HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-02-23, Page 7THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN' FUN ON ICE — Kids today might have things much easier and more pleasant, but they still enjoy the same types of entertain- ment that children throughout the ages have loved. Zurich and area boys and girls have fun at the Zurich Arena, and whether it is high-jinks on ice such as displayed in the foreground by two boys or a •crack the - whip formation like the one at the rear of the photo, kids do the same things they did when Canada was young, 100 years ago. Minister of Agriculture to Address Annual Meeting of Huron Liberals Hon. J. J. Greene, Canada's Minister •of Agriculture, will speak at the annual meeting of the Huron Liberal Association on March 3. Announcement of the meet- ing and of Mr. Greene's accept- ance of an invitation to attend was made by William Elston, association president, following an executive meeting Thursday night. Mr. Elston said the din- ner meeting would be held in the Exeter Legion Hall, with a reception commencing at 6 o'clock. Tickets would be avail - 1 25 -FOOT ROLL -12 -INCHES WIDE Alcan Foil Wrap 26c Puritan Beef Stew 49c DOLE'S—DRINK Pineapple -Grapefruit Juice 3/$1 STRAINED Heinz Baby Food 8/99c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH able from municipal chairmen, he said. The meeting will be the first held since redistribution en- larged the Huron riding to in- clude Turnberry, Howick and Wingham in the north and Bid- dulph, McGillivray, Ailsa Craig and Lucan from Middlesex County in the south. Mr. Greene recently has re- turned from attending agricul- tural conferences in Europe, where he represented Canada. Since becoming minister of agri- culture he has been abroad on a number of occasions present- ing the Canadian viewpoint. Mr. Greene served as chair- man of the UN/FOA World Food Program Pledging Confer- ence held in January, 1966, at the United Nations in New York. As head of the Canadian dele- gation, he pledged nearly $30 million in commodities and cash as Canada's contribution to the program over the next three years. In October, 1966, Mr. Greene was named vice-chairman of a meeting of minister of agricul- ture from the 21 member coun- tries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation .and De- velopment. Agricultural poli- cies and goals of the countries and their relation to interna- tional trade and the needs of developing countries were re- viewed at the Paris meeting. Mr. Greene was the first Ca- nadian cabinet minister to visit Yugoslavia and he was guest of honor for "Canada Day" at the International Agricultural Fair at Novi Sad. Canada's exhibit at the fair included a herd of Hol- stein cattle that won the gold medal, the show's highest award. A Yugoslav agricultural and trade mission subsequently carne to Canada as a result •of an invitation extended by Mr. Greene during his visit. Mr. Greene's travels as agri- culture minister also took him to Argentina in July, 1966. The visit was in response to an in- vitation by the Argentine Rural Society which was celebrating its centenary in conjunction with its annual International Livestock, Agricultural and In- dustrial Exhibition. During his stay, Mr. Greene held talks with the Secretary of Agricul- ture and the Foreign Secretary 8 WAYS To Make Your Next Calf Crop The Most Profitable One Ever OFFSPRINGS OF THESE BULLS EARN MORE! Orchard Vale ABC Reflection (Holstein) Daughters produce almost 10% more milk than herdmates. Kingshurst Supreme Climax (Jersey) Daughters give 13% more milk than herdmates. Kingfield Braggart (Guernsey) Daughters give 14% more milk than herdmates. Roundbush Final Command (Ayrshire) Daughters give 8% more milk than herdmates.' WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Advancemore Mischief (Hereford) Certified Meat Sire. Tested steer sons aver- aged 943 lbs. at 123/4 months old. Willabar Jumbo 21 (Angus) Certified Meat Sire Tested steer sons averaged 877 lbs. at 1.31/4 months old. Lonedale Baron 22nd Tested steer sons averaged 941 lbs. at 1314 months old. M. L. Chieftain (Charolais) Certified Meat Sire Tested steer sons • averaged 1070 lbs, at 133A months old. phone for service week -days till 10 a.m. For Sunday service (in most areas) Phone Saturdays 6.8. p.m. Listed in local directories. SPLIT IT 50.50 DEAR DORIS—Recently my boy friend and I went to a dance. He bought the tickets. They were torn in two at the door. He kept the stubs and the other half went into a big box. Later a ticket was to be drawn for the door prize, which was a car. Just before the draw Bob gave one ticket to me, and it won. Since I took the money ($100) instead of a used car, I am wondering if I should split it with him. My parents think I should keep the money as the prize is supposed to go to the girl anyway, His parents think I should split it because he bought the tickets. I know that either way some- body is bound to be hurt, but I want to do what is right. Bob and I have decided to go by your advice. Girl Friend DEAR GIRL — Let's not get too legal about this. Bob doubtless intended you to have the prize if you won it, but I doubt if he expected the issue to come up at all, or he might have suggested that if either of you won, you'd split it. Share it. Money grabbing can make bad friends. Bob is gen- erous with you, takes you danc- ing, pays for treats.. An extra $50 could mean a great deal to him, perhaps even a special - extra date with you. Besides, think of the admira- tion you'll get for being so big hearted! DEAR DORIS — I recently had a letter from a friend in Ceylon who wishes to come to Canada. He has a Master's de- gree in Public Administration from an American University; he would like to work for a Ph.D. in this subject. Is there a university in Canada which offers a Ph.D. in Public Ad- ministration. Mrs. N. K. of Argentina. Mr. Greene's efforts to im- prove the lot of Canadian farm- ers are reflected in such meas- ures as amendments that broad- ened the scope of the federal Crop insurance Act; the launch- ing of an inquiry into prices for farm machinery and repair parts; the establishment of a Canadian Dairy Commission, and the introduction of a 1966- 67 dairy program aimed at rais- ing producer incomes stabiliz- ing the dairy industry, and pro- tecting consumers from run- away prices. General Trucking LIVESTOCK SHIPPING ON TUESDAYS., PCV C FS H BRUCE T. KEYS VARNA 262.536C smsh. Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROBERT N. McKINLEY Dial 236.4830 --- ZURICH DEAR MRS. N. K.—I haven't been able to discover a univers- ity in Canada offering a Ph.D. in Public Administration; but Business Administration is somewhat similar, and new courses are evolving all the time. I'd suggest (1) an inquiry of University of Toronto and of University of Western Ontario, both of which have courses in Business Administration; and (2) a search through the direc- tory called. Canadian. Universi- ties and Colleges, published by the Canadian Universities Foundation, Ottawa. Most pub- lic libraries have a copy of this. DEAR DORIS—My boy, John, who is 14, wants to smoke all the time and in order to do so he steals money from anybody he can. He stole $2 out of my purse; took his little brother's birth- day money; sold his wrist watch for 39 cents, and his bicycle for $1. I might add our home is not a happy one. Could that be the cause? I'd hate to think you had to Go by them and save your- experience everything before self possible distress and dis- you'd believe it, appointment. Terribly Worried DEAR TERRIBLY — I'd say so. The smoking, the stealing, the I-don't=know why, are all symptoms of a lack of satisfac- tion in other parts of his life. These are his self -indulgences his comforts—even though he himself has not identified the seasons. Before he ruins his mental and physical health, get him to a child care worker who can supply understanding and help; which will inevitably involve some exploration of your own unhappy state. DEAR DORIS—I am 1.5 and would like to go out with a boy my parents disapprove of. They say he has no morals, because my father has worked with him and heard him talk, but don't all boys talk? I know for sure he doesn't drink or smoke. I don't say he has no faults, but I do say that I have been with his friends who all say he's a nice guy. Should I tell him why I say no? This boy has had an accident resulting in the death of a child. He still drives a car reck- lessly, but not when girls are with him. Will I ever know what he's like if I don't go out with him? Advice Needed DEAR NEEDED — Even the foremost scientists put confi- dence in other people's research —and parents have plenty of background for their judgments. McADAM'S TV Specializing in Home Entertainment For Expert Service to All Makes of Radio - Television - Record Players - Hi-Fi ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV SERVICE Phone 236-4094 -- Zurich General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN • PLUMBING • HEATING • • ELECTRICAL WORK • We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete project Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows Only $35 STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS Completely Installed Richard Bedard DIAL 2364679 ZURICH off= FOR ENJOYMENT IN EATING OUT Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. 1:,,z:!4.511;14:111,1: �s•r �� .a n{i Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish ! ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236-4371 -- ZURICH 11111111111446111111141144411111111111011.111112111 �Q! CO CO c,anadian c 0/2 c/o 'e ConfedV2%`o BEARD CONTEST OPEN TO ANY MAN IN THE DISTRICT 1st PRIZE — $20 FOR THE BEST FULL BEARD 2nd PRIZE — $15 FOR THE BEST SHAPED BEARD 3rd PRIZE — $15 FOR THE BEST MOUSTACHE AND GOATEE Winners will be chosen at the ZURICH AND DISTRICT Centennial Reunion and Garden Party SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1967 REGISTRATION FEE: $1.00 All persons wishing to enter this contest must register before February 25, 1967, at either EARL OESCH BARBER SHOP BOB MERNER'S BARBER SHOP r11111.111 .. ..... 1441414 11111111111111111/111111111111 t It111tt111111 It1111111111t111111111141, t111t11111111111111111011141111111111It411G FILL OUT THIS FORM AND LEAVE IT AT EITHER BARBER SHOP (Name of Contestant) (Address) tttt ttttt111411111/4111(141140.11111111441(/111111111111111I1111111111It111I11411141141111/4111114 Sponsored by Zurich and District Centennial Committee