HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-02-02, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1967
Honor Bride Prior
To Her Wedding
Miss Patricia Harris and Mrs.
Boss Riley were co -hostesses
for a miscellaneous showes for
Miss Susan Stinson, prior to her
marriage Friday evening to
Leslie. James Riley. Some 65
friends, neighbors and relatives
meet to honor her in the Legion
Hall, Hensall, beautifully decor-
ated in pink and white motif.
A program was presented,
consisting of reading by Mrs.
Beatrice Munn, Mrs. G. Carey,
and duet by the Misses Janice
Wright and Ruth Coleman.
Mrs. Percy Harris read the
presentation address, and gifts
were presented to Susan by
Wendy and• Cheryl Riley in a
decorated basket. The bride -
elect received a host of beauti-
ful gifts for which she expressed
her thanks and appreciation.
Contests were enjoyed and re-
reshments served.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland,
of Hensall, will celebrate their
diamond wedding anniversary
quietly on February 5,
Kippen East Women's Insti-
tute held a most successful
dessert euchre and bake sale in
Hensall Legion Hall, Wednes-
day, January 25, which netted
$55. Nineteen tables were in
play for the euchre with seven
prizes: two firsts, two seconds,
two consolations, .and one lone
hand awarded.
Mrs. Harry Strang, Huron -
dale; Mrs. Wilfred Mack, Credi-
ton, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling,
Hensall, attended the meeting
of the district officers from the
four districts: south, east, and
west Huron, and south Perth,
at the agricultural board rooms,
Observe Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt ob-
served ther 51st wedding anni-
versary, Sunday, January 29,
and were entertained to a fam-
ily dinner at Hotel Hensall, ar-
ranged by members of their
family. Present were their
sons and daughters-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Consitt, Hensall;
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt, of
Annual Meeting of Hensall United
Church Hears Progress Reports
The •annual congregational of the church.
tweeting of Hens a 11 United
Church was preceeded by a de-
licious pot -luck dinner served
by the United Church Women
on Wednesday evening, Jan -
nary 25, at 7 p.m. Following
dinner a hearty sing -song was
led by Mrs. James McAllister
with Miss Greta Lammie at the
Preceeding the business meet-
ing, a short program was 'pre-
sented with Mrs. Rodger Ven-
ner reading an original poem
and Mrs. Dave Kyle a humor-
ous reading. There was a piano
instrumental by Mrs. Robert
The devotional period, con-
ducted by Rev. Harold F. Cur-
rie, included a silent tribute to
those who have passed away
since the last annual meeting.
The business meeting was
chaired by the minister, with
minutes read and recorded by
William Mickle, clerk of the
Reports of church organiza-
tion work for the past year
were presented in printed form
and reviewed by all present.
They indicated an increase in
stewardship of time, ability and
possessions to the life and work
The 1966 missionary and
maintenance budget was met
and exceeded donations in 1965.
Monies to the local treasury
were also up. The session re-
port was presented by Walter
Spencer, clerk.
Nominating committee, con-
sisting of James McGregor, Rob-
ert Caldwell, Jack Simmons and
Eric Mansfield, were authorized
to fill vacancies on the com-
mittee of stewards.
Edison Forrest was elected
to a three-year term as clerk
of the congregation.
The 1967 budget, prepared by
•the finance committee and pre-
sented by convenor James Mc-
Gregor, was accepted by the
congregation. In 1967 this con-
gregation will be enrolled on
the "Every -Family Plan" to re-
ceive the official church paper,
"The United Church Observer".
Rev. Currie expressed appre-
ciation to all members and
especially to the officials for
their leadership in the affairs
of the church during the past
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pyette
paid tribute to to minister and
his wife on behalf of the con-
The 11M&tern Way
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Kippen, and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
entertained their family Sunday
to a turkey dinner and all the
members were able to be pres-
ent: Mr. and Mrs. William
Mickle, Pamela, Judith and
John; Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mac-
Millan, David and Tommy, Wat-!
erloo; Charles Mickle, Hamil-
ton; Robert and Miss Ann
Mickle, UW O, and Mrs. Mickle's
sister, Mrs. Florence Joynt.
Miss Annie Consitt, who is a
patient in Clinton Public Hos-
pital, is improving nicely.
The February meeting •of
Hensall Women's Institute on
Wednesday, February 8, in the
Legion Hall at 8:15 p.m., will
be a Valentine party. Each
member is to bring a guest and
introduce her at roll call.
Hurondale WI
Hurondale' Women's Institute
held its January meeting last
Wednesday afternoon at Caven
Presbyterian Church, Exeter,
with Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Mrs.
Arthur Rundle, Mrs. Bruce
Tuckey, Mrs. Ed Sillery, Mrs.
Edwin Miller and Mrs. Glen
Stewart the hostesses.
Meeting was chaired by presi-
dent Mrs. MacHodgert. Forty-
five members answered the roll
cal with "Did You Know".
Mrs. Cornelius Faber, Mrs.
Maurice Love, Mrs. Richard
Etherington, Mrs. Elmore Pass-
more, Mrs. Alvin Moir and Mrs.
William Lamport were named
4-H leaders. The group will
cater to the Legion Ladies' Aux-
iliary banquet on February 11.
On Thanks -giving Sunday in
NO LONGER A SCHOOL—Many people driving along
Highway 83 from Dashwood to Grand Bend will wonder
what happened to the old Smokey Hollow School, but when
you look carefully you can tell where it is. The old Hay
school was purchased by Arthur Meininger, of Detroit, who
has added an extensive addition and plans to retire to the
location in the near future. The school itself is on the
right hand side of this photo.
Thames Road United Church at
3 o'clock, Hurondale and Elim-
ville Women's Institutes will
hold a centennial service. Rev.
Andrew Boa, of London, will
be guest minister, assisted by
other men who have gone into
the ministery from Usborne
Township. Roy Goulding, of
London, also a former Usborne
boy will be guest organist.
Women's Institute members in
centennial costume will attend
in a body. A Women's Institute
choir in centennial attire will
Mrs. Elmore Passmore was
named delegate to attend the
officers' conference in Guelph
in May.
Mrs. Robert Maver, convenor
of citizenship and education,
took the chair for the program.
Mrs. William Dougall presented
the motto: "Take time to read.
It is a highway to knowledge".
Household hints were given by
Mrs. Beverly Alexander. Mrs.
William Lamport gave a read-
ing, a centennial solo, with
words and music composed by
Mrs. William Sillery, was sung
by her, and a quiz on Canada
was presented by Mrs. Maver
and answered by members.
As this was Bobby Burns'
birthday his picture was hung
on the wall. Following the
meeting members toured the
newspaper plant in Exeter.
Hensall United Church was
the setting for a pretty wedding
Friday, January 27, at 7 p.m.,
when Susan Sharon Stinson and
Leslie James Riley exchanged
marriage vows before the Rev,
Harold F. Currie. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. William
Stinson, of RR 1, Hensall, and
the groom is the son of Mrs.
Elizabeth Riley, of Hensall.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a street
length gown of white rayon
A-line, with metallic silver
threads throughout the gown,
sleeveless and fashioned with a
boat collar, large black trim-
med hat, with black accessories,
with corsage of red roses.
Maid of honor, Miss Patricia
Harris, of RR 1 Cromarty, chose
a street length dress of ice blue,
styled with lace bodice and
crepe skirt, black trimmed hat
and accessories in black. Her
corsage was pink roses.
William Noakes, of Hensall,
was groomsman.
The wedding reception was
held in the Legion Hall, Hen-
sall. The young couple will re-
side in the Fink apartment on
Nelson Street.
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