HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1966-12-15, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN s•= BLUE WATER REST ]BIOME NEWS and VIEWS By Lance J. Reed, Superintendent The residents of the Home are most thrilled with their din- ing room table Christmas dec- orations. Our sincere thanks to 1VIrs. Jim Parkins and Miss Dor- othy Erb who made them and donated thein to us. I do 'hope that all readers of this column and friends of the Home will try to attend our special Christmas musical and pageant presented next Tues- day, December 20. This is be- ing presented in our chapel and since the •chapel will only seat 50, we are going to perform FOR, ENJOYMENT IN EATING OUT. Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish ! ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE ROOM Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Dominion Hotel Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 236.4371 — ZURICH co -4, a i 41-4, .•% ,r. twice, the first time at 7:15 p.m., the second time at 8:15 p.m. Since we can only seat 50 at 0 time, we have had tickets printed so that we can control the number of seats. The residents, already in the Home, are taking part in this program and I hope that you will want to support them by seeing their special Christmas program. There is no charge for the tickets and they can be picked up at the Home office. They have been moving slowly. Your attendance is sure to make some resident happy. Special music is being supplied by an octet of singers from outside the Home, also playing with our Horne organ is a vev talented violinist. I know that Santa Claus was very thrilled with his visit to Zurich last Saturday. Before going to the arena, Santa made a tour of the Home and all residents (that were able) had a chance to sit on his knee and talk to him, The Majorettes, with their leader, Mrs, Carol Deitz, per- formed for the residents this past week. On another day, the school choir from the vil- lage of Zurich Public School sang many delightful sons of Christmas. Both groups gave delightful performances and all residents were very happy with their young visitors. The Girl Guides have gather- ed together and gave us a very nice Christmas tree, complete with all the decorations. We certainly will be able to use the decorations from year to year. Speaking of decorations, most of the Christmas decorations in the Home have been made by the residents in our occupation- al therapy classes held three days a week in the Home's hob- by shop. We are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. E. Yungblut for their donation of lights and other dec- orations, and to Miss Meda Surerus who has been out to the Home and has clone very attractive Christmas paintings on the many glass panels we have in the building. tYtAi,Prat r LIVING ROOM TABLES CEDAR CHESTS RUGS • CLOTHES HAMPERS HASSOC KS Drop into Our Store and Browse Around! a • LAMPS PICTURES A MIRRORS SWIVEL ROCKERS a RECLINERS WESTLAKE FURNITURE DIAL 2364364 — ZURICH ,1•,. d;. .4 1.4, d .4i . i -d r� (+r:dl w.6 fr. • WHITE BEAN GROWERS White bean growers in. Huron and Perth counties called on their marketing board to give financial assistance to the On- tario Farmers' Union during the growers' annual district meeting in Zurich. The Ontario Bean Producers' Marketing Board now gives about $750 annually to the On- tario Federation of Agriculture, normally regarded as the larg- est farm organization in On- tario. The meeting asked that the same amount be given to the OFIJ, a growing farm group that has become recognized as a rival to the older federation. One grower tried to have the OFA annual grant discontinued altogether in favor of the $750 going to the farmers' union but his motion was ruled out of order. Growers also asked the mar- keting board to study establish- ment of an agency -type market- ing plan whereby it would han- dle 100 per cent of the crop, similar to the hog and tobacco boards. The bean board now handles only that portion of- fered to it by private dealers as surplus ;similar to the wheat I The board is to report baek board's operation, to growers on its findings, r THANK YOU! My sincere thanks to all those who voted for me in the municipal election in Hay Towship. Season's Greetings to one and all Joseph Hoffman Imei Shortness of Breath - - � the facts: As long as you are breathing easy, you don't give a thought to it. When you do become aware o your breathing, it's usually because you're short of breath. Shortness of breath may mean nothing or it may be a sign of something seriously wrong. It all depends upon the facts. Short of Breath ? You are short of breath if you are aware of labored, uncomfortable breathing. Anyone who is short of breath struggles to breathe, gasps for breath. Don't confuse shortness of breath with just rapid breathing. If you are in a hot, humid room, or you are very upset, you may breathe much faster than usual. Panting is normal in these circumstances and is not real shortness of breath. How Long Has It Lasted ? Shortness ,of breath may be a sign of something wrong the first time it happens, though it may last only a few minutes. However, it is more usual for shortness of breath to come on so gradually, that you do not notice it for some time. Only when you think back over weeks or months, do you realize that there has been a change in your breathing. That flight of stairs seems so 'much higher than it was a few months ago! As soon as you realize that you are distinctly more short of breath than you used to be, see your doctor. It Can Be Natural Shortness of breath isn't always a sign that some- thing is wrong. Sometimes shortness of breath is normal. For instance . . . . . Right after moderate exercise, if you've let your- self get badly out of condition. . . Right after setting -up exercises, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, or any heavy exertion. When you hurl yourself into violent exercise —tennis, swimming—after a strictly sit-down winter. (It isn't very smart to do this any- way.) When you start getting around again afterseri- ous and prolonged illness. But . . • Normal shortness of breath disappears after a few minutes' rest. If shortness of breath persists after resting, it may be a sign of something wrong, and you should see a doctor. Shortness of breath an little or no exertion is never normal, regardless of your age, your "out -of -condition" state, or your general way of life. How About Smoking ? ---rata Do you smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day? If you do, you're considered a heavy smoker. Most experts think that heavy cigarette smoking can cause many lung conditions, of which shortness of breath is one symptom. It's a Signal Shortness of breath is not a disease in itself. It is a symptom of some underlying disease. The condi- tions most likely to cause shortness of breath are . . . asthma (an allergic reaction in the lungs). emphysema (in which the lungs overstretch and hold in too much air. bronchitis (inflammation of the lung tubes). pneumonia. heart disease (with Iung congestion). Other Symptoms Any unusual shortness of breath, by itself, may be serious. But it is especially serious when it is com- bined with such other symptoms as chest pain, cough, spitting, wheezing, quick gain or loss of weight. What to Do About Shortness of Breath If you are short of breath, rest. There is no other specific treatment for shortness of breath in itself. Even when rest does not bring relief, you should get a thorough check-up to find out what is wrong. If distress continues when you are resting, better take action right away. Except for rest, the only thing you yourself can do for shortness of breath is to see a doctor. With the doctor's help, the underlying condition can be diagnosed and treated. Most conditions causing shortness of breath •can be helped by treatment if it is begun early enough. SHORTNESS OF BREATH CAN BE A SYMPTOM OF RE- SPIRATORY DISEASE. IF YOU ARE SHORT OF BREATH, SEE YOUR DOCTOR WITHOUT DELAY. Your Christmas Seal contribution fights Respiratory and the HURON COUNTY conditions that aggravate them. Diseases TB ASSOCIATION 1 1