HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-26, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 ZURICH. CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, 1 n Memoriams, Engagements, 3c • word! Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNTS— % 00 if paid by Saturday following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE— lOc added on second bill, FREE --- Births, Marriages, Deaths- DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday .1•••••••111•> FOR SALE WEANLING PIGS for sale. Ap- ply to Jake Hovius, RR 2, Hen- an, dial 236-4810. 4,p BALED HAY, 2500 bales, all in ffirst-class condition. Apply to Paul Steckle, 262-5440. 3,4,b APPLES — Spys, Greenings, Snows, Delicious, etc. Fred Mc- Clymont, one mile south of Varna. 49,50,1,2,p TWO COWS — One Holstein, freshened October 18; one freshened November 30; one Holstein heifer, due end of Feb- ruary. Call Bayfield 565-5288. 2,3,p WHITE-FACED Holstein and Hereford calves. Call Ted Geof- frey, 2364768. 3,tf TWO -WHEEL TRAILER, In good condition. Phone Wes Hugill, 236-4928. 3,b GIRL'S SKATES, white tube, size 6, only $3.50. Apply to Mrs. Beatrice Rader, before 3 la.m. 2,b DE KALB COCKERELS, ready to kill. Apply to McKinley's Farm and Hatchery Ltd., RR 1, Zurich. 3,b FIVE HOLSTEIN Cows, due in February. Call in the evening, 236-4760. 4,p NOTICE Anyone wishing to rent the Zurich Community Hall •or the Arena please contact Mr. Louis Schilbe, Zurich, Ontario, phone 236-4982, 1,2,3,b INCOME TAX returns filled, by experienced p e r s o n. Phone Lance Reed, 236-4954. 3,tf OPTICAL SERVICE — Selection •ef smart, modern frames, men, women and children. Broken lenses duplicated. Frames re- paired. Hearing aid batteries. Albert Has, Jeweller and Op- tician, Zurich. 3,b USED CLOTHING — Buy the latest styles of seasonable, beau- tiful used clothing. Suitable for the entire family and sold under money back guarantee. Write for FREE price list to:. Dry Cleaners Outlet, Toronto 2B, Ontario. Name Address (657) CUSTOM WORK. CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich, 48,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc, cleaned. Will be in Zurich and •district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in ease of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655.2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - . CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No, 25 a 66 WORK ADVANCING ON NEW SCHOOL—Contractors and sub -contractors are working vigorously on the new Huron County .school area one centennial school, in attempts to complete the project as soon as possible, Located just south of Brucefield on Highway 4, the new school will serve all children in Stanley and Tuckersmith, as well as the village of Bayfield. No exact date has been set for com- pletion. The contractor is Frank Van Bussell and Sons, of Lucan. HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION—Work on the new addition of South Huron District High School at Exeter is progress- ing favourably, despite winter weather conditions. This photo shows the east wing of the building, where men are busy working on the roof. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zimmer, of Zurich, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Cath- erine Verna, to Mr, John Clark Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Webster, of Hensall. The wedding will take place early in February. 4,x Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who remem- bered me with cards, visits, treats and flowers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital and since returning home. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses. — Mrs. Edmund Becker. 4,p We wish to express our .sin- cere thanks to all relatives and friends who remembered us with floral tributes, charitable donations, cards and the many acts of kindness during our sudden loss of a dearly beloved husband and father. Special thanks to G. A. Whitney funeral chapel, Rev. Harold Currie, Hensall United Church Sunday school staff, ladies of the church, and Dr. J. Goddard.— Mrs. Clendon Christie and Catharine Anne. 4,b Our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to our many friends and relatives for the lovely gifts, flowers and cards as well as expressions of good wishes, on the occasion of our golden wedding anniversary.—William and Sophia MacGregor. 4,b FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, two bedrooms. Apply to Leroy Thiel, at Zurich Pro Hardware, 4,5,p HELP WANTED PART OR FULL-TIME man, for shop work, or for training for shop work, Must be mechani- cally or electrically inclined. Apply to Gingerich's Sales and Service, Zurich, in person. 2,3,b PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS SEE OUR WIDE RANGE UNDERWOOD . , . ... COMMODORE Priced as low as $59.95 ZU'RI'CH Citizens NEWS School Building Behind Schedule (Continued from Page 1) of furnishing may emerge with- in the next five or ten years. The board feels that the old day of a student to an attached desk and chair are finished. The board welcomes Mrs. A. Westlake and R. Govenlock to the teaching staff. Spencer Irvine was employed as custo- dian on the first .of January. Temporary bussing .arrange- ments were made in Stanley last autumn to reduce the num- ber of grades in each one - roomed school. Since the cost of this service was rising on January 1, the new contractor has started work in the district with his own drivers and vehicles. Negotiations are nearly com- pleted for teachers' salaries for the coming year. In common with most salaries the board has had to face the effects of in- fation and has agreed to a raise of approximately 10 per cent for most categories of teachers. The new scale is not by any means the highest in the coun- ty, but this area had a fairly low base of salaries before the present board assumed office. If the school is to attract good teachers as replacements •and for the additional classrooms of the new school, it is highly im- portant that the salary scale be adequate. The board is working on the budget for the current year. The new debenture will be sold on April 1 for $785,000 and owing to the Ontario Municipal Board's use of Canada Pension Plan money the rate of interest will be 51/2 per cent for 20 years. It is believed the depart- mental grants may increase suf- ficiently this year that it may not be necessary to change the present mill rate to any great extent.__ DASHW OD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Celebrates 90th Birthday Amid blue and white decor- ations, 'open house' for Mrs. Mary Martene was held Satur- day, January 11, at the Com- munity Centre in the form of a birthday party arranged by her family. One hundred and sixteen signed the register. Her three daughters: Irene (Mrs. Laverne Niksch) of Hobart, In- diana; Olga (Mrs. Tom Hern) of Zion; and Esther (Mrs. Clif- ford Salmon) of Dashwood, were present. One son, Edwin, was unable to attend. Mrs. _Mar- tene has 16 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Martene is in good health doing all her own work and. looking after her son. She was recipient of many lovely gifts and cards. As she cut the blue and white cake, adorned. with 90 candles, everyone sang "hap- py birthday". Guests were present from In- diana, London, Toronto, Clin- Reception and ince For RON DUCHARME DIANNEnSIEMON (bridal couple) DASIIWOOD Community Centre Sat., Jan. 28 9 P.M. Music by KEN DUCHARME and The Chandeliers Everyone Welcome Tenders Wante Tenders are being called for the supply of Furnace Oil, for St. Peter's Lutheran Church and Parsonage in Zurich, Tenders are to be in the hands of the SeCretary, by January 31, 1967, For further particulars, contact the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RONALD G. HEIMRICH, Secretary, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Phone Exeter 235-0875. Ilirsawarannowswets ton, Centralia, Exeter, Zion and Dashwood. Library Meeting The annual library meeting was held Saturday, January 21. The financial report, given by the secretary and librarian, Mrs. Ernest Koehler, showed a successful year but the readers and circulation were down -22 adults, 58 juveniles and circu- lation 2,433. New business was left as the library now is under the county library system. Annual Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Dashwood Evangel- ical United Brethren Church was held January 23. Reports were heard from the current fund, the Christian service fund, Sunday school, the Women's So- ciety of World Service, the EUB men, the boys' and girls' fel- lowship, the youth fellowship, the choir, the improvement fund, the church parsonage trustees, the cemetery trustees and the pastor, M. J. James. The reports told of activities and opportunities of worship and service for every age level. All financial commitments were met with working balances in all treasuries. There was a net increase in membership. The sanctuary of the church was redecorated and plans and funds are on haand to paint the exterior of the church. New flags were dedicated as a mem- orial. A new well was dug to supply water for the church and parsonage, The following were elected: cemetery trustee, Harry Hoff- man; church and parsonage trustee, Sid Baker; current fund treasurer, Jack Geiser; Christian service fund treas- urer, Art Haugh; improvement fund treasurer, Irvin Eckstein; auditors, Addison Tieman and Mervyn Tiernan; head ushers, Ross Guenther and Jack Schade; c h ur c h stenographers, Mrs. Howard Klu.mpp and Mrs. Lloyd Beaver. The recommendation of the cemetery board on a new rate for burial plots was approved. The board was instructed to study mausoleums in the area as to size and cost and report 4 to the local conference. Lunch was served by the WSWS ladies, with Mrs. Gordon Bender's group in charge. NOTICE THE ANNUAL TWEETING AND BANQUET of HURON COUNTY CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY is being held in the EXETER LEGION HALL Wednesday, Feb. 8 1967, at 6:30 p.m. Banquet tickets are available at $2.25, rom the Children's Aid Society staff and Board Members. The public is cordially invited to attend. STRAINED AND JUNIOR Heinz Meats 2/45c YELLOW LABEL Lucky Dollar Coffee 77c 12.OZ. PACKAGE Nabisco Shredded Wheat _ _ 25c 15 -OZ. TINS • Green dant Peas - - - 3,/55c Oranges, 163s Doz. 49c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD ZURICH ARKET IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME OR OFFICE! SM3TH-CORONA AND LOOK AT THE PRICE 41iLemaIic ELECTRIC ADDIN (HI Swift, Silent, Sure Responsive • Full -featured construction • Easy-to-use "hand -span" keyboard • Uses only 9" x 13" of space — less than 7" high • Light in weight only 8 pounds • Easiest paper feed ever developed . . . no slippage O Handsome clesien in Pacific Green ® Built-in retractable carrying handle • Stylish snap -on dust cover • Ribbon cartridge gives thousands of extra prints Only $114.5Q Just imagine — priced as low as a hand -operated Lachine. SEE THEM NOW, AT s : s DIAL 236-461M ZUEUCf