HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-19, Page 6PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS Centennial Theme Evident at Huron County Council The centennial theme was very much in evidence at the opening session of Huron Coun- ty Council in Goderich on Tues- day. Not only were members of the legislative body celebrat- ing Canada's 100th birthday, they were rejoicing at the cen- tennial anniversary of county ,council in Huron. It was January, 1867, when the first Huron County council met, with a Mr. Gibbons, of Goderich, named warden. A plaque was unveiled at the January session by 1966 Ward- en Ken Stewart and ex -Warden J. M. Eckert, McKillop Town- ship clerk -treasurer, commem- orating the occasion and paying tribute to former members of the council. Reeve Minnie Noakes, of Hen- sall, the sole lady councillor, provided quite a contrast to her sombre male associates in her beautiful) turquoise centennial costume. Mervyn Cudmore, deputy -reeve of Exeter, was the only man on council who sport- ed a centennial costume, com- plete with beard and cutaway coat. An interesting sidelight to the initial opening exercises was the appearance before coun- cil of Bert Gibbings, Clinton, who brought greetings from the sheriff of Nottingham in Eng- land. Mr. Gibbings, who de- scribed himself to council as the "grandson of the first white boy in the Huron Tract", said he had been introduced to the Nottingham gentleman while enjoying a trip abroad. 0 DASHWOOD Mrs. Jessie Rader and Mrs. Robert Hayter, Jr., returned to their .homes from South Huron Hospital. Master Carl White, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Jim White, had his tonsils and adenoids removed at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, last week. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., Mholster Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. WELCOME 41111asseee St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School. You Are Welcome ALWAYS FEELS ALONE DEAR DORIS — I feey very inadequate when I am with people — or even when just shopping by myself. I find it difficult to converse freely with the other workers in the office. I am 18. I don't go to parties because I don t feel happy or at ease with people my own age. I feel lonely both when I am with people and when I am alone. Lost Cause? DEAR LOST—This is a story about two little girls. The first one, Mary, was sent on errands from the time she was six. Soon after that, her mother was consulting her about her preferences in sweat- ers, socks, dresses. At 10 she was shopping for groceries. At 14 she made major deci- sions about clothes, Now, as a m o t •h e r, she is a confident shopper and homemaker. Dotty was different. Older sisters delighted in dressing her. There was always some- one to admire her and decide things for her. But as a mother she found the going tough! No practise in deciding things! Practise makes perfect. If you have grown up over -pro- tected or alone, there is still plenty of time. Plunge in! DEAR DORIS — My father, in his eighties, makes his home with us. But soon my husband will retire and we are moving out of the city. We will travel south for the winter months. My husband feels it is too much to expect that Dad should be constantly with us. He couldn't keep up the :pace of travelling with us and we have nothing in common. Dad refuses to pay the slight- est attention when we speak of our plans; and I ani torn be- tween two loyalties. Torn DEAR TORN—Unless Dad is deaf, he hears you; but he thinks that if he doesn't look at the boogeyman, it'll go away. He dreads the idea of change Today's rest homes often pro- vide things to do which give people like him a new interest, Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 — 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU AKE WELCOME! CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church at the HAY TOWNSHIP HALL ZURICH Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8:00 p.m.—Worship Service. We invite you to worship with us.! Grand Bend Cleaners AND LAUNDERERS January Dry Cleaning SPECIAL Ladies' or Men's Sweaters 39c CURLING TYPE SWEATER COATS 89c Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed ! Phone 238-2122 for FREE Pick-up and Delivery Use your window cards or take your cleaning to one of our qualified agents listed below: Taylor's Ready4o-Wear, Henson Gascho's Dry Goods, Zurich, Bob's Barber Shop, Zurich, Blake General Store St. Joseph Esso Service Calcuft's Variety Store, Centralia Shipka General Store Corbett General Store Mt, Carmel General Store Greenway General Store Mel and Olive's, Grand Bend Terry's Barber Shop, Grand Bend Couchuyt's Store, Klondike McPherson's, Port Franks Leo Ross, Northville Verne Schatz, Dashwood GRAND BEND CLEANERS I'd suggest you find out about the seniors' clubs and introduce him to a contemporary, for a start. Dad's fear of the unknown will vanish when he get in- volved with some of the young - thinking oldsters in his own community, DEAR DORIS — My new friend, Bill, is in his sixties and I ani 24. We plan to be mar- ried, Bill doesn't really love me but the love can grow, and furthermore, he has his own home which will be mine when he dies. He just wants some- one to take care of him and keep his house looking nice. I lost my friends because I got too intimate with other men, But Bill still wants me for his wife. My mother told me he is divorced and can't get along with people much. Shall I get him to talk about his life before he met me? Engaged DEAR ENGAGED—Are you marrying for support and a house? Couldn't you get paid for being somebody's house- keeper — without throwing in your freedom? At 24, most of your life is still ahead of you. Even with a past like yours there can be a respectable, enjoyable future if you want to make a bicl for it. Can you enjoy yourself with a cranky spouse who is old enough to be your grandfather') To Greenhorn — Who wouldn't be a greenhorn at homemaking when they have spent every waking minute earning the money to raise young brothers and sisters? Now that you have a home of your own, you can practise the art of stretching the dollars. I have made up a leaflet of Eco- nomical Recipes from the favor- ites of a number of mothers of families receiving public assist- ance during the Depression; it is on its way to you. (And may be had by other readers by sending in 10 cents and .a large, stamped and self-addressed en- velope.) To Brown Eyes—It's a good principle to match up dress col- ors with color of eyes; or to se- lect something which tones in. Yellow, rust or creamy shades go with brown eyes and dark hair; but the warm brunette should avoid pale pastels, light blue, light pink. Black is OK if given a lift with a trim of white or touches of brilliant color. DEAR DORIS — This man I am working with, he is getting awful serious with me. I cannot stay in the room with him very long. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1967 .„ Dual Meeting of EUB Church Held .past Week; Reports are Encouraging Emmanuel Evangelical Unit- ed Brethren annual congrega- tional meeting was held Wed- nesday night, January 11. A co-operative supper and a song fest opened the event, The personnel committee's re- port was accepted as presented and the officers for the next year elected by acclamation: Milton Oesch, church school su- perintendent; Wayne Horner assistant; Ethel Gabel, secre- tary; Mrs. C. Melick, treasurer. Secretary of the congregation is Mrs. Delbert Geiger. Trus- tees are Earl Horner and Don O'Brien (re-elected), and Allan Gascho elected to complete the unexpired term of Jack Mc- Clinchey, now resident in Clin- ton. Members of the finance board replacing Norman Gascho and E. Wuerth (retired) are Robert Horner and George Bullock. Ed Gascho was elected a member at large on the local conference. William McAdams was elect- ed head usher; Robert Horner is church treasurer; new per- sonnel committee, Elwood Truemner, Stuart Steckle and Richard Erb. Members of other commis- sions and committees include: Mrs. Allan Gascho, Eldon Bul- lock, Donna Kipper, Mrs. Wil- liam Siebert, Menno Oesch, Miss Olive O'Brien, Mrs. Milton Oescb, Mrs. Elwood Truemner, Mrs. Don O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay, Mrs. Oscar Greb, Mrs. Claire Geiger and Russell Grainger. Excellent reports of achieve- ment were presented by all organizations within the con- gregation. All obligations were met in full as of December 31 without the need of borrowing, and the largest benevolence giv- ing in the congregation's his- tory flowed through the chan- nels of the general church. A special certificate of recog- nition was presented to Mrs. Milton Oesch, organist -choir di- rector who has served in this capacity for over a quarter of a century in this congregation, and who has previously served as organist at the Lutheran Church in Sullivan Township, where she began that work at a very early age. Mrs. Oeseh in turn spoke words of praise for her loyal choir members, some of whom have been with her the entire 26 years now. Leonard Merner gave a good tribute speech honoring all the officers and officiants of the church and especially compli- menting the good services ren- dered by the sexton, Urban Pfile, and Mrs. Pfile, his right hand aide. A vote of thanks was given all. This meeting was the 108th I am trying to be a good woman but cannot stand this. I don't want to cause any trou- ble, but I'll have to. Scared DEAR SCARED—If he's the boss, you'd better quit. If he's a fellow worker, ask the boss to shift you to another room. Don't let him wear down your defense. It's normal for a man's interest to intrigue a woman, but that's no :argument for see- ing how close, you can get to the edge of the cliff without falling over,- Go ver;Go ahead and cause trouble if you have to. Far better than having trouble happen to you. About People You Know Mrs. Emma Bloch is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe returned home on Tuesday af- ter enjoying a trip through parts of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Decker, Tim, Susane and Jennifer left on Sunday for a vacation in Florida. BROADLOOM • RUGS & CARPET 501 Du Pont Nylon Broadloom Only $7.95 Sq. Yd. Foam -Backed Carpet Only $4.50 Sq. Yd. We Install All Types of Floor Coverings! FREE ESTIMATES MASON & RISCH PIANOS NOW IN STOCK WESTLAKE FUNITURE Main Street Zurich annual meeting of the Evan- gelical Church in Hay Township. The earlier work was on the Babylon Line and Goshen be- fore the actual location of the church in Zurich. In those days it was known as De Evangelisch Gemeinschaft, later as the Evan- gelical Church, and then the Evangelical United Brethren Church, which organization is now in process of intergrating with the United Church of Canada. The American based parent body has voted to enter the United Methodist Church in the United States, The plans of union for both groups will be finalized in 1968. The local minister, M, Shatto, BA,BD, spoke the thanks of the denomination leaders for the fine co-operation of the local group in the world wide scope of activity in missions and be- nevolence, and for the good order obtain in parish relations, Attention Farmers CONCRETE SILOS 1967 will be a big year in construction. Farmers inter- ested in building a Silo 14 feet in diameter, should con- tact us immediately. The average farmer has one to four silos on his farm —how about you? Do you need another silo? CALL ZURICH WES HUGILL & SON "28 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE" DIAL 236-4928 Aylmer — 11 Oz, Tomato Catsup Aylmer—10.Oz. Tin Tomato Soup _ Aylmer Fancy -48 -Oz. Tin _ 2/37c __lOc Tomato Juice 33c Aylmer -15 Oz. Fancy Peas _ _ _ _ 2/39c Aylmer Fancy —15 Oz. Cream Style Corn _ 2/39c Aylmer -20 Ox. Choice Tomatoes _ 2/59c Aylmer Choice -15 Oz. Peas and Carrots _ 2/43c Golden Wax Beans or Green Cut Beans -15 Oz. Aylmer Fancy _ Aylmer Choice -15 Oz. Fruit Cocktail, _ _ Aylmer -15 Oz. Choice Peaches _ Aylmer Choice -20 Oz. _ 2/39c - - 29c _ 2/59c Bartlett Pears _ _ _ 37c Clover Leaf -1/2 Gal,—AIL Flavors Ice Cream Fresh—Apple or Raisin BUY NOW .]inns SAVEI Orange Pekoe -60s -I- 15 Free Bags--Pkg. Nabob Tea Bags _ _ _ 79c 24 -Oz, Tin Puritan Beef Stew _ 47c All Colors -2 -Root Pack Ballet Toilet Tissue _ 24c Ellmarr's— 1 -Lb. Prints Margarine 2/63c Special K 2/89c Orange Flavor—Packages Tang Crystals _ _ _ 2/47c Ingersoll -16 Oz. Cheese Spread _ _ _ _ 69c McCormick's —1 -Lb. Box Sodas or Saltines _ _ 39c Liquid -24 -Oz. Bottle Mir Detergent _ _ _ _ 79c Kellogg's —11 Oz. 27c Off Tide, King Size _ _ $1.49 For Dishwashers—Package Cascade, 6c off _ _ _ 63c Superior -24-0z. Loaves 79c White Bread _ _ _ 3/65c Weston's Pies _ _ _ 2/75c illsbury—Reg. or Buttermilk -2 -Lb. Pkg. Pancake Mix _ _ _ _ 37c FRUIT and VEGETABLES TANGERINES, 176s 3 DOZ. $1 SANSONE CELLO TOMATOES _ _ _ 2 PKGS. 49c CALIFORNIA CELERY, 24s BUNCH 29c MEAT SPECIALS SKINLESS WIENERS 2 LBS. 89c FRESH LOIN PORK CHOPS LB. 69c Specials for Dry Cleaning from Jan. 12 to Feb. 5 DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 * ZURICH!