HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-12-22, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Goshen Women
Elect Officers
The Christmas meeting of
Goshen. UCW was held at the
home of Mrs. Rich Robinson on
Thursday night, December 15,
The meeting opened with sing-
ing hymn 55 followed by a wor-
ship period of scripture and
prayers, with Mrs. Mel Elliot,
Mrs. Bob McKinley, Mrs. How-
ard Armstrong, Mrs. Keith Mc-
Bride and Mrs. Arnold Keys
taking part.
Mrs. Mel Elliot read a carol
"The Huron Carol". Mrs. Bob
McKinley read a story, "Keep-
ing Christmas".
Mrs. Bob Peck conducted the
business. The treasurer's re-
port and birthday fund report
were given. A motion was made
by Mrs. John Robinson and sec-
onded by Mrs. Elmer Hayter
that the group buy ;poinsettas
for the shut-ins. Mrs. Bob Peck
thanked the UCW for their help
while she was president and
Mrs. Russel Erratt replied.
Rev. M. Morrison had charge
of the election of officers:
president, Mrs. Russel Erratt;
first vice-president, Mrs. Bruce
Keys; second vice-president,
Mrs. Anson McKinley; record-
ing secretary, Mrs. Bert Mc-
Bride; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. George Simons; treasurer,
Mrs. Jim Keys; assistant, Mrs.
Howard Armstrong.
Community friendship and
visitation, Mrs. Allen Arm-
strong, Mrs. Doug Robinson,
Mrs. Arnold Keys. Group lead-
ers, (1) Mrs. Bob McKinley, (2)
Mrs. John Robinson, (3) Mrs.
George Simons, (4) Mrs. Mel
Elliot. (5) Mrs. Ken Parke.
manse committee. Mrs. Russel
Erratt, Mrs. Floyd Armstrong;
social functions, Mrs. Clare Mc-
Bride, Mrs, Elmer Hayter, Mrs.
Floyd Armstrong; supply and
welfare, Mrs. Walter Eckel, Mrs,
Jack Eckel, Mrs. Jim Keys
Literature, Mrs. Elgin Mc-
Kinley; stewardship and recruit-
ing, Mrs. Howard Armstrong,
Mrs. Keith McBride: Christian
citizenship and social action,
Mrs. George Simons, Mrs. Bob
Peck; organist. Mrs. Bruce:
Keys; birthday fund, Mrs. Arn-
old Keys; card fund, Mrs. Keith
McBride; tea fund, Mrs, Roy
McBride. The meeting closed
with prayer by Rev. Morrison.
December 12
D'aires, G Marcell _ 782 7 59
Aces, E Laidlaw ___ 574 0 26
Starlites, S Kipfer _ 663 4 82
Hitlites, H McEwan _ 689 3 57
Scamps, D Browning _ 593 7 32
P P'pers, M Campbell 535 0 20
U & Downs, S Braid _ 542 0 38
N Hawks, J T'kheim _ 568 7 78
Packers, I Frayne _ 643 5 73
H Gals, A Faber __ 589 2 25
H single: H. McEwan ___ 335
H triple: Gail Marcell ___ 782
H average: Gail Marcell __ 221
(MRS. E, H. RADER, Correspondent)
Ladies' Aid
Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid
held their annual business and
Christmas meeting, Wednesday,
December 14. The president,
Mrs. Leonard Schenk., presided.
Reports were given by all sec-
retaries and treasurers, showing
a busy and prosperous year.
The visiting committee for De-
cember is Mrs. Albert Rader
and Mrs. Milford Merner, who
also helped with packing and
distribution of shut-in boxes on
Sunday, December 18. A gen-
erous gift was made to mis-
sions, Arthur Rader, and the
collection for the Lutheran
Officers for 1967 are: presi-
dent, Mrs. Leonard Schenk;
vice-president, Mrs. Harry Hay-
ter; secretary, Mrs. Marie Res-
temayer; treasurer, Mrs. Ken
Keller; card. secretary, Mrs. Ru-
dolph Miller; flower and treat
fund secretary, Mrs. Albert
Miller; pianist, Mrs, Albert
Rader; assistant, Mrs. Milford
Merner; auditors, Mrs. Charles
Martine and Mrs. James Hay-
ter; librarians, Mrs, Irvin Rader
and Mrs. Alvin Rader.
A short program was held
with group two having piano
solos; group three, a short
Christmas play, and group four,
a duet. Group one conducted
devotions and served a Christ-
mas lunch,
Infant Baptized
Susan Elizabeth, infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bayn-
ham, ;of Exeter, was baptized in
Zion Lutheran Church by Rev,
George Reinhart. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hayter were sponsors.
Leaguers Carol
Members •of the Walther
League of Zion Lut h er an
Church were carolling Sunday
afternoon at the Blue Water
Rest Home, Zurich, and to shut-
ins around Dashwood, They
also assisted in distributing
shut-in boxes.
Christmas Program
Kindergarten, primary and
junior classes of the EUB
Church took part in the Christ-
mas program which was pre-
sented Sunday evening, followed
by the choir's cantata, "His
Star Still Shines," with a cast
of 15.
Arthur Rader, of Concordia
Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., is va-
cationing with his parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. Elgin Rader, and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mead
and Milan, of Toronto, were
pre -Christmas visitors with Mrs.
Wes Wolfe, Sunday.
Where our sick are! Elmore
Datars in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London; Ed Stire returned from
St. Joseph's Hospital .on Satur-
day; Mrs. Hilda Wein and John
Rader are home from Clinton
Public Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke and
daughter, of Brampton, spent a
few days with Milt Haugh.
Rev, and Mrs. Merrill James
of the EUB Church who have
entertained the eatechism class
completed the course, "The
Christian Way". A fellowship
time followed by lunch was en-
The ;choir of the EUB Church
recently purchased 25 new
gowns which they wore for the
first time Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs, Everett Heist
attended the funeral of Mrs.
Murray Holtzman in Ortenville,
Mich., last Tuesday. She was
the former Myrtle Willert, born
and raised in Dashwood.
Sponsored by the Dashwood
Men's Club, Santa arrived in
Dashwood Saturday afternoon
and distributed chocolate milk
and treats to all the boys and
girls on hand to greet him. The
children also were treated to
movies in the Community
* *
(Intended for last week)
Recently the Bethany Sisters
Sunday scchool class of the
Evangelical UB Church met in
the church basement for an
evening of fellowship. Rev.
and Mrs. Merrill James sang a
duet. Rev. James showed col-
ored films of the Dashwood
congregation and vacation trips.
Lunch was served by the com-
Sunday evening the Dash-
wood Evangelical UB Church
presented a cantata, "His star
still shines", at Crediton EUB
Church. The choir and a cast
of 15 members of the congre-
gation, with speaking parts,
took part. Lunch was served
after by the ladies and youth
of Crediton church.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader
Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Rader, Paul and Sharon visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller
and Brenda on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Miller
and family, of Port Dover, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Miller on Sunday.
Walper Home
Once again this year the
property of Alvin Walper, in
Dashwood, is probably the most
•attractively decorated in this
part of the country. For the
past few years the Walpers have
devoted a great deal of time
and effort into making their
place a real winter fairyland,
and the site has attracted vis-
itors from many miles away.
This year the popular couple
have added still more to their
collection, and residents of this
area are in for a real treat
when they drive to Dashwood
to see the place.
Publisher Wins
Election Contest
For Council Seat
Herb Turkheim, publisher
of the Zurich Citizens News,
was elected on Monday to fill
the one vacant position on
council in the village of Zur-
ich. He polled a total of 166
votes, compared to 142 for his
opponent, Leonard Bates.
Both• candidates picked up
8lvotes in the north half of
the village, while on the south
half Turkheim polled 85 to 61
for Bates. There was one
spoiled ballot.
The new councillor is a past
president of the Zurich Lions
Club', a vice-president of the
Zurich Chamber of Com-
merce, president of the Zur-
ich Agricultural Society, and
a director of the Crippled
in London. He previously
Children's Treatment Centre
served a one-year term on the
council in 1962.
Bates is manager of the
liquor store in Zurich. He
was an unsuccessful midi -
date in the village election
of 1963.
Other members of the
council for 1967 are Leroy
Thiel, reeve; Dr. W. B. Coxon,
Milford Doerr and Gordon
Hess. The inaugural meeting
will be held on Monday,
January 9.
Will Present Program
Ron Heimrich and his TA
choristers will present a pro-
gram in the Evangelical UB
Church, Zurich, next Wednes-
day night, December 28, at 8
p.m. A number of young peo-
ple from this district take part
in the chorus.
Zurich Chamber of Commerce Hold
Special Night To Entertain Ladies
Close to 100 attended the an-
nual ladies' night of the Zurich
and District Chamber of Com-
merce, at the Dominion Hotel
last Wednesday night. A high-
light of the evening was the
presentation of color slides by
Charles McQuillin, of a trip he
made to Alaska.
President Keith Westlake was
in charge of the meeting, and
a rousing sing -song was led by
Fred Haberer, accompanied at
the piano by Mrs. Beatrice Hess.
Several delightful numbers
of entertainment included piano
solos by Carol Gascho and vocal
solos by Elaine Westlake. A
toast to the ladies was proposed
Bowling Scores
Rockets, J Bedard _ '737 4 39
G'troters, G Reichert 571 0 17
Leftovers, .T Green _ 634 4 43
Cameos, P Bedard _ _ 608 4 31
Q'aires, E Zimmer — 590 0 27
Rebels, D Steckle ___ 537 4 22
Starlites, R V'D'rssel'r 690 0 21
B'erettes, C Geiger _ 574 4 29
Dropouts, R rkheim.. 543 0 22
Flyers, E Horner ____ 669 4 34
H Boys, H Stade __ ._ 655 0 28
H single: C Geiger _._..._ 363
H triple: R. V'Dorsselaer_ 778
H aver.: R. V'Dorrsellaer_ 220
* * *
December 15
Ramblers, J T'kheim_562 7 45
W'p'wills, M Rau ..._ 526 0 23
S Wins, D Geiger __ 700 2 50
H'keyes, H Geiger _ 565 5 70
Hi Hopes, L Gascho _ 620 4 38
Va'ties, B F'kbeiner _ 52'7 3 45
H single: Del Geiger '___ 278
H triple: Del Geiger _ __ 700
,,a) ea) I., 4, !<,- ,
0 Clarence Gascho and
m m• M '4
../May the hope, the
peace and the love
that is Christmas
remain with you
and your dear ones
forever and ever.
Family Ethel Gabel
) ) ) ) ) ) )
i), --IP-);&- 1, 1?) -1),
M. m , M
by Jack Turkheim, and replied
to by Mrs. Claire Deichert,
An interesting skit, directed
by Oscar Greb, was acted out
by Mrs. Ted Steinbach, Mrs.
Ray Fisher, Mrs. Charles Thiel,
Mrs. Gordon Bloch, Wesley
Hugill, Bill Davidson, Charles
Burgess and Ray MoKinnon.
in a few well-chosen words
Albert Kalbfleisch paid tribute
to the Chamber of Commerce,
and to the annual ladies' night,
A gift was presented to the
group's pianist, Mrs. Beatrice
Hess, by past president Gerald
Winners of various lucky
draws were Mrs. Charles Thiel,
Mrs. Tom Meyers, Mrs. Glenn
Thiel, Mrs. Bill Davidson, Mrs.
Iris Despardin, Mrs. Earl Weido,
Charles McQuillin, Mrs. Lee
Willert, Mrs. Carl Haberer, Mrs.
Gordon Bloch, Mrs, Charles
Burgess and Mrs, A. Hess.
Zurich Merchants
Christmas Draws
The climax of the Zurich
merchants' Christmas dr a w s
will come this Friday night,
when the winners will be picked
at the Zurich Community
At nine o'clock in the eve-
ning the Mennonite Youth Fel-
lowship will present a program
of Christmas carols, and other
musical numbers, to which the
general public are cordially
Following the program, at 10
p.m, the lucky draws will be
made. Zurich stores will be
open until 10 p.m. on Friday
All the merchants participat-
ing in the lucky draws are re-
minded they must bring their
boxes of tickets down to the
Community Centre at 10 pm.
There is no admission charge
for the musical program, just
a silver collection.
CWith the Christmas
Star reminding us of
"'Love, Peace and Good Will,
we joyfully thank all our
wonderful customers for their patronage.
Earl Weido
Harold Stade
, )
4. 4,,
-,••• -•••A 'WA 'TN •
44 4'. 44. 44. 4,. 4,. M. '4 M. M. m
11.42044,•.. 00*
""""ngtra4g .
Zurich Community Centre,
DEC. 31
9 P.M. TO ? ? ?
Ken Mittelhoitz and the Twylites
Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club
hope this
Christmas over.
ItoWs with all the
r good things, mak-
ing it very special
tor our good We*.
Zurich Garage
Herb Mousseau
Jim Parkins
DIAL 236-4094 --- ZURICH
0004-14; ,„ " I
,7 I
"Your Rogers Majestic Dealer"
:0 •
As you spend this season with your
loved ones, may great joy fdi your
home, and peace fill your heart.
"Volum International Harvester Dealer"
DIAL 237.3242, or 231.3361 AFTER HOURS F
--ICAM.An • -,Aler,A-M-4;
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