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Zurich Citizens News, 1967-04-06, Page 5
THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memorlsms, Engagements, 3c a wear!' Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS - 3 Off if paid .by Saturday following last IneerHon. BILLING CHARGE— 10c added on second WI. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE— TS o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE STALLION PONY—Two years old 'Can be seen any time. 114. Fawcett, RR 1, Varna. 14,•b HEAVY DUTY Farm Wagons, six ton, Timken roller bearings, auto steering, wagon, less tires, $110. With new four ply tires, $160; with new six -ply tires, $175. Joe's Farm Wagons, lo- tated two miles southeast of Linwood. 13to25,b POTATOES. Also a litter car- rier and track. Apply to Arn- old Vandenboomen, two miles east of Zurich or four miles west of Hensall, on Highway 84. 14,5,67p HOG CONTRACTS—Dairy cost- ing service. Complete line of Purina feeds and sanitation. Garden, farm and veterinary supplies, etc. Clinton Farm Centre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton, M. W. Durst, Purina dealer Call 482-9333. 14,5,6,7,b ELEUTRIC MOTOR, 2 h.p., 3- phase -208, in good condition. Apply at Zurich Citizens News office. 12,3,4,x ONTARIO STEEL roofing and siding, Stelco brand. Present stock on hand — 28 standard gauge, colored, $15 per square. Galvanized, $10.75 per square. Arnold Cann, phone 235-1467. 14,5,6,7,p CENTENNIAL SHOES and Spats, available at Oeseh Shoe Store, along with our complete line of 1967 footwear. 13tf RE-INFORCED Cement Tiles, • 4' and 3'. Contact Lawrence :Ziler, 11/4 miles south of Dash- wood, phone 237-3487. 14to20,b WE SUPPLY FLOWERS for all occasions: weddings, funerals, hospitals. Cut flowers and plants at all times. Nete's Flowers, Mrs. Milton Oesch, Zurich. 13 tf 30' TOWER, Rotator and Aerial. Power lawn mower. Men's roller skates, size 9. Men's base- ball spikes, size 9. Call Zur- ich 236-4894. 14,b GIRL'S BICYCLE, 24 -in. wheel, sin good condition. Call Zurich 236-4783. 14,p DUE -THERM Oil Burner, large size, with fan. Call Zurich 236-4613. 14,1b SHETLAND PONY, good with :children. Call Bob Smith, 236.4744. 14,b 1963 GMC 1 -ton Truck, with 1'6"x9' platform; dual wheels; '700x18 tires; 4 -speed transmis- sion; radio. This unit is like new. licence 25342V. For this unit see Jack Turkheim, 236- 4713. 14,b HAY -900 bales of red clover Call Henry Rau, 236-4172. 14,b Announcements Mrs, Clarence Schade is hold- ing a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Mona Katherine, on April 15, 1967, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friends, neigh- bors and relatives are invited. 14,p COMING EVENTS Knights of 'Columbus, Sea - forth and District, plan two big dances. Cecil Tufts night, Sat- urday, April 8; Founding night, Saturday, !May 6. Keep these dates open. Tickets available now in your area, from mem- bers. Admission: $1.50 each, by ticket only, and limited to those 21 and over. At the Le- gion Hall, •Seaforth. 13,4,b Women's Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital, regular meet- ing, Tuesday, April 11, at 2:30• p.m., in the 'auxiliary rooms. 14,b Variety concert, Friday eve- ning, April 14, 8:30 p.m., Zur- ich Public School auditorium. At the same time, bake sale. Master of ceremonies, Bill Brady, of CFPL, London; Daviel Mitchell and Sharon, of ven- triloquist and magic act. The Country Redwings and the Hop- per Stepettes, singing and dance act. Ed Stiles, piano artist, playing new and old hit parade songs. Sponsored by the Blue Water Rest Home Ladies' Aux- iliary. Tickets on sale from Auxiliary members or at the Home. 14,b iMCCOR:MICK Grain and Fertili- zer Drill, 15 -run. Call Calvin Gingerich, 236-4889. 13,4,p CUSTOM WORK. Cards of Thanks I wish to say "thank you" to all my friends who so kinidly' remembered me with cards and visits while a patient in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, and since re- turning home. — Maurice Mac- Donald, Lucan. 14,p I wish to thank all my cus- tomers for your patronage in the •past, and hope you will continue to do same for the new owner, Myron Snider. — Blake Repair Shop, Amos Ging- erich. 14,p I wish to express my sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind- ness in remembering me with cards, flowers and treats, while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Sincerely, Linda Overholt. 14,p CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich. 48,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial (1155-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb WANTED WANTED—Land to Rent, suit- able for cash cropping. Call Zurich 2364043 or 236-4724. 12,3,p HELP WANTED PART-TIME STENOGRAPHER, for at least one day a week, to start. Typing experience and knowledge of book-keeping es- sential. Would also consider a young girl through school, will- ing to start at the bottom and learn. Apply in writing only, to Box WH, c/o Zurich Citizens News. 13,p BRICK WORK— Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work; fireplaces built; basement re- paired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, phone 527.1332, Box 335, ti ;5eaforth. 10,tf INCOME TAX returns filled, by experienced p e r s o n, Phone Lance Reed, 236-4954. 3,tf MISCELLANEOUS CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Grain, House- hold Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 11, Con. 14, Hay Township 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, then 21/2 miles north, or 21/2 miles west of Zurich, or 21 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 at 1 p.m. Tractors, Combine and. Harvester: 1953 Ferguson standard trac- tor, hydraulic lift, completely overhauled, like new, equipped with 3 -furrow plow; Case stand- ard tractor, in good condition; McKee shredder harvester, equipped with piping; .closed -in 20 -foot forage harvester rack and heavy duty wagon; Case 77 combine, equipped with motor and all attachments, in new con- dition; M.H. No. 7 9 -foot pull type swather. Farm Machinery: Mc=Deering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber, used one season; New Holland 5 -bar side rake, like new; Myers pull - type power take -off weed spray- er, recently purchased; Mc - Deering 7 -foot binder; Mc -Deer- ing 3 -point hitch 7 -foot spring took cultivator; Ford 3 -point hitch cultivator; bean puller; 5 - section diamond harrow s; Fleury Bissell tractor disc; Buehler heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 16 -foot grain box; rub- ber tire wagon and grain box; Mc -Deering 6 -foot mower; 3 - drum roller; Mayrath 48 -foot bale elevator; 20 -foot 6 -inch grain auger; electric motors; Helix 100 bushel cap. equipped with power take -off =loader; 2 -section d i a mo d harrows; M.H. tractor spreader; 2 -wheel trailer; Ford pulley; Webster paint sprayer equipped with electric motor; galvanized water trough; butcher equipment in- cluding press, grinder; exten- sion ladder; walking plow; 200 feet plastic hose; Briggs & Statton garden tractor, used one season; gas tank; weigh scales; block and tackle; grass seeder; tractor chains for 10x28 tires; hand sprayer; electric' fencer; cream separator; fan- ning mill; quatity lumber; barb wire; cedar posts; chicken shel- ters; set chime bells; bag truck; grease guns; chains; forks; shovels; snow fence, etc. Grain and Straw: 125 bushel Russel oats, suit- able for seed; 125 bushel Rod- ney oats, suitable for seed; 700 pounds Seaway seed beans; quantity loose straw. Household Effects: GE 9 cu. ft. refrigerator; S un shin e 4 -burner electric stove; kitchen table and chairs; occasional chairs; rockers; Am- herst upright piano; daybed; dressers; beds; assortment table; many other miscellane- dishes; sealers; crocks; cellar ous items. Terms—Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. NOTICE TO FARMERS—Before you buy any agricultural chem- icals, contact me. Also custom spraying. Lionel Wilder, RR 1, Zurich, call 236-4020. 12tf SILOS — A solid, poured -con- crete silo offers greater strength and longer life—does a better, safer storage job, yet the cost is often less than other types. Let us quote your prices, financ- ing and construction arrange- ments for a poured -concrete silo or liquid manure tank. Write Solid Silos Ltd., London, or phone London 432-7106, eve- nings 438-3778; or Forest 622- R-31. 12,3,4,5,b ATTENTION Egg Producers. Free washing,. •compare our grading. Top ,prices paid for As and undergrades. To get your • eggs picked up,. call "Mitch", Parkhill Creamery, 294-6265. 13,4,5,6,b ELMER RADER, Proprietor HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractor, Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items on the :premises Lot 11, Con, 4, Hay Township 21/2 miles south of Hensel). or 21/2 miles north of Exeter, thence 2 miles west The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on. TUESDAY, APRIL 18 at 1:30 p.m, Tractor and Farm Machinery: Allis Chalmers CA tractor, equipped with bean puller, in A-1 condition; Int. 12 -run grain and fertilizer drill, with power lift and markers, in new con- dition; Int. power lift stiff tooth cultivator; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; John Deere side de- livery rake; Cockshutt mower; Int. horse-drawn manure spread- er; 3 -section diamond harrows; Allis Chalmers 5 -ton wagon; Turner all -steel gravity box, like new; 7 -ton New Idea rub- ber tired wagon, equipped with 8 -ply tires; combination grain box and hay rack; walking plow; circular saw; 20 -ft. grain auger; tarpaulin 12x8; set of scales; quantity steel posts; fence stretcher; electric fencer; bag truck; 2 steel water tanks; muskrat traps; chicken wire; 300 feet snow fence; wheelbar- row; iron kettle; tractor um- brella; quantity of lumber and cedar posts; set of sleighs; Portland cutter; hog wire; 30 feet timber; poultry electric heater, including 6 lamps; M -H No. 9 cream separator; chicken feeders and fountains; ladder; gates; colony house 10x12; Cy- clone grass seeder; lawn mower; chicken shelters; set of chime bells; team bells; chains; forks; shovels; many other miscellan- eous items. No reserves as the farm is rented. Terms—Cash BEN TINNEY, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 Of Holstein Dairy Herd, Milk- ing Equipment, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Feed and Miscellany eons Items on the premises Lot 13, Con. 10, ."Hay Townshp 114 miles south of Zurich on paved road, WEDNESDAY; APRIL 19 at 12:30 p.m. Sale includes complete dairy herd, consisting •of 35 cows, heifers and calves. Also 'new line modern dairy equipment. Tractors: Int. 1314 diesel standard trac- tor, equipped with Geo. White loader; Allis Chalmers C tractor equipped with scuffler; Dion 22x38 threshing machine, fully AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Forage Harvester Equipment and Antiques At Lot 10, N. Boundary, Hay Township 3 miles west of Kippen and 1/2 miles east of Hillsgreen, on FRIDAY, APRIL 21 at 1 p.m. Oliver 60 tractor, with 2 -row scuffler .and bean puller; Gehl forage harvester with hay and corn attachments; Gehl blower; 2 forage boxes and wagons; Gehl hammer mill; Massey -Har- ris 15 -run seed drill with mark- ers; Mc -Deering 8 -ft. binder; Mc -Deering 8% ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Mc -Deering 32 plate disc; Massey -Harris .3 2- p late disc; 2 three -section Mc -Deer- ing lever harrows; Cockshutt 4 - bar side rake; Mc -Deering 3 - furrow pull type plow; Massey - Harris 2 -furrow plow, on rub- ber; Mc -Deering 7 -ft. power mower; Little Giant 42 -ft. ele- vator; 2 -drum steel roller; 2 three -section diamond harrows; Massey -Harris cream separator; fertilizer and grass seeder for back of tractor; emery and mo- tor; circular saw with 300 -in. saw; 2 cattle feeders on wagons; 50 -ft. windrnill derrick; wind- mill motor; pump jack; 1000 - lb. scales; steel water trough; well windlass; 300 ft. litter car- rier track and bucket; hayfork car and 150 feet of rope; 2 water tanks one with jacket; Stewart electric clippers; 2 - wheel trailer, new tires; anvil; 4 sling ropes; block and tackle; wire stretcher; 4 1/4 -horse mo- tors; 2 heavy steel' barrels, one with pump; electric feed cook- er; electric time clock; electric fan for henhouse; 1000 chick electric brooder; 3 1000 -chick coal brooders; pump sprayer; automatic water fountain; 10 self -feeders for hens; 2 electric heaters; 3 electric fencers; 1957 Ford sedan, in good condition; Bendix washing machine; type- writer and other articles. Antiques: Steamer trunk; 8 -day clock; settee; barrel churn; butter equipped; Kongskilde swather.; bowl; mane! -made eracile; iron Int. hay crimper; New Holland kettle; sausage grinder; sausage hay baler; including full lime of stuffier; apple peeler, and num- other machinery. Watch for .complete list of this important sale in next week's issue, WILLIAM BROWN, Proprietor ALVIN WAILER, Auctioneer HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL SALE Of High Quality Holsteins and Dairy Equipment on the -premises Lot 28, Con. 13, Hay Township 11/4 miles west of Zurich, thence 2 miles north or one-half mile south of Blake. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRL 21 at 1:30 p.m. Sale includes cows, heifers and calves, with complete list in next week's issue. EDMUND ERB, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 ESTATE AUCTION SALE bunches cedar shingles; cedar posts; P o r tl a n d cutter; pig crate; set of scales; 2 steel water troughs; grain auger; 2 sets of sling ropes; iron kettle; 5 sheets galvanized sheeting; horse clippers; rifle; 200 jute bags; brooder stove; quantity of dry cord wood; cyclone seeder; sausage grinder and press; chains; forks; shovels; tools; etc. Grain: 600 bushel of mixed grain. Household Effects: GE deluxe 9 cu. ft. refrigera- tor; GE 4 -burner electric stove, in new condition; GE washing machine, recently purchased; GE 21 -inch TV; 2 -piece chester- field; 2 china cabinets; GE va- cuum cleaner; 2 bedroom suites; dressers; commodes; oak rock- ers; cedar chests; drop-leaf table; space heater; antique small box stove; coal and wood stove; assortments of dishes; etc. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. Terms—Cash Of Valuable 150 -acre Farm, Tractor, Truck, Auto, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 31, Con. 20, McGillivray Township 11/4 miles east of Corbett or 21 miles west of Mount Carmel The undersigned auetioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 8 at 12:30 p.m. Real Estate: Parcel No. 1 consists of Lot 31, Con. 20, McGillivray Town- ship, 100 acres of land on which is situated well built white brick dwelling with modern conveniences. Newly installed oil furnace. Large bank barn and driveshed. Land of .choice clay loam, well drained, 55 acres plowed, remainder in grass; 5 acres mixed bush. Never fail- ing water supply. Parcel No. 2 consists of Lot east half 32, Con. 21, McGilliv- ray Township, 50 acres of land, 5 acres mixed bush, re- mainder all tillable land. Land choice clay loans. Bank barn. Both farms in high state of cul- tivation and situated directly across from each other. Please Note: These farms will be offered in one lot, namely 150 acres, TERMS of Real Estate -10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Tractor, Truck, Auto: Cockshutt 30 standard trac- tor, in good condition; 1951 Dodge truck, with stock racks; 1956 -Meteor 4 -door sedan. Farm Machinery: Mc -Deering 3 -furrow plow; NI.H, 71/z-f.t spring tooth culti- vator; Mc -Deering 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Mc -Deering 3 -bar side rake; 3- and 4 -section diem o n d harrows; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; 2 -drum steel roller; John Deere 2 -row corn planter; Mc -Deering power take -off 7 -ft. mower; Mc -Deer- ing 2 -row scuffler; Fleury Bis- sell horse-drawn disc; Oliver tractor disc; 2 rubber tire wag- ons; hay rack; gravel box; dump rake; horse-drawn man- ure spreader, on rubber; colony house, 10x12; stone boat; 50 ft. belt; quantity of lumber__ 4 erous other articles. Terms—Cash ROSS LOVE, Proprietor HECTOR McNBIL, Auctioneer JAMES McAtT..ISTER, Clerk 14,5,6,b Dead Animal REMOVAL MRS. MADELINE SMITH, MRS. MARILYN THOMPSON, Executors for the estate of the late Joe Ryan ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 "RIMY WOW AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Beet Harvest- er Equipment, Truck, Auto, Hogs, Feed and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 23, Con. 13, Stephen Township First farm south of Dashwood The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, APRIL 10 at 1 p.m. Tractors, Combine, Truck, Auto: John Deere 4010 diesel trac- tor, used three seasons, includ- ing power steering and brakes, completely hydraulic, with John Deere 5 -furrow semi -mounted plow; 1952 88 diesel tractor with hydraulic controls; INCH. 22 Farmall type tractor, equip- ped with bean and beet scuf- fler; John Deere No. 95 com- bine, with grain and corn head pick-up, . recently purchased; 1957 Dodge truck, with racks and hoist; 1960 Plymouth 4 - door sedan, in good condition. Farm Machinery: John Deere No. 495 4 -row corn planter; John Deere 15 - run grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber; Kongskilde 131/2 -ft. cultivator, like new; New Hol- land 6 hay baler; New Holland 5 -bar side rake, used one sea- son; Int. 7 -ft. cut power take- off mower; Int. 9 -ft. cultivator; 33 ft. grain and bale elevator; 1965 power take -off model 350 farm hand beet cultivator; Black Welder 2 -row beet or turnip thinner; 9 -ft. cultipacker; 3 - furrow plow packer; 3 -drum steel roller; Int. hammer mill; 16 ft. grain auger; 10 -ton wag- on; agon; 5 -ton wagon; Case 10 -ft. heavy duty disc; 2 gravity boxes; Marr beet harvester and unloader ; farm hand bale buncher; Int. power take -off 120 bushel cap. manure spreader; lime spreader; Int. bean wind - rower; truck weigh scales; forks; shovels; etc. Hogs: 15 York and Lacombe choice sows, due from May 15 to June 1. Hay and Grain: 2,500 bales choice mixed hay; quantity sweet clover seed; quantity mixed seed grain. No reserve as owner is giving up farming due to other inter- ests. Plan to attend this out- standing sade. Terms—C ash ANDREW DIEPSTRATEN, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 237-3592 — Dashwood Reception and Dance For MR. and MRS. JOHN VARLEY (nee Liz Carter) Community Centre ZURICH Sat., April 15 9.12 P.M. Music by "THE CHANDALIERS" Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches mss, Petroleums Limited Gasoline 40 Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McKINLEY Dial 236-4830 ZURICH maimaramaratimaigerriesaiatimmatismara SUPREME INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT Only $4.50 Add 69c Gallon for Colors REGULAR LINES OF PAINT REG. PRICE $6.95 GAL. SPRED SATIN — SPRED LUSTRE STOCK ONLY! (COLORING EXTRA) 20% Off GALVANIZED Garbage Cans Regular $4.29 Only $2.99 40.60-100 WATT Light Bulbs 5 for $1.00. GENERAL ELECTRIC Record Players Mantle Radios 15°" Off Manual and Automatic Change Record Players 1 ONLY -8 -ROOM SIZE ELECTROHOME idif©r Special 552,95 Regular Value $59.95 Plastic Covered—Heavy Guage Clothes Lige 69c Rall 50 FEET ar Zurich