Zurich Citizens News, 1967-03-23, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1.967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN, Editor Miss Sylvia Henderson re- 'Thursday of this week for Flor- ida, where he will spend his Easter vacation. turned home on Monday of this week after spending a delight- ful two weeks' vacation in Lon- don, England. Dr. and Mrs, Keith Lindsay, Pamela, Sheila 'and Kevin, sof Hamilton, were week -end visi- tors with Mrs, John Henderson and family. Charles Mickle, Hamilton, spent the week -end with his ,parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle, and will be leaving on Mrs. Alda Simmons and Mrs. A Clark, who have been pa. bents in South Huron Hospital, have returned to their homes here. Members of Amber Rebekah Lodge attended a joint meeting with Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, on the occasion of the visit of the assembly. president, Mrs. Pauline Taylor, of King- Kippen East Women's Institute Give Hymn Books to Huronview as Project Kippen East Women's Insti- world smiles with you," "kick tute met at ,the home of Mrs. and you kick alone," "the one Doug McGregor on Wednesday, with the grin will always get with Mrs. John McGregor as in," "where the kicker is never .co -hostess. As it was the Cen- known." tennial party the ` 4-H Home- Mrs. Cecil Pullman gave a making clubs and their leaders poem and Mrs, Robert Kinsman were guests. reported for the historical re- search .committee; Mrs. E. Whitehouse for home econom- ics. Mrs. Glenn Bell outlined the store of 1867 and Mrs. Rob- ert Kinsman the same store in 1967. Mrs. Joyce Cooper gave the history of Saskatchewan. There was a draw, the pro- ceeds of which go to Bunny Bundle. Mrs. Vern Alderdice and Barbara Gemmell were the winners. It was decided the group would treat themselves to a supper in Zurich on March 22, as a wind-up to the attendance competition. The 4-H club girls gave ex- cerpts from the current club. Diane McKay, dressed in her centennial gown of her own making, gave the "Early His- tory of Canada'„ Kathy Roberts gave the "History of New France". Donna Stoll, also in her centennial dress, 'gave the "History of the Settlement of Upper Canada and the British Tradition". The club leaders, Mrs. Bruce McGregor, Mrs. Ken McLean, Mrs. Robert Gemmell and Mrs. Ken McKay were presented with gifts in recognition of their services with the girls. Mrs. William Kyle presented baby McGregor with his gift from the WI. Mrs. Vern Alder - dice gave the treasurer's report; Mrs. Drummond the •courtesy remarks, and after a contest lunch was served •by the host- esses, the 4-H .girls, and the committee in charge, Mrs. Rob- ert Kinsman, Mrs. Whitehouse, Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. Ross Sararas. Mrs. Grant MacLean opened the meeting with a poem, "The Birth of St. Patrick", which was followed by the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. "The powers that be" on the TV networks would have been most enlightened had they :heard the responses to the roll call, "Name your favorite TV program", and "the •one most disliked". The minutes ,of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary, Mrs. James Drummond, and My Wild Irish Rose was sung. Busi- ness arising out of the corre- spondence showed Kippen East was not going to exhibit at Exeter Fair, nor print their history in the newspaper, nor attend the workshop sponsored by the department of transport. It was reported that their centennial project, which was the presentation sof hymn books to Huronview, had been achiev- ed. Since the Tweedsmuir his- tory had been typed twice now, the meeting decided it would not do so again. Mrs. Robert Kinsman and William Gibson were appointed to look after the current events in the Centennial Year. Easter Parade was sung and the 4-H Homemaking clubs entertained. Marion Roberts gave her com- ments on "A Supper Menu", from the previous club. Donna Wihitehouse, Barbara Gemmell and Gwen McLean made the blueberry buckle from the cur- rent club "World of food in Canada". Mrs. Campbell Eyre gave a poem and also comment- ed on the motto, "Smile and the 1 I Address 1 Paid on 3, 4, 5 year debentures or 6% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures 4 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER 580,000,000 CAPITAL & RESERVE 59,000,000 Yes. ! am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. Please tell me more about this system of saving. Mr./Mrs./Miss L Tel. Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Or call: 432-4158 VILLAGE OF HENSALL Hydro Interruption MONDAY, MARCH 27 From 7 to 9 A.M. — Weather Permitting Affecting Sonth of King • Street, East of Nelson Street This interruption is necessary to facilitate highway widening MENSA.t P.U.C. lommonoonninninumismimmouwaimmio stop, and Miss Jean Scott, Sea - forth, district deputy president, who were special guests and who broth spoke briefly. St. Pouts Group Planning Supper St. Paul's Anglican WA met at the home of Mrs. T. Laven- der last Wednesday. The presi- dent, Mrs. Lavender, opened the Living Message, and after -I the meeting with prayers from PAGE THREE wards presented a very interest- ing chapter of the study book, "The Church Grows in Canada", dealing with inter -church rela- tions, and a discussion followed. Mrs. Lavender and Mrs. Mary Taylor were chosen as delegates to attend the diocesan )annual meeting to be held in London on April 25 and 26. The date of the annual smorgasbord will be Saturday, April 22, WELCOME GIFT — Huronview Chapel received a welcome gift of 50 new `Songs of the Gospel' hymn books which will undoubtedly b r i g h t en church services there for many years to come. Superintendent Harvey Johnston (left) accepted the books ;.• for the 50 -seat chapel recently. Mak- ing the presentation were Mr. John- ston's daughter, Mrs. Grant MacLean (centre) president of Kippen East Women's Institute, and Mrs. Harry A. Caldwell, public relations officer of the WL Hensel!! Curlers Win Trophies The Hensail Curling Club held a social evening on March 14, at which the trophies for the year were presented, The winners were: Goodwin trophy: Ray Consitt, Marg ''Consitt, Bob Bell, Marlene Bell. Middleton trophy: Bill Mickle, Fran Mickle, Harold Knight, Marg Knight. First draw winner: Bob Gem- mell, Jack Consitt, Doug Cook, Bob McLaughlin; second: Jack Cooper, Jack Upshall, Garry Cooper, D. Cooper; third: Fred Beer, Don Joynt, Tom Dougal, Lucille Beer. Second draw winner: William Mickle, Fran Mickle, H. Knight, M. Knight; second: J. Sint- mons, itemons, B. Simmons, B. Caldwell, E. Caldwell; third: W, Williams, M. Williams, R, Richardson, B. Richardson. Third draw winners; J. Skea, W. Skea, W. Bell, K. Bell; sec- ond: E. Fink, S. Brown, M. Brown, Lloyd Salter; third: G. Schwalm, P. Ne 11 an d s, A. Deeves, C. Hay. Fourth draw winners: S. Ran- nie, I. Ronnie, S. Kochan, A. Kochan; second: J. Bell, T. Bell, J. Hyde, M. Hyde; third: N. Mattson, D. Mattson, W. J. Cam- eron, J. Cameron. TI -LINKING ABOUT MUTUAL FUNDS ? BEFORE INVESTING INVESTIGATE United Accumulative Fund Ltd.'s ASSETS IN LESS THAN TEN YEARS HAVE GROWN TO ALMOST $300,000,000 OCTOBER, 1957 FEBRUARY 9, 1967 $150,000.00 $295,173,809.00 Growth of a $10,000 Investment $10,000 $27,885.44 An increase of 178% in approximately nine years More than 127,000 Canadians invest with United Only one other corporation in Canada (which incidental- ly ncidental ly is NOT a mutual fund) pays dividends to a greater number of shareholders. CONTACT: Charles De Hay 262,2509 HENSALL United Investment Services Ltd. K : GRADE ` Turkey Broilers BOLOGNA BEEF LIVER 1 3 c 3 lbs. $1.00 Sliced Ib. 39c !b35c SHANKLESS SKINNED WHOLE OR HALF SMOKED HA - Ib. 69c GROUND CHUCK Ib. 59c PRODUCE FEATURE No. 1 — Size 96s Florida Grapefruit FROZEN FOOD 111111111111M111111111.1116111/1114111FISINIEW Green Giant — 10 -Oz. VEGETABLES Pesti, Cern, Green Beans, AAetticorn 8 for 49c 4 for $1.00 Kraft -16 Oz. Coleslaw Dressing 57c Brown Bear Creamed Honey 9 -Oz. Jar 2 lbs 65c French's Prepared Mustard _ _ _ 64 Ounces Javex Liquid Bleach 2 for 35c Burn's — (Regularly 37c Lb.) Bakeasy Shortening Handiwrapg 100 -ft. roll 48 Ounces Hunt's Tomato Juke Tidbits, Crushed, Sliced -20 Oz. Lee Brand Pineapple 5c 2 lbs 4 c 2for 6jc 2 for 65c 2 for 9c General Electric -25, 40, 60, 100 Watt ---(Regularly 2 for 59c) Frosted Light Bulbs 2 for 3 Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch, Banana --6-2/3 Oz. c Royal Shake -A Pudd'n 2 for 79c Betty Crocker -16 -Ox. Package Angelfood Cake Mix 49c NOTE: Store Hours This Week — Open Thursday Until 10 p.m. -- Closed All Day on Good Friday 111.10 MARRET HENSALL- ONTARIO