HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-05-11, Page 6PAGE $ X ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 -w 50 Years Ago MAY, 1917 ;soars are working at the new dwelling which 1?. C. Kalb- fle eh is having erected for himself. The new ceiling in the Luth- eran Church has been 'com- pleted. It is built of Georgia pine and presents a fine appear - ane. 1-l. 11. Little had the con- tr.et of staining and varnish - ng it. E. uesch, tonsoral artist, has installed an electric massage and hair apparatus in his barber shop. Elmer believes in keep- ing up with the times. Two smashups occurred re- cently just west of Zurich. On Saturday night, the auto driven by H. Walters and the rig driv- en by H. Schoch come together on the Zurich road with the re- sult that the Tatter's buggy was badly wrecked. Schoch's horse ran away and was captured the next morning near the Evan- gelical church shed. Philip Masse, wife and children were returning home and in some way a collision took place be- tween his buggy and an auto owned by Peter Mclssac, Dash- wood. Both auto and righ were precipitated into the ditch, the auto landing on top of the bug- gy, Luckily, all escaped injury although the buggy was a wreck and the auto also was badly damaged. 40 Years Ago MAY, 1927 I)r. A. J. MacKinnon last week received his new Buick coach for which he had given his order some time ago. While this is a marvelous age of smooth running automobiles, yet we must admit this Buick slides over the road just a little softer than most of the recent new makes of cars. George Hess, our local car- riage and auto top repairer and painter, has reduced the size of the buildings around his shop. The large storehouse at the west end of the lot has been reduced to about half the size and the lean-to at the south end, formerly known as the en- gine and boiler room, has been taken away. The beautiful showers of rain for part •of the week has indeed put things right in line for a bumper crop. Some think it rained too much but we must remember it's the May rains When you think of interior Painting, be sure to ask for the best, Super ire► -Terie and est ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long -Term Mixtures now from a reliable dealer, HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade & Weide Hardware DIAL 236-4921 — ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" STRONG HEALTHY PULLETS rip roarin' and ready to lay The best way to grow a strong healthy- pullet is through a SHUR-GAIN Feeding Program. Get your pullets into top laying condition by 22 weeks by using SHUR-GAIN Proven Feeds and Feeding Methods that have been farm -tested at the SHUR-GAIN Research Farm. Now is the time to start to make a winning team out of your replacement flock. Drop in today so we can discuss the SHUR-GAIN Pullet Feeding Program that will do the best job for you. DEiTZ and SON DIAL 236.4951 ZURICH bed tiel�ecs Rest Horne W.A. Hear Address By Huronview M. D, At the regular monthly meet- ing of the Women's Auxiliary to the Blue Water Rest Home, three Zurich girls provided musical entertainment. lar. Jena Rader and Ru•thaune Fleisehauer sang two duets, ac- companied at the piano by Carol Gascho. Special guest speaker was Dr. J, C. Ross, Goderich, Huron - view physician, A social hour and refresh- ments followed. PRESENTS TROPHIES — Alvin Rau, RR 2, Zurich, Grand Knight of the Father Stephen Eckert Council, is shown here as he presents trophies to the captains of the winning teams in a recent hockey tournament be- tween schools from Mount Carmel, St. Columban, Dublin and Seaforth. Cen- tre is Brian Lane, of the junior champs from St, Columban, and right is Larry McCann, of the senior champs from Mount Carmel. (Photo by Philips) and the warm sunshine that gives the farmers their barns full of hay as well as other crops. So be satisfied, 25 Years Ago MAY, 1942 Ken Breakey, Lorne and Lloyd Klopp, Albert Deichert, Earl Flaxbard and Stan Smith all spent a pleasant outing at the Hess' cottage in the Pinery on Sunday. Reeve Shaddick, of Hensall, noted that women in the village wanted to store salvage matter in the shed at the rear of the town hall. Ground has been broken on a new army camp grounds near Ipperwash Beach. The Shaw Construction Company has com- menced work on the construc- tion of storehouses and main buildings, and it is expected that the job will be rushed to completion. The road leading from the Blue Water Highway has been scraped and gradelled and there are unconfirmed re- ports that branch railway track will be laid to the camp from the CNR line. 15 Years Ago MAY, 1952 We have had a very dusty village the past few weeks with- out any prevention, the dirt blows freely with the slightest of breezes, or cars and trucks passing over the roads stir up an awful dust. With more permanent pavements laid or the usual dust prevention earl- ier in the season, these nuis- ances would be eliminated. Thieves took over $200 from performers of the Huronia Male Chorus HMS Pinafore when they presented the show for the third time in Exeter Friday night. The money was stolen from the clothes of the men after they had changed into costume. The clothes were in a classroom at the high school. The old shallow well in the local fire hall, which has helped out many a time, is no more. It is now filled up with earth. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner Jr., who have been living in the residence recently purchased by James Rannie, have moved their effects in •one of Ivan Willer't's apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe have moved from the former Thiel apart- ment to the other Willert apart- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Black are occupying the apartment vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Schil- be, moving here from Dresden. 10 Years Ago MAY, 1957 After the numerous cold and frosty nights the past week, it has turned more seasonable this week with bright sunny days and nice warm-up •during the daytime to about 70 degrees. Those cold winds from the north last week really are some- thing to remember. The new Gingerieh block which is being erected is mak- ing nice progress. They are about ready now to put up the upper story. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars, of Hamilton, and Mrs. V. Dedels of Kitchener, were week -end guests here, attending the wed- ding of their niece, Miss Sheila Sehilbe, to John Teevins on Sat- urday afternoon in St, Peter's Lutheran Church, HENSALL Your Liberal candidate in Huron is Andrew Y. McLean. immtammilima Huron County Crop Report A considerable acreage of cereal grains have been planted in Huron County. Some early seeded grains are beginning to "green up". Planting of corn is general although cool, damp weather continues to Hamper seeding operations. Frosty nights have hurt le- gumes and held back the growth of forages in some areas. Some beef cattle •are being turned out to pasture for the season. 1:. .4 L.11,l 1, For September, ON E NESOAY, MAY 17 ton fl 1967 ZIJRICH PUBLIC SCHOOL — 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 •a.m.—For Zurich and Hay Township children attending the Zurich Public School. HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL — 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.—Hensall village children, 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p,m.—Hay Township children attending the Hensall Public School. All children from Concession 6 and 7 (Parr Line) and west to the west limits of Hay Township will register at the Zurich Public School. The remainder of the school area will register at the Hensall Public School. Children eligible for Kindergarten Registration must be five years old on or before December 31, 1967. Parents should bring proof of age and immunization records. The present kindergarten classes will be open for inspec- tion by parents or guardians registering children. ]EIA' TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA 1 1 j�Vi Your Dow Nitrogen Products distributor can recom- mend the best fertilizer program for your crop right now. He has the specialized knowledge, the right equip- ment, and the best nitrogen products —Anhydrous Ammonia, Aqua Ammonia, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitrogen solutions and Urea. Be sure your crop's total plant nutrient requirements are satisfied. See your Dow Nitrogen Products distributor -- soon! LOOK FOR THIS SIGN DOW CHEMICAL OF CANADA, LIMITED, SARNIA, ONTARIO HENS U. DB KT ( ZURICH BRIJCEFIELD