HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-03-16, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE its Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memori.ms, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75e. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50e. CASH DISCOUNTS-- % Off if paid by Saturday foliowing last Insertion BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE -- f2 o'clock noon, Wednesday I FOR SALE 1000 BAT.11 S of Red Clover hay. Call Henry Rau, 236-4172. 10,p SPACE HEATER. Apply to Ray Fisher. Phone 236-4845. 95 BUSHEL Tractor Spreader. Phone 236-4137. 11,b LADIES, have you lost a dia- mond? You just can't afford to have your diamonds fall out of their settings. Let us check ,and clean your mounting—no charge. We do diamond reset- ting, or let us show you some smart, modren mountings — Hess the Jeweller. 5,6,7,8,p SMALL HERD of grade Holstein +epws, due in March and April. Will sell separately. Also 2- anit Surge milker with pump and pipe line. Peter Steckle, 262-5441. 10,1,p OFFICE BUILDING, 14 x 24, :moveable. All electric heat. Con- tact Charles Thiel, Zurich, for more information. 8,b PIGS AND Cattle. Leandre Bedard. Phone 236.4748. 11,b .25 GALLON Hot Water Tank, complete with heating element and thermostat. Call 236-4976. Stop! Look! SPRING FOOT- WEAR has arrived, in all the newest styles, for all ages. — Desch Shoe Store Zuric'h. PORTABLE STEREO, 3 speed, automatic changer, with variety -Df records. Phone 236-4778. 10,1,p 1,100 BALES of Alfalfa hay. Call 2364778. 10,1 EASTER FLOWERS — Order your Easter flowers early. Glox- inias, Lilies, Mums, cut flower .arrangements. Mrs. Milton Desch, 236-4614 or 4602. 9,tf REMEMBER Canadian Centen- nial with souvenirs and gifts: Plates, teas and saucers, trays, spoons, mugs and beverage sets, etc., at Hess the Jeweller. 7,8,p POTATOES, two cents a pound and less. Apply to Arnold Van- denboomen, two miles east of Zurich or four miles west of Mensal], on Highway 84. 8,9,10,11,p SURGE MILKING Unit, like new. Apply to Ray Ducharme, 236-4863. 8,9,p 1500 BALES of mixed hay; also .a breeder hog, 2 years old, guaranteed. Contact Harvey 'Martin, 262-5453. 11,2,p CUSTOM WORK. CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich. 48,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc.,. cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb BRICK WORK — Chimneys re- paired, repointed; stone work; :fireplaces built; basement re- paired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. Oxford Dead Stock Removal Ltd. One cent per pound for dead or disabled cows and horses. 24 -Hour Service 7 -Day Week JIM MURRAY & SON Call Collect: Hickson 462-2614 Licence Number 85 C 67 merarneeterestemeweteememwsimarow Centennial Chefs Discuss Menus The Centennial Chefs held their fourth meeting Thursday, March 9 at the home of Mrs. Bob McKinley, Miss Sharon Caroli, home economist, was the guest for the evening. Evening's menue, which was prepared by the members, in- cluded French-Canadian green pea soup for the appetizer, fol- lowed by a German entree of sausage, sauerkraut and hot po- tato salad, highlighted by a crisp tossed salad. For dessert the girls enjoyed German tea squares and Dutch chocolate. Pickled eggs were made and will be sampled next meeting. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Char- rette, RR 1, Dashwood, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Roseann Marie, to Mr. Dennis Philip Durand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durand, RR 2, Zurich. The wedding to take place on Saturday, May 6, 1967, at 1:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph. Births HARTMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Lar- ry Hartman, Peterborough, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Timothy Gerard. MASSE — Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Masse are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, March 14, 1967, at South Hur- on Hospital. THIEL — Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Thiel are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, March 15, 1967, at South Hur- on Hospital. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank the many hind friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown me while a patient in Clinton hospital and since my return home. I would rather not make any individual choice as to your kindness. Each of you had a contribution to give us in your own special way. This is deeply appreciated by our family as a whole and shall never be forgotten. My sincere thanks to all.—James Bengough. 11,p COMING EVENTS Knights of Columbus St. Pa- trick's Dance, Friday, March 17, Legion Hall, Seatforth. Dancing from 9 p.m. to ? Admission $1.50 each by ticket only. Lim- ited to those 21 and over. Tickets available from any Knight of Columbus member. Pioneer Supper on Wednes- day, April 5, 1967, 5 to 7 p.m., at Hensall United Church. Pro- gram 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets: adults $1.50; children under 12, 75c; at the door, adults $1.75. 11,2,3,b MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING — Centennial and other dresses. non Mrs. Elwood Truemner, 236.4067. 10,b HELP WANTED RELIABLE MAN to help build silos; good wages offered. Must be able to climb height. Con- tact Wes Hugill, 236-4928, NOTICE INCOME TAX returns filled, by experienced per so n. Phone Lance Reed, 236-4954. 3,tf Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 25 c 66 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Mc -Deering power take -off 12 - ton rubber tire wagon; 8 -ton hubber tire wagon, like new; ft. swather; Mc -Deering power take -off 7 -ft, mower; Mc -Deer - Of Choice Holstein Dairy Cattle, ing 12 -run grain and fertilizer Hogs, Tractors, Truck, Forage drill; Mc -Deering 4 furrow Harvester Equipment, F arm plow; Mc -Deering 9 -ft. stiff Machinery, Grain, Household tooth cultivator; M -M 4 -bar side Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises LOT 21, CON. 7, HAY TWP. 21/2 miles east of Zurich or 31/2 miles west of Hensall, High way 84. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 28 at 12:30 p.m. Holstein Dairy Cattle: Cow carrying second calf due before sale date; cow, milk- ing, with calf at foot, rebred January 2, carrying second calf; cow, milking, calf at foot, bred December 26, carrying fourth calf; heifer, fresh one month; cow, fresh six weeks, calf at foot; cow, milking, calf at foot; cow, milking, bred August 16, second calf; heifer, due latter part of March; cow, milking, due in May, carrying second calf; cow, due sale date; cow, milking, bred September 30, carrying third calf; cow, milking, due September 20, carrying third calf; cow, carry- ing second calf, due sale date; cow, recently freshened, calf at foot; cow, carrying second calf, due sale date; 5 Holstein heif- ers, recently bred; 4 Holstein yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers; 4 part Hereford and Hol- stein heifers; 2 Holstein steers, rising two years old. Hogs: Ten Yorkshire hogs, averag- ing 185 lbs. each; nine York- shire shoats, averaging 100 lbs. each. Hay and Grain: 500 bushel choice quality mixed grain; eight bushel seed beans; 15 bushel seed oats; quantity cob corn; 75 bales if mixed hay. Tractors, Truck, Forage Harvester Equipment: Mc -Deering W-9 standard tractor, recently overhauled, in good condition; Allis Chalmers B standard tractor, in good con- dition; Ford Standard tractor, equipped with heavy duty Davis loader; Chev 1/2 -ton pick- up truck; Fox forage harvester, equipped with hay rack and corn attachments, perfect con- dition; 2 new Dion self unload- ing forage harvester racks; 5 - HELP WANTED COUNTY OF HURON The following positions are available: 1. TURNKEY FOR COUNTY JAIL, 2. ASSISTANT AT COUNTY MUSEUM. Excellent employee benefits. Position at Museum could pos- sibly lead to promotion as Cur- ator. For both positions apply in writing before March 17th to the undersigned, giving particu- lars including age, marital status, previous employment, salary expected, when available. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treas., County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. Livestock Report Steer, Stanley Smith, 1020 lbs. at 30c. Heifer, Stanley Smith, '700 lbs. at 291/2c. Steer, Don Walper, 830 lbs. at 30c. Steer, Arnold Gaiser, 960 lbs. at 30c lb. For Service, Phone RAY INGRAM Dial 262.5092 Hensall ensisesaweasameaumenissammisaisew delivery rake; Allis Chalmers g- row ' scuffler for B tractor; Mc - Deering 5 -section diamond har- rows; Mc -Deering inthrow 14 - plate •disc; Otaco tractor spread- er; _-drum steel roller; M -H bean puller; circular saw, in- cluding extra blade; 5 -ton hy- draulic jack; G e in electric grinder; 14 -ft. grain elevator; handyman jack; electric fencer; posthole digger; windless grass seeder; hay knife; scythe; bunt- ing pole; tractor umbrella; 2 grease guns; 175 pieces 2x4, 34 inches long; single plow, 2 fan- ning mills; root pulper; heavy anvil; emery vice; pig trough; 100 -ft. cement forms; iron gates; air compressor, with paint at- tachment; gravel box; oil bar- rels and pump; chicken crates; 25 feet 7 -inch belt; 40 feet 3 - inch belt; ladders; Surge milk- ing machine, with 2 units; 7 milk cans; electric brooder; end posts; steel posts; quantity tools; belt lacer; electric cattle clip- pers; milk tart; 150 feet one - inch piping; set sleighs; cutter; light sleigh; bag truck; block and tackle; quantity cement blocks; two rolls snow fence; sling ropes; 8 sheets galvanized sheeting; silo pipes; chains; forgs; shovels. Household Effects: Frigidaire; 91/2 cubic foot re- frigerator, nearly new; chrome table; chesterfield; antique sofa and chair; swivel chair; kitchen cabinet; centre and end tables; television; kitchen chairs; beds; dressers; cellar tables; 'assort- ment dishes; lamps; vases; Fil- ter Queen vacuum cleaner; seal- ers; crocks; light fixtures, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. Lunch booth — selling will start sharp at 12:30 p.m. Terms—Cash LEONARD ERB, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer DASHYVOOD and DISTRICT 'MRS E. H. RA DER, Correspondent) WSWS The March meeting of the WSWS of the Evangelical Unit- ed Brethren Church was in charge of the spiritual life group with Mrs. Eben Weigand convenor, The theme was "Poverty and affluence, as we see it today". Mrs. Harold Kellerman was chairlady, Mrs. Hugh Boyle read the scriptures and Mrs. Gordon Bender and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther sang a auet. Mrs. Eben Weigand rea& from the study book. Mrs. Letta Taylor, vice-presi- dent, conducted the business. Twenty-two members answered the roll call. All secretaries reported. The hospital gowns made from old shirts are to be sent to the Leprosy Mission Centre in Toronto. Further improvements at the parsonage are to be recom- mended to the church board. Mrs. Dan Weber donated sev- eral crib quilts. It was decided to make the old choir gowns into drapes for the basement windows for showing slides and movies. Mrs. Merrill James reported that the Youth Mission money About People You Know ... Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien, Sirncoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer returned home on Sunday after spending ,a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulford, London, A class of ten young people will be confirmed this Palm Sunday at the 10 a.m. service in the EUB Church. Each con- firmand will have a definite part in the service of worship. Pastor M. Shatto will conduct the service and administer the rite of confirmation. The class will take the Holy Communion on Good Friday morning at 10 o'clock. FOR SALE BY TENDER SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, up to 5 p.m. on March 22, 1967, for the property and household effects of Mrs. Phoebe Weber, SH Lot 59 and Lot 60, Knell Survey, in the village of Zurich. For inspection, contact Hugh Thiel, 236-4773, Zurich. Terms: 10% deposit with Tender, balance in 30 days, if accepted. B. G. HANLY, Deputy Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. Isom willieWIEUNNIMIZEIMMEOSI Extra •r 1 i Care 1/0 acty Results in Best Service for You 110° 111* Large or small, your printing job re- ceives special attention before it goes ti to press, insuring quality results, letterpress or offset. SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS LIMITED Dial 236-4672 Zurich would go to Silver Lake Camp for a recreation hall. The ladies will entertain at Huron - view March 28. Everyone will meet at the church at 1 p.m. fa transportation. They will take two bushels of apples as oxgift. As a centennial project, March will be shut-in month and all members are to partici- pate. The Grand Bend United Church ladies will be guests at the April meeting and conduct it. Mrs. Ross Guenther and Mrs. Irwin Schade are the sun- shine committee. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ken McCrae, Mrs. E. R. Guen- ther, Mrs. Howard Klumpp, Mrs. Charles Snell and Mrs. Sid Neeb. FERTILIZER SERVICE For early delivery, contact your Shur -Gain Fertilizer Dealer PRICE and DELIVERY TERMS BAGGED or BULK SERVICE 50 or 80 -LB. PLASTIC BAGS Further savings on early payment CONTACT Henry Becker RR 1, DASHWOOD_ __.237-3376 TENDERS For Huron Centennial School BRUCEFIELD — FOR — 1 ONLY 30" ELECTRIC RANGE, 1 ONLY REFRIGERATOR, WITH LEFT HAND DOOR, to fit opening 34" x 75". TENDERS are to be clearly marked as such, and in the hands of the Secretary -Treasurer, J. E. Caldwell, Hensall, by March 25, 1967. Hosienda Social DANCE AND SHOW will be held at Stephen Township Hall, Crediton on SATURDAY, MARCH 18 Featuring Ken Ducharme and "The Chandaliers" Jordand and His Harmonica and Other Amateurs All proceeds will be donated to Crippled Children's Bunny Bundle Fund Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Municipal Telephone System will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29,1967 at 2:00 p.m. JOHN H. CORBETT WAYNE C. KORNER Reeve Secretary -Treasurer