parents, but the kids. They have it too soft. Says they have more advan- tages than we had but lack in- itiative and drive. And he lists about 30 things he was doing while in high school. Come on, LE, be sensible. Sure, you did them. But how many others of your age did. There was darn little initiative and drive dur- ing the Depression. He goes on: "Matric had to be studied, and written off in 111/1 sweltering hot June days, with air conditioning nowhere." It still does, old boy, in most places, and furthermore, it's about three times more difficult than the mat.rie you and I passed. And the universities demand standards far higher, foI" admission, Back to K.D. "Bet your mother would have had more sense." (She didn't have time. Ed. Note.) "Whose fault is it that your daughters and others want to do so much in and out of school? Yours and others like you. What kind of train- ing, advice, guidance have you given her apart from 'strive, strive, strive' and 'anchieve, achieve, achieve'?" K.D., you are hereby invited to give my daughter some of that stuff. But don't blame me if you emerge from the confer- ence bloody and bruised. There's more of the same from K.D., and a lot of it good sense. It ends: "Baloney to your sex, LSD and drinks — mere red herrings to drag in and show how up-to-date you really are! Not stuffy at all! Ho! Ho!" Well, ho -ho to you, K.D. You've been reading too many articles about punk parents, and not enough about punk kids. If you think drink and drugs and sex are red herrings, in relation to teenagers, you'd better pull your head out of that sand pile. There you are. One corre- spondent says it's the parents' fault. The other says it's the kids'. They're both wrong. And both right. And then cane the third let- ter, balm to tortured nerves. It was from an old friend, Edith Rudell, of London, Ont. She is not exactly an amateur com- mentator. Six boys and a girl I quote: "I will frame it (the column) and amen! The fan- tastic amount of time and en- ergy and nervous tension ex- pended by my group is not pos- sible to describe" Furious? Anyway, it exhausts me just being an onlooker, So bless you, Bill, for putting the thoughts into words." Ancl bless you, dear heart. Ancl bless K.D. and L.E. When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best, Super Km Tone and Keg..-Gko +perlta�h`aLle �.up«t;t?4;r��Y ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long -Term Mixtures now from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade & Weido Hardware DIAL 236-4921 — ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" s Your Dow Nitrogen Products distributor can recom- mend the best fertilizer program for your crop right now. He has the specialized knowledge, the right equip- ment, and the best nitrogen products — Anhydrous Ammonia, Aqua Ammonia, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitrogen solutions and Urea. Be sure your crop's total plant nutrient requirements are satisfied. See your Dow Nitrogen Products distributor — soon! LOOK FOR THIS SIGN DOW CHEMICAL OF CANADA, LIMITED, SARNIA, ONTAIiiO HENS HENSALL Dow ZURICH BRUCEFIELI)