HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-26, Page 6PAGE SIX ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 Hur: n County Council Hears Details Of New Library Board Operations By Shirley J. Keller With only four municipalities within the boundaries of Huron County still opposed to the new county library service, Reeve Duff Thompson, Clinton, chair- man of the Huron Library Board, made the following rec- ommendation at the January session of county council: "That the department of ed- ucation be requested to consid- er amending the present legis- lation relative to the establish- ment of county libraries in such a manner that when a by-law has been passed by county coun- ciI establishing a county library system, then all member muni- cipalities of the county should become automatically part of the said system." Townships of Hay, Hullett, East Wawanosh and Morris still absent themselves from the system, and in order to be in- cluded in the service for 1967 would have to join by February 15. 1967. Goderich, a former hold-out, made application at the begin- ning of the session to become an integral part of the County Library System. Reeve Thompson, speaking to the report, said problems arise where two municipalities come together for library purposes, and only one of the two is a member of the County Library System. James Hayter, reeve of Stephen, drew attention to a situation in Dashwood where the village is split in two by the boundary between Hay and Stephen. Hayter asked if Hay residents could remain on the library board when Hay Town- ship was not a county library member. He was told that particular problem had not been solved, but it was agreed that Hay Township residents, as well as residents in any other non- member municipality, would have to pay for the use of the library facilities in a member municipality. Those living in a member municipality are en- titled to free library service. Elgin Thompson, Tuckersmith. reeve, learned that any money presently held by the former library boards could be either turned back to the municipality or given to the County Library Board who would purchase books for that municipality's library. It is only when the County Library Board is the purchasing agent that full grants can be received. Proctor suggested that each library be sent a budget report guideline to facilitate persons unfamiliar with the preparation of financial statements. A qualified county librarian must be engaged, council was reminded. Concluded Duff Thompson, "A tremendous amount of work is necessary to evolve from the Huron County Library Board to the County Library Service" MEETING OF ONTARIO FARMERS' UNION AT Zurich Community Centre Saturday, January 28 At 1:30 p.m. SPEAKER: ter Miller, Ont. Organizer EVERYONE WELCOME - OF �.� YEARS GONE BY 50 Years Ago JANUARY, 1917 The Junior Alliance of the Evangelical Church had their election of officers, which are as follows: president, Mildred Hoffman; vice-president, Leroy O'Brien; recording secretary, Dorothy Fritz; •corresponding secretary, Frank Siebert; treas- urer, Leonard Hudson; organist, Ruth Hartleib; librarians, Elda Calfas and Greta Merner; page boys, Newell Geiger and Wesley Calfas. Seasonable Harness Goods: sweat pads, curry combs, axle grease, gall cure. R. F. Stade, Zurich. (Advertisement). Married at Dashwood: Miss Laura Lillian, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Hartleib, was united in marriage to Mr. Dirck Meerturg, Timmins, son of the late R. Meerturg, postmaster - general of the Hague, Holland, and Mrs. Meerturg. Real cold blustry weather has been with us the past week. The thermometer has frequent- ly registered below zero. Born—At the Sauble Line on January 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Ducharme, a daughter. 40 Years Ago day in London. Rev. E, Bruer, Dashwood, is attending conference in Mit- chell this week. The woman who married a pian to reform him finds solace in the fact even legislation can not do it, JANUARY, 1927 Mrs. William Rader, of the village, entertained a number of her friends at a quilting bee on Friday. We congratulate Reeve E. F. Klopp, of Hay Township, upon being a successful candidate to the wardenship of Huron Coun- ty. We have every assurance that Reeve Klopp will ably fill the chair of warden. This honor fell to the late Peter Lamont some years ago when he was reeve of Hay Township. Misses Letta and Edith Guen- ther, of Dashwood, spent Satur- Amber Rebekahs Plan Birthday Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, noble grand, took the chair for the regular meeting of Amber Re- bekah Lodge held last Wednes- day, when plans were arranged for their 18th birthday party on Wednesday, February 15. Special guests will be the dis- trict deputy president, Miss Jean Scott, of Seaforth, and Clinton and Seaforth lodges. An afternoon and evening dessert euchre has been tenta- tively set for March, and the CP&T euchre is scheduled for Friday, February 10. a VIKING CONCERT BAND GODERICH COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE - 40 Members --- Under Band Master Charles Kalbfleisch WILL PRPei,^$ENT A CONCERT AND DEMONSTRATION Zurich Community Centre THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 AT 6.00 P.M. EVERYBODY WELCOME -- SILVER COLLECIION Sponsored by Zurich District Centennial Band (In case of incletnent weather, Concert will be held on Thttrsday, February 2) 25 Years Ago eldest daughter, Laura Eliza- beth, to Clifford Francis, young- est son of Mr. and and Mrs. Ray F. Pepper, Seaforth. The marriage to take place the lat- ter part of January. Local markets: eggs, 29c per dozen; butter, 38c per pound; wheat, $1.07 per bushel; oats, 40c; flour, $2.60 per hundred- weight. JANUARY, 1942 The Township of Hay is jubi- lant at the news received Tues- day evening when it was made known that its popular reeve, George Armstsong, was elected warden of Huron County. A letter from the Evangelical Lutheran parsonage in Massey, Ontario, from Rev, H. Rembe says: The weather has been very cold. The other night the temperature dropped to 40 be- low zero. All our house plants and flowers, as well as the water works, froze. What a mess. Although somewhat be - late, L wish you and yours and my many friends a happy and blessed New Year, and to local hunters I say: "Good shooting, boys!" Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Deichert, of Staffa, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their 15 Years Ago JANUARY, 1952 On Saturday, January 12, at St. James' Anglican Church, Goderich Township, Doris Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, RR 3, Clinton, became the bride lbof Albert Alvin Henry Schie, Zurich, Amplified mass chimes were dedicated at Dashwood Evan- gelical United Brethren Church on January 13, This is a 60 - watt system played from a spe- cial 21 -note keyboard on the electric organ and with two di- rectional trumpets on the roof of the church. The chimes are a memorial to the late Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Reynolds, former residents of Dashwood. At the movies: Gene Autry and his wonder horse, Cham- pion, in "Cowtown". A prisoner in a Cairo jail is on hunger strike because the governor of the jail will not let him write love letters. 10 Years Ago JANUARY, 1957 Mrs. George Thiel celebrated her birthday ata surprise par- ty given her by her children and their wives and husbands. Born—At Clinton Public Hos- pital on January 14, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Klopp, Zur- ich, twins, a son and daughter, a brother and sister for Dianne. Grandchildren for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp and Mr. and Mrs. Orville McClinchey. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer spent a few days with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oxland, at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Geiger hosted the Unique Farm Forum, NOTICETO Shipping Cattle from Zurich and District EVERY TUESDAY To Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto (28 Years' Experience) For Prompt Service, Call Collect BEN RUSTON ,?�K-,b's Illosegemenemielosess NO PRICE INCREASE FOR SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS While prices of almost everything are continually rising, we have decided not to increase the subscrip- tion rate of the Citizens News. The rate will remain the same as usual -- $3.00 per year in Canada and $4.00 year in the United States.. SAVE ONE DOLLAR AS A CENTENNIAL GIFT TO OUR READERS, WE ARE OFFERING A 2Year Subsription for Only $5.00 ADD TWO DOLLARS FOR UNITED STATES SUBSCRIPTIONS (This applies to either New or Renewal Subscriptions) THIS OFFER IS GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 31, 1967, ONLY In all probability we will have to raise our subscrip- tion rate next January, so you are actually saving two dollars over the 2 -year period. DON'T DELAY - DROP IN TODAY - AND RENEW %C !,. fir"°