HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-19, Page 8PAGE SIX Hensall Merchani Wins Rin Draw Draw for the grand winner of Hensall Kinsmen's weekly draw was held at a dance at the local area on Friday eve- ning, January 13. Lucky win- ner of $500 was Alf Scholl, of .Al's Super Market, who was not present when his ticket was drawn. Twelve prize winners in the weekly draws of $25 were: Mike Hodgert, Exeter; Jack Cleave, Zurich; Charles Hay, t Hensall; Ward Kraft, Exeter; I Glen Nixon, Hensall; Ken Car- ter. North .Bay; Bob Erb, Hen - sail; Howard Scane, Hensall; Jack McKenzie, Hensall; Harold ti'illert, Zurich, Albert Brenzil, Toronto, and Al Scholl, Hensall. In charge of the project was Bob Caldwell chairman of the ways and means committee of the Kinsmen club. 0 Obituary MRS. ARTEMUS P. KEYS Funeral service was held Sat- urday, January 14, from the Bali funeral home, Clinton, for Mrs. Florence Mae Keys, 83, formerly of Varna, who passed away suddenly on Thursday, January 12, at Huronview. Rev. Murdock Morrison, of Varna, was in -charge of the service. Mrs. Keys, the former Flor- ence Mae Dowson, was born on the Goshen Line, a daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs. George Dawson. She was married to Artemus P. Keys, who prede- ceased her. She is survived by three sons, ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PRESENTED WATCHES—At a recent dinner dance, attended by 225 personnel of General Coach Works of Canada, Hensall, gold watches were presented to employees who had been with the company 10 years. Some of the recipients are shown in this photo with the plant manager, J. K. Geary. From left to right they are: Alphonse Grenier, Alfred Smith, Jack Snell, J. K. Geary, David Millar, Napoleon Bedard, Andy Imanse, Nicholas Heykoop and Earl Gass. Those absent were Logan Cleave, Frank Swale and William Kelly. Bernard, John and Arnold, all of Stanley Township; one brother, Lloyd Dowson, Sea - forth; two sisters, Mrs. William (Laura) Stogdill, Guelph, and Miss Ella Dowson, RR 5, Clin- ton; 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Interment was in Bayfield cemetery. Pall bearers were Wilmer Wright, William McAsh, Ernest Talbot, Elgin McKinley, James Keys and Wilber Keyes. The flower bearers were four grandsons, Doug 1 a s, Steven, Allan and David Keys. 1 Annual Meeting OF THE ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL, ZURICH ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1967 AT 8.00 P.M. HERB TURKHElh'I President JACK TURKHEIM Secretary -Treasurer CONKLIN'S Parade of Values Calking Tubes WHITE, GREY, BLACK 3 For 99c Pre -Finished V -Grooved Elm Panelling 3 Shades 4 x 7 — '..6$ 4 x 8 — $9.92 SEF. Conklin's for Weather Stripping DOOR MIRRORS WITH CLIPS 18 in. x54 in. Only $7.95 See Our Pre -Finished Kitchen Cupboard Display! Visit Conklin Lumber for All YOUR PLUMBING SUPPLIES EXETER 23S-1422 GRAND BENS, 238-2374 No Charge to phone from Zurich to Contain's of Grand pend Club Leaders Plan Annual Meeting The Huron County 4-H Agri- cultural Club Leaders' Associa- tion will hold their annual meeting at the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture board room in Clinton, on Wednesday, Jan- uary 25, at 11 a,m. The 4-11 work during the past year will be reviewed and plans will be formulated for the •coming year. The 4-H leaders will be guests of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food at a noon dinner at the Hotel Clinton. In 1966, there were 25 4-H agricultural clubs with 56 lead- ers in Huron County. John Clark, RR 5, Goderich, is chair- man of the 4-H Leaders' Asso- ciation. 0 VARNA NEWS The annual congregational meeting of the United Church was held last Thursday evening with a good attendance. Excellent reports were given by the treasurer, Mrs. Charles Reid, Sherlock Keyes gave the report of the session; Gordon Johnston the report of the stew- ards, and Robert Stirling re- ported for the trustees. Good reports were read from the Sunday school, Vacation Bible school, Hi -C's, United Church Women, Sigma -C's, Explorers and Messengers. A hearty vote of appreciation was tendered pastor Rev. M. Morrison, and a wish that he would continue as pastor. ORANGE LODGE South Huron District Loyal Orange Lodge met in Bayfield on Tuesday evening last when plans were made regarding the 12th of July celebration, which will be held in Bayfield this year. The officers elected for the year were: district WM, Lenard Smith, Lucan; district DM, Well - wood Gill, Grand Bend; district chaplain, Charles Reid, Varna; district recording secretary, Harold Davis, Kirkton; district financial secretary, Alex Ham- ilton, Grand Bend; district treas- urer, Lloyd Hern, Exeter; dis- trict ma r s ha I, Eric Hodgins, Luean; district first lectern, Burns Blachler, Woodham; dis- trict second lectern, Ron Den- ham, Woodham. The officers were installed by county master, William Mc- Ilwain, of Bayfield. 0 Choose Project For Achievement Club "A World of Food in Can ada" is the project chosen by Huron 4H Homemaking Clubs for spring, 1967. Four two day training schools for the local leaders are being held on Jan uary 26 and 27 :in Clinton (On- tario Street United Church); January 30 and 31 in Wroxeter (Community Hall); February 2 and 3 (Hensall United Church); and February 6 an 7 (Wingham St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church). The schools begin at 10 a.m. and finish at 4 pin. In this centennialproject, the girls will study the traditional food practices of various cul- tural`groups in Canada and de- velop an appreciation of how such practices are gradually establishing a truly Canadian pattern of eating, A look at food preparation in the early days of Canada as well as brief "armchair" visits to the coun- tries from which Canadians have come, will be given. This is an excellent way for the 4-H Homemaking Club girls to cele- brate the centennial year. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1%7 List Facts About Winter Work Plan For the past decade the "Do It Now" campaign, organized at a national level by the Federal Department of Manpower, and locally in some 200 communi- ties by the Canada Manpower Centre, has encouraged Cana- dians to have more work done in the winter months when there is less pressure on serv- ices of all kinds. Today, supported by all types of business and industry, "Do It Now" campaign is Ca aria's largest publicity progra A combination of public servic support and direct advertisin accounts for approximately fol million dollars' worth of pu llcity, of which 90 per cent i contributed by non-governmen sources. The "Do It Now" campaig stresses the logic of having al kinds of work done during th winter months when men an materials are more readil available. Since the heaviest seasons lay-offs traditionally have oe curred in the construction in thedustry, with serious side effect in industries allied with con struction, the campaign has con centrated to a large degree o home, farm and office improve ments, as well as promotin more outside winter construe Um, n- zn. e g IT b - s n 1 e d y 1 s n g Businesses of all kinds have been encouraged to tie winter- time promotions of their goods and services to the "Do It Now" campaign. Wherever this has been tried in an aggressive and imaginative way, the results have been remarkable. In this area, the "Do It Now" campaign will run from Jan- uary 15 to March 15. IIINIMmiummommumminemsmememmunammOMONEENWIMEIMMININIMINNOTICE TO FARMERS Shipping Cattle from Zurich and District EVERY TUESDAY To Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto (28 Years' Experience) For Prompt Service, Call Collect BEN RUST229-6698 KIRKTON 2,3,4,5,p NO PRICE INCREASE FOR SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS While prices of almost everything are continually rising, we have decided not to increase the subscrip- tion rate of the Citizens News. The rate will remain the same as usual $3.00 per year in Canada and $4.00 year in the United States.. SAVE ONE DOLLAR AS A CENTENNIAL GIFT TO OUR READERS, WE ARE OFFERING A 2 Year Sub sription Only ADD TWO DOLLARS FOR UNITED STATES SUBSCRIPTIONS (This applies to either New or Renewal Subscriptions) bscript�ons) THIS OFFER IS GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 31, 1967, ONLY In all probability we will have to raise our subscrip- tion rate next ,Ianuary, so you are actually saving two dollars over the 2 -year period. DON'T DELAY - DROP IN TODAY AND RENEW