HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-03-02, Page 6SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS. VARNA NEWS The second meeting of the 'Foreign Fetus" was held on February 22 at the home of Mrs, William Dowson. Nine girls answered the roll •ca11 with a name of a Canadian food that was used by the early settlers. The girls made "tour- tiere" and grandperes". The meeting was closed with 441 creed. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Reid and family, of Wallaceburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. George Reid. Miss Dorreen Howden, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Miss Joan McCly- mont. The February meeting of the United Church Women will be held on Thursday evening of this week in the church. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McClymont and Michael, of Burford, spent the week -end with relatives in Clinton and Varna. BOB'S Barker Shop MAIM STREET, ZURICH Open Tuesday and Friday Nita tourronneemmemnimmuummilm Clare Hoffman The following item is an ex- erpt from the Galt Reporter in a column entitled "Around the Town". It concerns the passing of Clare Hoffman, a former Zurich man: "Ile bad been failing in health for several months, spent a time in hospital, returned home for a brief spell and then suffered a heart attack that again hospitalized him and a complication brought about the end. "In the passing of Clare Hoff- man this city has lost one of the most gentlemanly athletes to ever step on arena ice or the baseball diamond, a model for the youth of our country to emulate. Had known him since the clay he and his twin broth- er, the late Clayton Hoffman, a local public school principal for years, set their feet in Galt back in 1922, being brought here for their prowess in sports, as hockey players. "Clare was smart on the sil- ver blades, a member of the celebrated old Terriers and also proved to be an outstanding performer on the baseball dia- mond. "Recall an incident in connec- tion with the importation of the Hoffman twins from their na- tive Zurich. On the trip to Galt they were accompanied by Clare's future brother-in-law, the late Babe Siebert who also BLUE WATER REST HOME ZURICH, ONTARIO Brand new 65 -bed Home with qualified nursing and medical staff, and fully equipped, has for immediate occupancy. Cost: $6.00 Per Day For Further Details — Contact the Superintendent BOX 220, ZURICH TELEPHONE 236.4373 rooms GOOD-BYE OLD FRIEND It was quite a blow to me to read recently that the Wiarton Town Hall had been destroyed by fire. Admittedly, the catas- trophe didn't rank with Hiro- shima, or the San Francisco earthquake, or even Hurricane Hazel, but it hit me pretty hard. It was rather like reading of the sudden death of an old girl friend. You knew she had gone to fat and drink. But you could remember her, at her best, she was the heart of your life. A lot of personal memories came crowding back when I read about it. That ugly old building with the shaky bell tower on top was one of the hubs of my existence for more was from Zurich and who was supposed to come to Galt. How- ever when the trio reached Kit- chener, Siebert, who lost his life in a drowning accident, was `waylaid' by hockey moguls from that city. He was a bruis- ing defenseman and in no time became a star with the old Montreal Maroons. "The late Clare Hoffman while a quiet chap was friendly and at all times a real gentle- man. After retiring from ac- tivities on the ice surface and baseball diamond, his sporting life was confined to the curling rink and while not too active in that winter sport in the past few years, he was to be found almost daily in the club house, enjoying a game of cards with old friends. "We have lost a good and true friend and extend condol- ences to his widow and his son, Bob, the idol of his eye'." The Truck Is Gone - - - - But The Bargains Aren't! Due to the severe snowstorm last Saturday, we still have a few units of Beatty Appliances on hand, left from our big Truckload Sale. If you want a bargain on any .. . BEATTY APPLIANCE DROP IN RIGIPT AWAY! Batty Deluxe B2� cu ft. size o ( $269 Chen Freezers zes other s1As As Low 189 FARMERS! Come in and pick up your own unit -- save dollars on delivery charges! OTHER BARGAINS ON Refrigerators • Ranges • Washers • Dryers THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED, SO ACT FAST ON THESE SPECIALS! GINGERICH'S Clinton Sales & Service Ltd, ZURICH Seafortb than a decade at a special time in my life, It was when I was young and my family was young and I was learning the newspaper busi- ness. I didn't have a mistress. I didn't hang around the pubs. I didn't take part in all-night poker sessions, I just went to the town hall. I spent more nights in its council chamber crouched over the rickety press table, than I did with niy family. On more than one occasion, my spouse, a tender young wife and mother, displayed psycho- neurotic tendencies toward the old town hall. At least twice she suggested I move a cot into the council chambers, and not bother darkening her bedroom door. I'll bet I attended more than a thousand meetings in that town hall. It was the only non- denominational meeting place in town, and it was there that great causes were launched and collapsed; that political careers were begun and ended; that human triumphs and tragedies were recorded. And I was in on all of it. It was a regular breeding - ground for lost causes and last- ditch battles. We fought such .behemoths as the CNR and the government: we lost. We bat- tled to salvage moribund indus- tries with heavy transfusions of local cash; and some of us are still anemic. But a lot of good, positive work was done there, too.. The commercial fishermen, the farmers, the resort owners and the merchants met there, fought with each other, but emerged, united in each case, to fight for their existence, and the betterment of the area. Another function of the coun- eil chamber was ;that of court- room, This was one that I didn't mind seeing go up in smoke. It's ,the only time the council chamber smelled bad— on court day. Most of the time it smelled dusty, waxy, and gar-smokey and just plain old. But on court days it stank: hangovers, puke, fear, shame, curiosity and the law. But that was only part of the old town hall, Across from the council chambers was the auditorium. And what memo- ries that brings back. •Concerts, plays, recitals, dances and polit- ical meetings. It even had a balcony where elderly ladies could watch the Sailors' Fare- well Dance in comparative safety. Our children made their pub- lic debuts there. I'll never for- get the night Kim, age three, dressed in a bunny costume, spotted' me in the audience, burst out of the dance line, and hurtled herself into my arms. Or the night Hugh, about nine, won the grand prize in the music festival, even though two of the notes .on the piano did not sound. Or the night I was an unwit- ting sucker in an elaborate practical joke, at a concert, I was to pretend I was playing a trumpet solo, while a real trumpeter played the piece off- stage. He double-crossed me. Warned the audience what was going to happen, and when I went into my routine, no sound. Felt a fool. Or the night the old girl and I stumbled through our lines). with the local little theatre group. Or the great New Year's Eve dances, when the whole town was out, flying. Got a sock in the eye at one of them when I Auld Lang Syned a pretty young matron in the usual fashion. Not from her. From my wife. Town halls, those great, ugly, draughty chapters in our his- tory, are burning down, falling down or being torn down. They are being replaced by modern, THURSDAY, MARCH Zr i%7 efficient "municipal offices" dition, humanity and warmth as which have about as much tra-I a filing cabinet. i MADAM S TV Specializing in Home Entertainment For Expert Service to All Makes of Radio Television W Record Players - ilii -lei ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV SERVICE Phone 236-4094 — Zurich General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN PLUMBING • HEATING • • ELECTRICAL WORK • We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete protect Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Only $35 Completely Installed Richard Bedard DIAL 236-4679 ZURICH Immemommssommummw Are you sixteen going on thirty-five? A message to ambitious young people about Apprenticeship Training,. Like the Song says, it's funny how time slips away, Sometimes that's a pity, because the nineteen years between the ages of sixteen and thirty-five are so important. These are the years when you can build a career and a financially secure future. But to do it, you have to look ahead. Apprenticeship Training—one way to a good job with a secure future ApprentileshipTrainingis tailor-made foryoung people who look ahead. This program, jointly sponsored by the Federal and Provincial Gov- ernments, opens doors for look -ahead young people in over a hundred well-paid, highly- skilled trades. It offers classroom instruction and on-the-job training plus rising wage levels as apprentices progress to the status of fully- fledged journeymen. Can anyone qualify for Apprenticeship? Not quite. You must be 16 or older and have at least a Grade 10 education. With additional edu- cation, such as a high school diploma, you could have a shorter apprenticeship and enjoy higher earnings sooner. Whatcan apprenticeship do foryour future career? When you complete your training, you're welt equipped to meet the future. Apprenticeship training can prepare you for a supervisory posi- tion or even a business of your own. And when you're thirty-five, you can look back with satisfaction. A Federal -Provincial Manpower Development Program If you like to look ahead, and have a Grade 10 standing or better, mail the coupon in this ad- vertisement for complete details on the Ontario Department of Labour's Apprenticeship Train- ing Program, Forapprentice training information mail this coupon: Gentlemen: Please send me additional information about the Ontario Department of Labour's AP- I prenticeship Training Program. 1 Name Address City Postal Zone ----- I one I i lad coupon to: Apprenticeship Training, P.O. $ox S,Addau a Sfreet Station, Toronto 1, Ont. The Ontario Department of Labour