HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-03-02, Page 2PAGE TWO ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1%7 Cddo1 Cernrne4 (BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER, CITIZENS NEWS COLUMNIST) Easter Seal Dollars At Work At Home Residents in Zurich, Hensall, Dash- wood and Hay Township soon will be receiving the long, white envelopes with that familiar pink stationery showing through the window. Peo- ple know at a glance the envelope contains Easter Seals for crippled children. Wait ! Before you throw them in the gar- bage or give them to the kids to stick all over themselves and your walls, take a minute to learn the im- portance of these white with blue and red "stamps" — and what they mean right here, in this area. Last year, from about 1200 mail- ings the local Easter Seal committee had about 250 replies containing about $700. One-half of that money was forwarded to the Ontario Society for its work. The other half of the money remained in this locality to help four little girls—one in Zurich, one in Hensall, one at Dashwood and one in Hay Township. This quartet of little ladies can smile just a bit broader nowadays because they can have that impor- tant "extra" amount of specialized care and equipment they need to make life more enjoyable for them. As most people can imagine, it takes a heap of dollars for one mom and dad to provide all the necessary items the Crippled Children's Society of- fers to make- it possible for a young man to ride a bicycle or a little miss to walk her dolly up the street. Often times, the local Easter Seal committee can assist with the right treatment or the correct brace—and the members are always ready and willing to do so, even if it does mean they must tap the Ontario Society for additional funds. The dollars gleaned from Zurich, Hensall, Dashwood and Hay Town- ship are earmarked for the "future" of any boy or girl who is crippled or afflicted with cystic fibrosis. The Easter Seal committee is hoping this year will be the best one in the his- tory of the campaign—for there is lots of work to be done. Your donation is welcome — and our four grateful gals say "Thanks". Foolish Fires T'hat Kill Tragic fires recently have taken the lives of many Western Ontario residents, several of them small chil- dren. Of all ways that death can stalk a human, fire remains the most frightful and the most agonizing, we suspect. Most times, too, fire would not have to happen. Fire often breaks out because someone has been careless — careless about overloading electrical outlets; careless about matches; careless about heating devices; careless about outdated wiring; careless about de- bris which sometimes lays piled in a corner until it heats and causes fire; careless about many things. What a shame — that an an extra ounce of prevention might save a life. What a pity — that people are just too busy these days to be that little bit over -cautious they need to be to keep home and famiy together. Certainly there are fatalists who believe fires are planned by some Higher Authority. We will not at- tempt to deny what we cannot prove to be false. Still, it would seem that we could all rest just a little easier if we knew our homes were as fire- proof as it was possible to make them! Perhaps those of us who own homes should have an electrical inspector come in once a year or so to have a look around. With all the new hydro appliances on the market, homeowners and apartment dwellers are constantly adding equipment which could tax a wiring system to the very Iimit. Especially if our homes are more than 10 or 15 years old, we should run a check on the wiring for safety sake. Open flame heating units are treacherous and should be replaced wherever possible with others that are less dangerous; old rags and newspapers should be cleaned away before they become "hot—beds"; chil- dren sould be taught how to handle fire (sometimes neglected these days when about the only use for a match is to light a cigarette) ; baby-sitters should know what to do in case of fire; parents should set good exam- ples for chidren and young people. Let us hope that this part of On- tario will never make the headlines with a horrible fire that brings death to one or more of our residents .. . and we can all do our part to prevent it if we follow a few common sense rules. Tax Cuts Should Come From Governments Taxes bear down heavily on all Canadians these days. If you add up what Canadians pay out in personal income taxes, plus all the indirect and hidden taxes wrapped up in the price of goods and services, along with the various sales taxes, it would amount to more than a third of every dollar earned, for most Canadians. Can Canadians afford more taxes? One would think not, but govern- ments apparently think otherwise, judging from their stated intentions to increase their spending programs. Governments can raise money for their spending only by taxation or by borrowing and there is reason to believe that governments are scrap- ing the ceiling of their borrowing capacity. This means that the money for in- creased spending must come from higher taxes. But there is an alternative, where- by governments can do what is nec- essary without raising taxes or with- out excessive borrowing. This is by establishing a sound system of gov- ernment spending priorities so that the urgent and necessary things get done first and the less necessary or urgent things await their turn. The key is obviously the word "necessary" and a more searching and accurate definition of the word is required. Money for government spending programs can also be found in an- other way — by eliminating waste- ful methods and practises just as any progressive business would do. At the federal level, the royal commis- sion on government organization pointed the way to achieving this and more could be done to implement its recommendations. News of Dashwood District Next Sunday, March 5, Rev. Earl Steinman will be installed as minister of Zion Lutheran Church at 3:30 p.m. Following the service a grocery shower and pot -luck supper will be held by the congregation for Rev. and Mrs. Steinman and children. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe and girls, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader and family on Sunday. The Boys' and Girls' Fellow- ship of the EUB Church en- joyed an evening of skating lately, followed by lunch and games at the church. Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mrs, Gerald Mason and Mrs. Lloyd Guenther were in charge •of the lunch; Rev. Merrill James was in charge of the games. Rev. Merrill James was in Kitchener last week attending a board meeting of the Evan- gelical UB Church. Rev. and Mrs. Merrill James were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Walper. Zuriob .ws PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS LIMITED, ZFJRICH HERB TURKHEIM„ Publisher J E. HUNT, Plant Superintendent Authorized as Second ClaSs Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Member: Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Member: Canadian Community Newspapers Representatives Subscription Rates: $3,00 per year in advance, in Canada; $4.00 in United States and and Foreign; single copies 7 cents. From My Window There really isn't much harm- less, armless, develish fun left in the world if one chooses to follow the rules; and precious little chance •of finding any under modern limitations on every- thing from hunting to Hallo- we'en. Just like machines, most thinking people do what they are led to believe is best for them. Studies show that smoking is harmful to the health of the nation. Campaigns to persuade smokers to "take the cure" have been successful. Go to any public gathering you like and count the number of men and women who are biting their fingernails, chewing gum and nibbling potato chips in an ef- fort to keep their fingers fag - less. From every source comes in- formation deploring strong drink. Advertising in all the commercial media may speak of a certain brand of liquor or beer, but broadcasting regula- tions make it impossible to really sell alcohol for its true appeal—escape. So, the social drinker who indulges mildly for relaxation or deviation has guilt complexes about his "prob- lem" and insists with Aunt Har- riet that the bottle on the shelf is for medicinal emergencies only. A century ago, spirited young people were not terrible teens. Maybe they were regarded as children, but never hopeless hoodlums if they raced the family buggy down the conces- sion or did a little growing up in the darkest corner of town. Affluent Canadians are urged to loose weight to avoid an un- timely berth on the Heart Vic- tims' Express. Half the Do- minion is dieting, afraid to eat a decent meal that might be their last. Citizens' committees are bent on censoring the books we read, the movies we see, the enter- tainment we watch, the televis- ion we view.. A few want to dictate ho* We shall dress and wear our hair. Worldy pleasures are dwind- ling all the time. Some do- gooders even want to restrict the sex habits of the entire married community and put a ban on reproduction. Next thing will be legislation to pre- vent breathing in order to wipe out infections spread by exhal- ing and inhaling God's fresh air. Already in some quarters, God Himself is disallowed. Last week I read somewhere that a popular theory supports the belief that coffee has an adverse effect on something or other—I never did finsh the article. I absolutely draw the line at giving up coffee. I wouldn't be surprised if some agency some w h e r e launched a study committee to investigate coffee. It is possi- ble we will see the day when coffee is proven to be a habit By Shirley Keller forming nerve wrecking poison- ous, germ ridden brew contrib- uting to incidents of hardened arteries, hanging nails, falling arches, floating kidneys and dandruff. It matters not, for though I be scourged and scorned, beat- en and burned, bruised and battered, as long as there is breath in these diseased limbs, I will not give up my coffee break. That would be just too much. 0 A man who gambles as a hob- by and always wins has become what you could describe as a TV and radio personality, hav- ing appeared with Pierre Ber- ton, Betty Kennedy, on CTV's W 5, on the CBC National News, on radio station CKEY, on CKCO's Scan and File 13 and numerous other programs. He is Bruce Irwin. His new occu- pation is author, and his first b o o k, entitled "The Midas Touch", reveals his perfect sys- tem for gamblinig at legal ca- sinos. Regular readers of this col- umn will recall that I travelled to Europe with Mr. Irwin on a tour of casinos and watched him win cnsistently. I have read the book, with the exception of the one chap= ter I wrote, and found his ex- periences exciting, fascinating and enchanting. Here is a story which Hollywood screen writers could turn into a motion pic- ture full of suspense. It's a fast-moving book and is recommended if you have an interest in exciting non-fiction —difficult to find these days. The second edition is more expensive, but worth every cent if you are planning a trip to Las Vegas, or to other parts of the world where gambling is, legal. This edition reveals the system which would allow you to win far more money than the price of the book. • If you want to get rich quick, don't call me. But, if you want more information concerning my trip, the book, or Bruce Irwin, write me in care of CKCO-TV, Kitchener. General Trucking LIVESTOCK SHIPPING ON TUESDAYS PCV C FS H BRUCE T. KEYS VARNA 262-536C 7 points to insist on when buying a furnace CLARE WINTER AIR CONDITIONERS HAVE ALL 7 QUALITY FEATURES When buying a furnace - consider gaaiity first. The investment is.* substantial one and the comfort and wel4bsing of your family is at stake. Oily Glare -Heels guarantees eco- ests ant performance for a tall 20 y. Every Clare unit is backed century of leadership in heating incluetry — your assignee el complete asdiedhdioa. And, thsasha Clare -Ilse* furioa ce to suit year i t g r te, r *VW It Drop iia ... fer ph+atae w Today Stade & Weido Hardware DIAL 236-4921 -- ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" 20 YEARS OF SERVICE — Mrs. Thomas Lavender has devoted the past 20 years to the Association of Guides and Brownies — and doesn't regret a moment of it, even though she has now found it necessary to retire. Here we see district commissioner Miss Mary McMillan presenting Mrs, Lavender with her long service certificate and pin at a banquet held last Wednesday in Hensall United Church. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE IN THE ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, March 17 Music by KEN MITTELHOLTZ and 'The Twylite t PRIZES FOR IiRISH COSTUMES Proceeds for Zurich Centennial Centre Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club ! Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRISTS J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH -- Dial 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 12 noon CLINTON — Dial 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9-12 A.M. — 1:30-6 P.M. Closed all day Wednesday Phone 235-2433 Exeter ACCOUNTANTS Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH P.O. Box 478 Dial 524-9521 FUNERAL DIRECTORS WESTLAKE Funeral Home AMBULANCE and PORTABLE OXYGEN SERVICE DIAL 236-4364 -- ZURICH HURON and ERIE DEBENTURES CANADA TRUST CERTIFICATES J. W. HABERER Authorized Representative 61/x% FOR 3 YEARS 6% -- FOR 1, 2, 4 & 5 YEARS DIAL 236.4346 — ZURICH AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALT" ER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or snail, courteous and efficient serv'i'ce:• at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DIAL 237-3592 DASHWOO1131 LEGAL BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER BELL, Q.C., B.A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., Lite Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519-235-0440 EXETER. INSURANCE For Safety . . . EVERY FARMER NEEDS Liability Insurance For Information About All Insurance -- CaII BERT KLOPP Dial 2364988 -- ZURICH Representing CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION J. W. Haberer Insurance Agency "All Kinds of Insurance" DIAL 236.4391 -- ZURICH