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HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-19, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards o4 Thanks, I n Memoriam', Engagements, 3c a warm Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c.. CASH DISCOUNTS -- Ms Off if paid .by Saturday following last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE -- 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE 150 -ACRE FARM — Ideal loca- tion. Apply to Box ELZ, Zur- ich Citizens news. 2,3,p APPLES — Spys, Greenings, Snows, Delicious, etc. Fred Mc- Clymont, one mile south of Varna. 49,50,1,2,p TWO COWS — One Holstein, freshened October 18; one freshened November 30; one Holstein heifer, due end of Feb- ruary. Call Bayfield 565-5288. 2,3,p WHITE-FACED Holstein and Hereford calves. Call Ted Geof- frey, 236-4768. 3,tf TWO -WHEEL TRAILER, In good condition. Phone Wes Hugill, 2364928. 3,b HOLSTEIN COW, carrying third calf, due January 20. Right in every way. Call 262-5447. 3,b GIRL'S SKATES, white tube, size 6, only $3.50. Apply to Mrs. Beatrice Rader, before 3 p.m. 3•,b BALED HAY, 2500 bales, all in first-class condition. Apply to Paul Steckle, 262-5440: 3,4,b DE KALB COCKERELS, ready to kill. Apply to McKinley's Farm and Hatchery Ltd., RR 1, Zurich. 3,b NOTICE Anyone wishing to rent the Zurich Community Hall or the Arena please contact Mr. Louis Schilbe, Zurich, Ontario, phone 236..4982. 1,2,3,b INCOME TAX returns filled, by experienced p e r s o n. Phone Lance Reed, 236-4954. 3,tf OPTICAL .SERVICE — Selection of smart, modern frames, men, women and children. Broken lenses duplicated. Frames re- paired. Hearing aid batteries. Albert Hess, Jeweller and Op- tician,. Zurich. 3,b HELP WANTED PART OR FULL-TIME man, for shop work, or for training for shop work. Must be mechani- cally or electrically inclined. Apply to Gingerich's Sales and Service, Zurich, in person. 2,3,b CUSTOM WORK CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich. 48,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., c)eaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb Want -Ads Are Sure To Bring You Results Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 25 c 66 Lutheran Women Discuss Liberia at January Meeting "Keslie of Zor Zor", the story of a native boy of Liberia who became a Christian in his col- lege years, was shown at the January meeting of the Luther- an Church Women. Pastor Blackwell also pre- sented recordings of various letters from his brother-in-law, the Rev. M. Rucoius, who, with his wife and family has been a missionary in Liberia for the past 20 years. He reported great advancements have taken place there during the past few years. Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, president, took charge of the business. Twenty-six members answered the roll call. The December committee reported 30 good cheer boxes had been packed and distributed to the sick and shut-ins at Christmas. Group two was appointed to arrange for a lunch to be served at the annual congregational meeting. The treasurer report- ed the offering for the evening was $19.40. The meeting was adjourned after which the com- mittee served a delightful lunch. 0 Hensall Results of CNIB Campaign Pleases Officials Jack Clements, district field secretary for the Canadian In- stitute for the Blind, has ex- pressed the appreciation of the Institute to the people of this area for their generous. support during the last campaign for funds. In Hensall and district $402.15 helped to boost the an- ual appeal to such an extent that more money was raised last year for the Blind than ever before. Thanks, too, came from Mr. Clements for the canvassers. Some money will be returned to this locality in the form of assistance to the blind and those with impaired vision in the area. Cards of Thanks I wish to express thanks and appreciation for visits, cards, flowers and gifts while a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. — Mrs. Fred Beer. 3,b I wish to express my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends who were so kind to me, while a patient twice in South Huron Hospital; to the Ladies' Aid and WMS of Carmel Pres- byterian Church for flowers and fruit; .also to Rev. J. C. Boyne; to all those who called on me from the Hensall United Church; to Miss Claypole and all the nurses, who were so kind in every way. Special thanks to Dr. C. J. Wallace and the Westlake ambulance, :of Zurich. My sincere thanks to one and all.—Cassie Dougall. 3,b We wish to take this medium to thank all our relatives and friends for the lovely gifts and greetings, to make our 25th wedding anniversary such a happy occasion. Special thanks to the family as well.—Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch. 3,b PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS SEE OUR WIDE RANGE UNDERWOOD... ... COMMODORE Priced as low as $59.95 ZURICH Citizens NEWS About People You Know .. . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. William Ris- tow, •of Detroit, called .at the homes of Mrs. Ellen Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Len Prang, last Thursday. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gingerich and Dorcas and Mrs. Mary Ger- ber, all of Zurich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Riley, of RR 2, Kip - pen. The •occasion was the 90th birthday of Mrs. Nancy Riley and 70th birthday of Mrs. Ger- ber, and an appropriate birth- day party took place. Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Oesch, RR 1, Varna, were pleasantly surprised at their home last week, by a group of relatives and friends on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. They were married on January 14, 1942, and have lived most of their married life on the Goshen Line, north of Zurich. T h e anniversary celebration was a complete surprise to the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Du- charme have moved into their new home in Zurich. _ 0 Discuss Lighting at Centennial Meet Monday, January 16, was the important meeting of the Zur- ich centennial committee, to which all businessmen were in- vited. Owing to the weather, which was bad, only some 10 business men supported the meeting. A full debate was called, after the committee presented their program. It was most en- couraging to find everybody had an interest in Canada's 100th birthday. Among the many things discussed was town decorations. After •a few change: s, all agreed on a basic plan, of which the program will start at once. This will co-incide with Zurich Chamber of Comm e r c e and business men starinstallations. Further meetings and •con- tacts will be made by the com- mittee on this program. Your ideas and support will be great- ly appreciated. DASHWOOD and DISTRICT (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kraft, of Eston, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Favis, of Tillsonburg, vis- ited with the former's aunt, Miss Pearl. Kraft, and other rel- atives last week. Mrs. Howard Klumpp, cam- paign chairman for Dashwood and vicinity for collecting for CNIB, received a letter asking her to have it placed in local papers thnking everyone for their assistance in making this a success, but since we had al- ready made mention of this and felt the letter unnecessary ex- cept to inform those who made contributions, the total for Dash- wood •and vicinity was $211.46. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Marriage and Randy, of Parkhill, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson and family, Miss Barbara Kilgour, of Lon- don, was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson and family. Mrs. Leo Gibson attended a shower in London Monday eve- ning for her niece, Miss Ruth- anne Eveland, bride -elect of this month. Mrs. Leo Eveland, Mrs. Edna Weber, Mrs. Leeland Reste- mayer and Robert visited with Mrs. Ricky Eveland on Sunday at Huronview. The annual library meeting will be held Saturday, January 21, at the library, at 3:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Member of the Ontario dis- trict Walther League, who were enjoying a winter sports week- end at Grand Bend, attended Petroleums Limited Gasoline • Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline and Veedol Motor Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: ROERT N. McKINLEY Dial 236-4830 — ZURICH ememmmemmemsemeer McADAM'S TV Specializing in Home Entertainment For Expert Service to An Makes of Radio - Television - Record Players - Hi-Fi ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV SERVICE Phone 236-4094 — Zurich Zurich Hydra and Water System APPLICATIONS Applications for the position of Manager and Secretary - Treasurer for the Zurich Hydro -Electric System and the Zurich Water System will be received by the undersigned. Applications to state experience, qualifications and salary expected. For further information, contact GORDON H. HESS, Chairman, Zurich Hydro and Water System, Zurich, Ontario. Tenders Wanted Tenders are being called for the supply of Furnace Oil, for St. Peter's Lutheran Church and Parsonage in Zurich. Tenders areto be in the hands of the Secretary, by January 31, 1967. For further particulars, contact the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RONALD G. HEIMRICH, Secretary, St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Phone Exeter 235.0875. service Sunday morning at Zion Lutheran Church. Ladies' Aid The January meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday, January 11, with group one in charge of devo- tions and lunch. Rev. George Reinhart, of Mitchell, was pres- ent and had the topic in keep- ing with Epiphany, "Missions beyond continental U.S. and Canada"—Central America. He stated this is the fastest grow- ing area in the world and Prot- estant christainity is growing faster than anywhere in the world, and all this only in the last 27 years. Most of the work is done by lay witnesses. Mrs, Leonard Schenk, presi- dent, dealt with the business. The curtains are to be re- modelled in the basement. Twenty-four shut-in boxes were distributed at Christmas. Many cards of thanks and donations were received. The visiting committee for January is Mrs. Ed Nadiger and Mrs. A. V. Tiernan. Y.F. Outing Some 20 members of the Evangelical UB Church enjoyed an outing at the Pinery Park NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET of HURON COUNTY CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY is being held in the EXETER LEGION HALL Wednesday, Feb. 8 1967, at 6:30 p.m. Banquet tickets• are available at $2.25, rom the Children's Aid Society staff and Board Members. The public is cordially invited to attend. Friday evening. They took part at the chalet. Rev. and Mrs. in skating, tobogganing and I Merrill James and other adults skiing. They had their supper I accompanied them. WEST -END GARAGE PONTIAC — BUICK — BEAUMONT — GMC TRUCKS Mitchell, Ont. Phone 384-8932 Jack. Turkheim Sales Representative Phone 236-4713 USED CAR SPECIALS 1965 Pontiac Strato-Chief Four -door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, rear speaoker. Licence A94754. Only $1875.00 1965 Chevrolet Biscayne Four -door sedan, with radio, 6 cylinder, standard trans- mission. Licence E6712. Only $1750.00 1964 Pontiac Parisienne Two -door Hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, vinyl roof, new tires, full power. Licence 110-450. See this one at $1975.00 1964 Chevrolet Belair Four -door sedan, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, new tires. Licence 997514, for only $1395.00 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Four -door Station Wagon, 9 passenger, V-8, automatic, full power, electric rear window. Licence 91945X. See this one at only $1550.00 1963 Galaxie 500 Four -door sedan, V-8, automatic, full power, radio. A beauty. Licence E10182. Only $1450.00 1962 Chevy II Four -door sedan, 6 cylinder, 250 cubic inch motor. Five new tires. A neat little compact. Licence E11464. Only $875.00 TRUCKS 1962 Chevrolet %2 Ton 8 -foot stepside box. Licence C74420. For only $975.00 1956 International One Ton Single rear wheels, 3 -speed transmission, 7x9 platform and racks. Licence C89421. A beauty at only $350.00 MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL. IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME OR OFFICE! SMITH -CORONA G� ELECTRIC ADDING MACHINE Swift, Silent, Sure Responsive • Full -featured construction • Easy-to-use "hand -span" keyboard • Uses only 9" x 13" of space --- less than 7" high • Light in weight— only 8 pounds • Easiest paper feed ever developed ... no slippage • Handsome design in Pacific Green • Built-in retractable carrying handle • Stylish snap -on dust . cover • Ribbon cartridge gives thousands of extra prints AND LOOK AT THE PRICE ! Just imagine — priced as low as a hand -operated machine. Only $114.50 Zu SEE THEM NOW, AT eh e4,90014. News DIAL 236-4672 — ZURICH