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uirich Man Operates Museum
"Tiny's Little Museum" is the
name above the door on the
garage at the home of Harold
Thiel, Main Street, Zurich. And
the name quite truthfully ex-
plains what is inside.
For a number of years Mr,
Thiel has been collecting an -
HAND WASHER—This old-fashioned washing ma-
chine is a bit different than the new automatic models
which are now on sale. Mr. Thiel has several models like
this among his collection.
OLD-TIMER —An old-fashioned baby buggy is one of
the many items which can be seen in the museum of Mr.
Thiel. He estimates the buggy to be over 85 years old.
115 YEARS OLD—This accordion, which still produces
a favorable tune, is 115 years old, according to Mr. Thiel.
He enjoys playing a tune on the instrument.
ticjue and souvenir items from
people in the area, and now has
aa unique display of over 750
articles, many of which are
well over 100 years old.
Among the items on display
is an old accordion, which still
plays, and is supposed to be
over 115 years old. Other in-
teresting items include old band
instruments, baby buggies, wash-
ing machines, lamps, dishes and
just about anything imaginable.
The sign above the door also
tells the visitors there is no
admission charge to conte in
and see. Any persons who are
interested in viewing old-time
articles could well spend a few
hours looking around the col-
While Mr. Thiel is not plan-
ning on making a business of
the museum at the present time,
there is a possibility that some
time in the future he may open
a full-scale operation. He said.
"most of the articles have been
loaned or donated to the pro-
ject, and so I don't feel justified
to charge anyone admission to
look at them."
Mr. Thiel first started the
museum in one section of his
garage, and before long he had
to build an addition. Now it
has grown to the point where
he no longer has a garage —
the entire building has been
taken over by his collection.
IN SERIOUS CONDITION—The driver of this car,
Ken Fischer, RR 3, Exeter, is in serious condition at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, after the vehicle was bit by a
Guenther -Tuckey transport on Highway 83, east of Exeter,
•on Tuesday morning. The truck was travelling east on the
highway and the car was proceeding out onto the highway
from a township road. OPP constable D. Lamont and
Corporal C. J. Mitchell are shown here as they check details
following the crash.
Resident of the area have been seeing a new
method of transportation during the past few
weeks. The Ski-doos are becoming a favorite
vehicle for many, and they will travel
through banks of snow, or over top of mud-
dy ground. Shown here with a couple of
the sports models are Neil Walker, left, and
Bob Forrester, right,
Mrs. Alma Haberer returned
home Saturday after spending
a few days in London with her
daughters and their families.
Miss Inez Yungblut is spend-
ing this week in London at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Strome, of
London, were week -end visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hugill.
Dashwood Group
Hold Family Nite
The December meeting of
Dashwood WI was family night.
The standing committe conven-
ors, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, Mrs:
Emil Becker, Mrs, Milford Mern.
er and Mrs. Valentine Becker
were in charge of a ,pot -luck
supper. The directors, Mrs,
Hugh Boyle, Mrs, Ralph Weber
md Mrs. Emil Becker were in
charge of the program. A skit
and sing -song preceded bunco.
Winners at bunco were: boys,
Becker; girls, Margaret Merner;
men, Hugh. Boyle; ladies, 111'rs.
Stuart Wolfe.
Zurich Veen To
Elect I)ne %°pan For
Council Position
Voters in the village of Zur-
ich will go to the polls on Mon-
day, December 19, to choose
one of two men to fill the va-
cant spot on the municipal
council for the coming year.
The candidates are Leonard
Bates, manager of the liquor
store in Zurich, and Herb Turk-
heim, publisher of the Citizens
News. Both were nominated
last Friday night.
Mr. Turkheim qualified Fri-
day night, immediately after the
nomination meeting, while Mr.
Bates, who was not at the nomi-
nation, qualified some time on
Saturday. Only about a dozen
ratepayers attended the meet-
The polling booths will be at
the Zurich Community Centre,
and will be open from nine
o'clock in the morning until six
o'clock at night.
Our apologies go out this
week to our subscribers for the
small amount of news carried
in this issue. Due to last-min-
ute rush for available space for
advertising purposes, we found
it necessary to omit a large
number of interesting news
items. We will, however, try
to carry alt these items in the
next week's edition.
Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
Meet Officers For Coming Year
At the Christmas meeting of
Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxili-
ary, held in the Legion Hall,
Tuesday evening, the following
slate' of officers were elected
for 1967:
President, Mrs. Harold Camp-
bell; first vice-president, Mrs.
Garnet Allan; second vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Ronald Vanstone;
secretary, Mrs. W. H. Bell;
treasurer, Mrs. Grant Bisback;
executive, Mrs. Mary Taylor,
Mrs. John Skea, Mrs. Gordon
Munn, Mrs. Byran Kyle, Mrs.
E. Davis.
Sergeant at arms, Mrs. Harry
Horton; assistant, Mrs. Garnet
Allan; pianist, Mrs. Ed Munn;
sports committee, Mrs. William
Smale, Mrs. Clarence Reid.
Past president Mrs. Roy Smale
conducted the electiion.
Ten dollars was voted to the
annual Christmas party, spon-
sored by the businessmen. Dis-
cussion was held regarding a
donation for centennial decor-
ations for the village.
Plans were finalized for the
EUB Group Will
Present Program
The annual Christmas pro-
gram of the church school of
Emmanuel congregation in Zur-
ich will be held at 7:30 p.m.
this Sunday night, December
18. Milton Oesch is superin-
tendent and Wayne Horner is
The official greeting will be
presented by the class of Mrs.
Elwood Trumner. Special parts
of the program will be given
by the classes of Carol Gascho,
Mrs. George Bullock, Mrs. Earl
Horner, Mrs. Peter Gingerich
and Mrs. Delbert Geiger. The
church school choir will sing.
The senior choir will present
a special Christmas anthem,
and support the cast with inter -
episode numbers. A feature of
the program is an original
dramaette written by the pas-
tor, the Rev. Shatto, and pub-
lished in the December 4 issue
of "Builders", the international
youth magazine of the EUB
Church. It is entitled "UNO"
and demonstrates the unity be-
tween the olcl and new order
in the economy of God.
Mrs. Allan Gascho is director
of the playlette. Members of
the cast are: Eldon Bullock,
Paula Siebert, Donald Oesch,
David Siebert, Carol Gascho and
Sharon Jacobe.
The dramatic presentation is
being presented in various parts
of United States and Canada
this season, and will be read
by several thousand persons
who subscribe to ":Builders".
annual children's party, Sun-
day, December 18, and plans
for the centennial ball New
Year's Eve were discussed.
Christmas boxes will be sent
to. shut-in members.
Mrs, Davis won the mystery
prize; Mrs. Horton guessing
prize, and Mrs. Roy Smale the
attendance prize. Bingo was
played and gifts exchanged
among the members. The hall
was lovely, decorated in Christ-
mas motif.
Miss Cheryl Stade, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stade,
Zurich, is resting comfortably
at her home in Zurich, follow-
ing an unfortunate accident in
London on Saturday, when her
and a friend, Miss Bonnie
Banko, of London, were struck
by a motorist as they were
walking on the street.
The two girls were both
rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital
for emergency treatment. When
it was revealed Cheryl had suf-
fered no broken bones, she was
released in the care of her par-
ents. She suffered severe head
injuries and othr internal dam-
A BIT RELUCTANT—Santa Claus paid his official
visit to Zurich on Saturday afternoon, much to the delight.
of over 500 children who gathered for the occasion. Many
of the children took advantage of the opportunity to chat
with Sanata, even though some of them were hesitant in
doing so. Shown here with not -so -sure looks on their face
are Heather and Carrie Sweeney, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Sweeney, Zurich, as they test Santa's knee, while
several other interested children look on.