HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-05-25, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE. FIVE: `Classified Rates For Sale, etc„ Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS -- 2c a word; Minimum 50. f'CASH DISCOUNTS-- 1/3 off if paid by Saturday i following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. 'FRE E -- Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE SURGE[MILKING Machine, one year .old, like new. Priced for ;quick sale. Call Dennis Char - Tette, 236-4859. 20,1,p HEAVY DUTY Farm Wagons, six -bon, Timken 'tiler bearings, auto steering, wagon, less tires, ;110, With new four ply tires, ,$160; with new six ply tires, $175. Joe's Farm Wagons, lo- ,cated two miles southeast of Linwood. 13to25,b BABY BUGGY, converts to stroller and bassinette, in good oondiien. Apply to Don Sinale, Fink apartments, Hensall. 20,p No. 1 TABLE Potatoes, Sebago, 75 -ib. bag only $1.25. Vern Schatz, Dashwood. 15,b LADIES, see our full Line of white shoes, summer casuals and sandals. Men: Hydro, Sis- nhan and Greb work shoes, fine oxfords in widths, and casuals. +0esch Shoe Store, 236-4602. SPRUCE and White Pine trees, some suitable for hedges. Would like them removed soon, due to clearing of land. Contact Alvin Gingerich, 2364735. 17,b FLOWERS — arrangements for ail •occasions: weddings, hos- pitals, funerals, anniversaries, tic. Also tropical potted plants and potting soil. Nete's Flow- ers, Nete Oesch, Zurich. dial 236-4602. 20,b RE 1NFORCED Cement Tiles, 4' and 3'. Contact Lawrence Ziler, 11 miles south of Dash- wood, phone 237-3487. 14to20,b 'ONTARIO No. 1 POTATOES, $L10 for 75 -Ib. bag. A.pply to .Arnold Vandenboomen, two miles east of Zurich or four nnfes west of Hensall, on High- way 84. 17,8,9,20,1, 1957 FORD four -door, dark green, new paint, 1967 licence, insured. New seat covers, one owner, guaranteed. Ross Love, 38 Ontario Street, Clinton, 482-7252. 19,20,p Property for Sale TWO STOREY brick house, Zurich: three bedrooms and 4 - piece bath, living room, dining room and kitchen, oil furnace. Also good barn. Call 237-3336. 20,1,p HENSALL — 3 bedroom, two- storey brick home; wall to wall carpet; modern kitchen; full basement., oil heat; large yard; garage; excellent location. Call 262.2139, after 6 p.m. 20,1,2,b FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT, all con- venience, available June 1. One mile north on Goshen Line. ;Call 236-4715. 19,20,p EXPO HOUSE TRAILER, all Yconveniences, 'on lot near Expo site. Sleeps four. Minimum of three nights, June to October. :Phone 237-3654, evenings. 20,2,4,b CUSTOM WORK CATTLE SPRAYED. for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- .330.6, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich, SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc,, cleaned, Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, . 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, 'Tavistock.. 33-tfb BRICK WORK Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work; :fireplaces built; plaster repairs and water leaks stopped. Work guaranteed, Ray :Squire, !Phone 5271332, 13ox 325, Seaforth. 10,tf Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Victor Deichert take this opportunity to thank their relatives, neighbors and friends for the lovely gifts and the many messages of good wishes. Thanks to all who called at their home. It all adds to make it a very memorable occasion, A special thanks to the family. 21,p I would like to thank all those who so kindly remem- bered me, in any way, with get - we l wishes while in the hos- pital and since returning home. —Margaret O'Brien. 21,b I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my relatives and friends for their acts of kind- ness, cards and floral tributes, in the recent death of my son, William Bertram Carnie. Spe- cial thanks to the pall bearers, Rev. M. Morrison, the Westlake Funeral Home and the Blue Water Best Home.—Mrs. Eliza- beth •Carnie. 21,b COMING EVENTS Centennial Tea at the Blue Water Rest Home, on Wednes- day, June 7, from 2 to 5 p.m. Guided tour of the home in- cluded. Centennial dress op tional. Sponsored by Exeter chapter of the O.E.S, Proceeds to the home. Everyone wel- come. 20,2,b Monthly m e e ti n g of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Blue Water Rest Honie will be changed from Wednesday, June 7, to Tuesday, June 6, at 3 p.m. Picnic with residents. All ladies invited. 21,b J!ELP WANTED TWO MEN, full time; two ladies, part or full time. Ap- ply to McKinley Farms and Hatchery, dial 262-2837. 21,b LOST and FOUND BLUE TOOL BOX full of wrenches. Lost on Blind Line in front of farm of Edgar Wil- lert, • on Tuesday afternoon. Please call Edgar Willert, dial 236-4724. 21,b WANTED TO BUY WANTED To Rent or Buy, a good -size brick house in Zurich. Four or five bedrooms prefer- red; in good condition. Write to Box BF, Zurich Citizens News. 21,b MISCELLANEOUS GUITAR CLASSES in Hensall Town Hall, on Fridays, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Henry Pulsifer, Clinton, will call. 20,1,p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of SUSAN FRIEDA NEUSCHWANGER, Deceased All persons !having claims against the estate of Susan Frieda Neuschwanger, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 19th day of April, 1967, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by ,the 27th day of May, 1967, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted having regard .only to those claims of whioh notice has been received. (BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario Notice To Creditors In the Estate MARY MANSON, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Manson, late of the Township of Stanley, in .the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 28th day ,of April, 1967, are required to file par- ticulars of sante with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 27th day of May, 1967, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing r e gar d only to those claims of which notice has been r eeeived. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter,Ontario TWO GREAT MINDS MEET ?— We can hardly say. Fut we are cer- tain that two fine beards are together here in a picture caught last Saturday evening at the Costume Caper, spon- sored in the Zurich Community Centre by Ken Ducharme and the Chandaliers. Seen here (left) is Eugene Creces, RR 1, Dashwood, who took the $10 prize for the neatest beard, and How- ard Adkins, RR 2, Hensall, who walked off with the same amount of money for the best styled beard. (Citizens News Photo) Wedding DURAND—CHARRETTE White mums', pink snapdrag- ons and pink carnations formed the setting in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph, on Saturday, May 6, 1967, for the marriage of Roseann Charrette and Dennis Durand. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Charrette, RR 1, Dashwood, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rurand, RR 2, Zurich. Rev. Richard London, brother performed the ceremony. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father, and chose a floor -length gown of white lace over taffeta with lily -point sleeves and bateau neckline. Her elbow -length veil was held in place by a pearl tiara and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white baby mums, with trailing ivy. Barbara Anne Dueharme, of Goderich, was maid of honor; Charrette, of of the bride, double ring PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS SEE OUR WIDE RANGE UNDERWOOD... . COMMODORE Priced as low as $59.95 ZURICH Citizens NEWS Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL. Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McI .INLEY Dial 226-4830 -. ZURICH ... .. Helen Durand, sister of the groom, was bridesmand, and Karen Durand, sister of the groom, was flower girl. They wore i d e nt foal floor -length gowns of blue georgette over taffeta with white lace bodice and empire waist line. The back panel was held in place by a bow. They carried bou- quets of pink carnations and white mums. John Charrette, nephew of the bride, was ring -bearer. Groomsmen were David Dur- and, brother of the groom, and Paul Charrette, brother of the bride. Anthony .Charrette and Ken- neth Durand, brothers of the bride and groom, ushered the guests. Wedding music was played by Mrs. Henry Rau. The reception was held in the Dashwood Community Centre. The bride's mother wore a two-piece white and navy silk knit dress and a corsage of pink carnations. For a wedding trip to North- ern Ontario the bride changed to a two-piece yellow suit with black accessories. The couple will reside in London where the groom is em- ployed with Richard Wilcox Company and the bride with London Life Insurance Com- pany. 0 DASHWOOD Celebrates Birthday Miss Mae Hodgins was pleas- antly surprised on the occasion of her 89th birthday when members of her family gath- ered on Sunday to celebrate with her. Present were Mr, and Mrs. Stan Kayes, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and family, of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family. Officers Installed The newly elected officers .of Zion Lutheran •Church Walter League were installed during the service Sunday. President, James Hayter, Jr.; vice-presi- dent, Janet Miller; secretary, Margaret M e r n e r; treasurer, Sheila Willert; christian growth chairman, Glen Restemayer; Wheatridge seals chairman, Jo- anne Hayter. About People YOU Know .. Mrs. Alice Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle attended the graduation exercises in Guelph on Friday, when the former's son, Douglas, received his DVM degree from the Ontario Veter- inary College. Dr. Thiel is now associated with Drs. Coxon and Leitch in the South Huron Vet- erinary ,Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deichert and family and Miss Margaret Deichert, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert. Elmore Clausius, of Windsor, visited over the past week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Clausius in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cecile, of Tecumseh, and Mr. Fergus Crowley, of Windsor, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Sweeney and girls. BOB'S Barber Shop MAIN STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nite INSURANCE Windstorm, Cyclone and Tornado • COMPLETE COVERAGE • Ontario Farmers' Weather Insurance Mutual Company Call Agent: James McAllister 236-4134 FOR SALE BY TENDER A building 32 feet by 1.20 feet containing four classrooms, complete with lighting, electric heating, chalkboards and tackboards. The building is on cement block piers and is so con- structed that it can be ,out into four separate rooms. Tenders will be considered for the building, in whole or in part. Tenders from individuals must be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10% payable to the South Huron District High School Board, Envelopes containing tenders must be so marked and must be received by 9 June, 1967, Purchaser must re- move building by 31 July, 1967. Tenders are to be forwarded to: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR, South Huron District High School Board, 92 Gidley Street East, EXETER, ONTARIO, Phone 235.0280. About People Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yungblut and Jack, and Miss Inez Yung- blut, attended the graduation ceremonies at Kitchener -Water- loo Auditorium on Monday, when the former's son, Paul, received his BSc degree from Waterloo University College. elUNIWOOMMIlleaelleemeneummismaimil Jean McLachlin at the organ in the ROD and GUN ROOM Colonial ]Motel GRAND BEND EVERY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night Also Saturday Matinee PAINT $3.99 GAL. Reg. $8,95. Clearance Sale of fresh paint, C.I.L., Sherwin-Wil- liams, Moores, Gliddens, etc. Thousands of gallons already sold to readers of such news- papers as the Family Herald, Free Press Weekly and many others. OUR GUARANTEE. If you are not satisfied return unused portion for complete re- fund, — Outside: suitable for wood, steel, concrete, etc. Col- ours: white, primer white, brown, yellow, battleship grey, medium grey, shutter green, bright red, barn red, cream, black, turquoise. — Inside: your choice of gloss enamel, latex, semi -gloss. White, primer white, sky blue, light grey, light green, ivory, beige, canary yellow, pink, turquoise. Pay in full or 50% deposit. Save charges. Ontario residents add 5% sales tax. Minimum orders of four gallons or mare shipped anywhere in Canada. SHERMAN'S HARDWARE LTD. 537 Queen West, Toronto, Ont. LIBBY'S 16 OZ. Deep Brow x Begs e/$1 Salads Tea, 60s 79c 32 OUNCE Fleecy Fabric Softener _ _ _ _ 41c 10-02. TINS Heinz Tomato Soup _ _ _ _ 3/$1 Prem Luncheon Meat _ _ _ _ 2/$1 Kleenex Tissues, 200s _ _. _ 6/$1 48 OUNCE Saito Orange Juice 3/$1 Gem Margarine _ _ _ 4 Lbs. $1 Bananas Lb. 15c 2 -LB. POLY BAG Supreme Peas 49c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH 1 BAYVIEW GOLF COURSE PA: Mile South of St. Joseph) GREEN FEES Monday to Friday (ALL SEASON) $1.50 Week -ends to June 1 AND AFTER OCTOBER 1 $L50 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JUNE AND SEPTEMBER $2.00 WEEK -ENDS and HOLIDAYS JULY AND AUGUST $2.50 MEMBERSHIPS Men, Full Season $35 Ladies, Full Season $25 Students, 16 to 20 Years $20 Juniors, up to 16 Years $15