HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-02-02, Page 1fi•
ONE CHICKENED OUT—Many young men through-
out this area are presently growing beards, to commemorate
the centennial •of Canada. A Zurich barber, however, decided
after a couple of weeks that he would shave his off, much to
the disagreement of a number of his friends and customers,
Shown here about to get revenge on barber Bob Merner are,
left to right, Jim Bedard, Lionel Wilder, Dick Bedard, Victor
Hartman, Allan Brokenshire and Jack Cleave. (In case you're
worried, the sword is made of wood.)
Huron County Health Committee
Operated Within Budget For 1966
By Shirley J. Keller
Calvin Krauter, chairman of
the 1966 Huron County Board
of Health, told county council-
lors at the January session he
was pleased to report the com-
mittee had completed the year's
operation within its budget de-
spite the problems of the year
Offer Still Good
As a result of the inclement
weather during the last few
days of the past week, a num-
ber of subscribers who had
hoped to renew their subscrip-
tion during the time set out for
the special offer, were unable
to get out.
So that everyone may have
an equal chance to renew at
the special rate of five dollars
for two years, this offer is be-
ing extended for two more days.
After Friday night the regular
rate will again apply.
If you are one of the sub-
scribers who could not get out
last week to take advantage of
the special centennial offer, be
sure to drop ,in either today
(Thursday), or tomorrow (Fri-
day). Out-of-town subscribers
may still mail their renewals
in until next Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 8.
just ending.
He said staff salaries were
raised soon after .a threatened
strike of county health em-
ployees and mentioned the
acquisition of a new county
medical officer of health, Dr.
G. P. A. Evans.
Krauter, reeve of Brussels,
stated that Dr. Evans is urging
his staff to submit monthly de-
tailed reports to the board re-
garding the activities in their
particular department. T h e
MOH will also be presenting an
assessment concerning both the
present and future of the Hur-
on County Health Unit.
Huron Hospitals
Each of the five hospitals in
Huron County had filled in a
a questionnaire for presenta-
tion to council in January. Pa-
tient per day •cost for ward,
semi -private and private accom-
modation revealled the follow-
ing: Alexandra Marine and Gen-
eral Hospital. in Goderich, $22.85,
$24.85 and $26.85; Seaforth
Community H o s p i t.a 1, $24.70,
$28.20, $30.30; Wingham and
District Hospital, $24.85, $27,35,
$29.85; Clinton Public Hospital,
$22.70, $25.70, $27.70; South
Hourn Hospital in Exeter,
$25.80, $28.30 and no private
(Continued on page 5)
Winter Storm Has
Heavy Toll On
Telephone System
About 150 telephone custom-
ers in the Zurich exchange were
without telephone service from
Saturday morning until Monday
afternoon following the winter's
worst sleet storm, accompanied
by high winds.
Harold Zehr, of Hay Town-
ship Municipal Telephone Sys-
tem, said crews Were at work
all week -end to repair the dam-
age. There were seven breaks
in a quarter mile stretch of
50 -pair cable just west of Zurich
"All lines west of Zurich were
affected," said Zehr. "Ice which
hung ,on the lines for two days
and whipping winds interrupted
normal telephone service and
had an effect on direct distance
Irate customers here will un-
derstand the plight of persons
in the Lake Erie district where
extremely heavy sleet caused
severe damage, and many re-
member last April's sleet storm
here which knocked out some
telephones at Dashwood for
several weeks.
This time, only slight troubles
were reported in both Dash-
wood -and Grand Bend owing to
the storm.
Mr. Zehr added that all new
construction as well as most re-
construction will see telephone
lines buried where the main
danger is from careless digging.
gricultural Society Shows Pro ress
The annual meeting of the
Zurich Agricultural Society last
Friday night revealed that the
organization has concluded an-
other successful year of opera-
tion. Total receipts for the
year were $4720.92, with ex-
penses amounting to $4214.96,
leaving a present bank balance
of $505.96.
Despite the stormy weather,
about 20 members of the organ-
ization attended the annual
meeting in the Township Hall,
Zurich. The date for the 1967
Fall Fair has been set for Sep-
tember 23 and 25. A special
committee is to be appointed
by the organization to arrange
for centennial activities in con-
nection with the annual event.
Herb Turkheim was re-elect-
ed president of the organiza-
tion, with Clare Deichert and
Mrs. Irene Steinbach being
chosen as first and second vice-
presidents. The directors are
Allan Armstrong, Douglas
Armstrong, Bert McBride, V. L.
Becker, Joe Hoffman, Alvin
Rau, Larry Merner, Mrs. Anne
Flaxbard a n d Mrs. Arnold
Merner. Appointed again as
secretary -treasurer was Jack
A striking committee consist-
ing of Arnold Merner, Mrs,
Steinbaek, Mrs. Merner and
Herb Turkheim are to bring in
a suggested list of associate di-
rectors and committees to the
next meeting.
As requested by the council
of the Township of Hay, two
men were appointed to the Hay
centennial committee for the
Agricultural Society. They are
Claire Deichert and Arnold
Chairmen of the various com-
mittees of last year's fair re-
ported •on their work, and all
agreed that the annual event
had been quite successful. It
was pointed out that the in-
creased prize money in the
school departments had created
a great deal more interest
among the students.
The only department of the
fair that showed a decrease
over other years was in the
cattle show, but not solution
was given to solve the problem
in the' lack of interest.
Ray McKinnon and J. W. Ha-
berer were re -appointed as au-
ditors for the year 1967. Albert
J. Kalbfleisch acted .as chair-
man for the election of the
board of directors.
Hensall Kinsmen Plan } utstandi ng
Progra ).; For Wi} ter Carnival Event
Hensall reeve Minnie Noakes
has challenged mayors or reeves
from Huron County to a snow-
shoe race on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 11, in connection with
Hensall Kinsmen Centennial
Winter Carnival.
On Friday, February 10, ac-
tivities include old-tyme danc-
ing at the local Arena. At the
dance at 9:45 p.m. Kinsmen will
be crowning the Snow Queen,
with contestants being spon-
sored by Hensall businessmen
Saturday events include a
parade at 1 p.m. from the Hen-
sall Town Hall, which will tour
the back streets. There will be
no prizes for floats but the Kins-
men appreciate entries for the
At 2 p.m. at the park, there
will be pony cutter races, snow-
shoe races, snowmobile race,
log cutting contest with cross-
cut saws, for which cash prizes.
will be awarded. As an added
attraction Saturday morning,.
there will be judging of snow-
men made by the children of
the town.
There will be no entry fees
for the sports contests. Any-
one interested in entering the
contest can contact members of
the Kinsmen Club.
The Zurich Lions Club will
resume their regular dinner
meetings at the Dominion Hotel
tonight (Thursday). Special
guests at the meeting will be
the members of the London
North Lions Club. Although
Monday is the regular meeting
night of the club, the schedule
was changed this week.
nection with the big winter carnival planned for next Friday
and Saturday in Hensall, reeve Mrs. Minnie Noakes has
issued a challenge to all reeves and mayors in Huron County
for a snowshoe race. Reeve Noakes is shown here with her
equipment, all ready to go in the race. Standing by with
their snow vehicles, in case the reeve falters along the route.
are Don Travers, Ron Wareing, chairman of the carnival.
and Harold Knight, chairman of the Hensall centennial com-
mittee. The event is being held in conjunction with the
Hensall centennial celebrations.
local of the Ontario Farm Union has been
organized in this area, and. alreacly the group
have picked their executive members and
directors. Last Saturday afternoon a mon-
ster rally was planned in the Zurich Com-
munity Centre, but due to inclement weather
the event had to be postponed until a later
date. Shown here are, front row, left to
right, John. Laporte, RR 2, Zurich, secretary;
Phil Durand, president of the local; Joe
Regier, RR 2 Zurich, vice-president. Back
row left to right, are Richard Creccs, RR 2,
X asltwood director; Walter Miller, of Tara,
vice-president of the Ontario Farm 'Union
and the district organizer; Lionel Wilder,
RR 1, Zurich, also a director of the local.
Mr. Miller was to have been the guest
speaker at the Saturday meeting.
RIDES FOR THE KIDS ---Another feature at the 'len-
sill winter carnival next Friday and Saturday will be aleii;h
ride's for the ldcis. and shown here all set to :o is Mir. and
Mrs. George Beer and f:anily, with their fist: Celan ratteF..