HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1967-01-12, Page 1Meeeeeeeee
ZURICH VILLAGE COUNCIL= --Members of the coun-
cil of the village of Zurich were sworn into office at the
inaugural session on Monday morning, by clerk Mrs. Elda
Wagner. Front row, left to right, •are reeve Leroy Thiel,
Mrs. Wagner, clerk -treasurer, councillor Gordon, Hess. Back
row, left to right, are the otter three members softhe coun-
cil, Dr. W. B. Coxon, Milford Doerr and Herb Turlcheim.
the Hensall branch of the Royal Canadian Legion were offici-
ally installed last Friday night at a ceremony in the Legion
Hall. Seated, left to right, are vice-president Wilmer Dal-
rymple, president Ernie Davis and vice-president Stan
Kochan. Back row, left to right, are Jack Simmons, Paul
Neilands, James Taylor, Rev. H. Currie, Sam Rennie and
Garnet Allan.
OFFICERS of the Hensall Legion Auxiliary for the
coming year were also installed last Friday night. Seated,
left to right, are Mrs. W. H. Bell, secretary; Mrs. Harold
Campbell, president; Mrs. Garnet Allan, vice-president.
Back row, left to right, are Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Grant
Bisback, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. John Skea and Mrs. Harry
By Corporal C. J. Mitchell
During the week of January
1 to January 7, the Exeter de-
tachment of the Ontario Pro-
vincia' Police investigated 13
occurrences, along with five ac-
cidents, in which there were no
injuries reported.
The detachment issued 28
warnings under the Highway
Traffic Act, and ;aid seven
charges under the same act.
There were no charges laid un-
der the Liquor Control Act,
and only one under the Crimi-
nal Code.
During the one-week period,
there was a total of 55 hours
spent on highway patrol, and
1,502 miles were travelled.
This week I would like to ad-
vise people, particularly the
older people, to be ori their
guard against phoney bank in-
spectors, telephoning and ad-
vising older citizens to with-
draw a large sum of money
from their account and turn it
over to the "suppose -to -be bank
inspector" outside the bank.
The reason given is they are
going to niark the money and
catch a bank teller that they
suspect of stealing from their
The older people are prom-
ised a large stun of money if
they are successful in charging
a bank teller. Occasionally
money is given to these men
outside the bank and that is
the last the owner sees of their
money, or the phoney bank in -
The council of the Township
f Hay, at their inaugural meet -1
'nig on Monday, appointed of-;
'vials to various positions for
the coming year. The inaugur.!
it meeting hegap at 11 e in.
with Monsignor W. Bourdeau
*iving those present an inter -
sting address. a The group,
ilong with road superintendent
Carl 1--Iaberer and asses s o r
xoorge Armstrong, were guests
f the reeve at a dinner in the
'Tensall Hotel.
Appointments made were as
Follows: building i n s p e c tor,
'.suis Farwell; assessor, George
trmstrong; livestock valuator,
^ert Klopp; weed inspector,
'ilex Chesney, county inspector;
~oad superintendent, Karl Ha-
herer; Ausable River Conserva-
tion Authority representative,
John Tinney; South Huron High
zehool member, Herb Klopp;
school attendance officer, Ted
Pound -keepers are, Ray In-
gram, Laird Jacobe, Clayton
Smith and Sons, Alvin Walper,
Leonard Merner, Edwin Regier,
Claire Geiger, Melvin Gingerich,
Harold Beichert, Allan Crerar,
William Watson. Fence view-
ers are Lorne Chapman, Lloyd
Walper, Arnold Merner.
H. W. Brokonshire was again
appointed clerk -treasurer; audi-
tors, A. M. Harper &. Company,
Goclerich; solicitors, Donnelly &
Murphy, Goderich.
Welfare administrator for the
township will be reeve John
C'orbet, while Mr. Corbett and
Clerk Brokonshire will be the
qiening officials. Deputy -reeve
Delbert Geiger was aepointed
representative for Hay on the
Dashwood Community Centre
The following grants were
made by the council at their
inaugural: St. John Ambulance
Corps, $10; Salvation Army,
$25; Huron Soil aand Crop Im-
provement, $25; South Huron
Agricultural Society, $40; Zur-
ich Agricultural Society, $150;1
Canadian Cancer Society, $50.
The township will also pay the
usual $4 to each child complet-
ing a 441 Calf Club project.
The clerk was authorized to
order subscription to the Muni-
cipal World magazine for all
the v a r ions officials in the
Council approved payment of
$15 membership in the Good
Roads Association and $15 mem-
bership in the Ontario Associa-
tion of Rural Municipalities. A
money -borrowing by-law was
passed authorizing the borrow-
ing of up to $110,000 from the
Bank of Montreal, if needed.
Road superintendent Karl Ha-
berer was instructed to call
tenders for the supplying,
crushing, loading, hauling and
spreading of 20,000 cubic yards
of gravel, for the township
Next regular meeting of the
council will be held on Monday
afternoon, February 6. at 1:30
Committees were formed and
appointments made at the in-
augural meeting of the council
of the village of Zurich on
Monday. The ceremonies be-
gan at 11 a.m. with a short ad-
dress by Rev. A. C. Blackwell,
followed by .an inaugural ad-
dress by reeve Leroy Thiel.
The hydro and water commit-
tee will consist of Gordon Hess,
Milford Doerr and Leroy Thiel;
roads and drains, Milford Doerr
and W. B. Coxon; fire protec-
tion, Gordon Hess and W. B.
^nxon; property and finance,
W. B. Coxon and Herb Turk-
heim. The council representa-
tives on the recreation 'c0nilnit-.
tee will be Herb Turkheim and
Leroy Thiel.
Mrs. Elda Wagner was again
appointed as clerk -treasurer of
the village at a salary of $1550.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clair
Hoffman, Galt, on Wednesday.
Mr. Roffman is a patient in
Galt hospital.
Women's Institute
Dr. C. J. Wallace will be the
guest speaker at the Zurich
Women's Institute m e e tin g,
which will be held in the Hay
Township Hall on Tuesday, Jan-
uary 17, at 8 p.m. Visitors are
cordially invited to attend this
I would also like to have bank
employees question a large sum
of money being taken from a
dormant accotnnt.
This year the clerk will be in
the office, for the convenience
of any ratepayers, every Satur-
day afternoon. Anyone wish-
ing to see the clerk is being
asked to do so on this particu-
lar day of the week.
Gordon Surerus was re -ap-
pointed as assessor of the vil-
lage at a salary of $350. Road
superintendent will be Urban
?file, at an hourly rate of $1.75.
Auditors for the village are
A. M. Harper & Company, of
Goderich, and the solicitors are
Bell & Laughton, of Exeter.
W. B. Coxon was appointed
as the council representative to
j�a'WWODA, along With the
Chamber of Commerce man,
Charles Thiel. The reeve and
clerk were appointed as signing
officials, and the reeve was
named as welfare officer. Mem-
bers of council set their salaries
at $225 for the reeve and $200
for each councillor, for the
Members of the fire brigade,
as appointed at the inau,;ural.
session, are Milton Deitz How-
ard Klopp, James Parkins, El-
roy Desjardine, Hubert Schilbe.
Bryce Mack, Leo Meidinger,
Lloyd Denomme, Lee Reeler.
Bob Forrester and Eugene
In other business at the meet-
ing, council awarded a contract.
for the Northwest Drainage
Works to Russell Fischer, at his
tender of $6023.69.. Work on
tile' drain ° is to begin –vete-
shortly. shortly.
Regulary meetings of the
council will be held the first
Wednesday night of each month,
commencing at 7:30 p.m.
The inauguration ceremonies
of Hensall municipal council
took place January 9, at 3.1 a.m.,
when Reeve Mrs. Noakes and
councillors John Baker, Harold
Knight, Oliver Jaques and John
Lavender took the oath of of-
fice before Clerk Earl Camp-
bell. Rev. Harold Currie gave
an appropriate address and
prayer for guidance.
The regular meeting of the
council was held in the council
chambers, January 9, at 8 p.m.
Reeve Noakes presided dressed
in her centennial gown of tur-
quoise velvet with hat and purse
to match. Councillors were
well turned out in tails with
bowler hats, vests, canes and
complete with whiskers.
Mrs. Noakes expressed appre-
Goderich Band To
Present Program
Plans have been completed
for .an appearance of the Goder-
ich Collegiate Viking Concert
Band in the Zurich Community
Centre, on Thursday, January
16. The band, under the direc-
tion of Charles Kalbfieisch, has
a membership of 40.
The group will present a con-
cert along with other demon-
lic is invited to attend. There
strations, and the general pub -
will be no admission charge,
just a silver collection..
Sponsored by the Zurich Dis-
trict Centennial Band, the pro-
gram has been arranged so that
parents and children interested
in playing in the new organiza-
tion, may see what can be ac-
We wish to apologies to many
subscribers who have renewed
their subscriptions during the
past couple of months, and who
have not had their labels cor-
rected accordingly. We hope
to have our complete mailing
list revised before publishing
date next week.
di Ap
dation to the councillors and
clerk for their support in the
past and asked for their con-
tinued support during this cen-
tennial year.
By-laws were passed which
provided that Mrs. Noakes be
relief administrator; that mem-
bers of the recreational com-
mittee and park board for 1967
be John Lavender and Oliver
Jaques, Barrie Jackson, Maurice
Tudor, Paul Neilands, Mrs.
Oliver Jaques and Mrs. H. A.
147embers of the library board
for 1967 will be Mrs. Noakes,
Mrs. Doug Cook, Mrs. Sam
Rennie, Mrs. Robert Simpson,
Mrs. Dave Kyle, Mrs. Keith
Buchanan and Robert Reaburn.
A by-law was passed that the
treasurer give discount for
taxes paid in advance, amount-
ing to six per cent per annum
or half of one per cent per
month, for eight months.
Mrs. Noakes and Mr. Camp-
bell were named as signing of-
ficials; Monteith and Monteith,
of Stratford, as auditors, and
councillor Knight was named
centennial chairman. Building
inspector for 1967 will be Norm-
an Jones.
There was considerable dis-
cussion regarding snow removal.
—Mr. Clement would like to
blow the snow away and Mr.
Reid plow it.
The fire department came
under discussion and a sugges-
tion was made that the fire
chief set a minimum time for
firemen attending a meeting 'NJ
qualify for wages; also that Mr.
Campbell be notified after a
fire as to the number of man
hours to be paid.
Ernie Davis reported on the
sanding of sidewalks and the
erection of the centennial flag.
Notice was received from the
attorney general's office and
minister of justice that the On-
tario Provincial Police would
police the town. Mr, Davis will
act as liaison officer between
the OPP and the municipality,
and also be responsible for en-
forcing the by-laws of the town.
The clerk was instructed to
pay the fees necessary to the
mayors and reeves association
convention, to be held in Ni-
agara on May 14.
County council will convene
Tuesday, January 17, at 2 pen.,
when a warden will be chosen.
The accounts were ordered
paid on motion of Jaques -and
Lavender. George Parker was
given a permit to renovate his
house, and the meeting ad-
journed on motion of Knight
and Baker to meet on Monday,
February 6.
Hensall. Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary
Officers Installed by Zone Official
Joint installation of Hensel'
Branch of the Canadian Legion
468, and Ladies' Auxiliary, were
held Friday evening, January
6, with deputy zone command-
er Edward Bell and his instal-
ling team of Blyth in charge.
Legion officers are: president,
E. R. Davis; first vice-president,
Wilmer Dalrymple; second vice-
president, Stan Koehn; ser-
geant at arms, Jack Simmons;
executive, Jinn Taylor, Paul
Neilands, Garnet Allan, Sam
Ladies' Auxiliary officers are:
president, Mrs. Harold Camp-
bell; vice-president, Mrs. Garnet
Allan; second vice-president,
Mrs, Roland Vanstone; secre-
tary, Mrs. W. H. Bell; treasurer,
Mrs. Grant Bisback; sergeant at
amus, Mrs. Harry Horton; assis-
tant, Mrs. Garnet Allan; execu-
tive, Mrs. lt4ary Taylor, Mrs.
John Skea, Mrs. Gordon Munn,
Mrs. E. R. Davis, Mrs. Byran
Kyle sports officers, Mrs. Wil-
liam Snnale, Mrs. Clarence Fteid.