HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-05-04, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1961 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS MRS. MAUD1✓ REDDEN, Editor INDIVIDUAL CHAMPS — These three bowlers were singled out for special honors at the bowling banquet last Friday evening in Dashwood. They are Mrs. Jim Bedard, who won the high single trophy; John Robin- son, with the high average, and Mrs. Bill Coleman, high triple winner. Obituary FREDERICK ROY BROCK Frederick Roy Brock, of Sundridge, formerly of Hensall, passed away in the Red Cross Hospital, Burk's Falls, Sunday, April 23, in his 77th year. Surviving are nephews Roy Brock, Hensall; Lloyd Brock, Sarnia; nieces, Miss Grace Brock, London; Mrs. Byran KyJe, Hensall 1; Mrs. Allan Townsend. Mitchell; Miss Mary Brock, Barrie. Funeral service was held from Moore's funeral chapel, Sundridge, Tuesday, April 25, with burial in Strong Cemetery, Sundridge. Attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Byran Kyle, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Townsend, Mitchell; Miss Mary Brock, Barrie. 0 Arnold Circle Hear Of Spring Signs The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church met last Monday evening for their April meeting, with Mrs Al Hoggarth presiding. Mrs. Hoggarth and Mrs. John Baker .conducted the 'worship topic, "Spring time in Gardening". Roll call, `Signs of Spring", was answered by 14 members. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm gave a report •on the Stratford synodi- cal which she attended, and Mrs. Mildred Bell conducted a Bible contest. A bake sale among the mem- bers realized $22.50. Lunch was served by Mrs. John Baker and Mrs. Trevor Wilson. Hensafl HCS Discuss Topics The general meeting of the United Church Women of Hen- sall United Church was held Monday, April 24, with presi- dent Mrs. James McAllister opening the meeting with para- ble of the fallen swallow. Mrs. Ian McAllister conduct- ed the program of which Unit Two was in charge.. Mrs. Ian McAllister read a poem and Mrs. Walter Spencer read sacred passages from the Gospel, Mrs. P. L. McNaughton gave an inspiring devotional on United Church Women and the world community with special emphasis on "service": Prayer was offered by Mrs. I. McAllister. The offering was taken by Mrs E. Soldan and Mrs Ross Forrest Mrs. Grant MacLean gave a reading, "The Farmer's Wife's Birthday". Mrs. 'Don Joynt introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Steward Miner, of Thames Road United Church, who gave a fine .ac- count of work done among the Indians on the Sarnia Reserve. Mrs. H. Currie led in the sing- ing .of the Centennial hymn, ac- companied by Mrs. J. Goddard. Mrs. John Corbett gave court- esy remarks. The roll call showed 41 present. Reports were given by treas- urer Mrs. Edison Forrest; Mrs. Lorne Hay for the visitation committee; Mrs. Ernest Chip - chase for the supply commit- tee. Nine quilts were made and the bale will be packed the end of May. Regarding the memorial pi- ano, to be placed in the sanc- tuary, the finance committee We Have The Best When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best, Super Ke ,_Tone a nd Kern-GIo ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK Time TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Require.nents Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long -Term Mixtures now from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade SJ' seido hard°W''i DAL 236.4921 —ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" MIX8=1 will be in charge of the pur- chase if, and when, funds are available. Donations towards the piano may be given at any time. An invitation to Centralia United Church Centennial tea on May 10, at 2:30 p.m., (dress opitional) was received. Zurich inter -church pageant will be held on May 28, and the Guelph conference and Alma College conference will be held in August. �'Y e Asa 1 seen w �a. terthn s uests 4 it Civic Night The Hensall Kinsmen Club held a civic night and banquet on April 27 in the Legion Hall, Ilensall. There were several local citizens present. President Murray Baker in- troduced head table: fire chief Dave Sangster, clerk Earl Camp- bell, vice-president Bob Cald- well, reeve Minnie Noakes, PUC assistant Garey Maxwell, and Rev. J. C. Boyne, minister of Exeter, Hensall and Crom- arty Presbyterian ,charges, guest speaker, who chose for his theme, "The needs and duties of a service club in the com- munity", His remarks and good humor was enjoyed by all. It was reported that the Kins- men collected $1520 from their canvass of cars touring the dis- aster area on Sunday, April 23. The Kinsmen Club voted to donated $100 towards the Hur- on -Perth Tornado Fund, and an- nounced plans for the Kinsmen and Kinettes to canvass the vil- lage of Hensall on Tuesday eve- ning May 2, for this worth- while cause. The dance committee report- ed that Ken Ducharme and the Chandeliers and Ken Mittle- holtz and the Twylites are don- ating their services for a dance in the Hensall Arena on Fri- day, May 5, the Hensall Park Board donating the Arena, the local papers donating all adver- tising and the Kinsmen Club making all arrangements and supplying the labor. Every dol- lar collected will go toward the Huron -Perth Tornado Fund. Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary catered for the banquet, attended by 45 persons. Stocker Feeder Sale HENSALL SALES BARN SATRDAY, MAY 6 s AT 1 P.M. Consisting of Calves, - eifers and Steers FOR CONSIGNMENTS — CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT Jack Morrissey 482-7511 234-6200 HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer About People Doug Dick, RR 1, Hensall, is a patient in St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London, suffering a com- pound fracture of the right leg, injuries he sustained in an ac- cident. James S. Petty and sister, Miss Florence Petty, have taken up residence this week in their new home !on Queen Street. Saturday, May 6, at 2 p.m., will b the annual rummage sale at the local arena, sponsored by Kinettes. Mr, and ?firs. Owen Price, of Clifford, and Kevin, of Hamil- PAGE THREE ton, were week -end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Horton, In a draw for a child's desk at Al' Super -Save Market on Tuesday, Elaine Randall was the winner, Elaine is the daughter of the CNR station agent here. Historical research will be the theme of the May meeting of Hensel), Women's Institute on Wednesday, May 10, at 8:15 p.rn., in the Legion Hall. Grand- mothers will be guests and each member is asked to bring a guest. Roll call is to bring an antique for display, A good program is being arranged, in the HENSALL ARENA FRIDAY, BMAY 5 KEN MITTELHOLTZ and THE TWYLITES KEN DUCHARME and THE CHANDALIERS (Both orchestras are donating their services for this benefit dance) All Proceeds for HURON -PERTH TORNADO VICTIMS' FUND 1 Fresh T RKEY ROILERS 8 to 10 lb. average 39c Ib. Smoked e • Side awn By the Piece Ib. 55c Sliced - - - - lb. 59c Minced Pam, Mac & Cheese Pickle'na'Pimento, Chicken Loaf that By -Products 49c Ib. 10-0z. Jar — Deal Pack Instant Nescafe Coffee 18 -Inch Width Stuart House Foil JeII-0 Brand — Triple Pack $L39 rap _ 65c 45c _ 89c _. 2/59c _ 2/45c 2/$1 _ ._ 59c /55c -SSS 2/55c Lemon Pie Filling One Pound Tin Clover Leaf Cohoe Salmon _ 48 -Oz. Tin Aloha Pineapple Juice 20 -Oz. Tin Franco -American Spaghetti _ Packages Johnson's "J" Cloths 32 -Oz. Jar Miracle Whip Salad Dressing - Vegetable or Tomato — 10 -Oz. Tins Campbell's Soups 15? Oz. Chef Boyardee Pizza Mix _ _ _ Q.T.F. — 15 -Oz. Tins Tropical Fruit Salad Shirriff — 24 -Oz. Jar Good Morning Marmalade _ _ _ - 45c Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls 59c Ib. INEMINIMUNICIIII01111:11111. .411.111111111111111.1111 Fresh Ground Beef 39c Ib. FROZEN FOOD Berryland — 15 -Oz. Pkg. Strawberries 39c PRODUCE FEATURE No. 1 Imported 14 -Oz. Cello Tube To f; r," atoes 2 F 45c