HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THEY LISTEN WELL—Saturday morning is hockey
time at the Zurich Arena for dozens of young lads through-
out this area. as they are allowed several hours to get on
the ice and show their ability. A group of the future stars
are shown here as they listen carefully for instructions from
their coach, Doug O'Brien. This is Minor Hockey Week in
Lanada. out due to mild weather all activities planned for
Zurich had to be cancelled. A big minor hockey night was
scheduled for tomorrow night (Friday) but had to be can-
celled as well.
minor hockey team in Zurich is flying high
this season, winning every game they have
played to date. One of the big reasons the
team is rolling along so well is the goal -
scoring ability of this forward line, known
as the Dynamite Line Shown here as they
listen to their coach, Jim Dalton, for words
of advice, are three members of the Zurich
Squirts, Kim McKinnon, Derek O'Brien and
C'ra1d Weido. The three scored 13 of the
14 goals against Milverton last Saturday
Aces, E Laidlaw _.__ 517 2
H Gals, V Lavery __ 557 5
D'a.ires, C Meidinger.. 524 2
U & Downs, S Braid_ 602 5
Hilites, B Sangster __ 815 7
Scamps, K Pfaff _.. _ 545 0
Starlite, M Rader __ 627 5
N Hawks, D O'Brien_ 580 2
Packers, M Clarke _ 566 7
P P'pers, F Fre:rester 503 0
H single: H. McEwan .._ _
H triple: Betty Sangster_ _
H average, G. Marcell .._._
Students P; -y Visit
(Continued from page 1)
the tour which we have failed
to report, the following two
letters will contain them:
Hay Township School
Zurich, Ontario,
January 18,1967
Mr. Herb Turkheim,
Zurich, Ontario.
Dear Mr. Turkheim:
40, 60 and 100 Watt
5 FOR 99c
Reduced Prices on Many Other
Main Street — Zurich
Today we enjoyed our tour
of the printing shop. It was
interesting to see how the lino -
type set the type.
The way the machine folded
the papers was very comical. I
liked to see how the needle
burned the Plastic when it en-
graved the picture.
It was also fun to watch the
papers going around the big
roll and the way they came out
the back of 'the press.
I'm sure the tour will help
us with our social studies.
Yours sincerely,
Lois Doerr,
Grade 4.
* * *
Dear Mr. Turkheim:
Thank you for explaining how
all the machines work and how
the pictures are developed.
I enjoyed every minute of it
but mostly when you took a
picture of all of us.
I'm sure I'll never forget my
trip to the Zurich Citizens News.
Yours sincerely,
Patsy Neeb,
Grade 5.
Bowling Scores
Leftovers, K Kraft __ 655 3 53
Q'naires, H McEwan _ 618 1 31
Cameos, P Bedard ___ 655 3 44
Flyers, B Bedour _.___ 607 1 48
Rockets, H Schilbe __ 667 3 51
D Boys, H Stade ___ '718 1 35
B'h'ettes, C Geiger 654 4 41
G Trotters, W Payne_ 506 0 21
Starlite.s, R V'D'rslaer 640 4 38
Rebels, D Steckle___ 692 3 34
Dropouts, A Bedard _ 576 1 37
* :14 *
January 19
Lrkeyes, L •Gascho __ 570 5 92
Ramblers, C Deichert 597 2 56
Varieties, L Willert _ 638 7 64
W'p'wills, L Jacobi __ 447 0 30
S. Wins, D Geiger ___ 545 5 61
Hi -Hopes, M Clausius 524 2 52
H single: Leeland Willert_ 317
II triple: Delbert Geiger _ 700
"Babe Siebert" Memorial Arena
Monday — Hockey •or skating.
Tuesday — 2 -3:30 p.m.: pre-
school and beginners, chil-
dren and mothers free.
3:30 - 5:30 public skating.
8:00 -10:00 public skating.
Wednesday — Hockey games.
Thursday — 3:30 - 5:30 public
skating; 8.10 public skating.
Friday — Hockey or skating.
Saturday — 9-10 Mite practice;
10-11 Squirt practice; 2 - 4
public skating; 8 -10 public
Sunday — 2-4 public skating.
Admission: Public school, 15c;
high school, 25c; adults, 35c.
Jean McLachlin
at the organ
in the
Colonial Hotel
Thursday, Friday and
Saturday Night
Also Saturday Matinee
1967 will be a big year in construction. Farmers
interested in building a Silo 14 feet in diameter,
should contact us immediately.
The average farmer has one to four silos on his
farm—how about you? Do you need another silo?
DIAL 236.4928
rea Hockey Teams Stoll in Action
By Kevin McKinnon
Citizens News Sport Writer
I would first of all like to
start off this week's column by
issuing an apology to the Pee -
Wee and Bantam teams. I know
how hard it is to accept defeat
but when you have to accept
defeat when you haven't even
played, that's another thing.
The reason for putting their
supposingly defeat in print was
that I was misinformed as to
who palyed by some people
who either heard it from some-
one else or they were playing
a friendly joke on me, Some
Next I would like to draw the
parents' attention to this week,
January 21 to 28. This is Minor
Hockey Week throughout Can-
ada, and reason for .this special
week is that when your son
plays hockey, you should take
him to the game and support
his team, not just send him
with someone else and hope
they win.
Squirts Continue Streak
On Wednesday night of last
week the little Zurich Squirts
met their stiffest competition
of the year but still managed to
conte out on top with a 3-2
victory over a stubborn Mitchell
At one time in the game Zur.
ich trailed 2-1. This was the
first time this year that they
have ever been behind in a
game. Gerald Weido and Derek
O'Brien again led Zurich as
Gerald scored two and Derek
got the other.
Saturday afternoon in Zurich,
the mighty Squirts romped over
Milverton by a score of 14-2.
The game was played in Zurich
where many fans were out to
see Zurich's winningest team in
The line of Gerald Weido,
Derek O'Brien and Kini McKin-
non led .the homsters as they
scored 13 of the 14, with the
other going to Richard Monm-
mersteeg. Derek led with six
goals, followed closely by Ger-
ald with five and Kim with two.
Pee-Wees Lose
On Friday night in Hensall
the Zurich Pee-Wees played
their best game of the season
as they were only beaten 2-0 by
the high -scoring Hensall team.
J. Cooper scored for Hensall
in the first period, then in the
second R. Campbell scored to
make it 2-0.
Clarke was spectacular in the
nets for Zurich as he stopped
almost everything that Ilensall
could fire at him.
The game on Friday showed
that the Pee-Wees are finally
starting to organize themselves
on the ice and if they can just
win a couple of games before
the playoffs start to bolster
their confidence, they should
be hard to beat.
Bantams Defeat RCAF
Friday of last week the Zur-
ich Bantams defeated RCAF
Clinton by a score of 8-2. Gary
Hess led the Zurich attach with
the hat trick and was followed
closely by Ray Weido and Larry
Denomme with two apiece, with
the other going to Ronnie Des-
jardine. Zurich at one time
trailed by a score of 2-1, but
fought back to outscore and
outplaye the RCAF team.
Juveniles improve
On Saturday night in Hensall
the H -Z Combines, led by the
line of Bill Taylor, Charlie
Schwalm and Lavern Harburn,
came up with a resounding 7-3
win over Ripley. Other goal -
getters for H -Z were Paul Cor-
riveau, Ken Smale, Gary Flax -
bard and Bill Soldan.
Rick Jeffrey was as good as
ever as he stopped many shots
that were labelled sure goals,
This leaves H -Z with two wins,
three Iosses and two ties, and
they will try to even their sea-
son's record when they travel
to Brussels on Friday night to
play the Brussels six. The two
teams battled to a 6-6 tie in
their first meeting of the sea-
Midgets Lose
Thursday night of last week a
short-handed Zurich team lost
to Monkton by a score of 7-4.
Zurich had •only eight players
counting the goal tender be-
cause a car which was driving
some of the players to the game
was in an accident.
The accident happened just
at the turnoff at Kippen where
you head for Seaforth. The
carload of boys was taken to
Seaforth hospital by the OPP
and there three of them needed
medical attention but nobody
was seriously hurt. Paul Flax -
broken nose but they revealed
bard had x-rays taken for a
that it was only a bad bruise.
Gerald Grenier required stitches
in his tongue and Steve Den-
omme bad to get his hip sewn
back together. They were re-
leased from hospital and the
players got home about 11:30.
With the result of this un-
fortunate accident it left the
Midgets very short of players
and although they gave Monk -
ton a good fight they just didn't
have the reserves to stay with
the home team. Scorers for
Zurich were Richard Schilbe
with two and singles going to
Jim Hoffman and Bob Webb.
The Midgets start their first
round of playoffs on Friday
night when they travel to Monk -
School Teams
On Monday of last week the
Zurich Public School defeated'
the St. Boniface Separate
School by a score of 7-2. The
game was refereed by Ron Cor-
riveau and Shane McKinnon and
they did a commendable job.
The game was a lively one as
many pupils from both schools
were on hand to cheer their
team to victory. The game
was a good one that provided
many thrills but the Separate
School could not keep up with
faster and more experienced
Public School team.
A special night in the form
of a centennial dance is being
planned for the Zurich Com-
munity Centre on Saturday,
April 1. The highlight of the
evening will be the awarding
of prizes for the neatest beard,
the longest beard, the shortest
beard, the greyest beard and
the darkest beard,
Not only will the beared men
be eligible for prizes, but the
best centennial costumes as
well. There are atractive prizes
listed for the best couple in
centennial costume, and also
for the best man and best
woman in centennial costume.
There will be more details of
the event •as the weeks go by,
but the challenge is now ex-
tended to .all the men in the
area to get their beards in con-
dition. The atraction is being
sponsored by Ken Ducharme
and the .Chandaliers, the same
orchestra which will be supply-
ing music for the event.
Drop in and Discuss Your
Building Plans with the
Manager of Our
Builders' Supply Divsion
Harold Soper has had many years
experience in all phases of the
Building Industry, and is fully quali-
fied to assist you with plans and
suggestions for your next project.
supply On Hand
We now have a good supply of Lumber and Builders'
Supplies on hand, with more stock arriving daily. It
will be a pleasure to serve you in any possible way.
DIAL 236-4324 - MUCH
9'.1.. _m