HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-05-11, Page 3THURSDAY, RSDAY, MAY 11, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS qtei H,1 lir. and Mrs, W. T. Dodds, Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Dodds, Lynne and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weston, Seaforth; Mrs. Audrey Christie and Catharine Anne. Hensall, were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol.. Roy Consitt was a recent win- ner of a barbecue in a clraw at Al's Super -Save Market. Miss Ann Mickle deft Monday ^with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac- Millan, of Waterloo, to spend a week at Expo. The annual rummage sale, a :project of Hensall Kinettes, held on Saturday in the Arena, was most successful and well pa- tronized. Clothing not sold was given to the United Church for their bale to be packed this month. Charles Mickle, of Hamilton; Robert and Ann Mickle, UWO, London, spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt, To- ronto; Dr. W. T. Joynt, London, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Alice Joynt. Brownies and Girl Guides held a successful cookie sale .on Saturday afternoon. Legion Auxiliary Nan Tour Of Treatment Centre Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary met Tuesday evening, May 2. for their May meeting, with president Mrs. Harold Campbell presiding. Fifty dol- lars was voted to the Huron - Perth Tornado Fund, and $10 to the Cancer Fund. Members will attend the zone rally at Kincardine May 17. They also made final plans for the annual penny sale draw to be held the later part of May, with prizes on display at the Legion Hall. It was disclosed that $80.35 had been realized on the Easter basket •of grocer- ies with proceeds for crippled children. The Alxiliary ladies will visit at the Crippled Children's Treat- ment Centre "Open House" at Loudon, May 28. Mrs. Clarence Reid won the mystery prize, and Mrs. E. Munn the guessing prize. Bingo was played and Munch served. ewer MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Editor The Misses Kathie Hender- son, Brenda Noakes, Jayne Py- ette, Lois Simmons and John Goddard left Sunday evening by bus 'with grades 11, 12, 13 of South Huron District High School for Expo, returning home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orr re - Various Reports Presented At Unit 4 Meeting Unit 4 of the United Church Women of Hensall held their May meeting in Fellowship Hall Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 27. Mrs. James McAllister opened the meeting with a thought :For the day, "Christ gives us au- thority as His ambassadors", and she led in prayer. The de- votional was given by Mrs. Harry Horton on the theme, "Faith", based on Hebrews, Chapter 2, "Faith has power to remove mountains". The study was given by Miss E. Ellis. She dealt with Christ's Divinity, the miracles 'and power of prayer. This was a wonderful discourse. It was reported that the pioneer supper realized the sum of approximately $340. Visita- tion reports revealed that in all 90 visits on sick and shut- ins had been made during the month. Mrs. Gordon Love reported on activities of the manse com- mittee. Happy birthday was sung to honor Miss Ellis on the occasion of her birthday. Mrs. McAllister reported on the quilting activities of recent- ly, and announced that the bale is to be packed before the end of May. An invitation has been received to attend a tea at Cen- tralia Church on May 10 and to meet at this church at 2 p.m. for transportation, in your Cen- tennial costumes (optional). The Centennial project for the UCW is a new piano for the church sanctuary. The in- terchurch pageant is to be in Zurich Arena on May 28, at 8 p.m. The benediction was pro- nounced by Mrs. H. Currie and Miss Amy Lammie conducted a contest. Tea was served by Mrs. Love and her assistants. YOUR KEY TO INDEPENDENCE WISE INVESTMENT Assets •of UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUND LTD. have grown to more than $300,000,000 in less than ten years. OCTOBER, 1957 MARCH 30, 1967 V50,000.00 __.- $310,929,615 Proven Record of Performance $10,000 $29,169,81 (invested Jan. 2/58) (Value March 30/67 with dividends reinvested) An Increase of 191% in fess than 10 Years Only one other corporation in Canada (which incidental- ly is not a Mutual Fund) pays dividends to a greater number of shareholders. CONTACT; Charles D. Hay 2.62-2509 HENSALL United Investment Services Ltd. HURON. CENTENNIAL SCHOOL BRiJCEFIELD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION For September, 1967 ON Wednesday, May 17 9:30 to 12:00 -- 1:00 to 3:00 Parents should bring immunization records and proof of age. Pupils eligible for kindergarten must be 5 years old before January, 1968 School Phone Nurrtber 482-3330 A. MATHERS, Principal 18,9,b ceived word that their son and daughter-in-law, Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Donald A. Orr, RCAF, have moved from Paris, France, to Brussels Belgium. Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary attended a bowling tourn- ament at Seaforth, on May 3. Members were: Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. James Chal- mers, Mrs. E. Vanstone, Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Grant Mc- Clinchey. Several won prizes at bingo and penny sale. Mrs. McClinchey was runner-up with a high triple of 650. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Orr, Bar- bara and Kathryn, of Crediton, visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Orr. Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Donald, of Ailsa Craig, was also a guest at the Orr residence Mitchell Music Festival The 21st annual music festi- val was held in the Main Street United Church, Mitchell, May 1 to 5, with ajudicator Earl Terry, of London. The follow- ing are the marks awarded to pupils of Miss Greta Lammie, who participated: Tony Kyle, grade two, 78; Linda Bell, grade 3, 82; Gail Travers, grade 3, 79 Sandra Graham, grade 5, 79; Tom Travers, grade 7, 79; piano duet, Sandra and Janet Graham, 80; Sherry Travers and Carmen Currie, 82; Cathy Cook and Kay Davis, 79. 0 Regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held on Wednesday evening, with noble grand Mrs. Lindsay Eyre pre- siding. A bus trip is being ar- ranged by the Lodges of the district to attend the opening of the Chapel of Oddfellows and Rebekahs Home at Barrie, on Saturday, June 3. Nomination for elective officers will take place at the next meeting. 41.1 PAGE THREE News of Varna and District Dedicate Organ A special service and dedica- tion of the new organ was held in the United Church last Sun - clay with the pastor, Rev. M. Morrison, in charge. The choir, under the direction of ivirs. Robert Stirling, sang an an- them, and a quartet, Miss Carol Taylor, Miss Debra Stephenson, Frank and Peter Postil, also sang. Robert Stirling, chair- man of the organ committee, spoke briefly. A number of former members were present for the service. Honor John McAsh During the service last Sun- day morning in the United Church a presentation was made to Jahn T. McAsh, who has completed 50 years as an elder in the church, and has been made an honorary mem- her of the session, Mr. McAsh was ordained as an elder on February 11, 1917, under the pastorship of the late Rev. Daniel Johnston, His fa- ther, Thomas McAsh, was an elder and his grandfather, John McAsh, was an elder for 51 years. His son, William, is also now an elder, making four gen- erations of elders in the McAsh family in the past 110 years. John MeAsh has always taken a keen interest in all church work, being superintendent of the Sunday school and teacher, treasurer of the church and assisted in the chair. Fred Mc- Clymont read the -address and Sherlock Keyes, on behalf of the session, presented Mr. McAsh with a Bible, and William Dow - son, on behalf of the congrega- tion, presented him with a framed scroll. Mr. McAsh, in a few well -fitting words, thanked the session and the members of the congregation. HYDRO Intrruption in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL Affecting the area east of Nelson Street, and south of King Street S!J r !=AY, AY 14 . FROM 5 A.M. TO 8 A.M. This interruption is necessary to facilitate highway widening. -- I-IENSALL PUC x'++1.1 4'U1i•;a{,:s+ lI,% Zn. ,c .1 n.:;n S..: �:.w..,.y.., Caution Urged Because of the earlier matur- ity and extra production of aft- ermath, Flemish types of alfalfa are being grown more and more by farmers for stands up to three years duration. Special care is extremely im- portant when using chemical weed killers in Flemish varie. tieof alfalfa, Flemish varieties such as Alfa, Dupuits, Glacier, Mega and Saranac will not tolerate 2-4-D, MCPA or MCPB. It is therefore recommended that in cereal grains underseeded to these varieties of alfalfa that 2-4-D13 at 20 oz. acid per acre be used as the safest chemical for control of many broad 4t,144''f^ leafed weeds, Standard types of alfalfa Vernal and Narragansett also have a very low tolerance to 2-4-D (2 oz. per acre), M•CPA (4 oz, per acre) and no toler- ance to MCPB.. Although 20 oz. per acre of 2 -4 -DB (butyric form) is more costly, it will not harm the alfalfa and will give good control of many broad - leafed weeds. For cereal grain fields not underseeded with legumes, standard 2-4-1) products are very effective and are 'consid- ered as low-cost weed killers. Weed spray operators should always remember that it is not good enough when moving from, a field not underseeded to one seeded with alfalfa to "simply cut the rate of 2-4-D in half and hope for the best". Yes, We Are Contracting BEAN CONTRACTS NOW AVAILABLE CERT. No. 1 SEED BEANS • SANILAC • SEAWAY • 1st Gen. SANILAC Fertilizer and Eptam IN STOCK MILLING CO. LTD. DIAL 262.2605 — HENSALL ta t M,y �a Cooked Ham 99c LB. Fresh Side Pork 49c LB. Ground Chuck 59c LB. FROZEN FOOD HIGHLINER-24 OZ. (HADDOCK) FISH and CHIP DINNER 59c PRODUCE SPECIAL PUERTO RICAN No. 1—GOOD SIZE -15s PINEAPPLE 3 For $1.00 111/2 -Oz. Packages Campfire Marshmallows _ _ 2/49c Moir's — 14 -Oz. Box Selection Chocolates 88c Orange, Pineapple -Orange, Pineapple -Grapefruit — 48 Oz. Allen's Fruit Drinks _ 3/89c Betty Crocker — White, Raspberry, Confetti — 16 -Oz, Pkg. Angel Food Cake Mixes - - _ 55c 14 -Oz. Tin York Raspberries 37c 12-0z. Tin Hereford Corned Beef 59c Green Giant — 12-0z. Tins Corn NBbletrs 2/43c 3 -Lb. Economy Package Blue Bonnet Margeriue - _ - _ 99c Sweet Mixed, Bread'n'Butter, Sweet Wafer — 16 Oz. Rose Brand Pickles 3/$1 20 -Oz. Bottles Home Brand Catsup 2/59c 24 Oz Loaf Super -Save Bread 2/39c Beef and Pork SAUSAGE 3 Ibs. $1 Loin or Butt Pork (hops 59c Ib. Beef or Pork LIVJR 35c Ib. Round or Sirloin ST A