HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THE SCREAMING MOTHER DEAR DORIS—My neighbor is pleasant and friendly to me, but she screams and swears at her little boy. The first time I heard her he was just eight months old; I couldn't believe my ears. She has recently been saying, I'II murder you, you S.O.B." Yet when her husband conies home she assumes a different personality. When slie is not screaming she seems to be a loving mother. The boy appears happy and normal. (1) Is her screaming balanced by her otherwise loving care of her little boy? (2) Could I help her by try- ing to be friends with her? (3) Should I let my little girl play with her little boy? Two Doors Up DEAR TWO DOORS — (1) The loving care may keep him from disintegrating during ex- plosions, but there are bound to be scars on his personality. (2) Yes. There are better ways of overcoming frustrations than by taking them out on a defenseless child. If you could get her to talk with you, she might pour it all out. (3) Not where your girl might be subject to a tirade. At your house? O.K. DEAR DORIS — Last Satur- day night there was a dance in town, which I went to with my brother. At home time Boy A asked me to go home with him, but I said I had better not be- cause I hadn't asked my par- ents. He then told me he would take me to the next school dance. On the following Monday night Boy B told me that he had put my name on a list of invi- tations to a coming school dance. This was not exactly an invita- tion, but I do believe he's going to ask me. I expect Boy A to ask me to the same dance after what he said Saturday night. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL United Brethren Church Rev. M. Shatto, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.—Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Mission Service. Pictures on Rhodesia. WELCOME St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 — 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School. You Are Welcome Who should I accept? I like .A better than B but have n been out with either vet. chni 1,, I accept B if he asks first or wait for A to ask? Clueless DEAR CLUELESS - If A wants you with him, he'd better get cracking and ask. Other- wise, if B asks first, he is the one to accept. No lady can say to 'anybody. "I think Johnny is going to ask me, but if he doesn't. P11 go with you." TO HOSTESS—For a decora- tion for your kitchen shower dress up a broom and a mop (which could be your gifts) to represent the bride and groom. Make costumes and faces out of white cardboard, painting on features, hair and buttons with crayon. Bride's veil can be a paper doily; groom's tall hat a black crepe paper cut-out. Prop your bride and groom in a laundry basket (someone else's gift) along with the other par- cels. DEAR DORIS—I am 16, with poor posture. I think that it is due to the weak muscles in my back. There is no support at all in the middle part of my back. So my shoulders are rounded, my stomach caves in and my whole figure is ruined. I think it might interfere with my health later in life. Could you please send me some exercises for my back? Deformed DEAR DEFORMED—Are you your own doctor? How do you know your trouble is weak back muscles? Exercises could be the undoing of you, without the go-ahead of a trained medi- cal man. When the chest and tummy cave in the health can't help but be affected. Subject my leaflet "For Round Shoulders" (which I am sending you) to your doctor's scrutiny before doing a single stretch. Zurich Mennonite Ephriam Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 — 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service. 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School. YOU ARE WELCOME! CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church at the HAY TOWNSHIP HALL ZURICH Minister — Elmer Grove SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 — 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship Service. 8:00 p.m.—Worship Service. We invite you to worship with us.! Grand Bend Cleaners AND LAUNDERERS January Dry Cleaning SPECIAL Ladies' or Men's Sweaters 39c CURLING TYPE SWEATER COATS 89c Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed ! Phone 238-2122 for FREE Pick-up and Delivery your window cards or take your cleaning to one of qualified agents listed below: Use our Taylor's Ready -to -Wear, Hensel! Gascho's Dry Goods, Zurich, Bob's Barber Shop, Zurich, Wake General Store St. Joseph Esso Service Calcutt's Variety Store, Centralia Shipka General Store Corbett General Store Mt. Carmel General Store Greenway General Store Mel and Olive's, Grand Bend Terry's Barber Shop, Grand Bend Couchuyt's Store, Klondike McPherson's, Port Franks Leo Ross, Northville Verne Schatz, Dashwood GRAND BEND CLEANERS MARRIED 55 YEARS—Mr. and Mrs. Moses Erb, of Zurich, on Monday, January 9, quietly observed their 55th wedding anniversary. They were married at Wellesley in 1912, and their attendants then were Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Erb, of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. •Swartzentruber, of Petersburg. They resided on the Bronson Line, Hay Town- ship, until 1948, when they retired to Zurich. LITE WATER REST HOME NEWS and VIEWS By Lance J. Reed, Superintendent Many thanks to all those who have come to our •aid with used Christmas cards, jewellery and plastic bottles. If there are any others who would like to help us out, it is not too late. These items can be left at Ging- erich Sales and Service store, where a special container has been provided. I have had a few inquiries concerning other types of greeting cards such as get well, birthday, etc. Any type of greeting card is accept- able. Looking back at Christ- mas we are indeed grateful to many groups and persons who helped brighten Christmas here at the Home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginger- ich and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gingerich gave us .a beautiful book entitled "Ideals", and the poems therein were very inter- esting. The Zurich Mennonite ladies group gave us a year's subscription to the same maga- zine. The St. Boniface Catholic Women's League visited each resident and gave them a Christ- mas basket of treats. The vil- lage of Zurich Public School choir entertained with Christ- mas carols. The St. Peter's Lutheran ladies remembered the Home at Christmas with a large selection of home pre- serves and food items. The Zurich Girl Guides gave us a Christmas tree complete with decorations. The decora- tions are to be kept here and to be used each year by the group. On another occasion they came and carolled in the halls and presented each resi- dent with a perfume saehe for their dresser' ,d1awers. The Zurich Mennonite Church girls carolled and gave each resident a floral arrangement for their dressers. We were happy •to welcome Mrs. Margaret Smith to our Home. Mrs. Smith is from the department of public welfare, and is responsible for ladies' auxiliaries. Next week I shall have more to report on her visit and her meeting with the ladies of the community. Mrs. Nancy Koehler and Miss Pearl Ann Erb are vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke and Dr. and Mrs. Jim Pantekock spent the week -end in Ottawa. ANNOUNCEMENT Glen Nevin, owner of Nevin Motors, Lucan, is pleased to announce the appointment of Roy Morenz to his sales staff. Mr. Morenz was formerly on the sales staff at Taylor Motors Limited, in Zurich. See Roy for His Opening Specials 1966 Pontiac Parisienne 2 -Door Hardtop, 327 engine, automatic transmission, radio, white walls. Demonstrator, Licence 954293. $2948 1965 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible Custom sport, bucket seats, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, V-8 engine, radio, white walls. Licence 955294. $2599 1962 Cadillac Coup de Villa 2 -Door Hardtop, fully loaded with extras. Licence 955012. $2249 1962 Chevrolet Station Wagon Power steering, power brakes, automatic, radio, walls, power tailgate. Licence 70688X. $1149 1963 Strato-Chief Six cylinder, standard.$1195 Licence A96304. 1959 Buick 4 -Door Hardtop Power. Licence 978317. white NEVIN MOTORS PONTIAC --.-:+ 13UICK -. BEAUMONT -- GMC TRUCKS Phone Lucan 227-4.45 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1967 .. vh V OD and DISTRICT .4, L. H HAC1f: R, 4orre600ndent WSWS Meeting The WSWS of the Evangeli- cal IJB Church held their reg- ular meeting Friday, January 6, with the membership and at- tendance group in charge and Mrs. Charles Snell convenor, Mrs. Letta Taylor, vice-presi- dent, presided for the business. All secretaries and treasurers •ave t':cir reports. Fourteen shat -in boxes were packed at Christmas. Group two is in charge of the annual church meeting supper, January 23, !The parsonage committee will meet in February. Mrs. Lloyd Guenther and Mrs. Ralph Web- er are the sunshine committee ;for January. A generous don- ation was given to the choir to help pay for the new gowns. A workday is planned to make bandages and hospital gowns for the lepers, arranged by the Christian social relations com- mittee. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Keyes, Debbie and Lisa, of 'Orornocto, New Brunswick, visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker and family. Mrs. Jessie Rader, Mrs. Ger- ald Wilhelm and Mrs. Robert Hayter are patients in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mrs, Carl Oestreicher is a patient in Victoria Hospital; also Sam Hiller and Mrs. Edmund Beck- er are patients in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Melvin Grob has re- turned from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, following sur- gery. Cpl. Mitchell and a represen- tative of the Humane Society were in town Tuesday morning regarding the recent poisoning of dogs, They had picked up Tyler's dog and were taking it to Guelph for an autopsy. It may be two or three months before a definite report is made. CONCRETE SILOS 1967 will be a big year in construction. Farmers inter- ested in building a Silo 14 feet in diameter, should con- tact us immediately. The average farmer has one to four silos on his farm —how about you? Do you need another silo? CALL ZURICH WES HUGILL & SON "28 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE" DIAL 236-4928 * nR{M lM LlH 4 i..10 1 ••. blea �G Fi fSi, Y.r. Instant or Quick -32 or 36 Oz. Bag Quaker Oats 37c Betty Crocker — Asstorted Flavors—Pkgs. Cake Mixes _ _ _ _ 2/83c Purex-2s—White or Colored Toilet Tissue _ _ pkg. 25c Blue Bonnet -3 -Lb. Pack Margarine, 3 -Ib. Pack 93c Bottle Javex, 64 oz. _ _ _ _ 43c Peas, Corn, Carrots and Peas Aylmer, 10 oz. size 3/45c Monarch—Assorted Flavors Sponge Puddings _ 2/49c Snowflake -21/2 -Lb. Tin Shortening 99c Kam -12-0z. Tin Luncheon Meat _ _ _ 55c 1 -Lb. Prints Coleman's Lard _ _ 2/47c 1 -Lb. Prints Coleman's 'Butter _ Vegetable or Pea -28 Oz. Habitant Soup Sunnyvale -28 Oz. Fancy Peaches _ _ _ _ 69c 2/45c Lyon's -6 -Oz. Jar _ 39c Instant Coffee _ _ _ _ 75c Chunks -61 -Oz. Tin Gold Seal Tuna _ _ _ 33c Redpath -2 -Lb. Poly Bag Yellow Sugar _ _ _ _ 21c Redpath -5 -Lb. Poly Bag Yellow Sugar _ _ _ _ 47c Clark's -14 Oz. Beans and Pork _ _ 2/41c Green Beans _ _ _ 2/45c Tempt -15 Oz. Dog Food 6/69c Paper Towels _ _ _ _ 49c Book Matches _ _ _ _ 21c Ban Roll -On Deodorant, 1 -oz. size 79c 11% -Oz. Size Capt. Crunch Cereal _ 47c Green Giant Fancy -14 Oz. Scott -2 -Roll Package Superior—Carton of 50 Christie's-1 Lb.—Salted or Plain Premium Sodas _ _ _ 39c FRUIT and VEGETABLES SUNKIST ORANGES, 113s DOZ. 65c CALIFORNIA CELERY, 24s EACH 29c INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT, 96s _ 7 For 49c CALIFORNIA LETTUCE, 24s HEAD 19c MEAT SPECIALS DASHWOOD HEAD CHEESE 3 LBS. $1 SLICED BACON LB. 69c SMOKED PICNICS LB. 53c FRESH FRYERS, 3 LBS. UP _ .. _ - _ - LBe 43c Specials for Dry Cleaning from Jan. 12 to Feb. 5 .x, DOERR'S DIAL 236.4354 -- ZURICH