HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-05-11, Page 7THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PACrE SEVEN NOT LEFT OVER AT ALL — Meet the Left- overs, league winners of the men's bowling in Zur- dch this past winter. They are (front, left to right) Lawrence Mason, Joe Grootjenn, Ken Kraft; (back, Centennial costume Caper (OLD AND NEW TIME DANCE) Zurich Community Centre Saturday, May 20 $75.00 IN PRIZE MONEY Best Costume, 100 Years Old $1000 Best Couple in Old Costume $12.00 Best Man in Old Costume $5.00 Best Lady in Old Costume $5.00 Neatest Beard $10.00 Best Styled Beard $10.00 .Door Prizes --- lst, $10; 2nd, $8; 3rd, $5 Music by AEN DUCHARME and The Chandaliers Special Guests: Gene Ducharme and Sharon Strong Advance Tickets from Orchestra Members: $1.00 REGULAR ADMISSION: $1.25 Dancing: 8:45 to 11:45 p.m. Judging: 11:45 p.m. Increase Your (0 Rr 1 BY APPLYING 20 % AQUA AMMONIA • No Loss of Material • Economical • Pre -Plan or Side Dress • No Worries We Will Apply It For You Don't Hesitate Book Your Name Now ! Hensali District Co -Operative Inc. Dial 262-2608 Hensall 1 left to right) George Fraser, Gordon Kraft, Martin Vandenberk and Bob Morton. This team was pre- sented with awards at the banquet in Dashwood last Wednesday evening. TAKE A BOW KIDS Sometimes I envy the young. But very often, my heart aches for them. They haven't much in the way of armor, you know, in an adult -dominated world. And that's why they so often rebel and run away from home or get married, or do something which even they know is stupid, Today's young people are confused and battered by an assault of sights, sounds and ideas they simply can't cope with. Nothing is easier than to criticise them. They're spoiled rotten. They have too much money. They're bone lazy. They're utterly selfish. They're immoral. They're materialistic. They have no sense of respon- sibility ... and so on. There is nothing that rasps me more than that kind of talk. And I'm afraid far too many adults are far too glib with it. Perhaps the worst offenders are old maids of both sexes, but we're all guilty, sooner or later. Adults generally are envious of young people. From that envy springs a general rancor which comes out as •a petulant blanket -disapproval of youth in general. What causes the envy? Most- ly, a host of misconceptions. Today's generation of teenagers has more money, more freedom, more luxury than any in his- tory. It's pretty hard for a man who grew up during the depression — and has worked like a dog all his life — to be anything but sore when he sees a young punk just out of school riding around in a red converti- ble, with a doll lolling on his shoulder. But what he doesn't remem- ber is that while the kids have all the "mores" mentioned above, they have some others. They have more work, more de- cisions, more pressures, more problems, more temptations. Certainly, some teenagers are bums. And so are many adults. But when you look behind the facade of fun -and -games the average high school kid seems to be having, you see a differ- ent picture. First of all, they spend six and a half hours a clay in school, where they are supposed to be p o 1 i t e, attentive, industrious and obedient to a welter of rules. That's the meat -and- po- tatoes. For dessert they are handed between two and three hours of homework. That's a nine -hour day, Mac. Many of them have after- school and Saturday jobs. Some are expected to do chores or help at home. Others become involved in extra -curricular ac- tivities which gobble the time. Very, very few have any hours to dream or read or just goof around, the hours that are so essential to any human's happi- ness, and particularly so at this Ge (Ain r NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERV YOU IN PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL WOR • We will build your HOME COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete project Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Richard DIAL 236.4679 Only $35 Completely Installed e"Ir ZURICH Hurondale W.I. Elect Gfficiads Annual meeting of Hurondale Women's Institute was held on Wednesday, April 26, in Cavell Presbyterian Church, Exeter, beginning with a buffet supper with 60 members present. Three new .members were welcomed by retiring president Mrs. Mac Hodgert, who was presented by Mrs. Edwin Miller. Hurondale WI made a dona- tion of $25 to HuronPerth Tornado Fund. Officers elected for 1967-68 are: past president, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, RR 1, Kirkton; presi- dent, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, RR 3, Exeter; vice-presidents, Mrs. John Pym, RR 3, Exeter, and Mrs. Mervin Dunn, RR 1, Hen sad 1; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Harold Patterson, RR 1, Centralia. Assistant secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Gerald McFalls, RR 3, Ex- eter; district director, Mrs. Mac Hodgert, BR 1, Kirkton; alternate director, Mrs. Lee sensitive •age, 1 know whereof 1 speak. My daughter came to us, almost in tears, the other day. She had just drawn up a list of things she had to do in the next two months, and she had that hor- rible feeling we've all experi- enced when things pile up to the point where we want to resign from the race. Here's the list. And remem- ber this is on top of a nine - hour school day. Play rehears- als; night practices; three night's performance. Band con- cert: night practices for string orchestra, concert band and symphonic band; one night's performance. Music festival: practise piece, play at festival, play at festival concert. Prac- tise with Bev and Hugh for Hi -Y concert; play at concert. Study for music exams, history and harmony. Prepare for piano scholarship a u d i t i o n. Practise with New Christian Minstrels for folk mass at church. Complete math and history projects for school. Study for final exams in June. And my daughter is no ex- ception. Other kids are just as busy, and just as much is ex - even time to experiement with petted of them. They haven't LSD or sex. They haven't time to go for a walk, or listen to the birds, or realize it's spring. Next time you feel like knock- ing kids, stop and ask yourself how you'd like to finsh .a day's work and then tackle about five more hours of demanding physi- cal and mental activity. Per- sonaily, I wouldn't trade with them, even if they did give me back all those years between. Webber, RR 1, Hensall. Directors, Mrs. William Doug- all, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mrs, Louise Oke. Emergency, Mrs. Edna Pass- more, Mrs. Archie Etherington, Mrs. William Etherington, Mrs. Roylance Westcott, Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mrs. Robert Mayer. Pianists, Mrs. Harry Strang, Mrs. William Sillery; song lead- ers, Mrs. William Dougall, Mrs. Ray Cann; ATTENTION Any Hay Township farmer wishing to take part in the "MARCH ON OTTAWA" ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 which has been recently organized by the Federation of Agriculture and the Farmers' Union, should contact one of the following executive members of the Hay Federation, no later than MAY 15: Carl Willert, Ian McAllister, Elgin Hendrick, Morris Finkbeiner, Albert Erb, Glen Greb, Stewart Thiel, Clem Regier. WILFRED MOUSSEAU, Secretary, Hay Federation of Agriculture. Or Choose from Our Rest Rockers • Hassocks • End and Step Tables Kitchen Suites • Recliners • MOTHERS LIKE Pole Lamps Table Lamps • Trilites • Wide Selection of WE HAVE A GIFT TO PLEASE EVERY MOTHER ! Westlake Furniture ZURICH FRIG DAIRE APPLIANCES When you think of GIFTS think first of a Wide selection of models fo choose from! OR GIVE HER A NEW . . . REFRIGERATOR • RANGE • WASHER or DRYERfi 1 CHOOSE FROM OUR COMPLETE SELECTION ! Clinton 1 Sales & Service Ltd. ZURICH SeaJorth